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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.
Billions of religious people are living in peace just fine. Lets not tell other people how to live their lives, as long as they do it without hurting others. That is also the freedom we should stand for and the freedom these terrorist want to attack.
I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.

What a really stupid comment. The same people who are somehow fighting in gods name don't have the same intention as the people who are praying for good health for the Parisian people.

You tip that fedora any harder and it'll break your neck mate. Get outta here with that garbage.
Poland has accepted a ton of Ukrainian refugees earlier this year, in many cases (mostly due to manpower and procedures not being in place to deal with such a huge event) skipping the paperwork to ease their transition. But that was a crisis that didn't affect the rest of EU so of course the fact that Poland did this means nothing when deciding quotas and pointing fingers when dealing with Merkel's mess.


The situation in Ukraine was shit, but even the sources in this linked article estimate the numbers at hundreds of thousands.

I'm leaving this here just to counterbalance the sentiments any rash decisions or comments about the Syrian crisis might create. Poland isn't nearly as shit as some media outlets would have you believe when it comes to welcoming people who need help.

I don't think so one said Poland is not a solidary state, I mean, at least no one I know, just that your current goverment are a bunch of racist bigots, which you just kinda proved.
Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

Web 2.0. in general is a platform to feature pure and uncontrolled global stupidity if you're ever leaving closed communities like GAF or friend groups. Reading public comments even on shallow topics like entertainment can give you brain tumors, because there's so much shit posting (recent racist tirades because of fucking Star Wars!?). But when it comes to actual topics of relevance like this, you really see how braindead and plebeian a majority of people is.


I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.
It's almost as if we don't all follow the same thought!! Imagine that!
I didn't say they will remain in fear. There is a lot of fear now which is why Paris is in lockdown. I'm saying France will continue to be attacked by Islamic crazies because talk of solidarity and resilience does nothing to address the problem. We saw the same feel good images in January, we will likely see them again next year too when it happens again.

Exactly. Either you show a reaction and do something against these motherfuckers or you keep talking about democracy and solidarity and these kind of attacks will continue forever.


It is, but you do think western nations are gonna do nothing in terms of shows of force against ISIS?
Exactly. Either you show a reaction and do something against these motherfuckers or you keep talking about democracy and solidarity and these kind of attacks will continue forever.

Western nations have been routinely bombing ISIS territory for months now.

A ground invasion will have them stuck there for years and only further exacerbate radicalism.


I didn't say they will remain in fear. There is a lot of fear now which is why Paris is in lockdown. I'm saying France will continue to be attacked by Islamic crazies because talk of solidarity and resilience does nothing to address the problem. We saw the same feel good images in January, we will likely see them again next year too when it happens again.

Paris is in lockdown because there is an immediate threat to the citizens and maybe people got away yesterday or accomplices need to be apprehended. That's not fear, that's necessary measures.

Also you can't expect people to be rational within the first 24 hours. You can't blame them for that. Many people are in shock. They don't understand. They ask questions to themselves and don't find answers. This happens every time there is this kind of event. Read Murakami's "Underground", it's about another terrorist group, another country, another ideology but it is still the same scheme. More horrible of course, because you have several attacks. But nothing new in itself.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
syria is torn to shreds and hadn't gotten half the support france did in one night

people don't even realize that lebanon got bombed the same night

don't mean to undermine a horrible tragedy, but i find that kind of ridiculous

Terrorism always works through a psychological component. We are always more impacted by events that target "us" or people like "us". It's human nature and it will not change. Thus it makes no sense to reduce terrorism and other violence to pure body counts. We are not purely rational beings, and without accepting that we cannot understand terrorism.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
syria is torn to shreds and hadn't gotten half the support france did in one night

people don't even realize that lebanon got bombed the same night

don't mean to undermine a horrible tragedy, but i find that kind of ridiculous
People view the Middle East as that far away land where tons of violence happens, but shit, what can you do?

Sadly, only when a Western power suffers the consequences of radicalism they start to care about the area. The world is too interconnected to keep thinking that violence in one country doesn't ripple across the globe.


Western nations have been routinely bombing ISIS territory for months now.

A ground invasion will have them stuck there for years.

I'm aware.

I have no idea what strategies the West will use to fight ISIS now, but there will be an escalation for sure.

Hollande guaranteed it.

I have no idea if that means more tactical airstrikes or ground troops.
Terrorism always works through a psychological component. We are always more impacted by events that target "us" or people like "us". It's human nature and it will not change. Thus it makes no sense to reduce terrorism and other violence to pure body counts. We are not purely rational beings, and without accepting that we cannot understand terrorism.


Unfortunately, in a perfect world that wouldn't be the case and human lives/deaths would be seen as equal, but that of course is not the nature of human thinking.
Apparently the COP21 is still happening. It would have been depressing, if understandable, if it had been cancelled because of the attacks. We need to show support and emotion for the victims and their loved ones but also the ability to move one and not let debates years in the making and with possible worldwide repercussion be disrupted by a few idiots with AKs.
Especially when climate change has been identified as one cause of the Syrian Spring.
I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.

Religions dosn't suck, the institutions around them, that uses their own radical interpretation of the religious text to their own greed or to spread violence and hate, is the one that suck.


So naive, lmao.

You do realize this thread was created before the majority of the attack took place, right?
At that point, all that was known was the fact there was automatic weapon fire somewhere in Paris with mere speculation about an explosion somewhere.

Is there any proof at all that ISIS think like that and state that as a goal amongst themselves?

Or maybe ISIS just wants to slaughter Westerners because they think we're part of all their problems and disgrace to the name of Allah.
What is it going to take to help the Middle East with isis and other things? Is this due to religion differences or something much more? I honestly don't see this ending in my lifetime, which is making me depressed :(
Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

Bigots come out of the woodwork then go back to the their solitude . You see selective outrage from them makes them no different than those Muslim with extreme views who also show selective outrage


You do realize this thread was created before the majority of the attack took place, right?
At that point, all that was known was the fact there was automatic weapon fire somewhere in Paris with mere speculation about an explosion somewhere.

Yea, at first I thought it was some soccer hooligans.

But then the scope of the attack just kept getting bigger from that point onward.


At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.

This is basically true. Totally discounting the religious motivations of a group that calls itself the "Islamic State" while following a word for word interpretation of their religious text to justify all their actions is just as shortsighted and dumb as the "potential nuke area?" picture.


What is it going to take to help the Middle East with isis and other things? Is this due to religion differences or something much more? I honestly don't see this ending in my lifetime, which is making me depressed :(

I think the west needs to start giving Assad what he wants. He is the leader of the country, and obviously needs help putting out the fire.



Unfortunately, in a perfect world that wouldn't be the case and human lives/deaths would be seen as equal, but that of course is not the nature of human thinking.

It's not that human lives aren't seen as equal. it's about how close it is to yourself and the people you know around you.

It's the equivalent of "a storm went through the next town over and a huge tree fell on a house" compared to "a storm went through our town and a huge tree fell on my neighbors house".

It's a totally different feeling.
Being in Germany and looking at the Syrian war, you feel terrible for them but you don't feel vulnerable.
Being in Germany you look at Paris and you feel terrible for them but you also feel way less secure because this is literally your neighbor.

Hell,if I got in the car right now and drove to Paris,I would be there in like 7 hours.
If I took a plane I'd be there in 1.
Syria might as well be another planet over for most people in Europe/the West.


At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.
And who/where is this being done?


Is there any proof at all that ISIS think like that and state that as a goal amongst themselves?

Or maybe ISIS just wants to slaughter Westerners because they think we're part of all their problems and disgrace to the name of Allah.

I think it is quite disingenuous to think that ISIS only motives are religious.


I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.
Some people are always so quick to blame religion for everything. But you know what? Religion is not the problem, human nature is.

Since the dawn of time, human ambitions and desires for power and revenge have fueled countless murders. Religion is simply another justification. The people who want to commit these horrible atrocities would do so with or without religion. The key is to band together, not against and religion but against those with the desire for mass bloodshed. We cannot overcome this terrible tendency human nature plagues many with but we can contain it, as long as we become aware of what the problem truly is.

On the other side of the spectrum, religion gives many the will to fight on and do something good in a bleak world. It provides hope. It enables others to perform charitable deeds. Do you have to be religious to perform service and charity? Absolutely not. But those in an organized religion are 1000 times more likely to give back to the community and make the world a better place than the "fedora-wearing neckbeards" who fight against religion itself over the Internet.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
What is it going to take to help the Middle East with isis and other things? Is this due to religion differences or something much more? I honestly don't see this ending in my lifetime, which is making me depressed :(
Animosity between the West and Middle East has existed for centuries, but the rise of ISIS is a relatively recent even from the turn of the century. I wanna believe their fall will be as swift as their rise, but I'm no prophet.


Yea, at first I thought it was some soccer hooligans.

But then the scope of the attack just kept getting bigger from that point onward.

Yeah, it was fucking nuts. It went from 'maybe some casualties' to 8 confirmed dead, then 18 dead, 31, 42, 60 hostages, 100 hostages, it escalated like crazy and it didn't seem to end.


Is there any proof at all that ISIS think like that and state that as a goal amongst themselves?

Or maybe ISIS just wants to slaughter Westerners because they think we're part of all their problems and disgrace to the name of Allah.

someone here yesterday night posted this link


i don't know if it's totally accurate,on the internet you never know who is really savvy in a topic and who si just spewing bullshit..but it's a good read nonetheless
At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.
100% agree.
At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.

And we also need to talk about drug cartels and district where firemen and policemen can't enter.

For me, that's the main reason we got an increase in successful attacks.
Criminal activities and prisons are the root of the problem and successive French government are fully responsible.

There's been several alarms for decades now, but the situation isn't getting any better.

Terrorists can now get weapons and explosives very easily and they can plan attacks in secret. That's where we should strike, but the consequences could get real ugly if somehow it is decided to eradicate drug trafficking.


At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.


I said earlier in the thread that I hope France don't put soldiers on thr ground. But I can now see that happening. Which is what ISIS want.

Increased force doesn't mean ground troops. It could more aggressive airstrike, police action, and allied military action.


The real root of the problem is Saudi Arabia. The have been the backbone of radical Islam's funding and ideologues and no one touches them because of oil. Get a coalition of Russia China and NATO to agree to divide the oil between all three so an invasion doesn't trigger WW 3 then go solve the Saudi problem and you could actually make progress towards stopping terrorism.
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