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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


So we've now got an escalating problem with our 3 year old daughter. She's not settling down to sleep without what I'll describe as a very mild verbal ass-kicking.

We managed to convince her to give up her dummy (pacifier) about a month ago, and after the first couple of evenings of inevitable tears, she was very good. She would whimper a little the first time we closed the door, but would settle after a quick reassuring.

But for the past week, it's been a proper full on wailing and banging. The routine up to and including getting tucked in is fine (get changed, story, cuddle and kiss, check cuddly toys). But then she starts procrastinating - looking to repeat things, I would assume to postpone the closing of the door.

Anyone else gone through anything similar? We don't want to go down the nightlight option (mainly because I don't think it will help) but we could leave the door open if we thought it would make her feel happier...

Edit: I should probably elaborate on the verbal; we've explained to her that it makes us angry and very sad when she is wailing and banging; I'm not going full gestapo (yet)...
My 11 month old wouldn't lie down for his diaper change and is getting super clingy to my wife. That and his unwillingness to go to sleep has been a total pain in the ass.
So we've now got an escalating problem with our 3 year old daughter. She's not settling down to sleep without what I'll describe as a very mild verbal ass-kicking.

We managed to convince her to give up her dummy (pacifier) about a month ago, and after the first couple of evenings of inevitable tears, she was very good. She would whimper a little the first time we closed the door, but would settle after a quick reassuring.

But for the past week, it's been a proper full on wailing and banging. The routine up to and including getting tucked in is fine (get changed, story, cuddle and kiss, check cuddly toys). But then she starts procrastinating - looking to repeat things, I would assume to postpone the closing of the door.

Anyone else gone through anything similar? We don't want to go down the nightlight option (mainly because I don't think it will help) but we could leave the door open if we thought it would make her feel happier...

Edit: I should probably elaborate on the verbal; we've explained to her that it makes us angry and very sad when she is wailing and banging; I'm not going full gestapo (yet)...

Why exactly do you not want a nightlight outside of not thinking it will help? Even some adults sleep with dim lights on. You can get something pretty dim but isn't overwhelmingly bright. I actually gave my son one of those little tap-lights (Like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S9RPGZU/?tag=neogaf0e-20 ) because he likes to look at books before bed (board books, not paper ones). He usually settles down, reads a book and goes to sleep almost immediately, and he used to bargain hard. Now he knows that he gets his tap light, a book, and a drink of water and then we're done for the night. He does usually fall asleep with the light on, but I go turn it off and there's never been a problem yet. I also always go check on him immediately if he wakes up with a nightmare so he still feels safe in his room.

One other thing you could try was something mentioned by our ECFE teacher, though I haven't tried it. It involves getting a set of 'tokens' and giving them to your kid. So like, 3 pieces of paper and you tell your kid that every time they ask you for something, they lose a token and after all their tokens are gone, you won't go into their room anymore. Supposedly most kids tend to horde the tokens or get the idea that when tokens are gone, that's it. It's giving them a little bit of power, but you ultimately having the final say.


That's clever. Gabe, the 5 year old, has This turtle. It projects stars onto the cieling and lights up 5 different animals. The lights automatically turn off after 45 minutes. It goes on when we put him to bed and he's usually asleep by the time they go off. If he wakes up in the middle of the night he can just push the button to turn them on again.
My daughter peed in the toilet for the first time ever today! Just barely managed to officially get started on potty training before she turns 3.

...it just gets harder now, right?
We invited both my brothers, their significant others and my one brother's kids over today for Memorial Day. It was 6 adults and 5 kids. We had a great time and got some cute pictures out of it.

My niece wanted to help feed Nick, though he doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as she does.

On the left is Gabe, then one of my nephews, my sister in law, Nick and my neice.

Here's Gabe chilling with my other nephew. I helped raise this kid when I was a teenager. He's now the age I was when I was babysitting him on a near daily basis and he fed Nick a bottle today and was a big help. It felt a little weird.

Nick can now roll from his back to his front and is doing this weird thing where he will shriek when he wants to do it. He'll also suddenly get the urge to roll while he is asleep. It's made for some rough nights but at least he's developing.[/QUOTE]

When they first roll you're so proud, but then it's like, crap, they can roll!
And looks like a nice outting. Your niece attempting the feed is particularly cute.

[quote="Septimus Prime, post: 205647320"]He slept for 6 and a half hours straight last night, followed by another 3 hours! Whoo![/QUOTE]

Woo! Congrats! I got a new record too. [SPOILER]13 minutes...


Hmm I thought I'd posted but apparently not.

We had our 8 week scan yesterday (booked into a private clinic thing) it was amazing, we could see our little kidney bean (that's his nickname since apparently that's the size at the mo!!) and hear the heartbeat which is so fast!

We then told our parents and they are all so happy, January seems so far away, I can't wait!!
Broke record again last night: 7.5 hours!

Time to break out the champagne lol
Thanks. I broke out a bottle of Orion.
Which I "break out" most nights.

Woo! Congrats! I got a new record too.
13 minutes...
Sorry to hear about your record. But, like you said, that means she'll be really smart!

Hmm I thought I'd posted but apparently not.

We had our 8 week scan yesterday (booked into a private clinic thing) it was amazing, we could see our little kidney bean (that's his nickname since apparently that's the size at the mo!!) and hear the heartbeat which is so fast!

We then told our parents and they are all so happy, January seems so far away, I can't wait!!
Congrats! Just imagine, by the next scan, his survival rate to term will be 99%!
Time for a cute picture of my son Joel enjoying a bath.


He is being a bit of a pain at night. He has learnt to roll onto his front, but can't get back over onto his back, so he ends up crying for us to help him. Usually every hour or so. We are just giving him as much tummy time in the day as we can so he gets used to being on his front more and hopefully he'll learn how to roll back soon.
Same except he's clingy to me and keeps biting and hitting my wife. She's very discouraged and I don't know what to do about it. He fights her at every turn, but every time he sees me he laughs.
Yeah babies do that, my son likes to pull his mom's hair, she would yell no but he laughs. Yeah he's a brat.

At the end of the day he'll be clingy to her when he wants milk (unless he's no longer breast feeding).


Time for a cute picture of my son Joel enjoying a bath.

He is being a bit of a pain at night. He has learnt to roll onto his front, but can't get back over onto his back, so he ends up crying for us to help him. Usually every hour or so. We are just giving him as much tummy time in the day as we can so he gets used to being on his front more and hopefully he'll learn how to roll back soon.

We are going through the exact same thing. Before this he was sleeping perfectly in the crib. The solution we came up with was to move him back in the bouncer. We put him in a onesie with a long sleeve onesie over it and put him in the bouncer and strap him in. He can't roll in this and he's secure and warm. He's back to sleeping decently. Once he's mastered rolling front to back we'll transition him back to the crib.
Hmm I thought I'd posted but apparently not.

We had our 8 week scan yesterday (booked into a private clinic thing) it was amazing, we could see our little kidney bean (that's his nickname since apparently that's the size at the mo!!) and hear the heartbeat which is so fast!

We then told our parents and they are all so happy, January seems so far away, I can't wait!!

Thats great news. Couldn't wait any longer to tell them eh ;). The good news is once you hear the heartbeat once its significantly more likely it will be a healthy pregnancy. Trust me once things get going and you realize everything you need to do to get ready January will be here before you know it.
Time for a cute picture of my son Joel enjoying a bath.

He is being a bit of a pain at night. He has learnt to roll onto his front, but can't get back over onto his back, so he ends up crying for us to help him. Usually every hour or so. We are just giving him as much tummy time in the day as we can so he gets used to being on his front more and hopefully he'll learn how to roll back soon.
Your son is a cutie.
We are going through the exact same thing. Before this he was sleeping perfectly in the crib. The solution we came up with was to move him back in the bouncer. We put him in a onesie with a long sleeve onesie over it and put him in the bouncer and strap him in. He can't roll in this and he's secure and warm. He's back to sleeping decently. Once he's mastered rolling front to back we'll transition him back to the crib.

I am going to try this actually. I will give it until Wednesday and if he hasn't mastered it by then.

Your son is a cutie.

Thanks! Takes after his mother luckily.
In the world of much older kids, my oldest is turning 12 this week. She's finally getting a phone, but she has no clue, because our position previously had been that they'd be waiting until 13 to get a phone.

I'm eager to see the look on her face, as this will also mean she's got an effective camera of her own so she can make videos without having to bug her mother.
Great photo, Praxis.

I keep forgetting my camera when we go out so 99% of my pictures are on my iPhone. I'm starting to play around with live photo to .gif converters.

Thanks, that photo is taken with my phone as well. I was going to buy a decent camera but was pleasantly surprised with the S6's camera.

I was told by everyone to take as many pictures as possible and I can see why. He changes so much, every week he looks and acts different now.
How's the sleep going?

Isn't it? https://goo.gl/photos/HAubApvvSdB7huDo9 Don't mind the stuff on the floor. This was right after a changing but I wanted to capture it.

Haha your neighbours probably think you're as crazy as ours do. The noises you end up making every day lol, just to get a smile.

Sleeping isn't great still, to top it off we think he is starting to teeth now. Lots of dribble, red cheeks and moaning. The joys of parenthood.
Sorry to hear about your record. But, like you said, that means she'll be really smart!

Or just an asshole. :D

Your kid's pretty cute, btw. Great picture.

Time for a cute picture of my son Joel enjoying a bath.

He is being a bit of a pain at night. He has learnt to roll onto his front, but can't get back over onto his back, so he ends up crying for us to help him. Usually every hour or so. We are just giving him as much tummy time in the day as we can so he gets used to being on his front more and hopefully he'll learn how to roll back soon.

Aaaand, that's also adorable. Mine only just started enjoying bath time. Like, today.

Nearly a year and sleep is still a distant memory.

Aaaand...that's both sad and funny. Hang in there, man.


Had no idea this thread was a thing.

We have a 5 y/o, Lily, and a 10 month old, Logan. They could not be more opposite from each other.

Lily was a long labor, almost had to break out the vacuum, Logan was literally 2 pushes.
Lily didn't breastfeed, mainly we think because of labor being stressful, and skin to skin taking a while. Logan, went right for it.

After about 6 months, Lily was sleeping minimum 8 hours a night, like clockwork at 8pm.
Logan, at 10 months gets about 2 hours at a time, max. I could help with Lily, there isn't a whole lot I can do with Logan.

My wife went back to work after having Lily, and her mother watched her during the day. After Logan she decided to become a travel agent from home, busts her ass trying to promote and just now is seeing a payout. She's watching both kids, and doing as good as she can for little to no money, but won't send the girls back to her mom because she believes her mom is too overprotective (she kind of is, but free daycare for a little while wouldn't be the worst thing).

Lily has a peanut allergy! That shit is scary, and isn't in either of our family history.
Logan is fine so far on the allergy front.

The whole 10 months with no $$ from my wife coming in has put us in a place where after my 9-5 job I start tonight as a "Fuel Attendant" from 6-Midnight near our house.
We have a savings, but we're just eating away at it a little each month since she won't get a part time job, and I'll be damned if we piss it all away.

So yeah, that's where I'm at. Love my girls, but damn are they a handful.


My daughter peed in the toilet for the first time ever today! Just barely managed to officially get started on potty training before she turns 3.

...it just gets harder now, right?

Depends on what you mean by harder. She'll get more independent now yes, but this also means she becomes more stubborn and listens a lot less. Just be prepared for her to start thinking she knows better than you. You're going to miss her being small and hold able and needy.


Had no idea this thread was a thing.

We have a 5 y/o, Lily, and a 10 month old, Logan. They could not be more opposite from each other.

Lily was a long labor, almost had to break out the vacuum, Logan was literally 2 pushes.
Lily didn't breastfeed, mainly we think because of labor being stressful, and skin to skin taking a while. Logan, went right for it.

After about 6 months, Lily was sleeping minimum 8 hours a night, like clockwork at 8pm.
Logan, at 10 months gets about 2 hours at a time, max. I could help with Lily, there isn't a whole lot I can do with Logan.

My wife went back to work after having Lily, and her mother watched her during the day. After Logan she decided to become a travel agent from home, busts her ass trying to promote and just now is seeing a payout. She's watching both kids, and doing as good as she can for little to no money, but won't send the girls back to her mom because she believes her mom is too overprotective (she kind of is, but free daycare for a little while wouldn't be the worst thing).

Lily has a peanut allergy! That shit is scary, and isn't in either of our family history.
Logan is fine so far on the allergy front.

The whole 10 months with no $$ from my wife coming in has put us in a place where after my 9-5 job I start tonight as a "Fuel Attendant" from 6-Midnight near our house.
We have a savings, but we're just eating away at it a little each month since she won't get a part time job, and I'll be damned if we piss it all away.

So yeah, that's where I'm at. Love my girls, but damn are they a handful.

Nice write up! Hang in there.

Have a couple kids. I'm stay at home full time.

My kids seem to follow a similar pattern to your except they are 4yo and 1yo.

1yo seems full on compared to the first one, so much more demanding on our attention. It's wearing on me and I feel worn out, depressed and useless at times. I try, but it's rough. Often feel like I'm not coping and struggling and feeling like a terrible parent.

My wife works but there's s good chance her job ends soon. I don't have much prospect myself and that's scary at times.
My wife and I had our first child, Everett in November, he tuns 7 months old today. I cannot believe how insanely fast these 7 months went. I try to savor every moment with him now. I know I am going to miss these moments when he gets bigger. I try to steal all the "baby hugs" I can get. I expected fatherhood to be this instant switch that turned on the second he was born, and I worried a bit early on that some how I wasn't ever going to feel it. It only took a little more time before he started melting my heart more and more. Mad respect to all of the parents out there. It is never easy, even with "easy" babies.


Nice write up! Hang in there.

Have a couple kids. I'm stay at home full time.

My kids seem to follow a similar pattern to your except they are 4yo and 1yo.

1yo seems full on compared to the first one, so much more demanding on our attention. It's wearing on me and I feel worn out, depressed and useless at times. I try, but it's rough. Often feel like I'm not coping and struggling and feeling like a terrible parent.

My wife works but there's s good chance her job ends soon. I don't have much prospect myself and that's scary at times.

I am markedly less enthusiastic. Losing my job in Feb and not being able to pick one back up until last month was an incredible drain on our finances, and morale. I'm making about $100 less per check on the new job, but the real drain is the lack of income from my wife. I suggested maybe part time work for her and was looked at like I had 4 heads, so I took matters into my own hands. I honestly didn't expect to get a phone call right away, but I guess the bar for being a fuel attendant is pretty low, lol.

I'm hoping the working from 8:30AM to Midnight will basically be a kick in the ass to get me going again, and if the night job doesn't work I'll just quit and at least I can say I tried.

I'd suggest being a stay at home dad, but Logan barely tolerates me as is since I'm not the source of food for her. I think at 1 year we're weening off of nursing, and she already has an affinity for sippy cups, so I guess we're skipping bottles. Maybe she'll warm up to me then.

Lets cheer this up with some pictures!

Lets delete all of Dad's games!

The perspective is weird on this, makes Logan look like a giant.
Depends on what you mean by harder. She'll get more independent now yes, but this also means she becomes more stubborn and listens a lot less. Just be prepared for her to start thinking she knows better than you. You're going to miss her being small and hold able and needy.

Actually I was thinking more in the immediate term, now that we've started potty training there will be much more opportunity for accidents than there were when she was happily in diapers all day.


I am markedly less enthusiastic. Losing my job in Feb and not being able to pick one back up until last month was an incredible drain on our finances, and morale. I'm making about $100 less per check on the new job, but the real drain is the lack of income from my wife. I suggested maybe part time work for her and was looked at like I had 4 heads, so I took matters into my own hands. I honestly didn't expect to get a phone call right away, but I guess the bar for being a fuel attendant is pretty low, lol.

I'm hoping the working from 8:30AM to Midnight will basically be a kick in the ass to get me going again, and if the night job doesn't work I'll just quit and at least I can say I tried.

I'd suggest being a stay at home dad, but Logan barely tolerates me as is since I'm not the source of food for her. I think at 1 year we're weening off of nursing, and she already has an affinity for sippy cups, so I guess we're skipping bottles. Maybe she'll warm up to me then.

Lets cheer this up with some pictures!

Lets delete all of Dad's games!

The perspective is weird on this, makes Logan look like a giant.

Cute kids! As mentioned, hang in there.

You're a braver and better dad than me.
Need some advice, ParentGaf, and I'd rather ask in here than make a new thread.

So, we moved to a new state about 6-7 months ago. Our 9-year old daughter, Mia, has adapted quite well. She's made several friends and of these I'd call four "really good friends." We are really happy with how well she has adjusted to living here. She spends a ton of her free time with these friends; she's a very social kid.

One of these kids, let's call her K, is a bit older than Mia or her other friends, two grades up from her so probably about 11. She was the second neighborhood friend Mia made after we moved here, but the first who started coming over regularly. My wife and I picked up on a bunch of clues that she doesn't really have a lot of other friends, if any, pretty quickly. She bikes all the way from the other side of our large neighborhood to come hang out with Mia, and she does this almost every day (Mia can't reciprocate because K's house is way, way outside of her approved range). She started doing this almost immediately when they became friends and hasn't really reduced the number of visits at all. There are other kids in the neighborhood who are K's age but K doesn't seem to hang out with any of them. As Mia started making other friends in the neighborhood it became clear that none of them are fond of K for reasons unknown. Finally, K is often socially awkward with other kids, including Mia - she plays too rough with them sometimes, insists on games and activities nobody else is interested in, and says and does a variety of things they don't appreciate.

I have spoken to K's mother on the phone a few times and met her once (I had to initiate all of this). She doesn't seem to care where K is or what she is up to at any time, and we had to set our own rules for how late K is allowed to stay over, even on weekends, or she would be at our house pretty much all the time. K is always very eager for the chance to chat with my wife and I; she seems starved for parental attention and she is more comfortable and at ease interacting with us than with our daughter and her peers.

As Mia's other friends have started to spend more time over here, I have noticed a pattern - if K doesn't arrive before them, they always urge her not to answer the door when K shows up. They always seem to play and get along together relatively well once they are all together, though. Mia has always resisted this attitude, answered the door for K, and invited her to come in and join the group.

Until yesterday, that is. K showed up after the rest of the usual crowd, and suddenly Mia was a part of this sentiment that they should all pretend they aren't here and refuse to answer the door. K persisted, and one of the other kids went out to talk to her briefly before K finally left. I didn't eavesdrop, but I got the distinct impression that what was said wasn't very nice.

Later that evening I asked Mia about this, and she told me that she and K had a big fight at school and she didn't want to talk about it. I didn't press that particular line of inquiry, but I did ask her if there's anything we could do to resolve this situation, or if she thought she was going to work things out with K. She said she wasn't sure but probably not. She resisted all further attempts by my wife and I to glean any further details on the situation, and we have always respected her privacy in her relationships, so we dropped it.

This is a tough one for us. My wife was in a situation like this when she was around Mia's age, only she was not a part of the "in" group - she was the one who was ostracized, so she knows what that experience is like. And I know what it is like to move to a new state, to immediately be befriended by the one kid in the neighborhood who doesn't really get along with anybody else, and then to slowly discover why that is and eventually want out of that relationship. We are trying to keep our personal experiences from clouding our judgment but it's tough.

We had a big discussion about this this morning after Mia left for school and eventually agreed that while we had to respect Mia's boundaries - we cannot choose her friends for her - we are not okay with her orchestrating a group shunning another kid. But on the other hand! We already knew these other kids do not like K and do not want to play with her, so we aren't sure if Mia is really leading this effort or if she has just become a part of an issue that existed in this neighborhood long before we moved in.

What the heck do we do here, ParentGaf? K is a sweet kid and we don't want to see her hurt. I'm sure that she will try to come over again soon, if not today, and I'm not sure how I should handle it. Argh, I hate that this has happened right as summer is about to get under way, too (June 15 here). Any advice?

I don't know what to tell you other than that you can't force any sort of relationship one way or another with your kid without potential fallout (Keep this in mind when it comes to future dating partners that you don't care for). I really think the best you can do is keep talking it out with her, share your perspective on the situation and try to get more of hers. You can let her know that she might be hurting K and how that sucks, but she's also not the one ultimately responsible in ensuring another person's happiness. In the end, your daughter has to be the one to decide whether she wants to sacrifice having a larger circle of friends to 'stay true' to the ostracized person.

It's a tricky situation, but yeah. As long as your kid isn't making friendships with people who are pushing her down a bad path, I think it's better to leave it up to her to figure it out.


What's K's situation at home? You mentioned talking to Mom, is Dad present?

I know my older kid started acting starved for attention when we had our second kid, maybe some life event happened and it just so happened that you guys, Mia particularly became a crutch for her?

You're right, you can't force friends, and you'll probably never know why the other kids don't like K, but kids can be asshole (Source: I was a kid).

Maybe bring up every now and then "How's K doing? We haven't seen her in a while." see how that goes. Although your kid is 9 and can probably pick up on social cues that my 5 year old can't yet.
I get the impression K's dad isn't present, but I'm not totally sure.

And yeah kids are jerks! We were warned by many of our friends that we have hit "the drama age" and that is definitely true.

It's a tricky situation, but yeah. As long as your kid isn't making friendships with people who are pushing her down a bad path, I think it's better to leave it up to her to figure it out.

Yeah, this is kind of my impulse. I guess a follow-up question, though, would be...do I try to communicate with K at all about what is going on? My daughter has always answered the door when it's one of her friends; our house has kind of a weird layout (main floor upstairs, front door downstairs) and I have a bad back so answering the door is literally a bit of a pain. If Mia and her friends don't want to answer the door for K, though, I almost feel obligated to answer the door since, ya know, we are home and I don't want to be a part of this myself. On the other hand, knowing K, she will immediately spill the beans and tell me all about this situation my daughter has already labeled "none of your business." I am leaning towards answering the door and telling her Mia doesn't feel like playing, but setting a boundary if she starts bringing me into their conflict.

Maybe bring up every now and then "How's K doing? We haven't seen her in a while." see how that goes. Although your kid is 9 and can probably pick up on social cues that my 5 year old can't yet.

I like this too. I will probably do this.

Anyway, thanks for the advice, folks. Always good to get some more opinions in a situation like this.
Yeah, this is kind of my impulse. I guess a follow-up question, though, would be...do I try to communicate with K at all about what is going on? My daughter has always answered the door when it's one of her friends; our house has kind of a weird layout (main floor upstairs, front door downstairs) and I have a bad back so answering the door is literally a bit of a pain. If Mia and her friends don't want to answer the door for K, though, I almost feel obligated to answer the door since, ya know, we are home and I don't want to be a part of this myself. On the other hand, knowing K, she will immediately spill the beans and tell me all about this situation my daughter has already labeled "none of your business." I am leaning towards answering the door and telling her Mia doesn't feel like playing, but setting a boundary if she starts bringing me into their conflict.

This is absolutely a responsibility thing. This is just my opinion, but if she doesn't want to talk to K anymore, than it should be her responsibility to make that known to her. It's not like this is someone she doesn't know knocking on the door, she used to be a welcome guest in your house. If K is knocking on the door, she should go and answer it and tell her that she doesn't want to play with her. It's pretty hurtful to just ignore her when K probably knows people are there. The only time you should have to intervene is if K is being completely unreasonable and won't leave your daughter alone or is coming over just to start fights etc.

Edit: I guess what I'm saying is, your daughter should try to talk to K and tell her why she doesn't want to hang out anymore in as respectful a tone as possible rather than just snubbing her. You could help her find a way to do that if it comes to that point. Again, it's not your daughter's responsibility to make that girl happy, but with stuff like teen suicide on the rise and how mean kids can be, I think it would be a good idea.
This is absolutely a responsibility thing. This is just my opinion, but if she doesn't want to talk to K anymore, than it should be her responsibility to make that known to her. It's not like this is someone she doesn't know knocking on the door, she used to be a welcome guest in your house. If K is knocking on the door, she should go and answer it and tell her that she doesn't want to play with her. It's pretty hurtful to just ignore her when K probably knows people are there. The only time you should have to intervene is if K is being completely unreasonable and won't leave your daughter alone or is coming over just to start fights etc.

Edit: I guess what I'm saying is, your daughter should try to talk to K and tell her why she doesn't want to hang out anymore in as respectful a tone as possible rather than just snubbing her. You could help her find a way to do that if it comes to that point. Again, it's not your daughter's responsibility to make that girl happy, but with stuff like teen suicide on the rise and how mean kids can be, I think it would be a good idea.

This is excellent advice, thank you.


haha. this is the cutest thread ever. Subbed.

I'll have to go back through and read some of the posts here. A lot of them are very interesting and full of good info.

My daughter is due July 3rd. So my wife and I are anxious and happy at the any day now feeling when she'll be here.

So excited!


Aftershock LA
haha. this is the cutest thread ever. Subbed.

I'll have to go back through and read some of the posts here. A lot of them are very interesting and full of good info.

My daughter is due July 3rd. So my wife and I are anxious and happy at the any day now feeling when she'll be here.

So excited!


July 3rd is my birthday, so I say with authority that it is the best day of the year.

I just found this thread today, and subbed. It's been a rough year for me and my wife, but we're hoping that she's finally expecting. We'll find out soon enough, I think.



July 3rd is my birthday, so I say with authority that it is the best day of the year.

I just found this thread today, and subbed. It's been a rough year for me and my wife, but we're hoping that she's finally expecting. We'll find out soon enough, I think.

I hope that things turn out for the best for both of you. July 3rd sounds like a good date. Wondering when she will be coming tho, and what time of the day. Its all a mystery so far.
haha. this is the cutest thread ever. Subbed.

I'll have to go back through and read some of the posts here. A lot of them are very interesting and full of good info.

My daughter is due July 3rd. So my wife and I are anxious and happy at the any day now feeling when she'll be here.

So excited!

Congrats. Start cooking some meals and freezing them. Take out is always great, but it can get expensive and one lasagna can be multiple meals for two. As many others have said, never refuse help in those first few weeks. See if your grocery store has an app. For us, Wegmans has an awesome app. So we were able to make our grocery list through the app, then share it with my sister inlaw and her fiance, and with the app they knew exactly what isle and brands of everything we normally shop for so they did two shopping trips for us in the first few weeks after our son was born. Little things like that or Target runs are a huge help. Target in store pickup is great. You can put in and pay for an order of all the baby stuff you forgot about or didn't even realize you needed, then have someone go pick it up for you.

Edit: If it is first child, going past the due date is common, you may have a July 4th freedom baby on your hands!


Congrats. Start cooking some meals and freezing them. Take out is always great, but it can get expensive and one lasagna can be multiple meals for two. As many others have said, never refuse help in those first few weeks. See if your grocery store has an app. For us, Wegmans has an awesome app. So we were able to make our grocery list through the app, then share it with my sister inlaw and her fiance, and with the app they knew exactly what isle and brands of everything we normally shop for so they did two shopping trips for us in the first few weeks after our son was born. Little things like that or Target runs are a huge help. Target in store pickup is great. You can put in and pay for an order of all the baby stuff you forgot about or didn't even realize you needed, then have someone go pick it up for you.

Edit: If it is first child, going past the due date is common, you may have a July 4th freedom baby on your hands!

Oh awesome.

She has some contractions which i guess are normal... and we are just taking it a day at a time. Now we have weekly doc visits. So we are just hanging in there.

The store delivery idea is great. In NY we were able to have groceries delivered to our apt, specially when weather was severe and we didn't want to go out in the snow. So i'll totally look into it. There must be some kind of service here in Portland OR that does that for you.

The cooking of meals is something i have discussed with my wife as i tend to do most of the cooking.

My family is coming 2 weeks at the end of July, and my wifes Mom will be visiting for a couple of weeks in August. So we'll have some people around. I do wish we were closer to family during this time.

:D im so excited to be a dad!
The store delivery idea is great. In NY we were able to have groceries delivered to our apt, specially when weather was severe and we didn't want to go out in the snow. So i'll totally look into it. There must be some kind of service here in Portland OR that does that for you.

Safeway delivers here, Fred Meyer will let you shop online and pick up your groceries at the store. Not sure on the other local groceries, I only ever shop at those two.


Safeway delivers here, Fred Meyer will let you shop online and pick up your groceries at the store. Not sure on the other local groceries, I only ever shop at those two.

Awesome. I usually go to Safeway. Fred Meyer unless there are some coupons i want to use. So i'll totally sort that out to make sure we get things delivered at some point. I know i don't mind going to get groceries since i have been doing it on my own the last few times. The one i go to is literally 5 mins away.
We're going through the stage where our 4 month old constantly wakes up at night, rolls to his tummy, and then gets angry and cries, we turn him back over, he cries, wants to roll back over, cries. Lose/lose situation at the moment and kinda at a loss of what to do.
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