Turns out the method involed some/that's what it turned into. He's doing alright at night but naps are a challenge. Are you using a specific method?
Nothing super concrete. I'm loosely trying to follow the eat/play/sleep pattern, I watch for sleep signs at the end of those 90min cycles like a hawk, and I give her 5-10mins of sorting herself out before I start trying soothers to get her to sleep.
Eye-rubbing, yawning, irritability after trying a few things to entertain/calm her are the keys for me. I see any one of those and I start doing a 'cool-down' sway and make my way to her cot. I usually have the room prepped (lights off, phone plugged in so it doesn't die running the white noise app) and once I feel that she's calm-ish I'll just set her down in the cot and roll her onto her belly. I'll adjust her hips and arms and then I'll stand back out of sight and watch or sit down with a book and gauge the next step.
Whiny cries: I do nothing, just watch.
Rising cries for 10+ mins: I'll do a heartbeat butt pat that fades off.
Rising cries + lots of thrashing and head-lifting for 10+ mins: I'll try the butt pat first then maybe introduce her dummy to calm her down (<--I sit in the room till she falls asleep here and then snag the dummy ninja-like when she spits it out. Otherwise she rolls on it and the tears begin.)
^If I'm desperate or very tired I'll also pick her up and rock her back to drowsiness then set her down in the cot and roll her to her belly and see how it goes. If it's the first 'nap' or been 2+ hours since she's eaten I'll sometimes feed her before setting her down, but I'm trying to phase that out entirely so that she doesn't always need to eat to sleep.
^If she fails to go to sleep or it just doesn't look like it's going to happen, I get her up and wait for the next cycle signs and try again.
When she stirs or wakes on those 30min and 40-45min markers I never go straight to her or do anything. I'll have a look in and make sure she hasn't rolled, but otherwise I'll just watch or wait ~10mins to let her try and sort it. I've been doing this for over a month now and generally she'll put herself back to sleep. If it seems like she's just working herself up and more awake, I'll pop a dummy in and/or butt pat her back down, but if it's after 5PM I'll usually just get her up.
Sample day:
Night Sleep Ext.: wakes 6-6:30AM ish, (tummy) goes down around 7:30-8AM (usually sleeps 40min-1hr)
Nap 1: (tummy) goes down around 10 -11AM (usually sleeps 1.5-2hrs)
Nap 2: (tummy) goes down around 1-2PM (usually sleeps 1-1.5hrs)
Nap 3: (tummy) goes down around 4-5PM (usually sleeps 40min-1hr)
Bedtime: (swaddled on back) 7:30PM-9PM
Basically, it's a flexible schedule where I just watch for the signs and play it by ear. In general, though, she has at least 3 naps and day and sleeps ~3.5-4hrs on average. A pretty decent day napper overall. I do wonder if her getting good day naps is what's killing me at night, but the day napping keeps me sane and her waking 4+ times a night still is something I can survive for another month or so until we get her a cot and I implement some stricter nighttime sleep training.