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ParentGaf OT: Birth, Bib and Beyond

Follow up: 36 hours later still in hospital room. Stubborn little boy not wanting to come out. My poor wife... ugh. :(

Just pitocin or also a softener like cervidil? Our first, wife was at 40 weeks, she went into labor, we went in Friday night, they sent us back home Saturday due to lack of dilation, and then we went back in on Sunday and were basically like "we're doing this". Eventually started pitocin and then she shortly thereafter went into active labor (with an hilarious interlude where she mistook incoming baby for desperate need to use bathroom). For second she was at 42 weeks and they gave her a softener, that worked but slowly, maybe eight hours before they broke her water and then a short active labor.

Never a dull moment!


Just pitocin or also a softener like cervidil? Our first, wife was at 40 weeks, she went into labor, we went in Friday night, they sent us back home Saturday due to lack of dilation, and then we went back in on Sunday and were basically like "we're doing this". Eventually started pitocin and then she shortly thereafter went into active labor (with an hilarious interlude where she mistook incoming baby for desperate need to use bathroom). For second she was at 42 weeks and they gave her a softener, that worked but slowly, maybe eight hours before they broke her water and then a short active labor.

Never a dull moment!

Both cervidil and pitocin. They broke her water hours ago and finally gave her an epidural after hours of painful, hardcore contractions that have made little progress. We'll find out at 1am or so if we have to do c-section. Crazy part is she wanted natural birth with none of this stuff... lol >.<


I'm almost 11 weeks and super nervous about my 12 week scan. Especially as it's the only one I need to pay for. I've had two miscarriages this year so this is my third pregnancy. It's the only one I've seen a heartbeat for at 6 weeks but I'm just so worried something has happened again.

You've already made it so far and the risk of miscarriage goes WAY down after you hear the heartbeat. I'll be thinking of you and try to stay positive!

Both cervidil and pitocin. They broke her water hours ago and finally gave her an epidural after hours of painful, hardcore contractions that have made little progress. We'll find out at 1am or so if we have to do c-section. Crazy part is she wanted natural birth with none of this stuff... lol >.<

I had a similar labor: It started with hours of painful and intense contractions that led nowhere, then I was put on Pitocin to speed things up...which didn't seem to work. All-in-all I was in labor for 31 hours. I think I just narrowly missed having a c-section. I'm not sure how much longer they would have let me go, but everything worked out fine in the end.

I know a lot of people hate the idea of a c-section, but the longer you're in labor the more appealing I think it becomes. If they told me at hour 30 of labor that I needed a c-section, I would have been 100% fine with it. Literally, by the end I just wanted to be done, however it happened. So, my point is, if her labor is like mine, it's still totally possible she won't need a c-section, but if you have to have a c-section, it won't be the end of the world. Good luck!


You've already made it so far and the risk of miscarriage goes WAY down after you hear the heartbeat. I'll be thinking of you and try to stay positive!

Thank you! I really hope that you're right. I never got to hear the heartbeat the first two times! So I do feel better. I guess I just don't feel sick and I am already an anxious person. My first miscarriage was a missed miscarriage so I didn't even know that I had lost the baby for four weeks. I suppose that is my biggest feat this time too! The not knowing! But after I have my 12 week scan I will feel better. Third time lucky?

Thank you so much! :D
Both cervidil and pitocin. They broke her water hours ago and finally gave her an epidural after hours of painful, hardcore contractions that have made little progress. We'll find out at 1am or so if we have to do c-section. Crazy part is she wanted natural birth with none of this stuff... lol >.<
Yeah my wife wanted the all natural route too but shit happens. She ended up with a c section. Her and our little guy are doing great 7+ months later so who cares in the end.
Both cervidil and pitocin. They broke her water hours ago and finally gave her an epidural after hours of painful, hardcore contractions that have made little progress. We'll find out at 1am or so if we have to do c-section. Crazy part is she wanted natural birth with none of this stuff... lol >.<

My wife gave birth to my first child last week. She didn't want an epidural at first but when those contractions kicked, she changed her mind immediately.


Thank you! I really hope that you're right. I never got to hear the heartbeat the first two times! So I do feel better. I guess I just don't feel sick and I am already an anxious person. My first miscarriage was a missed miscarriage so I didn't even know that I had lost the baby for four weeks. I suppose that is my biggest feat this time too! The not knowing! But after I have my 12 week scan I will feel better. Third time lucky?

Thank you so much! :D

I literally had the same fear all the way up until I could feel kicks. Then it becomes a question of: "Am I feeling enough kicks?" I'm also an anxious person, by nature, so I feel you. I know you've had a rough year too, so that's just adding fuel to the fire. For what it's worth, not everyone gets morning sickness in the first trimester. I did, but I know a couple of coworkers who told me they felt totally fine and they had perfectly healthy children. So, morning sickness isn't a requirement for a healthy pregnancy. You might be getting double lucky on your 3rd go and getting an easy pregnancy!


My wife gave birth to my first child last week. She didn't want an epidural at first but when those contractions kicked, she changed her mind immediately.

My wife was a trooper and wanted to go no drugs for our first child. It got too much and she caved. Labour was like 20 hours.

Then, for our second child, she had a better expectation of what was going to happen, so was willing to get one earlier if needed. But after about an hour of labour, and arriving at the hospital, she was so far ahead, that it was too late even for gas, and it all just happened within 10 minutes.



Anyone know of sturdy child safe power strips, or cable management boxes that can be made child proof? I need to tie five plugs into an outlet behind the couch. I've seen power strip covers, but they've all been pretty flimsy.

I use blue lounge cable boxes. Doesn't fully childproof them, as that's not what they are for, but I'm sure you could figure something out.

They're for tidying up cords and power strips. Sure they are a little pricey for being a plastic box with holes, but they're elegant and they work to tidy things up which is half the solution to keeping things child safe.

I used one in my daughters room and was able to push it under a desk. Out of sight, out of mind.

Word of warning though, they are addictive. Get one and soon you will see other areas in your home that needs tidying up.
How do you guys handle exercise with a baby/kids around? My wife and I don't have a lot of overlap for when we're home, so it's usually just one of us watching Logan. I go for a lot of walks, but I feel out of shape. I want to be able to lift again. How can that be done safely while watching a toddler? I have plenty of equipment at home, but it's been so unused the cats have started peeing on it, like they've claimed it for themselves. It's sad. Everything feels in disarray.

Does Logan enjoy/have a Jumperoo (those thing that hang from door frames that kids can jump around in) that you can put him in across from you while you lift? If he's secure and able to jump around and watch you you might be able to do mini sessions daily and keep him entertained at the same time.

I feel like I need to whine a bit. Husband is in Illinois working his new job. I am in charge of getting the entire crap load of our shit packed up by Oct. 21st for the movers to load.

I have a painful autoimmune disease that has left me disabled. We have three kids, 13, 10, and almost 9.

Last week, I found out the pain in my hip is because my disease has basically destroyed it and I'm likely going to have to have it replaced. I also found out that my medication with our new insurance will cost 2 grand a month of 14 dollars a month like the old insurance.

My 13 year old fucking amazing and helping out a ton with everything. But on Wednesday, my daughter, the youngest, fell in our driveway. She was in a lot of pain so I took her to the ER. The doctors there said she didn't break her leg. Sent her home, told me to send her school. She kept complaining of the pain, I thought maybe she was over reacting or something.

On Friday, the ER called me and said they reviewed the XRays and they think she did indeed break her leg. So she's been walking around on a broken leg for two days. They can't see her at the place in our backwater that deals with breaks until Monday morning.

Should I sue? Lol. Also any advice on how to keep an active 8 year old still and calm to prevent further damage to a break without a cast or crutches? I've been basically carrying her everywhere since they called.

Ugh. I wish hiring people to pack the house for me wasn't so bloody expensive. I thought last night about starting a gofundme cause damn, this month has just beaten me to shit. I'm not going to though, I have hard enough time accepting help from family members lol.

I don't know how you do it. I've moved twice with just one kid and we did have movers come and pack up most stuff after we'd broken it down, and I still felt exhausted. I can't even imagine what it must be like with 3 kids and medical issues. I'm so sorry things are crap right now. No family or friends to help? Maybe you could put out flyers offering a low rate + lunch for a few hours of help with the heavy lifting and get a few bites. Might help a bit?

I'm almost 11 weeks and super nervous about my 12 week scan. Especially as it's the only one I need to pay for. I've had two miscarriages this year so this is my third pregnancy. It's the only one I've seen a heartbeat for at 6 weeks but I'm just so worried something has happened again.

Sending good thoughts.


Anyone else or their SO have a high platelet count while pregnant? My wife had a bunch of tests done at 26 weeks in and among slightly low iron her blood platelet count is abornmally high (it usually drops while pregnant). She is having more tests done but it freaking out about the idea of blood clotting hurting the baby.


I feel like I need to whine a bit. Husband is in Illinois working his new job. I am in charge of getting the entire crap load of our shit packed up by Oct. 21st for the movers to load.

I have a painful autoimmune disease that has left me disabled. We have three kids, 13, 10, and almost 9.

Last week, I found out the pain in my hip is because my disease has basically destroyed it and I'm likely going to have to have it replaced. I also found out that my medication with our new insurance will cost 2 grand a month of 14 dollars a month like the old insurance.

My 13 year old fucking amazing and helping out a ton with everything. But on Wednesday, my daughter, the youngest, fell in our driveway. She was in a lot of pain so I took her to the ER. The doctors there said she didn't break her leg. Sent her home, told me to send her school. She kept complaining of the pain, I thought maybe she was over reacting or something.

On Friday, the ER called me and said they reviewed the XRays and they think she did indeed break her leg. So she's been walking around on a broken leg for two days. They can't see her at the place in our backwater that deals with breaks until Monday morning.

Should I sue? Lol. Also any advice on how to keep an active 8 year old still and calm to prevent further damage to a break without a cast or crutches? I've been basically carrying her everywhere since they called.

That sucks, i hope there's no long term damage due to that.

On topic: we bought a pram! damn they're expensive, we went with the Cybex Balios system that comes with a carrycot and a car seat, and got 30% off the RRP. so im pretty happy with that.

Been painting the house, i suck at DIY, can't wait for it to be done :(


Bump! My baby was born on Friday. Super happy, he's the cutest thing ever. Everything was perfect, he's fat and beautiful from the get go.

Lack of sleeep isn't affecting me, yet (even tho I'm here posting at 3:30am) I was already mentally prepared for it, but holy shit no one told me about the back and feet aches ;-; all this strolling, bending over, picking him up, carrying and walking him around is killing my legs and back. I feel so much older already. Not to mention attending my wife because the csection killed her basically lol.
but holy shit no one told me about the back and feet aches ;-; all this strolling, bending over, picking him up, carrying and walking him around is killing my legs and back.

For me it was bouncing on a huge ball and shhh-ing to sleep. It would create this weird pressure in my ears that made me feel like my head was going to explode. Blargh. Also putting a wrapped baby down in a crib to sleep without waking was some slow, careful next-level Hurt Locker shit for a while.



Bump! My baby was born on Friday. Super happy, he's the cutest thing ever. Everything was perfect, he's fat and beautiful from the get go.

Lack of sleeep isn't affecting me, yet (even tho I'm here posting at 3:30am) I was already mentally prepared for it, but holy shit no one told me about the back and feet aches ;-; all this strolling, bending over, picking him up, carrying and walking him around is killing my legs and back. I feel so much older already. Not to mention attending my wife because the csection killed her basically lol.

They get bigger and heavier too! (And struggle more). Congrats!
Alright, finally have time to post a followup.

Baby was born from c-section on October 2 around 3am. My wife was in labor for 45 hours but nothing was really happening so we made the call. They threw me the scrubs and took her to the operating room. It was a pretty surreal moment because both of us were on no sleep and we were about to be handed a newborn on top of it. Hearing him cry for the first time was a crazy, powerful moment. As was cutting his umbilical cord, though I felt as if I was a bit out of it due to sleep deprivation so I don't think I appreciated it as much as I should. It was all a bit of a blur with doctors and nurses rushing through stuff, guiding me past my cut open wife on the operating table to go see my brand new baby. My only thought was I need to get him over to my wife's head so she can see him as she deserves this moment the most.

We finally got him back to our hospital room around 8 am Sunday morning. We were told we'd at least be in this room for the next couple days due to c-section (we've been there since Friday morning). Still no real sleep since Friday either. After a few tests on Monday they said his bilirubin score was borderline and they want to keep an eye on it. So Tuesday rolls around and they still concerned about the bilirubin. So they want to keep us another day to retest and put him under UV lights. Well he was not a happy camper having a face mask and being forced to sleep under the lights so he cried a lot. So yeah, still barely any sleep.

Friday rolls and we finally get to go home only to run into Hurricane Matthew on Saturday (Myrtle Beach, SC). So now we have a newborn baby and no power at the house.

I swear I think the gods are putting us through some baby bootcamp!

Here he is!


Congrats!! Look at him, amazing.
Bump! My baby was born on Friday. Super happy, he's the cutest thing ever. Everything was perfect, he's fat and beautiful from the get go.

Lack of sleeep isn't affecting me, yet (even tho I'm here posting at 3:30am) I was already mentally prepared for it, but holy shit no one told me about the back and feet aches ;-; all this strolling, bending over, picking him up, carrying and walking him around is killing my legs and back. I feel so much older already. Not to mention attending my wife because the csection killed her basically lol.

Congrats, my little guy was 6 pounds when born, he's now 22 pounds 7 months later. You are about to get swole as fuck...lol


@Interfectum - congrats on the new addition to the family!

As people will find out, teenagers can be lazy. I asked my daughters for help so I could make a couple of pies. So they did a little prep work but didn't do any cleanup.

One had to get the cinnamon/sugar/nutmeg/lemon juice mix for the pies. So she did that but left the grater and something else on the counter instead of putting them away or cleaning it.

The other one had to peel 6 apples, core and slice them. She did that but left the peels in the sink, peels on the edge of the sink and the wall in front it. The cutting board, knife, and peeler were left on the counter.

Of course, I yelled at them to get back to the kitchen and clean up. The most annoying thing is their habit of eating breakfast/lunch at the dining room table but leaving their cup/plate behind instead of putting them into the dishwasher.

So that is some of the fun things you have to deal with for teenagers.


ParentGAF, need advice on childcare....

When our eldest was born my wife gave up work.

We've now got 3 (youngest is 2) so she's still off.
A lot of her friends (mums from kids school etc) also were off with the kids, but because they haven't got any little ones, they have started to go back to work now, which is fair enough.

"Problem" is now they are stuck for childcare a lot of the time. School pick ups, drop offs etc.
And because my wife is still off work and we live close to the school, they have started to ask her, a lot, to help out.

She's currently being asked to look after 2 kids on Monday pm, one kid on Wednesday am and 2 kids Friday pm, with relevant school pick ups and drop offs.

She didn't mind the odd time (drs appointment etc etc etc) when they were all off, cos they all helped each other, but now she's getting a bit pissed and feeling a bit used.

End of the day we are making sacrifices as a family for my wife to stay off work (not saying there aren't any benefits - there are) while others aren't having to make that financial sacrifice, as they have my wife picking up the slack.

However, she's thinking maybe she's just being a bit mean... She's off anyway and has our kids to look after, so where's the harm in helping others out.... As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.

So options are....
A - say no
B - look after the kids for free
C - look after the kids but charge (less that a nursery would)

What's the GAF opinion?


For Option C - you'd have to consider insurance and registering as a childminder (especially if you're in the UK).
That and charging friends money is always awkward. What if they don't pay? Do you make exceptions for some and not others? I vote option A. She should tell them how she's feeling. If they're friends they'll understand.


Family day cares are a thing, and many locales have organizations that can handle the administrative (including fees), training, and compliance aspects for a small percentage. That's probably the best route to take for your wife if she actually wants to do this (with option C). Otherwise, saying "no" seems to be the best route (option A).

Don't do option B.


Cool, cheers all.

Only problem is she's been doing B for a little while now, so going to find it hard to say no suddenly.
She needs to have that chat with them though I guess


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
So options are....
A - say no
B - look after the kids for free
C - look after the kids but charge (less that a nursery would)

What's the GAF opinion?

It's a difficult choice. One thing you haven't reckoned in is the impact on your children. We did much the same when ours were young, and our take is that it did our kids a lot of good having other kids around a lot of the time, and as they all get a bit older it only gets easier.

But this is crucially dependent on (a) not being dumped on and (b) being able to say no if for any reason it is not working out.

That being so, I'd avoid option C - a charge sort of creates an obligation (plus there are licensing and inspections and so on). And I'd avoid option A, because why deny your kids opportunities to socialise.

I favour B but with either a contribution to costs or (better) the other parents taking all the children for weekend trips or evenings - that way you get some personal time too.

Either way, if either a child or their parent turns out to be insufferable, dump them both.


My wife is 32 weeks pregnant and has been diagnosed with placental insufficiency yesterday after the gynaecologist noticed the baby is no longer growing as fast as it should be. The baby has always been on the small side but nothing too out of the ordinary, until now. It weighs about 1kg when it should be 1,5 already. She's been sent to the hospital and they told us they may have to perform a premature c-section in the coming weeks if the situation doesn't improve.

Of course I did what I probably shouldn't have done and read a lot about premature childbirth yesterday and all the problems that can arise (long-term cognitive and physical disabilities). Needless to say we both feel like total shit now.

Sorry for being the party pooper here but I guess I just need to vent somehow.
C - but ask for more than a nursery, then you have basically done A without saying "no"

If we learned anything from Freakonomics, it's that charging will just increase the sense of entitlement. I'd just quid pro quo it and ask them to watch your kids for a few weekends while you go do whatever, hopefully they get the message. Mostly though you just have inconsiderate friends/acquaintances, sadly, but they might not even realize their presumption. I remember I used to cook lunch for some work friends every day so we could walk my dogs over lunch. They'd bring groceries every other week to help with the cost of food, which was very nice.

Of course I did what I probably shouldn't have done and read a lot about premature childbirth yesterday and all the problems that can arise (long-term cognitive and physical disabilities). Needless to say we both feel like total shit now.

I feel for you. If it's any consolation, there is no better time in history to have a complicated pregnancy, with the amazing neo-natal care out there. Good luck.


It's a difficult choice. One thing you haven't reckoned in is the impact on your children. We did much the same when ours were young, and our take is that it did our kids a lot of good having other kids around a lot of the time, and as they all get a bit older it only gets easier.

But this is crucially dependent on (a) not being dumped on and (b) being able to say no if for any reason it is not working out.

That being so, I'd avoid option C - a charge sort of creates an obligation (plus there are licensing and inspections and so on). And I'd avoid option A, because why deny your kids opportunities to socialise.

I favour B but with either a contribution to costs or (better) the other parents taking all the children for weekend trips or evenings - that way you get some personal time too.

Either way, if either a child or their parent turns out to be insufferable, dump them both.

Yeah, I'd very much agree with what you are saying there.
The kids love it and to be fair I always love having a housefull. Like I said we live close to the school, so people are always "just popping round for a cuppa" after school with the kids and that is great.

But I guess that's a bit different to us (I say us, I mean my wife) then having responsibility of the kids.

I'd agree with you about others helping out, but I work away a lot, so weekends etc we don't like to "dump" the kids as it's the only real time we get to spend as a family.

The obligation of C is the only thing that's really putting us off, especially as it'll be during School holidays as well


I remember I used to cook lunch for some work friends every day so we could walk my dogs over lunch. They'd bring groceries every other week to help with the cost of food, which was very nice.

That would be a step in the right direction.... but at the moment we're giving them food and they aren't even offering to pay for that.
Yeah, I'd very much agree with what you are saying there.
The kids love it and to be fair I always love having a housefull. Like I said we live close to the school, so people are always "just popping round for a cuppa" after school with the kids and that is great.

But I guess that's a bit different to us (I say us, I mean my wife) then having responsibility of the kids.

I'd agree with you about others helping out, but I work away a lot, so weekends etc we don't like to "dump" the kids as it's the only real time we get to spend as a family.

The obligation of C is the only thing that's really putting us off, especially as it'll be during School holidays as well

Can't she just start saying no a bit, then a bit more, and gradually phase out of the constant asks (as they will begin to get that she's not a constantly available option)? She can say that things are bit hectic and she can't watch them when asked, but that if they (mom and kids) want to pop by during some other time for a coffee and a chat, then that'd be great/fine. That way it'd be more of a gentle "I can't do this anymore," but still encourage the social aspect.

To add: I think it's pretty shitty/inconsiderate of these other parents to be taking advantage like that, and without even buying/offering money for snacks, etc. makes it extra ridiculous.


So how's everyone and their kids doing? I haven't seen many updates from a lot of you lately?

Gabe is doing good. He's been a lot more social lately. We just went to a neighbors birthday party last week and he did great. The other moms even commented on how much he's come out of his shell. He seems a bit more fearful since his surgery but he's getting better. We're nearing the final stages of the testing for his individualized education plan. I'm pretty pissed about how that's going to be honest. It doesn't seem individualized at all and they think he has fine motor skill problems because he can't use scissors and holds a pencil with his fist when really we don't even own a pair of safety scissors and he doesn't hand write often. Mostly he types and uses stamps. It's also taking forever. We started this process in August to get him some speech therapy and help with his understanding of language, and it's going to be November or even December before he starts getting any help.

Nick is definitely growing up. He's 8.5 months old now. He's eating a ton of solid food including finger food and some stuff we eat. He's mostly sitting up on his own and can army crawl really fast. He's taken a few steps with regular crawling but it's more one step then fall over. With sleep some weeks are better than others. He's down to one night time feeding this week and sleeps decently. He's also dropped down to one or two naps a day. Last week he was getting over a cold and sleep wasn't so good. He's started throwing little temper tantrums. He's always trying to get in our bathroom to the cat's litter box and when I pick him up he starts thrashing. He'll also thrash when he doesn't want to be held and wants to get down and play. It's nice not having a giant baby glued to my chest, but it's a bit sad not to be wanted for cuddles as much anymore.
My wife is 32 weeks pregnant and has been diagnosed with placental insufficiency yesterday after the gynaecologist noticed the baby is no longer growing as fast as it should be. The baby has always been on the small side but nothing too out of the ordinary, until now. It weighs about 1kg when it should be 1,5 already. She's been sent to the hospital and they told us they may have to perform a premature c-section in the coming weeks if the situation doesn't improve.

Of course I did what I probably shouldn't have done and read a lot about premature childbirth yesterday and all the problems that can arise (long-term cognitive and physical disabilities). Needless to say we both feel like total shit now.

Sorry for being the party pooper here but I guess I just need to vent somehow.

No need to apologize. I'm sorry that you and your wife are having to go through this. I don't know really anything about placental insufficiency, but so many babies are born premature. I know it's hard to do and easy for me to just say, but try to stay positive and strong for your wife. The stress you are feeling is probably doubled for your wife since she's carrying the child. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.

So how's everyone and their kids doing? I haven't seen many updates from a lot of you lately?

Gabe is doing good. He's been a lot more social lately. We just went to a neighbors birthday party last week and he did great. The other moms even commented on how much he's come out of his shell. He seems a bit more fearful since his surgery but he's getting better. We're nearing the final stages of the testing for his individualized education plan. I'm pretty pissed about how that's going to be honest. It doesn't seem individualized at all and they think he has fine motor skill problems because he can't use scissors and holds a pencil with his fist when really we don't even own a pair of safety scissors and he doesn't hand write often. Mostly he types and uses stamps. It's also taking forever. We started this process in August to get him some speech therapy and help with his understanding of language, and it's going to be November or even December before he starts getting any help.

Nick is definitely growing up. He's 8.5 months old now. He's eating a ton of solid food including finger food and some stuff we eat. He's mostly sitting up on his own and can army crawl really fast. He's taken a few steps with regular crawling but it's more one step then fall over. With sleep some weeks are better than others. He's down to one night time feeding this week and sleeps decently. He's also dropped down to one or two naps a day. Last week he was getting over a cold and sleep wasn't so good. He's started throwing little temper tantrums. He's always trying to get in our bathroom to the cat's litter box and when I pick him up he starts thrashing. He'll also thrash when he doesn't want to be held and wants to get down and play. It's nice not having a giant baby glued to my chest, but it's a bit sad not to be wanted for cuddles as much anymore.

It's good to hear that Gage is doing well. Glad Nick seems to be sleeping a little better too.

After almost 9 months of sleep deprivation my husband and I finally decided to try the Ferber Method on Ben. It has made a world of difference. In just two nights he went from constantly waking up and crying to every now and then crying out for a moment or two during the night. He has been able to put himself back to sleep, and he no longer wakes up to feed during the night.

He'll be 10 months old on the 27th, has 8 teeth, is constantly crawling, pulling up on things and walking along the side of these things. He tried his first blueberry pancake the other day and he loved it. He's such a trip.
ParentGAF, need advice on childcare....

When our eldest was born my wife gave up work.

We've now got 3 (youngest is 2) so she's still off.
A lot of her friends (mums from kids school etc) also were off with the kids, but because they haven't got any little ones, they have started to go back to work now, which is fair enough.

"Problem" is now they are stuck for childcare a lot of the time. School pick ups, drop offs etc.
And because my wife is still off work and we live close to the school, they have started to ask her, a lot, to help out.

She's currently being asked to look after 2 kids on Monday pm, one kid on Wednesday am and 2 kids Friday pm, with relevant school pick ups and drop offs.

She didn't mind the odd time (drs appointment etc etc etc) when they were all off, cos they all helped each other, but now she's getting a bit pissed and feeling a bit used.

End of the day we are making sacrifices as a family for my wife to stay off work (not saying there aren't any benefits - there are) while others aren't having to make that financial sacrifice, as they have my wife picking up the slack.

However, she's thinking maybe she's just being a bit mean... She's off anyway and has our kids to look after, so where's the harm in helping others out.... As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.

So options are....
A - say no
B - look after the kids for free
C - look after the kids but charge (less that a nursery would)

What's the GAF opinion?

A or C, everyone is using her because they can.

Edit: Seems like you are not in favor of C. Then make it a modified A or B. Watch for special occasions (Kid is sick, Kid has an appointment. But regular child care? No. Honestly though, it seems like this might be a situation where your wife continues with B, and continues to grumble about it.

Make it a hard line, no regular child care, but sick kids/appointments ok on occasion.


I feel for you. If it's any consolation, there is no better time in history to have a complicated pregnancy, with the amazing neo-natal care out there. Good luck.

No need to apologize. I'm sorry that you and your wife are having to go through this. I don't know really anything about placental insufficiency, but so many babies are born premature. I know it's hard to do and easy for me to just say, but try to stay positive and strong for your wife. The stress you are feeling is probably doubled for your wife since she's carrying the child. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.

Thank you for your kind words. According to the doctor my wife's situation has already improved a bit in the last 2 days. We're trying to stay positive, as you say premature births are handled pretty good nowadays.
When is a good time to switch from a car seat with its own harness to a booster seat that uses the car's seatbelt? My daughter just recently cleared the minimum height/weight requirements for some booster seats that still have a full back sides and steel frame, but use the car belt. Is this like rear facing vs front facing where you want to hold off on switching as long as possible?
Question for you guys. I had a heart to heart talk with my fiancee last week after she recovered from a fierce migraine. I told her that I was worried about her health if she does end up pregnant because the migraines seem to debilitate her so much. Have any of your significant others had this problem? And if so, how did they handle it? Her doctor said she should be fine, but I'm having second thoughts if there is a chance pregnancy could make her worse.


Ours, now at 17 mo, has been really fun since around 9-10 mo, when the little one went from being mostly immobile to crawling to taking a few steps to running everywhere in a matter of weeks. The LO's always been very friendly (putting food in people's mouths, dragging people over to play, sharing toys) and is continually visibly happy (laughing or at least smiling), which I'm grateful for. The LO has also been very competitive/independent/inquisitive, though, which is sometimes challenging, whether it's feeding, bathing, cleaning, playing, or even transportation.

That said, I sometimes feel anxious when I see a friend's child who's been speaking a few phrases and singing since around 14 months; ours is physically adept and interactive, but doesn't say anything comprehensible outside of "down", "town" ("the wheels on the bus... all through the town"), "Dan" (Daniel Tiger), "no", and our diminutives. Our LO seems to understand fairly complex requests, so I'm not worried about language processing or comprehension, necessarily, just expression. (Maybe it goes back to the level of independence, or just that I'm not very talkative myself.)

Also, ha ha to gaming time.

When is a good time to switch from a car seat with its own harness to a booster seat that uses the car's seatbelt? My daughter just recently cleared the minimum height/weight requirements for some booster seats that still have a full back sides and steel frame, but use the car belt. Is this like rear facing vs front facing where you want to hold off on switching as long as possible?

Yes. My understanding is that car seats are much safer than booster seats, so you'll want to to hold off on switching as long as possible.


On a road trip with my three kids and the rv keeps breaking down. Keeping them entertained has become like Russian Roulette. If I fuck up, they hate it or are too wired.
The twins are approaching 1 year here... hard to believe. We are planning a party for them here at the house and the place is an utter mess. This weekend my folks are going to take them and we are going to clean clean clean. I just wish it didn't get to this level of trashiness, I feel disgusting. I try so hard to clean when I can but we just get so out of sorts it just gets out of hand :( I know my wife tries, but when I'm at work and she's here with both kids I completely understand that she's not going to be able to handle cleaning AND watching the kids at the same time, it simply is just not going to happen.
So how's everyone and their kids doing? I haven't seen many updates from a lot of you lately?
We're at seven months now, and we're giving him a variety of solid foods. So far, he loves every veggie and fruit, as well as rice cereal, but he hates chicken.

Maybe I need to fry it.
So how's everyone and their kids doing? I haven't seen many updates from a lot of you lately?

Gabe is doing good. He's been a lot more social lately. We just went to a neighbors birthday party last week and he did great. The other moms even commented on how much he's come out of his shell. He seems a bit more fearful since his surgery but he's getting better. We're nearing the final stages of the testing for his individualized education plan. I'm pretty pissed about how that's going to be honest. It doesn't seem individualized at all and they think he has fine motor skill problems because he can't use scissors and holds a pencil with his fist when really we don't even own a pair of safety scissors and he doesn't hand write often. Mostly he types and uses stamps. It's also taking forever. We started this process in August to get him some speech therapy and help with his understanding of language, and it's going to be November or even December before he starts getting any help.

Nick is definitely growing up. He's 8.5 months old now. He's eating a ton of solid food including finger food and some stuff we eat. He's mostly sitting up on his own and can army crawl really fast. He's taken a few steps with regular crawling but it's more one step then fall over. With sleep some weeks are better than others. He's down to one night time feeding this week and sleeps decently. He's also dropped down to one or two naps a day. Last week he was getting over a cold and sleep wasn't so good. He's started throwing little temper tantrums. He's always trying to get in our bathroom to the cat's litter box and when I pick him up he starts thrashing. He'll also thrash when he doesn't want to be held and wants to get down and play. It's nice not having a giant baby glued to my chest, but it's a bit sad not to be wanted for cuddles as much anymore.

Things are going well. Mia's started saying things and continues to be fascinating as she develops day to day. Our adventures in solids never fails to crack me up.

Months 6 and 7 have also been absolutely dreamy in the sleep and nap department, and though I'm sure it won't last, I've got half a brain again, so I'll be taking on some part time video game work from home. I'll be glad to get back into things. All in all, pretty darn good. I've never made so many breads, pizzas, sauces, pickles, etc. from scratch in my life.

Sorry to hear about the delays in therapy for Gabe and the diminishing cuddles with Nick. Mia's right behind Nick in terms of age and I'm not looking forward to wrestling her over the cat box or the tantrums. Hoping the cuddles return for you!

Question for you guys. I had a heart to heart talk with my fiancee last week after she recovered from a fierce migraine. I told her that I was worried about her health if she does end up pregnant because the migraines seem to debilitate her so much. Have any of your significant others had this problem? And if so, how did they handle it? Her doctor said she should be fine, but I'm having second thoughts if there is a chance pregnancy could make her worse.

Hmmm, I'd get bad headaches because of work sometimes, but I didn't find that the pregnancy exacerbated them. Most women I've talked to, including my sister who did get horrific migraines, actually found that pregnancy abolished them. It had some weird tendency to recalibrate/balance things internally. My sister's blood pressure (the cause of her migraines) was better during the pregnancy than it's ever been in her life, actually. Has she had her BP checked lately? I'm not saying it will have a positive effect on your fiancee as many women do get headaches during that period, but there's a chance it may actually help.

Ours, now at 17 mo, has been really fun since around 9-10 mo, when the little one went from being mostly immobile to crawling to taking a few steps to running everywhere in a matter of weeks. The LO's always been very friendly (putting food in people's mouths, dragging people over to play, sharing toys) and is continually visibly happy (laughing or at least smiling), which I'm grateful for. The LO has also been very competitive/independent/inquisitive, though, which is sometimes challenging, whether it's feeding, bathing, cleaning, playing, or even transportation.

That said, I sometimes feel anxious when I see a friend's child who's been speaking a few phrases and singing since around 14 months; ours is physically adept and interactive, but doesn't say anything comprehensible outside of "down", "town" ("the wheels on the bus... all through the town"), "Dan" (Daniel Tiger), "no", and our diminutives. Our LO seems to understand fairly complex requests, so I'm not worried about language processing or comprehension, necessarily, just expression. (Maybe it goes back to the level of independence, or just that I'm not very talkative myself.)

Also, ha ha to gaming time.

I wouldn't be alarmed. My sister-in-law's daughter is at the same point and doesn't even say "Mama." She's also very physically adept and active, aware, understands, etc., just struggles to say anything. My mom said that I barely spoke a peep until I was 2, as well. Some kids just take their time. :)

We're at seven months now, and we're giving him a variety of solid foods. So far, he loves every veggie and fruit, as well as rice cereal, but he hates chicken.

Maybe I need to fry it.

Have you tried pureeing it (sooooo gross) and mixing it with a favorite fruit or veg? Mine hates chicken unless I mix it with sweet potato.
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