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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


Our son was in the hospital for 5 weeks after he was born. I spent so much time in the NICU/pediatric ward my phone still thinks I work there. 6 days would have been wonderful. Look at the upside, you have hospital staff to assist you if you need it!

Yeah staff in those places are generally amazing. Get the odd one you run up against for whatever reason (in our case it was the older ones) and doctors / nurses forgetting to relay information if you weren't there for rounds or whatever.

And we clocked 70 days all up. Felt incredible to get home despite still being attached to some equipment.


Congrats! Sleep is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Especially doubled up with two in a row...counting no chickens here though, but does feel like a break through.
Seems it's not actually full-on jaundice, but something to do with hus blood being too thick. They took some to test in the lab and it clotted before they could do anything with it.

He's now being fed through a tube and is waiting in ICU to start the procedure to thin his blood down a bit.

It's changeover time, so we're just waiting for soneone with medical booklearnings to explain it to us before they plug him in.
So I'm starting a part-time job tomorrow just as way of making some extra cash and to get out of the house a bit. I'm exclusively breastfeeding right now. So I'm kind of worried about pumping at work and how to bring it up. I brought it up on the phone when they hired me. And they said they would see that if I work 7 hrs then I can get a break but less time I should maybe feed her before coming in and after getting off. The thing is though (and I don't think they get this cause they're guys) is that I get engorged after a few hours so going even 5 hrs without some sort of relief can be painful. So how should I be firm or assertive about the situation when I go in for training and orientation tomorrow? Also don't know if this is relevant but it's a restaurant.


So I'm starting a part-time job tomorrow just as way of making some extra cash and to get out of the house a bit. I'm exclusively breastfeeding right now. So I'm kind of worried about pumping at work and how to bring it up. I brought it up on the phone when they hired me. And they said they would see that if I work 7 hrs then I can get a break but less time I should maybe feed her before coming in and after getting off. The thing is though (and I don't think they get this cause they're guys) is that I get engorged after a few hours so going even 5 hrs without some sort of relief can be painful. So how should I be firm or assertive about the situation when I go in for training and orientation tomorrow? Also don't know if this is relevant but it's a restaurant.
What position? I was a server for a number of years. As a rule restaurant managers are assholes and will do anything they can get away with. I worked 13 hour shifts with no break before. You might be in luck though. Do you know how long your shift would be? Most shifts were in the 4-5 hour range for me not counting doubles and if you get a split shift you usually can go home between shifts. Considering you are part time you may only have 4 hour shifts which would work out for you.

I don't know the rules of the restaurat you are at but even if the schedule said we got off at 8:00 we were there until it was no longer busy and got cut, and then we needed to do our side work. Honestly this job might not be feasible with breastfeeding.
Congrats to the new parents :D

We had our first full nights sleep from both twins....after 17 months. lol.

Congraaaaaaats~ \[-_-]/

Greetings Parent-Gaf! I've been meaning to join, but I've been a little busy.
My son was born in early December, and my wife and I have been having a blast. We've learned a lot and I think we've finally gotten a good handle on this parenting thing.

My wife has been exclusively pumping since he was about 2 weeks old as breastfeeding just wasn't working out for her and our son. The pumping and bottle feeding has been working out great now and we've just started introducing some real food this week.

I just wanted to check in and join the club!

Welcome to the SDOTMBPC (Sleepdeprivedoverflowingtearsmybabyisprettycute) Club!

So I'm starting a part-time job tomorrow just as way of making some extra cash and to get out of the house a bit. I'm exclusively breastfeeding right now. So I'm kind of worried about pumping at work and how to bring it up. I brought it up on the phone when they hired me. And they said they would see that if I work 7 hrs then I can get a break but less time I should maybe feed her before coming in and after getting off. The thing is though (and I don't think they get this cause they're guys) is that I get engorged after a few hours so going even 5 hrs without some sort of relief can be painful. So how should I be firm or assertive about the situation when I go in for training and orientation tomorrow? Also don't know if this is relevant but it's a restaurant.

There's supposed to be a break somewhere in between there. You're not supposed to have to do 7 straight hours without at least a 15 minute block to yourself. You could just pop into the bathroom for 5 and express just enough off the top so that it's not painful, but it'd be such a waste and might stimulate it more into overdrive (I feel your pain). :/

Personally, I'd be reluctant to take the job, but getting out plus a bit of extra cash would be very tempting. If you do decide to stick with it, get it in writing that you're allowed a block to either pump properly or get to hand express for relief.
My fiancée had her first morning sickness just now. Is there anything I can do to help here?

- Saltines or crackers in the pantry and by the bed
- Water flavor-er or Gatorade if she goes off water (I did)
- Take out the garbage frequently
- Brush your teeth the best you ever have in your life
- Don't wear strong cologne

Basically, your sense of smell goes through the roof and everything is stomach turning. :)

If her morning sickness is particularly bad, the doctor can prescribe her some medication for it. She just needs to mention it at the next appointment. It sucks, but it should fade out around the second trimester.


Don't try to have a DIY at home shabu shabu meal using cheap cuts of meat and leftover frozen vegetables. Trust me.
Fuck. Shabu shabu was the only thing that affected me. It gave me food poisoning so bad I lost 2 kgs, vomited non-stop for 7 hours. I was about 4-5 weeks along. After that I was nauseous for a few days, lived on plain crackers and water, but was fine after. Tl;dr, Haven't had shabu shabu since 2014, and don't intend on eating it again. lol
So... how's everyone's sleep? My 12 week old is trying to puree my brain this week by waking every hour to hour and a half, sometimes twice an hour to feed. To add insult to injury, she likes to smile at me in the dark when she does a rocket fart so powerful that it ruffles the sheets and sends the cat flying into the wall.

On the flip side, she's developing into a semi-consistent napper during the day with 2-3 naps, the first of which can stretch up to 3 hours sometimes. Winning...?
So... how's everyone's sleep? My 12 week old is trying to puree my brain this week by waking every hour to hour and a half, sometimes twice an hour to feed. To add insult to injury, she likes to smile at me in the dark when she does a rocket fart so powerful that it ruffles the sheets and sends the cat flying into the wall.

On the flip side, she's developing into a semi-consistent napper during the day with 2-3 naps, the first of which can stretch up to 3 hours sometimes. Winning...?
Sounds like a growth spurt! Pete has been improving steadily. He's almost 14 weeks now and is sleeping between 4 and 7 hours straight. On a good night he'll sleep til 2, eat, and then sleep til 5 and eat again.


All sounds encouraging for everyone at the moment! Our smallest is now 5 1/2 months (no idea how many weeks that is), and has been on the puree for a week or so, a couple of times a day. She appears to have quite the appetite... although her sleep hasn't lengthened out consistently. But there is a small cold going round the house, so not too concerned. She'll be on the baby rice soon enough, which should hopefully fill her up on a night time. In the meantime, it's sleep from around 7pm to 7-8am, with feeds at 11pm, 2-3am and then either 6 or 7am. Not the greatest - but with breastfeeding you do lose the specificity of the amount of milk that they get.

Our eldest - trying to con her into eating a few more different things; the biggest struggle is sandwiches at the moment. She'll have small crustless ones at parties, but not at home... She's more of a breadstick-and-hummus girl.
Sounds like a growth spurt! Pete has been improving steadily. He's almost 14 weeks now and is sleeping between 4 and 7 hours straight. On a good night he'll sleep til 2, eat, and then sleep til 5 and eat again.

One can hope, but she's never made it longer than 4 hours a stretch, ever, and that's only once. Typically (before this week), it would be a 3 hour stretch, then maybe a 2, then a 1, a 1, and maaaaybe 40 mins. We even tried introducing formula just for the first night feed to see if it might anchor her stomach and get us longer stretches, but it actually made it worse. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep that first formula night, divided into little pieces... Very jealous of your 4-7 stretches.
My fiancée had her first morning sickness just now. Is there anything I can do to help here?

Whatever she says she needs, really. My wife had morning sickness for the first couple of months and almost every time something different would get her through. I would just ask, "what can I do for you babe?"

My wife has been scoping out daycares (baby due 07/31). She went to a fancy schmancy one first that is way too expensive and it kind of soured the others for her because it was "immaculate", but she's entirely realistic and I think we found one we're happy with.


So... how's everyone's sleep? My 12 week old is trying to puree my brain this week by waking every hour to hour and a half, sometimes twice an hour to feed. To add insult to injury, she likes to smile at me in the dark when she does a rocket fart so powerful that it ruffles the sheets and sends the cat flying into the wall.

On the flip side, she's developing into a semi-consistent napper during the day with 2-3 naps, the first of which can stretch up to 3 hours sometimes. Winning...?
Sleep is pretty variable at the moment. He slept 6 straight last night but he was up every hour the night before. Gabe, the 5 year old has started waking up in the middle of the night and asking me to sleep in his bed. The cat who stays on the other floor has started being super loud at night so my wife is back in our bed because a baby who is up every few hours is better than a cat who meows all night.
Sounds like a growth spurt! Pete has been improving steadily. He's almost 14 weeks now and is sleeping between 4 and 7 hours straight. On a good night he'll sleep til 2, eat, and then sleep til 5 and eat again.
We're thinking Nick might be going through one. He's eating even more than usual and very aggressively if that makes sense.

Your post brings up a question for me. When do you all put your kids to bed at night? We homeschool so we put the 5 year old to bed at 9:30 and don't have to worry about how late he sleeps. By putting him to bed later he gets more time with his mommy when she gets home from work at 5;00. We usually put Nick down for the night about 9:00. This feels super late but it's kinda been working for us.
One can hope, but she's never made it longer than 4 hours a stretch, ever, and that's only once. Typically (before this week), it would be a 3 hour stretch, then maybe a 2, then a 1, a 1, and maaaaybe 40 mins. We even tried introducing formula just for the first night feed to see if it might anchor her stomach and get us longer stretches, but it actually made it worse. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep that first formula night, divided into little pieces... Very jealous of your 4-7 stretches.
I heard breast fed babies sleep better since they get melatonin in the breast milk. Also don't forget the kid's got to sleep eventually. Is it possible for you to nap when she naps during the day? A nice nap can make all the difference in the world.
Your post brings up a question for me. When do you all put your kids to bed at night? We homeschool so we put the 5 year old to bed at 9:30 and don't have to worry about how late he sleeps. By putting him to bed later he gets more time with his mommy when she gets home from work at 5;00. We usually put Nick down for the night about 9:00. This feels super late but it's kinda been working for us.
We start Pete's bedtime routine at 7:30 and with any lucky he's out in his bed at 8:00. It works pretty well for us because we can get some downtime before we go to bed and if he has some trouble staying asleep right away I'm usually just on my computer or something in the next room and not trying to sleep myself so its a quick hop in and out.
Sleep is pretty variable at the moment. He slept 6 straight last night but he was up every hour the night before. Gabe, the 5 year old has started waking up in the middle of the night and asking me to sleep in his bed. The cat who stays on the other floor has started being super loud at night so my wife is back in our bed because a baby who is up every few hours is better than a cat who meows all night.

We're thinking Nick might be going through one. He's eating even more than usual and very aggressively if that makes sense.

Your post brings up a question for me. When do you all put your kids to bed at night? We homeschool so we put the 5 year old to bed at 9:30 and don't have to worry about how late he sleeps. By putting him to bed later he gets more time with his mommy when she gets home from work at 5;00. We usually put Nick down for the night about 9:00. This feels super late but it's kinda been working for us.

I heard breast fed babies sleep better since they get melatonin in the breast milk. Also don't forget the kid's got to sleep eventually. Is it possible for you to nap when she naps during the day? A nice nap can make all the difference in the world.

I imagine it must be extra painful to get those 5+ hour stretches then have them revert to getting up every hour. My sympathies for your loss. ^_^

Mia might be doing a growth spurt/developmental thing this week too. She's been extra talkative and has been doing barrel rolls these past two days. It's not like I think it'll last forever, but I feel like roadkill right now, so hard to see past the shitty night before (another every hour night last night + some screaming for good measure).

For the breastfeeding thing, do you mean they get better sleep and therefore sleep shorter periods like Mia, because otherwise it certainly doesn't seem to be the case (with her anyway). And nap-wise, I just can't. I've never been able to just nod off, even at night. My family keeps repeating that at me too and I just want to throttle them. :p I'd never get any basic chores or work done that way, either. Oh well.

I'll cry for you too, Red.
Knock on wood, but my boy is fairly consistent with his long sleep each night, sleeping for around 5 hours at 11-11:30 PM. He's been getting more fussy with feeding recently, though.


I imagine it must be extra painful to get those 5+ hour stretches then have them revert to getting up every hour. My sympathies for your loss. ^_^

Mia might be doing a growth spurt/developmental thing this week too. She's been extra talkative and has been doing barrel rolls these past two days. It's not like I think it'll last forever, but I feel like roadkill right now, so hard to see past the shitty night before (another every hour night last night + some screaming for good measure).

For the breastfeeding thing, do you mean they get better sleep and therefore sleep shorter periods like Mia, because otherwise it certainly doesn't seem to be the case (with her anyway). And nap-wise, I just can't. I've never been able to just nod off, even at night. My family keeps repeating that at me too and I just want to throttle them. :p I'd never get any basic chores or work done that way, either. Oh well.

I'll cry for you too, Red.
Eh I'll take it. Even when he's sleeping I still wake up a lot out of habit. The screaming ones are the worst though so I feel your pain. At least when he just wakes up for some food and cuddles it's peaceful. Those nights where I have to bounce, sing, rock, walk and anything else I can think of and nothing works really take it out of my mentally and emotionally.

Nick only just started rolling over. He did it on his own once and that might have been a fluke. He is making talking noises a ton and started laughing last week and laughs multiple times a day which is very rewarding. He loves This Little Piggy.

It's just what I've read. Never raised a breast fed baby. And yeah my bad. I've never been had the ability to nap but when I have had next to no sleep several nights in a row I can and I often nap when sick. When I nap on the weekends it's more like sleeping in since my nap is 7-8AM or 7-9AM if I'm really tired.

Admittedly I've had days where I didn't get a single chore done. Some days are just miserable and caring for the kids just takes priority.
So... how's everyone's sleep? My 12 week old is trying to puree my brain this week by waking every hour to hour and a half, sometimes twice an hour to feed. To add insult to injury, she likes to smile at me in the dark when she does a rocket fart so powerful that it ruffles the sheets and sends the cat flying into the wall.

On the flip side, she's developing into a semi-consistent napper during the day with 2-3 naps, the first of which can stretch up to 3 hours sometimes. Winning...?

At 6 months now the boys have finally gotten into a pretty steady sleep schedule. Bedtime is around 8:30-9, and they stay asleep until about 8am or so right as I'm leaving for work. It's been amazing, but right as I'm saying that, I totally expect to be punished next month and have their schedule be dashed to bits >_>;
Your post brings up a question for me. When do you all put your kids to bed at night? We homeschool so we put the 5 year old to bed at 9:30 and don't have to worry about how late he sleeps. By putting him to bed later he gets more time with his mommy when she gets home from work at 5;00. We usually put Nick down for the night about 9:00. This feels super late but it's kinda been working for us.

My girls (now 12 and 10) still go to bed at 8. They don't have to go to sleep, but that's when we're officially done with them for the night, and they're expected to stay in their rooms.

It gives us 8-10pm every night completely to ourselves.

I have told them however, they could stay up later, if they're willing to give up being tucked in. So far, they haven't wanted to.
My kids are in bed by 8:30 pm, usually sleep until 9:00 am. My 1.5 year old still naps for about an hour and a half a day, but my 2.5 yr son refuses to nap ever, even when he's super tired. He's technically getting enough sleep, so I don't push the issue. He still gets an hour of 'quiet time' in his bedroom a day (usually plays with blocks or cars).
Knock on wood, but my boy is fairly consistent with his long sleep each night, sleeping for around 5 hours at 11-11:30 PM. He's been getting more fussy with feeding recently, though.

-_- Yeah, well, mine is powerful. She punches herself in the face, POWERFULLY.

Eh I'll take it. Even when he's sleeping I still wake up a lot out of habit. The screaming ones are the worst though so I feel your pain. At least when he just wakes up for some food and cuddles it's peaceful. Those nights where I have to bounce, sing, rock, walk and anything else I can think of and nothing works really take it out of my mentally and emotionally.

Nick only just started rolling over. He did it on his own once and that might have been a fluke. He is making talking noises a ton and started laughing last week and laughs multiple times a day which is very rewarding. He loves This Little Piggy.

It's just what I've read. Never raised a breast fed baby. And yeah my bad. I've never been had the ability to nap but when I have had next to no sleep several nights in a row I can and I often nap when sick. When I nap on the weekends it's more like sleeping in since my nap is 7-8AM or 7-9AM if I'm really tired.

Admittedly I've had days where I didn't get a single chore done. Some days are just miserable and caring for the kids just takes priority.

It's definitely a take what you can get with babies, it seems. :) The screaming/crying is disconcerting, though. Mia has never required much (or any, really) effort at night to go back down after night feedings, and the whole open-eyed thing is new too. That I may soon be required to work to get her to sleep while I'm already fried to hell fill me with dread.

The laughing and gooing is super cute when they start. How old is Nick now? Heck, how old is everyone's midget at this point...?

And, no worries about the nap thing. It's logical to suggest, but my family is just being a pain in the ass about it. I keep getting comments like, "Well, if you'd just nap this wouldn't be a problem," or "You're feeding her too often. You should nap instead." Aaargh.


My girls (now 12 and 10) still go to bed at 8. They don't have to go to sleep, but that's when we're officially done with them for the night, and they're expected to stay in their rooms.

It gives us 8-10pm every night completely to ourselves.

I have told them however, they could stay up later, if they're willing to give up being tucked in. So far, they haven't wanted to.
Haha. I'm sure I'll be able to relate.
My kids are in bed by 8:30 pm, usually sleep until 9:00 am. My 1.5 year old still naps for about an hour and a half a day, but my 2.5 yr son refuses to nap ever, even when he's super tired. He's technically getting enough sleep, so I don't push the issue. He still gets an hour of 'quiet time' in his bedroom a day (usually plays with blocks or cars).
If it works it works.
-_- Yeah, well, mine is powerful. She punches herself in the face, POWERFULLY.

It's definitely a take what you can get with babies, it seems. :) The screaming/crying is disconcerting, though. Mia has never required much (or any, really) effort at night to go back down after night feedings, and the whole open-eyed thing is new too. That I may soon be required to work to get her to sleep while I'm already fried to hell fill me with dread.

The laughing and gooing is super cute when they start. How old is Nick now? Heck, how old is everyone's midget at this point...?

And, no worries about the nap thing. It's logical to suggest, but my family is just being a pain in the ass about it. I keep getting comments like, "Well, if you'd just nap this wouldn't be a problem," or "You're feeding her too often. You should nap instead." Aaargh.
Powerful is a word. At least you don't have any balls for her to kick.

I'm sure it's the growth spurt and it'll pass. Nick is 16 weeks exactly in a few hours.


So I'm going to give a recommendation for one of these:


My son is 6. He's never been a "bike" kid, and frankly I had given up trying to teach him. He prefers his scooter.

There's a little boy who is about 3 or 4 that lives like 2 houses down from us that Alex loves playing with. I usually let him go off and do his thing while I take care of the 4 month old. Apparently this boy has one of these and Alex tried it out. We're not sure since we haven't seen him do that.

On monday however, my dad handed Alex a bike without training wheels and it was like he was always doing it. He was so reliant on training wheels, and had such little interest in his bike that I just thought I would wait until he wanted to do it. Evidently we don't have to now.

So yeah, these things work.


So I'm going to give a recommendation for one of these:


My son is 6. He's never been a "bike" kid, and frankly I had given up trying to teach him. He prefers his scooter.

There's a little boy who is about 3 or 4 that lives like 2 houses down from us that Alex loves playing with. I usually let him go off and do his thing while I take care of the 4 month old. Apparently this boy has one of these and Alex tried it out. We're not sure since we haven't seen him do that.

On monday however, my dad handed Alex a bike without training wheels and it was like he was always doing it. He was so reliant on training wheels, and had such little interest in his bike that I just thought I would wait until he wanted to do it. Evidently we don't have to now.

So yeah, these things work.

Balance bikes are awesome. I wish I had them when I was a kid.

My first child we did the whole bike with stabilisers and he kind of managed and picked it up. Second child didn't take to the bike at all, so we tried a balance bike and she was flying down the road like a complete natural.
I just put my kid down without nursing or rocking or soothing her to sleep first. I feel giddy with the sheer audacity in such a move. Heh heh heh.

Powerful is a word. At least you don't have any balls for her to kick.

I'm sure it's the growth spurt and it'll pass. Nick is 16 weeks exactly in a few hours.

Not as bad as balls, but she kicks me in the boobs, which are sore. And hopefully this whole thing will pass. Quickly...

Anyway, mine'll be 13 weeks tomorrow and 3 months as of today. I'll be keeping an eye on your escapades to gauge my own future. :D

I got this Fitbit a couple of months ago, so now I can see exactly how much sleep I'm not getting. For every hour I "sleep," I can expect him to wake at least once.

He's up so often every night. Can't be good for him, either.

He seems different to other babies the same age. We've had him hang around with several other ten month olds and they are all calmer than him, and pudgier. He's very skinny, and he never stops moving or making sounds. He does a Chewbacca-esque gurgle every time he finishes eating, and then cracks up like he's done the most hilarious thing. Other babies stare at him quietly like what are you. He'll gasp and reach out to touch or kiss them. He hasn't started waving hello or goodbye, which seems unusual. He won't stack objects (but has no issues knocking other kid's stacks down). He does high fives and claps his hands every time we say good job. And whenever I say party he headbangs.

My wife has been taking Prozac for PPD, and I wonder if that's what's affecting him. He doesn't sleep, seems hyperactive, and is developing in different ways from every other baby we've seen. But "every other baby" is like six kids, so it's not a huge sample, and hyperactivity runs in my family. I also get by sleeping very little (wish I could get more though). So who knows if it's the medicine, or just his personality?

You better be worth it, kid.

(When we're eating, he gets funny. If he's got finger foods, he'll pick up something for himself, and then he'll pick up something for me. He holds it out until I take a bite, laughs, and then has another bite himself.)

Ouch. I have a fitbit too and it's riddled with red and blue, but at least I can try and stretch it out in bed till 9 or so. Looks like you're both waaay to in the red, so to speak.

However, I have heard from multiple people, professional and otherwise, that children with 'interesting' (or unconventional like the way yours sounds) development, especially those with overactive brains that tend to lead to poor sleep, are often way ahead of the curve in smarts. It just, unfortunately, takes time to show it as that in later age and is hell during the early days to deal with. So, maybe you have a Steve Jobs on your hands. Many super successful people are insomniacs/short sleepers, after all.
Nothing fancy, but we just had homemade Korean BBQ (just meat and sides from SMart). It's like going out for dinner...at home! Which is good, since we probably can't go out anymore for some time.
I got this Fitbit a couple of months ago, so now I can see exactly how much sleep I'm not getting. For every hour I "sleep," I can expect him to wake at least once.

He's up so often every night. Can't be good for him, either.
If you want to share in the misery check out my numbers. They have improved significantly since he was born though.



That's crazy. I wonder why it's only marking you restless when you're up for that long. Fitbit doesn't recognize baby care I guess. Get some sleep man! I'm barely functional waking up once an hour.

We have a Fitbit. I wore it for one day with Nick but it's the Fitbit Surge which is bulky and it was bothering him. It counted a few minutes of restless every time I got up to make a bottle and when I was feeding him it counted it as sleeping because I wasn't moving that arm.

It pissed me off way more than it should have when it told me I slept 8 hours that night.


Yeah mine only shows as restless when I move Logan to or from the crib, which causes it to overestimate how much sleep I'm getting. Often feels like I'm just getting to sleep when he wakes up again. Since I'm not moving in between taking him out and putting him back, the Fitbit shows I'm in restful sleep. But knowing that it overestimates sleep only makes Hollywood's graph more frightening.

You can set it to normal or sensitive. I had it on normal. If HD's isn't on sensitive he either sleeps on one of those vibrating heart shaped beds or holy shit.


My 8 months old finally started to do full nights of sleep. Woo! She wakes up at 6 in the morning though but hey it's better than nothing lol.
If you want to share in the misery check out my numbers. They have improved significantly since he was born though.


Wow. That's...special. Mine wakes once or twice an hour quite often, but my fitbit doesn't look anything like that. I guess that's the difference for bottle feedings and having mine a foot away from me. Wishing you better sleep too.

We have a Fitbit. I wore it for one day with Nick but it's the Fitbit Surge which is bulky and it was bothering him. It counted a few minutes of restless every time I got up to make a bottle and when I was feeding him it counted it as sleeping because I wasn't moving that arm.

It pissed me off way more than it should have when it told me I slept 8 hours that night.

Right? Makes me so mad to see it saying I got 8+ hours when I know those dead zones between the blues are me feeding her, not sleeping. -_-

My 8 months old finally started to do full nights of sleep. Woo! She wakes up at 6 in the morning though but hey it's better than nothing lol.

Wow. That's...special. Mine wakes once or twice an hour quite often, but my fitbit doesn't look anything like that. I guess that's the difference for bottle feedings and having mine a foot away from me. Wishing you better sleep
To be fair it's not all Petes fault. I've always been a bit of an insomniac so being able to function on disjointed sleep was a useful skill to already have when the baby came.
Update to my breastfeeding dilemma:

Pretty happy about the whole breastfeeding situation and my new job. Basically since the resturaunt is so close to my house I have my husband bring her and I get one or two 10 minute breaks during my shift to feed her upstairs or wherever there aren't tons of customers. So I'm really thankful for that, it's the best part of my shifts!
So getting rid of my negativity about lack of sleep here is a pic of Pete and I bro'ing out on his first vacation.

Update to my breastfeeding dilemma:

Pretty happy about the whole breastfeeding situation and my new job. Basically since the resturaunt is so close to my house I have my husband bring her and I get one or two 10 minute breaks dying my shift to feed her upstairs or wherever there aren't tons of customers. So I'm really thankful for that, it's the best part of my shifts!
That's awesome!
Parenting Success: I made a watermelon shark and then fed my child to it.

Whenever I pat my kiddo's bottom it turns my Fitbit on and off into sleep mode, I need to adjust that. *lol*

I love that a lot of parents seem to have fitbits. When Mia was having her 5-6 week wonder week witching hours I used to put her in the Ergo carrier and just pace upstairs, happily racking up 35,000+ step counts. Made it a bit more tolerable. :)

To be fair it's not all Petes fault. I've always been a bit of an insomniac so being able to function on disjointed sleep was a useful skill to already have when the baby came.

Nice. I kind of feel the same about working in games. I'm so used to late hours or crunch that the sleep part isn't hitting me too badly overall.

Great picture, btw. He looks so cute in his hat and jeans~

Update to my breastfeeding dilemma:

Pretty happy about the whole breastfeeding situation and my new job. Basically since the resturaunt is so close to my house I have my husband bring her and I get one or two 10 minute breaks during my shift to feed her upstairs or wherever there aren't tons of customers. So I'm really thankful for that, it's the best part of my shifts!

Congrats! Best scenario for sure.


We invited both my brothers, their significant others and my one brother's kids over today for Memorial Day. It was 6 adults and 5 kids. We had a great time and got some cute pictures out of it.

My niece wanted to help feed Nick, though he doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as she does.

On the left is Gabe, then one of my nephews, my sister in law, Nick and my neice.

Here's Gabe chilling with my other nephew. I helped raise this kid when I was a teenager. He's now the age I was when I was babysitting him on a near daily basis and he fed Nick a bottle today and was a big help. It felt a little weird.

Nick can now roll from his back to his front and is doing this weird thing where he will shriek when he wants to do it. He'll also suddenly get the urge to roll while he is asleep. It's made for some rough nights but at least he's developing.
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