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Papa John's, Applebee's And Others Pay Huge Price For Anti-Obamacare Politicking

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Papa Johns is dead to me forever because of this. Too bad.

Why you'd choose to potentially alienate 52%+ of the country, the working class, and people who like to order pizza, is beyond me.


I work for Darden (olive garden). Shitty place to work actually. I don't get 30 hours a week anyway, so whatever. Still, doesn't surprise me they would go to that extent to avoid helping employees.
I won't say good, because in the end it will hurt the employees fall. However, these giant nation chains should be providing health care anyways. FFS, there is a one shot bar down the street from me that is providing health care for it's employees because they are making money and the owner believes it helps the people that make him money.


The Autumn Wind
did my part, and I enjoy papa johns. Just not enough to sell out my fellow citizens.
Thankfully, it's rare for me to even get chain pizza to begin with, and Papa John's is my least favorite chain, so avoiding them is literally no loss for me.

Now, the Chick-fil-A thing, that was hard.
alienating 50% of business is bad business.

I don't understand why businesses need to politick and try to hold customers' hostage for voting one way or another. You end up just pissing off costumers away = bad business.
There's a local pizza place called Ian's here in Madison WI that is pretty popular and has good pizza. Just read an article in a local paper recently about how the owner came out in support of Obamacare in response to Papa John, and subsequently got invited to the White House. Their business is doing great too, just moved to a much nicer, larger location.
That so fucking hard, John?

Wow. This further fuels my support of Local business. eff the corporations!!!!


Received a gift card to Applebees.

Went with my wife thinking it's an exaggeration how bad the food is.


As far as Papa John's go, and I think it's THAT much different from Dominos.
Still prefer Pizza Hut as far as the fast food pizza chains go.


Why would you post a 20 year stock chart when we're talking about something that's only been going on for six months? Edit: Lol, and on a log scale.

Also how the hell can you tell anything from a picture of 20 years? Almost any mildly successful company is going to go up over that. And it's a log :/

A log gives a much more informative picture, when you care about percentage changes. Also, a log would initially give the impression of slower growth no? So why would he choose that if he wished to make it look more impressive than it is?
I won't buy or eat their crap after all that bullshit.

Costco is a successful franchise. Their workers had healthcare bennies before Obamacare.

Yet these guys act like it's not possible. Pricks.


but believes in Chael
I don't understand why a restaurant would make it more public that they don't give their workforce health coverage. The perception of people handling your food who probably don't have health insurance is bad for business, too. I have an image of some cook dealing with a STI outbreak making my hamburger. You know he's scratching his balls and then putting lettuce on the burger.
I would've boycotted Papa John's after their remarks, but I already stopped buying from them after the quality of their pizza took a nosedive.

Better ingredients my ass, Papa John.
what is this buzz? how much money are they making. That's what I want to see
I never eat shit like Papa Johns or Applebees so this is the easiest boycott ever


There's a local pizza place called Ian's here in Madison WI that is pretty popular and has good pizza. Just read an article in a local paper recently about how the owner came out in support of Obamacare in response to Papa John, and subsequently got invited to the White House. Their business is doing great too, just moved to a much nicer, larger location.
That so fucking hard, John?

Great article. I loved the part about starting up an iced cream and graphic design business. Way to go, collective bargaining.


I'm definitely of the mind that you should vote with your dollars. After the whole Chick-Fil-A fiasco, I made a point to stop eating there. Which sucks, because I love Chick-Fil-A, and my coworkers go there all the time. But I'd feel bad giving money to that organization, so until the people at the head of the company reverse their position, my money will go somewhere else.

At the same time, I don't think you should disparage other people just because they don't feel the same. If you want to eat at Chick-Fil-A, or order pizza from Papa Johns or whatever, fine by me. It's not a big deal to some people, and they should be free to put their money where they see fit.

But I think most of us can agree that the CEOs (who promised to take out their frustration at a tiny dent in their profits on the customers) are asshats. Fuck those guys.
Papa Johns decided that instead of cutting back on employees to cut back on quality. Seriously the past 2 times I've ordered from them toppings have been skimpy.

Not ordering from them anymore.
On Applebee's having shitty food: I remember as a high school student, even early on in college, thinking the food wasn't as bad as people say, probably because it was a place for a cheap date but some friends and I met up there at the one in my hometown recently. We were visiting our families for Thanksgiving and we decided to get together to watch football and that was the only place in town that was open. Man...first time I've had that food in years and it was garbage. The beer was skunky too.

Fuck that place. Good riddance.
Well, it stands to reason that when you implement policies that benefit yourself while hurting others, you'll pay for it. At least somebody had the chutzpah (sp) to acknowledge their error.
No clue how this "buzz" rating thing is, but if it's good enough for Fox News, it's good enough for me!

It's scary how interchangeable this sentence can be. Thus, the BUZZ rating is worthless and can be interpreted with any kind of spin.

AND It's giving Papa John's and Applebee's attention in the press - counteracting the very thing the BUZZ chart is trying to show.


less crappy chains dumbing down America's food means more local small business offering better quality

I'm not really an Obama supporter, but this truly is some genius level shit


Papa Johns is dead to me forever because of this. Too bad.

Why you'd choose to potentially alienate 52%+ of the country, the working class, and people who like to order pizza, is beyond me.

This is what is mind boggling to me. It's not like the 1% are scarfing down this shitty "pizza".


It's scary how interchangeable this sentence can be.

No clue how this "buzz" rating thing is, but if it's good enough for Hitler, it's good enough for me!

No clue how this "buzz" rating thing is, but if it's good enough for our new insect overlords, it's good enough for me!

No clue how this "buzz" rating thing is, but if it's good enough for our Lord and Savior L. Ron Hubbard, it's good enough for me!



i must live by an awesome Applebees cause I don't get the hate.

now Ruby Tuesday? there's a shithole. and its been a shithole everywhere i've had it. my cousin loves it though so i have to go a lot.

the policy sucks, but if i made moral distinctions on where i spent my money...i probably wouldnt spend any money.
Crap policies yes, crap chains...fuck no.

I never boycott anything because it will never change anything by doing so.
I've never liked Papa Johns and I'm not a pizza snob, hell I like Dominoes and for $5 Little Ceasers is great. Last time I went to Denny's they had changed their menu and they were running a cheese promotion. Like literally their hook was come eat this food that has a pound of cheese on every item. Applebees was ok, but if given the choice I'll go to Chiles or even better Texas Roadhouse. Also boycotting never works? Then why are these companies blaming bad publicity for their losses?
i must live by an awesome Applebees cause I don't get the hate.

now Ruby Tuesday? there's a shithole. and its been a shithole everywhere i've had it. my cousin loves it though so i have to go a lot.

the policy sucks, but if i made moral distinctions on where i spent my money...i probably wouldnt spend any money.

I can deal with the quesadillas but everything else on the menu is inedible trash


The worst part about all of this is that everyone will forget everything about this in about month or so...
and nothing of value would be lost.

Of the big chain pizza dude PapaJohn's been got lapped by PizzaHut and Dominoes(after they got their shit together).

fuck Applebees tho...
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