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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia


Fuck it, I just bought everything from GG. I'm sure the expansion will be released there, too.

OH, now that I've bought Vic 2, can I get a "how to play vic 2" link? NVM, found the links from earlier.


Have both Victoria 2 and the expansion now, can you guys recommend me a let's play video to watch to get into the game? I feel like I have a good general grasp of it from playing other paradox titles and going through the tutorial but the trading aspect in particular along with some of the other economic stuff is a little daunting.


My thread didn't get much response, but CK2 and all it's DLCs are 75% off today on the main site.

CK2 and Sword of Islam are. The other DLCs look to be on sale only on GOG - I'm guessing that means no Steam keys?
So I'm looking into getting these series of games. Just new to it all. Would Crusader Kings 2 be the best place to start? Sengoku seems like fun too as I enjoy the Japan setting.


Victoria 2 is an amazing game. My favorite Paradox offering I think. I am really digging the Great Power system as well as the in depth industry and trading systems. I also am enjoying the smaller importance of territorial conquest, it is a nice change from 100s of hours of EU3. I just became a great power but I am also enjoying the influence mini game that I just unlocked.

Playing as the Two Sicilies atm. I am behind schedule in forming Italy (it is around 1880) but I am a rank 7 Great Power and own much of Western North Africa, parts of Egypt and Somalia and Kenya areas. I could have gotten much more but I didn't realize I was behind schedule in colonization until I saw the other European states begin to colonize Africa and I had to rush the Imperialism and Nationalism tech to get my minimum life rating low enough to get in the game. Came very close to losing parts of Algeria to France.

France has been a thorn in my side for much of the game. When I was a secondary power they sphered me on two different occasions. Both times they did my economy almost instantly went into the toilet, like +250 to -250 income bad. The first time I escaped when Spain saved me and the second time I got out by becoming a Great Power (thank you African Colonization prestige!!). When they sphered me the second time they somehow took Suez from me and created the Suez canal, something that I was planning on doing. It was really annoying since I had no idea someone could just take the province form me! They also are constantly blocking my influence in the Papal States. They will face my wrath soon enough as Russia is my ally and the United States has also shown interest!


When they sphered me the second time they somehow took Suez from me and created the Suez canal, something that I was planning on doing. It was really annoying since I had no idea someone could just take the province form me!
For the Suez and Panama canals you only need the province owner in your sphere to start the construction. Once the canal is finished the province is handed over to the sphere owner. I think similar things can happen when creating certain countries, although I'm not sure if the AI will ever do that against a human player or how many of those decisions exist in vanilla V2/AHD.


For the Suez and Panama canals you only need the province owner in your sphere to start the construction. Once the canal is finished the province is handed over to the sphere owner. I think similar things can happen when creating certain countries, although I'm not sure if the AI will ever do that against a human player or how many of those decisions exist in vanilla V2/AHD.

Ah I see. Well no worries I will take it back in due time!


New CK2 Patch.

2013-03-25: v1.092
- Added a Trade Post limit for patricians, based on palace upgrades and number of adult males in court
- Family dues are now given only to adult males of your family in your court, and they all receive the same share
- Patricians can no longer increase their Demesne limit with higher tier titles. However, the Doge gets +1
- Patricians who imprison or banish someone now get a tyranny opinion penalty from everyone in the whole Republic
- Patricians no longer confiscate gold from dynasty members that they banish
- Doges can no longer use the Seize Trade Post plot
- Patricians can now only use the Seize Trade Post plot on Patricians owning more Trade Posts than themselves
- The Seize Trade Post plot now always costs a small amount of money to implement
- The Holy War CB no longer works against too distant targets
- Sieging will siege back your own holdings first
- Tanistry electors are no longer de jure
- The Windows version is now large address aware
- Fix for crash on multiplayer game start on Windows 8
- Fixed a bug where a vassal of a vassal who won a war against an outside state would become a vassal of that state
- Several events, including those dealing with the creation of the Hansa, no longer require "The Republic" to trigger
- Rewrote large parts of the tutorial to be up-to-date with current features
- Fixed a problem in basic military tutorial that made it impossible to proceed past a certain stage
- Fixed a problem in basic war tutorial that made it impossible to proceed past a certain stage
- Fixed a crash in court view during observer mode
- When determining what tier a character is for the purposes of marriage, the highest ranked non-republican ruler among their close relatives is now used (so the nephew of a King would count as King tier)
- Will no longer get prestige hits for marrying below your tier unless you marry more than one level below it (so a King would get a prestige hit for marrying a Countess but not a Duchess)
- AI now takes into account both tier prestige and dynastic prestige when responding to marriage offers
- AI now takes into account prestige effects when selecting spouses for themselves and their relatives
- Exported MARRIAGE_AI_PRESTIGE_VALUE to defines.lua, this variable is a multiplier on the importance AI places on prestige when arranging marriages
- The Prestige cost for breaking a truce is now much harsher; 50% of current Prestige + 200.
- You now get a -5 Diplo penalty for five years if you break a truce
- Diplomacy View: The Piety and Prestige costs for declaring war no longer prevent you from selecting the action to see why
- The 'any_neighbor_province' trigger now works for sea zones as well
- Trade Posts dont give warscore unless the war is using an Embargo or Sieze Trade Post CB
- You now need twice as much value in a trade zone before reaching its bonus cap
- Fixed a bug where Patrician stewards would add modifiers to tax multiple times when performing the tax action
- Fixed a bug with the trigger 'is_land'
- The republican CB to seize a whole coastal county is now range dependent
- The republican CB to seize a coastal city now requires the Patrician to have a trade post there already
- Can no longer grant independence to an antipope
- Fixed a bug where de jure status of kingdoms would reset upon loading a save game
- de_jure_liege="---" now works properly in history files
- Tied bride price to total prestige gain at a ratio defined by DOWRY_MULTIPLIER in defines.lua
- Can now only ask to embargo republics with trade posts in target ruler's realm
- AI: Less willing to launch embargo wars in general, especially against rulers they like
- AI: Less willing to accept requests to embargo on opinion alone
- AI: Will now factor in strength of target when deciding on whether to accept a request to embargo
- Inherited retinues are now added to the heirs use of retinue cap
- CB types now takes ai_will_do with modifiers to modify the priority they place on a particular CB
- Fixed the birthdate of Domenico Dandolo
- Minor fixes to Alan dynasties
- Fixes to Sergiids/Spartenos names
- Corrections to various Italian characters
- Several Mamluk dynasties should now use the proper Muslim dynastic shields
- The correct event is now triggered when an old Patrician family member marries a young woman
- The Voice of Satan is now properly removed when a character is no longer possessed
- Characters will no longer hear more than one voice when possessed
- Patrician family members that are betrothed will no longer experience random marriage events
- Two additional childhood learning events are now correctly triggered for Muslims
- Added additional Komi dynasties
- Minor fixes to some Irish and Welsh characters
- Added many new Ethiopian characters
- Added Ethiopian Patriarchs
- Added Nestorian Patriarchs
- Exported chance of getting a birth trait to traits.txt files
- AI doges will no longer gift powers they want to start embargo wars if those powers would say no even when gifted
- Added new scripting trigger realm_size = x for checking total holdings in realm
- Added new scripting trigger realm_manpower = x for checking max manpower in realm
- dynasty = x can now be used to check for whether a character belongs to a specific dynasty
- You no longer get a claim on the Papacy if he was in a successful independence faction
- Fixed a slight bug in the claimant faction ultimatum decision
- landed_titles now takes assimilate = no, which will turn off all de jure drift (both ways) for a Kingdom or Empire level title
- Fixed a bug with Patricians revoking castles from baron vassals


Oh, it's also nice that they added awareness for large address sizes in Windows, even though I only use the Linux version.

I lot of people who use mods complain about that.
Victoria II Heart of Darkness is out. I'm looking forward to going back to it, it's probably my favorite Paradox game. Now I just need to find the time to do it. Of course like with any Paradox release, it will probably need a patch to work right.


HoD looks amazing. So many good looking changes. The crisis system, new colonization, adnr army/navy changes all have me excited.

Won't be able to get for a few weeks though (broke college student heh)

edit: Dominions don't sound very good at the moment though...
I've heard some weird stuff about the Dominions in HoD but it otherwise sounds good, so I bought it today. I loved VicII a few months ago but then got back onto a CKII kick again recently.

Looking forward to playing it after work.


Directly so. The updates serve to keep the DLC modular.

This is true, but I thoroughly enjoy how they do their DLC and wish every other company did the same.

Like, if you enjoy stock CK2 and have no interest in the extra stuff, you still get amazing support. Whereas with, well, 90% of the industry you have to buy the DLC to take advantage of updates and such.

I'm just a huge fan of Paradox. Even if you didn't want to drop a dime you can download the CK2+ mod and have an incredibly advanced experience, close to what it would be with all the DLC purchased (maybe even better, seriously CK2+ is amazing).


They're taking their sweet time with the Pagan DLC for CK2, huh. Not that that's a bad thing in itself, the more stuff they put in there the better, but I want it now. Have they specified any date except "Q2 2013"?


Alright, I'm trying to run the Elder Kings (version 0.1.1) mod for CKII but whenever I get past the launcher, it boots to first splash screen, then promptly crashes with a runtime error. Vanilla CKII runs fine, anyone got an idea as to why this is happening?


Wow I'm totally out of the loop. I haven't even bought A House Divided yet, and didn't know that there was a second expansions coming out until it popped up on my steam news today.

Is it any good?


I've only just got a hold it and haven't had a chance to try it yet, but as far as I've heard it adds some really good features, though isn't as important as AHD. The combat for one seems to have been nicely improved.
I like some of the new features, and I think HOD will eventually be essential to VII players, but like everything Paradox releases, it needs a patch or two and time for mods to adjust to it. Right now AHD with the Pop Demand Mod is still probably the best way to go. Though PDM has a beta for HOD that I haven't messed with.
I haven't dug into the meat of the colonization, but it feels better in general than before, though I couldn't really point to a particular thing since it's been so long since I played A House Divided.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Hello guys, new junior and another member to the paradox community here at gaf. I think EU3 might be my favorite game of all time, nothing quite like uniting Italy as Savoie or Germany as Brandenburg imo, but I think the current patch handles tech-differences a bit weakly. In most of my games, a HUGE Austria og sometimes Bohemia ends up blobbing eastwards towards the steppes, and both the Ottomans and a nascent Russia is unable to slow then down thanks to their much weaker troops. Anybody else thinks the same, or is this just my luck when playing?
I've always wanted to try a more hardcore war/civ sim, and am seeing that EUIII Complete is available for Mac on Steam for $15. Before I dive in - is there a decent tutorial? Or do they just toss you off the deep end like most hardcore strategy games do? Is the interface pretty intuitive (compared to other strategy sims)? Is it pretty similar to Civ?

Is EU a better place to start than HoI3? I am kind of interested in a real war game but they are so intimidating.


I've always wanted to try a more hardcore war/civ sim, and am seeing that EUIII Complete is available for Mac on Steam for $15. Before I dive in - is there a decent tutorial? Or do they just toss you off the deep end like most hardcore strategy games do? Is the interface pretty intuitive (compared to other strategy sims)? Is it pretty similar to Civ?

Is EU a better place to start than HoI3? I am kind of interested in a real war game but they are so intimidating.
Eu 3 complete is not the actual complete game. For that you want EU3 Chronicles.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Lol those names are stupid. I actually have two friends who have bought the "Complete Edition" and ended up pissed because of that.


Yeah, I guess that is true. Stil confusing to new customers though!

A good policy for Paradox in the future would be to not call something Complete until the sequel is out XD.

Although, not really a concern, anymore, given their current expansion/DLC policy.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
A good policy for Paradox in the future would be to not call something Complete until the sequel is out XD.

Although, not really a concern, anymore, given their current expansion/DLC policy.

Yeah, that would definitely be preferable lol :) Anyways, really looking forward to EU4 later this year!
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