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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond


Update for me: Baby Michael was born 3 weeks early, on the 5th of July. He was 6 lbs. 12 ounces and appears perfectly healthy! I was hospitalized on a Thursday for high blood pressure and told I would likely stay until an induction, but my blood pressure stabilized and they felt comfortable sending me home the next Sunday. Ironically, only a few hours after they sent me home, my water super broke on its own and we ended up going straight back to the hospital.

Labor sucked monkey balls. I was in labor for 31 hours. The majority of which was fine, because I had an epidural. I held out on the epidural for the first few hours though, because the nurses were telling me it was better to wait until I was more dilated, but my early contractions were coming fast and intense, so eventually I couldn't hold out any longer. Towards the end, things got bad again, because baby was pushing right on my spine and pelvis. The nurses told me an epidural can't mask that pain and I'd just have to push through it. Then, ironically, once I was fully dilated, my contractions slowed down and spaced themselves out...which lead to 3 hours of active pushing, before an episiotomy and, finally, birth.

Immediately afterwards, I started hemorrhaging a lot of blood and the doctor and two nurses had to press extraordinarily hard on my abdomen to get several clots out. That was probably the most intense pain I've ever felt. My husband told me later he was sure I was dying because there was so much blood and I was clearly in so much pain. In retrospect, I feel bad he had to see the whole thing. It may have been more traumatic for him than for me. I almost needed a blood transfusion afterwards, but the doctor decided I was doing well enough, they could just put me on a ton of Iron.

So, in the end, giving birth was pretty traumatic, but for any currently pregnant people reading this: My story is not the norm and, even after all of that, I feel convinced it was worth it. The clichés are all true. When I was stuck in the middle of it, I was convinced it was impossible. I couldn't imagine surviving through it and having a baby, but I did and I have no regrets. So, even if things don't go perfectly, odds are you will be fine, your baby will be fine and you'll be so happy you did it.

Boy, what an ordeal. Glad things largely worked out and you're onto the next steps. You're totally right.

Our first birth had its share of complications, but as with the entire process of raising a child, life moves very quickly and you tend to suppress things as well as you strive to move forward. I recall my own fears and worries when our first child was born, but they seem so distant now.

Congrats, btw!


Boy, what an ordeal. Glad things largely worked out and you're onto the next steps. You're totally right.

Our first birth had its share of complications, but as with the entire process of raising a child, life moves very quickly and you tend to suppress things as well as you strive to move forward. I recall my own fears and worries when our first child was born, but they seem so distant now.

Congrats, btw!

Thanks! It is funny how quickly your perspective changes. Immediately after it all, my first thought was: "That was awful. I'm NEVER doing this again." Not long after my thoughts shifted completely to: "Well, that was hard, sure, BUT OMG LOOK AT THIS PERFECT BABY! How is he so perfect?" Also, there's a small part of me that feels invincible. I survived birth, so I can do anything. I don't know if we'll ever have a second, but I do know that the difficulties of this pregnancy and birth won't factor into any such decision and that really goes to show how worth it, it all seems.

Just had our first boy 5 1/2 hours ago. Crazy exhausted and excited!



Thanks! It is funny how quickly your perspective changes. Immediately after it all, my first thought was: "That was awful. I'm NEVER doing this again." Not long after my thoughts shifted completely to: "Well, that was hard, sure, BUT OMG LOOK AT THIS PERFECT BABY! How is he so perfect?" Also, there's a small part of me that feels invincible. I survived birth, so I can do anything. I don't know if we'll ever have a second, but I do know that the difficulties of this pregnancy and birth won't factor into any such decision and that really goes to show how worth it, it all seems.



Of course your own emotions will be influenced by the roller coaster of hormones that your body goes through.

It's gotta be some sort of biological defence mechanism to repress some of the memories of childbirth (and to a lesser extent the child raising during the baby years), lest no-one ever has a second...
Thanks echoshift!

And congrats Jpizzle84 and Keri! Keri, I'd have probably passed out if I were your husband. When they were stichting up my wife's episiotomy after our first, there was this tiny squirt of blood and I nearly fell flat with just that. Sounds like it was quite the ordeal, but glad to hear things are going ok.

So I have to say, our hospital has what I'm calling the best-worst thing in their NICU. Each baby gets a Webcam with a unique login for the parents so they can see the baby when they aren't there. This is the best! However, when they are doing anything with the baby, changing diaper, bath, feeding, IV sticking...the camera is offline. So there are stretches where is like OMG IS MY BABY OK? and I'm refreshing the page over and over. That is the worst.
The temporary housing my husband's company set us up with while we transition here has been under (undisclosed when we moved in) construction in the apartment above for three weeks now. Power saws and hammering and banging all hours of the day when I'm trying to put the baby down for naps. It was supposed to finish last weekend. This morning they started the power saws at 8:00 AM when I had just fed and put her down and was joining her for the morning leg because I got maybe an hour of sleep myself last night. FML.

EDIT: Congrats, Keri. That sounds...like it was a challenge. Glad everything came out OK (and it's over for you), though.


The temporary housing my husband's company set us up with while we transition here has been under (undisclosed when we moved in) construction in the apartment above for three weeks now. Power saws and hammering and banging all hours of the day when I'm trying to put the baby down for naps. It was supposed to finish last weekend. This morning they started the power saws at 8:00 AM when I had just fed and put her down and was joining her for the morning leg because I got maybe an hour of sleep myself last night. FML.

EDIT: Congrats, Keri. That sounds...like it was a challenge. Glad everything came out OK (and it's over for you), though.

It's funny - I don't want to sound entitled, but trying to put a kid down for a nap can be hard enough and sometimes I hate it when you struggle and finally get them down only to have an external force wake them.

Like it can be anything from the annoying kid riding his dirt bike up and down the street, birds, or whatever. I know how t sounds so I usually don't say anything and just internalise my frustration, but like when I'm walking my infant in a push chair to get them to sleep and I pass barking dogs at a house I get so livid lol.

I know how it sounds that it's my problem and I'm the one who had the kid so like I said I never really do anything about it but grit my teeth.

Anyway, I feel for you, I really do.
It's funny - I don't want to sound entitled, but trying to put a kid down for a nap can be hard enough and sometimes I hate it when you struggle and finally get them down only to have an external force wake them.

Like it can be anything from the annoying kid riding his dirt bike up and down the street, birds, or whatever. I know how t sounds so I usually don't say anything and just internalise my frustration, but like when I'm walking my infant in a push chair to get them to sleep and I pass barking dogs at a house I get so livid lol.

I know how it sounds that it's my problem and I'm the one who had the kid so like I said I never really do anything about it but grit my teeth.

Anyway, I feel for you, I really do.

I'm with you. It's incredibly frustrating. It's demoralizing, and on top of little or no sleep, it's kind of crushing. Some things you just have to bite your tongue because it's normal life stuff, but I feel the same way. Soooo livid.

For this, though, I've gone up to talk to them, and they're trying to be accommodating, but construction is never going to be quiet, ever. The owner shouldn't be pushing it, they shouldn't be up there, and it's been going on for far longer than promised. Plus water keeps pouring from the ceiling. Yay.


It sounds a lot like what I'm dealing with except my noise is coming from within the house. Gabe, the 5 year old is still working on being quiet when Nick sleeps and naps. Yesterday he wanted something that was in the bedroom where the crib is during nap time, so just went in, turned the light on and started searching for it. I wanted to pull my hair out from him ruining Nick's nap but ultimately it wasn't a big deal. He had a decent nap two hours later.
Just had a call from the pediatric oncologist. The biopsy shows no sign of any cancer cells at all, so that's the worst case scenario off the table. But unfortunately they still don't know what it actually is. We've been referred now to another hospital which specializes in bone tumor growth to see if they have any ideas, so there is still a way to go.

It's a huge weight off but there are still some serious possibilities we need to prepare for. But at least we'll be able to enjoy the weekend a bit more now.


Just had a call from the pediatric oncologist. The biopsy shows no sign of any cancer cells at all, so that's the worst case scenario off the table. But unfortunately they still don't know what it actually is. We've been referred now to another hospital which specializes in bone tumor growth to see if they have any ideas, so there is still a way to go.

It's a huge weight off but there are still some serious possibilities we need to prepare for. But at least we'll be able to enjoy the weekend a bit more now.
That's great that it's not cancerous. Stay strong.
All this noise talk has got me thinking again... We live in a pretty noisy area of our city. Because we're by the hospital we get helicopters so close they shake the walls and sirens pretty much constantly. We have a fixed term contract on renting this place too so we have to live here until they will be at least 4 months old. I'm just hoping it'll mean they are used to noise from birth and will learn to sleep through it. I'm sure it's loud enough to hear in my belly anyway lol so they should be getting familiarised already.

P.S. Dot Matrix my thoughts are with you xx
It's very loud in the womb. It's why they recommend white noise or womb sounds for babies. They're not used to quiet.


So I have to say, our hospital has what I'm calling the best-worst thing in their NICU. Each baby gets a Webcam with a unique login for the parents so they can see the baby when they aren't there. This is the best! However, when they are doing anything with the baby, changing diaper, bath, feeding, IV sticking...the camera is offline. So there are stretches where is like OMG IS MY BABY OK? and I'm refreshing the page over and over. That is the worst.

This actually raises a question that I've been looking at - What do you guys use for baby monitors? I want to get one of the ones with video, and I'd LIKE one that's accessible online so my wife can see the baby when she eventually goes back to work. My wife, however, is super worried about how easily some of those monitors can be hacked.

So I'm either looking at a Nest camera, (because those are supposed to be really secure,) or one of the ones that doesn't connect to the internet, and just has it's own monitor.


So we had a scan yesterday, were 14 weeks and 3 days, everything perfectly normal. Can't believe the difference in size between 10 weeks and 14! Gender scan is in another 6 weeks however which seems a long way off.
All friends and family know now which is a relief, January 17th 2017 is the due date, I can't wait!

Kinda pissed off at the people who ask "was it a surprise?" That's kind of personal don't you think?
Andrew is off to the hospital again this morning, scheduled procedure to close up the bump on his bottom again. Turns out it was an anal fistula<?> So they want to just go in, close it up and it should be the last we'll hear of that bump. Hopefully he won't have to stay overnight.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Well, baby is due any day after next Monday.

I've read all the usual. What's parentgaf's advice for night of and the nights after?

Should i do something special for our last weekend as a couple?


Well, baby is due any day after next Monday.

I've read all the usual. What's parentgaf's advice for night of and the nights after?

Should i do something special for our last weekend as a couple?

First thing I thought of, go out for one more nice meal, just the two of you. It's going to be awhile before you'll be able to do that again. Bask in the peacefulness and calm.


Well, baby is due any day after next Monday.

I've read all the usual. What's parentgaf's advice for night of and the nights after?

Should i do something special for our last weekend as a couple?
The first night after we had our kids was fine. Lots of staring at her to make sure she was still breathing. The second night (especially for the first kid) was probably the worst night I've ever had. Nothing dangerous, just mom and kid trying and failing to learn to breast feed. (Some?) Kids start "cluster feeding" at that point and its not nearly the "natural" thing that people made it out to be. Lots of rocking a screaming baby while my wife tried to keep her nipples from getting so sore they bled. No advice. Just know its coming :) We also both times wound up regretting not using bottles more often early on. If you wait too long its a painful weak teaching them to use 'em.

We actually went out for nice meals pretty frequently after we had our kids (once we got past the first few weeks at least). People would always complement us on her. It was great. It wasn't until age 1.5 that they got so... restless we couldn't eat out anymore. I'd go to a movie if I was you. That's harder to do.
Well, baby is due any day after next Monday.

I've read all the usual. What's parentgaf's advice for night of and the nights after?

Should i do something special for our last weekend as a couple?
Congratulations! I think try to get plenty of rest now, as you aren't going to be getting much once contractions begin. That was, surprisingly, one of the most restless nights, since you will have to time the contractions. And if you're the mom-to-be, I hear they don't feel so good, either.
Well, baby is due any day after next Monday.

I've read all the usual. What's parentgaf's advice for night of and the nights after?

Should i do something special for our last weekend as a couple?

We went out to eat and we saw The Peanuts Movie (where my wife promptly barfed out her lunch in the parking lot beforehand). It was still a lovely time though.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I may take her out to a really nice dinner tonight or tomorrow night. Thanks for the inspiration, everyone.


So we had a scan yesterday, were 14 weeks and 3 days, everything perfectly normal. Can't believe the difference in size between 10 weeks and 14! Gender scan is in another 6 weeks however which seems a long way off.
All friends and family know now which is a relief, January 17th 2017 is the due date, I can't wait!

Kinda pissed off at the people who ask "was it a surprise?" That's kind of personal don't you think?

Congrats mate. Would you believe it, we have the exact same due date! UK first time parent gaf unite!


We're still discussing having a third. I asked Gabe, the 5 year old, if he wants another baby and he said yes. Now he keeps saying we need to find another baby please. I'm trying to explain that when his mommy's belly got big and we told him there was a baby in her belly that that was Nick and that it takes a long time to make a baby. He seemed to be under the impression that my wife went out for a few days, found a baby, and brought it home.
Andrew's procedure went well yesterday.He just got out of the hospital about an hour ago and he's in a great mood. Now no more hospital visits for a bit... please?
We're at nearly 13 months and Logan is still up 5-8 times a night. My wife sat weeping on the bed a couple of nights ago, when he wouldn't go back to sleep. Sleep deprivation may seem minor in the face of more acute problems, but it is frustrating nonetheless. I am holding up okay but I still feel it taking a toll.

Don't know how you do it, man. We're only at 5 months of this kind of thing, and some days feel pretty damn bleak. While (as you say) sleep deprivation is relatively minor compared to other stuff, it's the death of many cuts.

If it cheers your wife at all, tell her she has company from across the sea in those early hours. Wishing us all a little reprieve in the wee hours.


We're at nearly 13 months and Logan is still up 5-8 times a night. My wife sat weeping on the bed a couple of nights ago, when he wouldn't go back to sleep. Sleep deprivation may seem minor in the face of more acute problems, but it is frustrating nonetheless. I am holding up okay but I still feel it taking a toll.

Have you talked to the doctor about him waking up a bunch? There might be something botherin him. One of my kids was up constantly his first year (yeah, I have very little memory of that year lol) and we found out he had acid reflux. Did not know babies could get that. He's 11 now and still has it :/


I've talked to the pediatrician about it. I don't like her much. She doesn't seem to take our concerns seriously. Every time we're there she's rushing us out of the office. Her response was "let him cry it out." We tried that, we told her. "Do it til he stops," she says. We've spent entire nights with him screaming nonstop. He starts hitting his hitting his head against the rails of his crib. We can't leave him in there while he's hurting himself.

I think he has nightmares. He whimpers in his sleep and wakes up inconsolable. Often he starts up like a wasp just stung his ass, all of a furious sudden. During the day he is fine. He's as happy as can be. At night it can take one, two, three hours to console him and get him to sleep. The pediatrician said we should establish a routine. But we've had the same routine for ten months now. He hates the routine. As soon as we start putting pajamas on him, or lay him in the crib, he starts fighting, biting, hitting us. He just hates to sleep.

At least he's good during the day.

Yeah at that point I'd get a second opinion. Doesn't sound like a good doctor, honestly :(

The startling I would think would be gas bubbles or something, I don't think babies have nightmares. Do they?


I don't think it's night terrors. He's alert when he wakes up. Sometimes it's like a hypnic jerk that jolts him awake. He scares easily in general. I don't know if it's bad dreams or disorientation from night waking that freaks him out. Sometimes he freezes and cries out. Just his hands out with his palms open and shaking. I'm sure once we can communicate with him more he will be alright.

Again, I would urge you seek a second opinion with a doctor. It could be something minor, like GERD, or something like seizures. Film him while he's having an episode, and show it to your doctor. Don't mean to alarm or anything, but that freezing/shaking thing has me concerned.


We've talked to a couple of doctors and the advice is always "let him cry it out." I want to get another opinion (I want to switch pediatricians altogether), but we have no great options lined up so far. I appreciate the advice. I don't think it's seizures because his eyes will still follow you, he's still aware of what's going on. He just looks like he's scared stiff.

It so weird man. I wish I could help more. I would still record it and show them. Just in case. Keep us updated yeah?
So my wife and I are trying to decide when to start Pete on solids. He's 5 months and a week old now and it seems like he's always hungry, especially at night. When did you start your kids on solids and what do you think about rice cereal? I've read mixed things.


So my wife and I are trying to decide when to start Pete on solids. He's 5 months and a week old now and it seems like he's always hungry, especially at night. When did you start your kids on solids and what do you think about rice cereal? I've read mixed things.

We started our daughter on solids right around 6 months, beginning with rice cereal. She took to it really well, and we did notice she went a bit longer between feedings. I believe it was just a few months later that we transitioned her to the oatmeal cereal, and that also made a difference.

On the topic of night terrors, I remember going through a few of those too. She would wake up screaming, and was pretty much inconsolable for a few minutes. It was pretty scary, but once she snapped out of it, she was perfectly fine, as if nothing happened.
So my wife and I are trying to decide when to start Pete on solids. He's 5 months and a week old now and it seems like he's always hungry, especially at night. When did you start your kids on solids and what do you think about rice cereal? I've read mixed things.

We've just started ours (just shy of 5 months) on little bits of puree. She'd been eyeing our dinners for ages, so we gave her some to gnaw on and she dogged it. Baked sweet potato fries, apple slices, mash, etc. No rice cereal yet. Last I read they were coming down hard on some for being packed full of carcinogens, so I haven't gone for it yet.


Thanks for the input all. We're thinking maybe some avocado to start out.

Just remember to try only one food at a time. That will make it easier to identify any possible allergies. Like, one day introduce sweet potatoes, the next day green beans, the next day peaches...etc. :)


OMG you guys. My husband brought dinner home tonight, after work, and he took over baby duty completely. He fed baby pumped breast milk and let me sleep from 7 p.m. through to 11 p.m. I got four glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep. It's literally the most sleep I've had in weeks. Probably the most sleep I've had in one stretch, in a month (because I wasn't sleeping well right before baby was born either).

I feel like a completely different person right now. I'm bummed that I missed spending time with the husband today (since he now has to go to sleep before work tomorrow), but hot damn is sleep amazing.

I think I'm married to a literal angel.
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