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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


I am not sure if this is normal, I'd have to Google that, but our first son Gabe did that, though I don't remember exactly how old he was about 15 months sounds right. To us it seemed like he just discovered this cool new thing he could do and wanted to do it every chance he got. We didn't take him out of the house much during this phase but is passed like they all do.

Speaking of phases we have entered the dreaded 4 month sleep regression with Nick. Now I'm back in the same boat as the rest of you up every hour. I thought it was just a bad night or two at first, and he has the start of a tooth coming in on the bottom, but it seems fitting symptom wise and time wise that it's sleep regression. I've been up every hour or two every night for the past 5 days or so. It's why I'm posting more here at night. Only 3 more days until the weekend when I get to nap.

My 13 month old daughter has been doing that a bit too. She usually does it during meals when she's either done or out of food or something. We've been trying not to react to it so she doesn't learn that screaming is how she gets what she wants. (Our first daughter might have done it too but I don't remember) I'm pretty sure it's just a phase that they grow out of when they learn to talk better.

My son did that around that age. My wife and I would just calmly (not always easy, I know) tell him that wasn't acceptable behavior and then took that as an opportunity to practice saying "mama" and "dada".

Of course that just leads to days like today where he woke up at 5:30 shouting DADADADADADADADADADADADADADA! and only stopped when I fixed him breakfast.

Thanks for your replies. Your situations all sound similar. My wife did some googling and said that maybe he's just screaming because he's at the stage where he knows what he wants, but he can't verbalize it. He can say mama and daddy and a few other words, but not much else.

And it's honestly not that bad I guess. It's just weird for us since he just started doing it so suddenly.
So, we signed up our son for a pre-school, but the wait list is 3 friggin' years! Our bad for not signing up since before he was even conceived.
My GF had an appointment with the midwife today, who ended up being concerned about her blood pressure. Told her to go to the Hospital and make sure she had someone with her. Naturally, I left work early to be with her.

8hrs later, and her blood pressure's gone down but they found something wrong with her urine test (it was either 3 proteins that shouldn't be there, or 3 proteins that should be there but there was too much of them).

Long story short, she's now been admitted and told she will be induced. Within the next couple of days my little man will be here. We're both terricited. The only time she's ever been in hospital was when she came with me to visit my dying nan, so that's a whole lot of extra anxiety to deal with.

I'm at home now getting some dinner, charging our phones and getting her baby bag constructed. My mind is actually full of fuck!!!
My GF had an appointment with the midwife today, who ended up being concerned about her blood pressure. Told her to go to the Hospital and make sure she had someone with her. Naturally, I left work early to be with her.

8hrs later, and her blood pressure's gone down but they found something wrong with her urine test (it was either 3 proteins that shouldn't be there, or 3 proteins that should be there but there was too much of them).

Long story short, she's now been admitted and told she will be induced. Within the next couple of days my little man will be here. We're both terricited. The only time she's ever been in hospital was when she came with me to visit my dying nan, so that's a whole lot of extra anxiety to deal with.

I'm at home now getting some dinner, charging our phones and getting her baby bag constructed. My mind is actually full of fuck!!!
Best of luck! Things are going to happen very quickly. Try to remember that these people do this stuff many times a day.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
My GF had an appointment with the midwife today, who ended up being concerned about her blood pressure. Told her to go to the Hospital and make sure she had someone with her. Naturally, I left work early to be with her.

8hrs later, and her blood pressure's gone down but they found something wrong with her urine test (it was either 3 proteins that shouldn't be there, or 3 proteins that should be there but there was too much of them).

Long story short, she's now been admitted and told she will be induced. Within the next couple of days my little man will be here. We're both terricited. The only time she's ever been in hospital was when she came with me to visit my dying nan, so that's a whole lot of extra anxiety to deal with.

I'm at home now getting some dinner, charging our phones and getting her baby bag constructed. My mind is actually full of fuck!!!

Sounds like what we went through. Let me guess: HELLP syndrome? How far along is she? Be prepared to live at the hospital for a month or so. Try to get as much sleep as you can as she and your son are going to need your support more than ever during this time.
Sounds like what we went through. Let me guess: HELLP syndrome? How far along is she? Be prepared to live at the hospital for a month or so. Try to get as much sleep as you can as she and your son are going to need your support more than ever during this time.

They didn't mention the name of the issue, but that page seems to describe what she's been going through perfectly.

I finally left the hospital at 00:50 this morning when she finally started to nod off. I'm just getting myself sorted now before heading back up. We were told, however, that no matter what, she is going to be induced this morning.

I'm 99% certain that everything will be fine... there's just that 1% left, though :(

... oh god, I must get the car cleaned and vacuumed. There's no way I'm letting him come back home in that mess!

Forgot to answer your other question... she's 37 weeks +3
They didn't mention the name of the issue, but that page seems to describe what she's been going through perfectly.

I finally left the hospital at 00:50 this morning when she finally started to nod off. I'm just getting myself sorted now before heading back up. We were told, however, that no matter what, she is going to be induced this morning.

I'm 99% certain that everything will be fine... there's just that 1% left, though :(

... oh god, I must get the car cleaned and vacuumed. There's no way I'm letting him come back home in that mess!

Forgot to answer your other question... she's 37 weeks +3

Good Luck.

Off topic, a few of my mates were in a death/black metal band called Monkey Lord many years ago.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Forgot to answer your other question... she's 37 weeks +3

Ha! Yep...My wife was 36 weeks 6 days when my son was born. Now that I think about it I was going through exactly what you are 2 years ago next week. Don't worry too much about getting things like the car cleaned as he's going to spend at least a few weeks in the NICU. My son spent 5 weeks in the hospital before being discharged. Just do everything you can to help keep her calm and in good spirits as that can go a really long way in keeping everybody safe and healthy.

Anyway, good luck, and remember to sleep!
Ha! Yep...My wife was 36 weeks 6 days when my son was born. Now that I think about it I was going through exactly what you are 2 years ago next week. Don't worry too much about getting things like the car cleaned as he's going to spend at least a few weeks in the NICU. My son spent 5 weeks in the hospital before being discharged. Just do everything you can to help keep her calm and in good spirits as that can go a really long way in keeping everybody safe and healthy.

Anyway, good luck, and remember to sleep!

The car thing was just a bit of levity to keep me sane. I've a metric shitton of stuff to sort out that takes priority over the car (like unboxing this pram and working out how the carseat bit goes in the car, for example).

It's good to know there's people here who's been through similar situations that I can vent to, should I need to.
Thankfully my wife will have a three month maternity leave when our daughter is born on July 31. However, we're starting to have the conversation and do research about what to do when she returns to work.

Can anyone share any advice or stories about their experiences with daycares, babysitters or how you made it work when it was time to get back to work?
Thankfully my wife will have a three month maternity leave when our daughter is born on July 31. However, we're starting to have the conversation and do research about what to do when she returns to work.

Can anyone share any advice or stories about their experiences with daycares, babysitters or how you made it work when it was time to get back to work?

Probably not helpful....but I'll share.

My wife is a teacher so she gets the summers off. We were close to timing it right, but had a week before she got off and would have to go back, so my Mom watched our daughter until my wife was off for summer.

When summer was over, we were able to find a Mom from my wifes school that was willing to watch ours and a friends baby (6ish months at this time) and that has worked out pretty well for us since it's in home.

Personally, I think 3 months is a bit young to put in daycare, but sometimes there aren't any other options. Unsure what we'll do going forward, but thats where things are at for now.
Thankfully my wife will have a three month maternity leave when our daughter is born on July 31. However, we're starting to have the conversation and do research about what to do when she returns to work.

Can anyone share any advice or stories about their experiences with daycares, babysitters or how you made it work when it was time to get back to work?

My advice is if you are considering daycare you need to reserve a spot right now because there are usually long waiting lists.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
My advice is if you are considering daycare you need to reserve a spot right now because there are usually long waiting lists.

Indeed. I just reserved our spot for late September to October. Baby isn't due till late July. You have to do this early to get the daycare you want. Otherwise, you may be forced to settle for what's available.
Thankfully my wife will have a three month maternity leave when our daughter is born on July 31. However, we're starting to have the conversation and do research about what to do when she returns to work.

Can anyone share any advice or stories about their experiences with daycares, babysitters or how you made it work when it was time to get back to work?

Not relevant to your situation at all but my wife had a year of maternity leave. It ran out a few months ago so she decided to go back to work. She had quit her old job at the end of her leave so didn't have to go back, but she is a child care specialist so took a job at a nursery. Our girls go to the same nursery once a week and our parents take it in turns to watch them one day a week. I regularly take care of them on my days off too. We have just filed for tax credits so will have 70% of our childcare paid for, so we will be able to put them in nursery 3 days a week.

Nursery is great for 1 year old and up, my girls have developed much faster since interacting with the other babies.
We made it.

I managed to get all of 30mins sleep last night before getting a phonecall from my girlfriend saying her waters had been broken and she was terrified.

Long story short, following an emergency c-section at 4am, my son was finally born.

Now we just have to wait to find out when we can all go home.
We made it.

I managed to get all of 30mins sleep last night before getting a phonecall from my girlfriend saying her waters had been broken and she was terrified.

Long story short, following an emergency c-section at 4am, my son was finally born.

Now we just have to wait to find out when we can all go home.
Congrats! Sounds like you are in the UK but in the US it's typically 3 nights in the hospital after a c-section.
Congrats! Sounds like you are in the UK but in the US it's typically 3 nights in the hospital after a c-section.

Yup, UK. I've had 30mins sleep in 2 days and feel quite loopy right now. She's upset that she can't do much with him as she's still in pain. I just had to change him as he did a massive poo. No one told me it was basically tar, lol.

Mid cleanup he decided to do some more and I couldn't help but laugh as the bubbling pitch poured out. For good measure he tried to get me with a bonus wee too, lol. All the clothes we brought up for him are newborn to 3months and they're all huge on him. The only times he's cried so far are when he's been naked.


Thank you kindly!
Yup, UK. I've had 30mins sleep in 2 days and feel quite loopy right now. She's upset that she can't do much with him as she's still in pain. I just had to change him as he did a massive poo. No one told me it was basically tar, lol.

Mid cleanup he decided to do some more and I couldn't help but laugh as the bubbling pitch poured out. For good measure he tried to get me with a bonus wee too, lol. All the clothes we brought up for him are newborn to 3months and they're all huge on him. The only times he's cried so far are when he's been naked.

Congrats! Hope your girlfriend has a quick and safe recovery!
We had the opposite problems. I was small when I went in for delivery, so everyone thought it was gonna be a small baby. We bought a lot of small clothes. When she was born she was 9lb and 6 oz and only lost like 3%. All of these clothes I thought oh this looks too big..she'll never grow into this. They grow super fast! Now she fits into 6-9 mo clothes and she's only 5 months.
Thankfully my wife will have a three month maternity leave when our daughter is born on July 31. However, we're starting to have the conversation and do research about what to do when she returns to work.

Can anyone share any advice or stories about their experiences with daycares, babysitters or how you made it work when it was time to get back to work?

I worked in a daycare and have had conferences with other daycares as a part of my training.

The cons to daycare:
Your kid will get sick more often. That can be good and bad. The good is it will build their immune system. The bad is their sick.

You have to be careful with what daycare you choose. The unfortunate reality is that if the infant room is 0-18months. The babies who can't crawl and play with others usually take a back burner as far as how much they get picked up and affection etc. In New Jersey where I worked the law is 4 infants to one adult. Make sure they enforce this strictly. Because there have been days that I have been left with 10 kids by myself. It is ridiculously hard.

The pros:
There is more accountability in daycare settings and more regulations than a private nanny.

They get interaction with more kids and make friends at daycare.

Daycare is a way you could make connections and possibly friendships with other parents who have kids your age.

Private babysitters might be cheaper. But make sure you get a background check done. I know no parent wants to think about this, but there is a chance for abuse to happen. So, take whatever precautions you think are necessary.

For us, it's like $2,000 a month for daycare, so it's out of the question to do that right now.
So I'm staying at home until she's a little older. I've considered advertising myself to people in my apartment building since I have the professional and private experience (daycare and babysitting).
Here's our little poo machine from this morning, about 3hrs old. His name is Cooper, he pulls amazing faces and when awake spends his time licking anything he can get near.



Congratulations! You think he's a poo machine now...

I was gonna say...
It gets worse. A lot worse.

My wife is starting to work full time next week so I'm taking the remaining weeks of the parental leave. 9 weeks off! Our youngest already goes to the daycare almost everyday too so I'll mostly stay at home playing games and cooking. Woo!
I bottle feed pretty much whenever I'm home. Is your husband having your daughter sit up while feeding her? It's important that he does to control the flow from the bottle. I usually use Phillips Avent bottles, which have transparent nipples, so I can make sure that the nipple is only half full when feeding. Don't worry about her interesting air. I know the conventional wisdom is that that's bad, but it should be fine, as long as you burp her properly afterward.

Since you're also breastfeeding, make sure to never increase the nipple level past 1 (yes, they level up, apparently), since the high flow ones can have higher flow than your breasts and could cause your baby to get frustrated when breastfeeding.

EDIT: I get the "You're doing it wrong" all the time. It sucks but isn't worth fighting about. I'll usually just make whatever "corrections" I need to to be left alone about it.

She was tilted upright, yeah. They (he and his father when they tried to do the morning feed so I could sleep a little) did have trouble with the top to that particular bottle, though, so I think it just wasn't on right and instead of being a slow flow it was full on and kept choking her. I switched bottles and haven't had any issues since, and he did a nap feed today with her that was successful (thank the gods). I'll be sure to keep an eye on the nipple levels to avoid any repeat issues and not mess up the BF game. So complicated... -_-

Sorry about the micromanaging you get. I've made a conscious effort not to, but I promise we don't mean anything bad by it when we do. It's just inevitable when the baby makes up 98% of what's going on in your head for a long time. Hard to let go or allow others to try their own thing when you think you have the 'best' ways (which we often don't, but hey).

I love how ParentGAF is late night GAF

We put it the dishwasher. They're fine that way if I rinse them right away. Some times I don't and I'll need to use a bottle brush to get the dried stuff off before putting it in the dishwasher, but maybe the fault lies in our dishwasher. Still I agree.

We have this one http://www.amazon.com/Munchkin-Deluxe-Dishwasher-Basket-Colors/dp/B000RI8Y30/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1463390220&sr=8-1&keywords=bottle+dishwasher+basket
Very similar. I love OXO though and use them for a lot of my cooking tools.

Practice and patience sounds good. If he's stressed the baby is going to pick up on it. Yeah being micromanaged is never a good feeling. With Nick I had completely forgotten how to swaddle and preferred to practice with him when my wife wasn't in the room. I love her to death and she's great, it's just embarrassing when you feel like you are struggling to do something that should be simple but isn't. We bottle fed both our boys so I've been feeding both since week one and it was never a struggle. Gabe never latched so we had to bottle feed and by the time we gave up on breastfeeding he was so thankful for the bottle he would take it whenever. Nick is very drooly when he eats but is a really good eater, as you can see from the pictures. I don't have any advice on tips since it was never anything more than put bottle in babies mouth, keep it at an angle, hold there until baby is done eating. If anything the technique I think lies in finding a comfortable position for both of us. I sit in a rocking recliner and he sits on my lap in the center with his head in the middle of my chest and he is supported by my belly. I hold the bottle "backwards" with the nipple near my pinky and keep it at a 30-45 degree angle while resting my elbow on the arm rest. It sounds complicated when I spell it out but it's whatever feels comfortable and natural.

I gave him a three day break so that he could put it behind him a little. Our baby isn't particularly fussy except for during the peak of those development periods, really, (the two worst of times he wasn't even around for because he was away on business) so he's never had to handle continuous stressful screaming. I think it scared him, tbh, and that's fairly an alien emotion for him. He did just fine during today's nap, though, so I think it should be fine from here. I did have him try out your position, and it seemed to help keep them both relaxed, so cheers~

For the micromanaging, I figured that was the case. I remembered how much I hated when my mother was here and just sort of staring at me while I struggled with various things. Even if they mean well and say nothing you feel so dumb and clumsy or judged. Drove me nuts. Will def try to continue to be mindful of that.

It might help to tilt the bottle back a little bit so the nipple end is only half full. She might get some air, but it still might be more comfortable for her to drink. Do this if it seems like she has trouble keeping up with the flow from the bottle. Could be she doesn't like that particular nipple. My son went through different favorites and now settled on Philips Avent. We used Tommy Tippee and Klean Kanteen previously, and now he won't use either. It's got to be Avent.

She might just want the boob. My son still fights the bottle sometimes, when wants the real thing.

I don't get frustrated easily so I can't relate to walking away. The only time I walk away from my son is when he bites me. If he wants to be able to feed her, I can't imagine giving up will help things... The more she is exposed to bottle feeding, the more receptive she'll be. Maybe. My son has been exposed to the crib plenty, and still won't sleep more than a couple of hours at a time.

I passed on the half-full nipple advice and it seemed to help, as well, thank ya. And, I think the bottle we're using now is the Avent one.

For the frustration thing, I think most people have that moment where they just can't deal with shit and have to set the baby down and walk away for a minute. I'm sure I'll get there too. He's usually quite patient, or at least unflappable, so this was a rare turn for him to react so badly. Things seem a bit better now, though, so here's hoping he'll be able to build off of this if he has another moment.

Wishing you better luck on your own struggles. C'mon, kid! Take the crib!

It's patience. Men are not patient people. We also dislike anything illogical. Think that sums it up!

inB4 notallmen :)

Depending on how old little'un is, you might be going through one of many growth spurts / sleep pattern changes - they happen, then it settles down again.

Haha. Yeah. Babies can't be 'fixed' and there's no rhyme or reason sometimes. I just shrug it off, but it does seem to vex him something fierce on occasion.

We made it.

I managed to get all of 30mins sleep last night before getting a phonecall from my girlfriend saying her waters had been broken and she was terrified.

Long story short, following an emergency c-section at 4am, my son was finally born.

Now we just have to wait to find out when we can all go home.

Congrats, Monkeylord! Sorry your lady had to go through that extra c-section stress, but it seems like everything's good with your little one, and that's the main thing. Be sure to give her lots of extra love in these early days. I hear the hormone drop really does a number on you if you've had the added stress of surgery, just FYI.


I was gonna say...
It gets worse. A lot worse.

My wife is starting to work full time next week so I'm taking the remaining weeks of the parental leave. 9 weeks off! Our youngest already goes to the daycare almost everyday too so I'll mostly stay at home playing games and cooking. Woo!
Use the Anova. It's nice for having meals ready for when your wife will get home and it let's you focus more on the baby.

For the frustration thing, I think most people have that moment where they just can't deal with shit and have to set the baby down and walk away for a minute. I'm sure I'll get there too. He's usually quite patient, or at least unflappable, so this was a rare turn for him to react so badly. Things seem a bit better now, though, so here's hoping he'll be able to build off of this if he has another moment.
So you're saying you've never had to do that? Bravo. I've had to do that on more than one occasion. The pediatrician even recommended it. He said letting him cry for a bit isn't going to hurt him. When Nick's been screaming for 4 hours straight sometimes I need a 30 second break to splash some cold water on my face and calm myself down enough for round two.
Use the Anova. It's nice for having meals ready for when your wife will get home and it let's you focus more on the baby.

So you're saying you've never had to do that? Bravo. I've had to do that on more than one occasion. The pediatrician even recommended it. He said letting him cry for a bit isn't going to hurt him. When Nick's been screaming for 4 hours straight sometimes I need a 30 second break to splash some cold water on my face and calm myself down enough for round two.

Not yet. I've burst into tears a couple of times, but more out of a smash of uncontrollable emotions than any actual thought-process anger. I often joke about launching my child into the sun, but she's honestly only had a handful of uncontrollable crying jags since she was born. I've been pretty lucky, overall, these past three months. I think my biggest complaint is the constant feeding/nighttime wakings. I'm so zonky and exasperated sometimes that even a brief 15 min cry from her will make tears of frustration run down my face, but there's no anger. I don't doubt that I'll need to do the water splash in the future, though.
Very cool, welcome to the club.

Congratulations! You think he's a poo machine now...


Thanks :)

Congrats, Monkeylord! Sorry your lady had to get through that extra c-section stress, but it seems like everything's good with your little one, and that's the main thing. Be sure to give her lots of extra love in these early days. I hear the hormone drop really does a number on you if you've had the added stress of surgery, just FYI.

They both get all the affections :)

We've just been told that they're both likely coming home today... I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. On the one hand it would be great to get this phase out of the way. On the other, I'm concerned that it's a bit soon.

They're experts, and I trust their decisions... but still.
We've just been told that they're both likely coming home today... I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. On the one hand it would be great to get this phase out of the way. On the other, I'm concerned that it's a bit soon.

They're experts, and I trust their decisions... but still.
My wife had a c-section as well. She was ready to come home on day 2. Still you'll have to do the heavy lifting for at least a week probably.
My wife had a c-section as well. She was ready to come home on day 2. Still you'll have to do the heavy lifting for at least a week probably.

She's been told it's going to be tomorrow morning now. I'm at home making all the necessary preparations.

I am officially knackered!


Thanks :)

They both get all the affections :)

We've just been told that they're both likely coming home today... I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. On the one hand it would be great to get this phase out of the way. On the other, I'm concerned that it's a bit soon.

They're experts, and I trust their decisions... but still.

midwives know what they're doing. But they can sometimes be surprisingly blunt about it - and for a first born you're thinking "but my fragile new baby..." and they're like "nah get out of here, we need the beds and the mum is fine". They've seen it all before :)
That's fairly common. Is he getting UV therapy or is it just something they're monitoring?

I'm sat here now while he's wriggling around under the UV light.

Feeding is every 3hrs at the mo. Next one in an hour and a half. The battery's dying on my phone. My GF told me the tablet is in the bag I took home earlier.

I'm going out of my tiny little mind.

He is worth it.
I'm sat here now while he's wriggling around under the UV light.

Feeding is every 3hrs at the mo. Next one in an hour and a half. The battery's dying on my phone. My GF told me the tablet is in the bag I took home earlier.

I'm going out of my tiny little mind.

He is worth it.
If it's any consolation, my son had jaundice, too (apparently it's very common in Asian babies) and also had to be on the light table for a couple of days. Don't worry; it'll clear up, and you won't need to worry about it again.


We're not worried, we just want to go home.
Our first son had it. We thought he had my complexion but it turns out it was the jaundice and he has my wife's fair skin.

I remember that feeling. We went in early Friday morning and I think we left Sunday afternoon but we wanted to just get home so badly. It can be quite frustrating but hang in their and take advantage of all the services they offer. If you are planning on breast feeding they will help, they can show you how to swaddle properly. Treat the nurses well and they are a goldmine of information and skills.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
We're not worried, we just want to go home.

Our son was in the hospital for 5 weeks after he was born. I spent so much time in the NICU/pediatric ward my phone still thinks I work there. 6 days would have been wonderful. Look at the upside, you have hospital staff to assist you if you need it!


Greetings Parent-Gaf! I've been meaning to join, but I've been a little busy.
My son was born in early December, and my wife and I have been having a blast. We've learned a lot and I think we've finally gotten a good handle on this parenting thing.

My wife has been exclusively pumping since he was about 2 weeks old as breastfeeding just wasn't working out for her and our son. The pumping and bottle feeding has been working out great now and we've just started introducing some real food this week.

I just wanted to check in and join the club!
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