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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia

I never seem to be able to gain any ground in EUIII. It feels like it's way way easier to just stall out in that game compared to both Vicky 2 and CK2.

Plus, I feel like with CK2 in particular there's still interesting things to do even when you are kind of stalled out, whereas I feel like it's easy just to get stuck in a death spiral in EUIII.

I'm sure part of my problem is that I don't like playing the super powerful countries at first and am probably making it harder on myself to learn.
War exhaustion can utterly wreck a large empire in EU3 because of constant rebel spawn in random provinces and enemies will kick you when you're down. But if you play conservatively when you're large, it's easy to keep things rolling compared to other Paradox games.

If you're starting with OPMs or Small Muslim nations in the near east, then yeah, that would explain why you're finding it very hard, because in EU3 it's easy to get outright annexed if you're a small guy.
I don't start out with minor countries or anything, usually something mid-sized like Switzerland or something. I always either end up in the inflation death spiral, choose my alliances poorly, or just get chewed up by larger entities.

I also have a really hard time, even when doing well, of finding good targets for expansion. It feels like any place I try to expand I wind up setting off a daisy chain of sphere partners and allies. I think playing CK2 spoiled me a bit in that regard as it seems much easier to pick off smaller countries.


EU3 gives full warning on who might jump into a war. When playing as a smaller country, I prefer to start off vassalizing my first targets. This will keep them from attacking you and defer larger nations away from your allied army block. It also adds less infamy letting you expand your vassal base faster until you're ready to add to your nation directly. Especially useful in the HRE if you've got electors as a vassal target. If nations are declaring war on you while already in a war, it's because they smell blood in the water.

Never had a problem with inflation myself, but then I always go National Bank and two 0.8+ MotM until at least mid-game.

I'm finding CK2 to be slower and more unpredictable. It's fairly easy to expand with de jure claims, but once they're used up it can be very slow going. It's also frustrating when your carefully designed plans of uniting Irish and Scottish crowns go awry because the Scottish queen (married to the Irish/English/Welsh king) outlived her husband and son (who had only daughters). Now Queen Sadb of Ireland will have to use war to obtain what is rightfully hers (even though the game says she doesn't even have a weak claim.

Succession crises/factions also keep the game interesting for the larger, "easier" nations. I'm thinking of playing as a duke under a king next game; any suggestions?

How did no one mention the Karate Kid martial skill training?!
I don't start out with minor countries or anything, usually something mid-sized like Switzerland or something. I always either end up in the inflation death spiral, choose my alliances poorly, or just get chewed up by larger entities.

I also have a really hard time, even when doing well, of finding good targets for expansion. It feels like any place I try to expand I wind up setting off a daisy chain of sphere partners and allies. I think playing CK2 spoiled me a bit in that regard as it seems much easier to pick off smaller countries.

Haha, ya, I remember playing Divine Wind after I hadn't played the series in a while (since Heir to the Throne) and being completely shocked and befuddled by the cascading alliances. It made it a LOT tougher to expand as a minor.
While I'm waiting for MotE to unlock... I decided to load up Mount and Blade: Warband. I haven't played it in forever, but LOVED the single player "Pirates!"-esque campaign. Anybody have good mod suggestions? (I also have Fire and Sword, but didn't like its single player much at all.)


While I'm waiting for MotE to unlock... I decided to load up Mount and Blade: Warband. I haven't played it in forever, but LOVED the single player "Pirates!"-esque campaign. Anybody have good mod suggestions? (I also have Fire and Sword, but didn't like its single player much at all.)

I absolutely love the Napoleonic Wars expansion. It's almost my top played game.


I got the Legacy of Rome CK2 DLC and, oh man, who knew how fun it could be blinding and castrating your enemies.

So many blind people in Byzantium!


Which is that for? Warband? I'll look for it.

Also, looks like MotE is up on Steam.

Yeah, it's for Warband, but it's not a mod per se, but an actual expansion (meaning costs $). It's completely worth it in my opinion. Might want to check out a video or two. My only complaint is that it's multiplayer only. So you won't be having epic line-battles on your own.


So my 3 complaints about MotE so far.

1.) "Ping-pong" Armies: I keep chasing down the army I just beat back and forth across provinces. Requiring a lot of micro-management. (granted, this is a slight problem in CK2, as well)

2.) AI runs around with a blitz of 1.2k stacks (can't they merge most them?)

3.) No battle sounds! (?)

Other than that, fantastic game.


CK2 and some DLC's (including The Republics) are 75% off on steam.

I'm playing a rather interesting game at the moment. I gave a few counties to a landless 16 year old Dulo member (he is in game) and made him an Orthodox Bulgarian. Formed the kingdom just recently but the Pechenegs (who are, thanks to the slighty modded SWMH, still alive kicking) still hold 4 or so of my de-jure provinces.


So I was looking around the known world, checking history and so and this caught this my eye:
Piast, Premyslid and even Rurikovich were all Kings of Poland.


World map of an EU3 game I've been playing with two friends, one of whom is new to the game. The game year is currently 1672. Players are:
Malaya - Me, I started as Malacca and was eventually able to both form Malaya and Westernise, though it took some time to become stronger than all the non-Muslim neighbours - I was only really not in constant danger any more after I westernised - I have a fairly comfortable position now. I'm hoping to take the rest of Japan (already disbanded the Shogunate by occupying all Daimyo capitals and Kyoto), and to link up my African and Asian holdings before the end of the game. Those are basically still my remaining goals. Maybe I'll expand more in China, but there's really no urgent need.
Netherlands - We thought we'd start the new guy off easy and gave him Holland, as expected, he's done very well with it and taken virtually all of South America. He's got a pretty good grasp of the game now I feel, which isn't bad for someone who rarely plays any sort of strategy game. He's currently at war with Castille, attempting to take the rest of Cuba and their more Southern African holdings, which he will most certainly succeed at given the damage he has already done to Castille.
Great Britain - This friend is probably better than me at the game, which is evidenced by the fact that he started the game as Brunswick. When England was excommunicated, he took some provinces there, eventually moved his capital, shifted culture to English and formed England after having of course removed England from the map. Later on, he then formed Great Britain. He's next in line to be the HRE as well, since he has four electors as vassals.


That Netherlands player is letting you down. Not nearly as impressive as the other achievements...

This is his second ever game, the first one was like a five year thing to show him the basics of navigating the map and all that, nothing more. He's probably done a lot better than I did in my first real game :p


Can anybody direct me to a "how to play EU3" video? I own it and all its expansions and just haven't learned how to play it. Same for Vic 2 and it's expansions.
Great Britain - This friend is probably better than me at the game, which is evidenced by the fact that he started the game as Brunswick. When England was excommunicated, he took some provinces there, eventually moved his capital, shifted culture to English and formed England after having of course removed England from the map. Later on, he then formed Great Britain. He's next in line to be the HRE as well, since he has four electors as vassals.

lmao, amazing. I can't freaking wait for EU4.
Can anybody direct me to a "how to play EU3" video? I own it and all its expansions and just haven't learned how to play it. Same for Vic 2 and it's expansions.

I'm not going to pretend I'm very good at either but I feel like watching let's play videos has helped me a lot

Especially this one of Castille by LrdAsmodeus: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE41AC00D78E8095&feature=g-user-u

and this one by Quill18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyYQn8q57Xo

Quill's Vic2 Japan Let's Play is pretty good also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhgfMH-dNs


Finished my first game of MotE... Won as France in 1812. Gunna play GB next I think , will play all the nations from strongest to weakest!

Great game.


Would anyone be interested in playing CK2 multiplayer? Perhaps something like SWMH (additional provinces and some balancing, pagans survive longer) or even a full fledged mod like CK+ or ML. I'm ok with vanilla too.
Can anybody direct me to a "how to play EU3" video? I own it and all its expansions and just haven't learned how to play it. Same for Vic 2 and it's expansions.

I highly recommend Kersch's Let's Play of EU3. He plays through several times with different countries in order to demonstrate the variety of mechanics in the game. Not a video, though, but I found it to be extremely helpful when I first started.

He's done CK2 also, which I recommend for no other reason other than that it's extremely entertaining to read.

Hari Seldon

I am extremely addicted to March of the Eagles at the moment. I already have like 14 hours in and I had to work all weekend. I really dig the focus on war, the amount of depth composing your army, and the objectives which provide the game with a focus that forces war no matter what you want.

Also from the videos I have seen, this game looks incredible in Multiplayer.


Anyone have much experience with the 5.2 beta patch for EUIII? I'm playing a game as Burgundy and am trying to switch government type from Empire to the Republic line of governments, but Noble Republic is greyed out.

According to the beta patch notes you can now see all possible government types that you can swap to, but they'll just be greyed out if you've not discovered them yet. However I've surpassed the tech level for Noble Republic. I even tried starting a game at the final start date with all techs unlocked, and still had some government types greyed out for unknown reasons.

EDIT: Damn, of course as soon as I post this I manage to find the answer. You can't go Monarchy -> Republic when in a Personal Union, however I didn't think it would matter going to Noble Republic. Also when I loaded up a game at the latest start point I selected Great Britain, who have a PU with Hannover at that time which I didn't realise.

Honestly this situation highlights the only thing I really dislike about EUIII, some things aren't made clear at all in game, hopefully there will be more clarity with EUIV.
Anyone have much experience with the 5.2 beta patch for EUIII? I'm playing a game as Burgundy and am trying to switch government type from Empire to the Republic line of governments, but Noble Republic is greyed out.

According to the beta patch notes you can now see all possible government types that you can swap to, but they'll just be greyed out if you've not discovered them yet. However I've surpassed the tech level for Noble Republic. I even tried starting a game at the final start date with all techs unlocked, and still had some government types greyed out for unknown reasons.
Do you meet all the other reqs?

Edit: Found this older thread on the Paradox boards:

Do you have any royal marriages or are leading any personal unions? Since Noble Republic is republican, you can't be in any RMs or PUs.


Definitely had everything required, but the thing that was throwing me off was that I was under the impression that Personal Unions worked in the same way with Noble Republics as with any Monarchy. Also in game it was saying "Cannot convert to this Government type from our current form of Government", so I figured the beta patch had changed which governments can change to which.
Definitely had everything required, but the thing that was throwing me off was that I was under the impression that Personal Unions worked in the same way with Noble Republics as with any Monarchy. Also in game it was saying "Cannot convert to this Government type from our current form of Government", so I figured the beta patch had changed which governments can change to which.

Ya, EU3, and Paradox in general, is not known for UI clarity. They could use a Civ V overhaul in terms of usability. But since Paradox is the only developer who seems committed to this scope of strategy, I'll allow it. =P

But I share your hope that they have a user experience person working hard on EUIV.


Just finished up another great game of EUIII. I wanted a simple and relaxed game so I decided to play as Burgundy, whom I'd never played as before, and just focus on taking western Europe initially. I got off to a good but challenging start with myself, France and England often getting into wars with one another as the 3 superpowers of Europe.

I was nicely chipping away at France's territory when the game decided to throw me a curve ball as I was elected Holy Roman Emperor, I wasn't too happy about this as I wanted to avoid the messy politics of the HRE, but in hindsight the manpower was what let me finally overpower France. (Running the beta patch where manpower recovers much slower.)

Over the course of the second half of the 15th century I was drawn further into the politics of the HRE due to the allure of the bonuses of being the Emperor, reforms, and cores from Imperial Bans. I also had the powerful Castille in a personal union under me, and control over all of the major centres of trade, so everything was going great at this point.

Then the reformation kicked in and things got really messy, really fast. Trying to keep Imperial authority above 0% whilst members are converting during the reformation is fruitless so I decided I'd let it bottom out until things had cooled down. However in a bid to keep my position as the Emperor I had to get into several bloody wars to keep the Electors on my side, Great Britain and Scandinavia (first time I've seen the AI form it) were being a real nuisance, but I was ahead of most of Europe in technology thanks to my brilliant traders so despite the dog-pile that is war in the HRE, I managed to come out on top, even after converting to Protestantism.
The biggest loss of this period was my union with the newly formed Spain, who had grown hugely in power focusing on colonisation whilst the rest of Europe was battling it out for religious supremacy, and I just didn't have enough money to spam gift them whilst trying to keep HRE members on my side.

But by the end of the 1500s I had come out really well, I had a large amount of vassals in the HRE, and endless authority from going around converting Catholic nations thanks to Unam Sanctum, and managed to form the HRE just as the century came to a close. There wasn't much left of Europe outside my control at this point, just southern Italy and a few tiny French states. I went to war with the Ottomans to retake Greece for the Empire, which was hilariously easy despite their superior numbers as I had control over the Bosphorus Sound with my massive navy, a navy that hadn't existed 10 years prior.

I decided to stop at that point in the early 1600s as I was effectively unstoppable. I just love how you can go into this game with a clear plan of what you want to do, and end up doing things you hadn't at all considered. I think that will be my last game of Europa until IV is released, I may try a Sub-Saharan nation or Japan, but otherwise I'll be sticking to CK and Vicky in the meantime.
How in god's name do you get a multiplayer match of CK2 going?

I've tried a few times to play with a friend and we can't direct connect via IP, nor can we connect through the metaserver. =|


I hope Paradox decides to put V2 on sale during the next Steam sale. I have been looking to get it for a while but it hasn't gone down in price in the last two sales I don't think.

Hopefully with the new expansion there will be a sale.


I hope Paradox decides to put V2 on sale during the next Steam sale. I have been looking to get it for a while but it hasn't gone down in price in the last two sales I don't think.

Hopefully with the new expansion there will be a sale.

Me too.

It seems like a fantastic game, but since I already invest time in EUIII and CK2 I can't justify dropping too much on another game like that. Is it more confusing that CK2 or EUIII?


How in god's name do you get a multiplayer match of CK2 going?

I've tried a few times to play with a friend and we can't direct connect via IP, nor can we connect through the metaserver. =|

I had a lot of problems trying to get this to work with a friend last week, the only way we could connect and play in the end was by using Hamachi to have a LAN game.


Me too.

It seems like a fantastic game, but since I already invest time in EUIII and CK2 I can't justify dropping too much on another game like that. Is it more confusing that CK2 or EUIII?

I am in the same boat and I think so, yes.


If you're not using CK2+, you're missing out. Mod makes the game much more balanced and enjoyable. No more Venice conquering the entirety of upper Africa during crusades.


Me too.

It seems like a fantastic game, but since I already invest time in EUIII and CK2 I can't justify dropping too much on another game like that. Is it more confusing that CK2 or EUIII?

We are in luck!


Vicky2 75% off with steam key! Bought.

edit: hopefully A House Divided goes on sale too! I would feel weird buying Vicky 2 for $5 and paying $10 for an expansion heh.


In fact, Paradox does not sell A House Divided in their online shop. But the game is already on sale at Gamersgate ($2.5, but it's not a Steam key).

Yeah I saw that! It won't work with my Vicky 2 though right? Since it is a steam key they give you at this sale.

$15 for a moustache-twirling industrialist simulator is a deal no matter how you slice it!

I have my tea and monocle ready.
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