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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Lot of misinformation as always when you have this kind of events. Pictures or false facts, it's hard to get things rights.

Why keep tabs on them. I think it should be a criminal offence if you train to be a terrorist and they should not have been allowed to reenter the country. If they try to smuggle in. Arrest and deportation. Fuck human rights. Enough is enough.

Yeah, let's make another Guantanamo and kill what is left of our democracies ! Fuck you ISIS, we are more barbaric than you !


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'Knowing' is one thing, proving is another. A lot of these guys go via Turkey, a very popular tourist destination. If I'm an intelligence analyst and I see a guy who meets a certain profile traveling to Turkey alone for a long holiday, and comes back with no souvenirs, no photos, and no social media updates, I 'know' he was probably up to no good. All you can do at that point is add their name to a long list of suspects and try to track them. If you attempt to arrest them, the court will throw the case out.

I think we are getting rapidly getting to the point where it's a case of what freedoms are we prepared to let go of to ensure our safety.

I think there are a lot of people that would vote in a law that said if there is a reasonable suspicion that you have been to a training camp then you don't get allowed back in. I know I would.


I don't get this cartoon. This has been a very successful operation for IS. Seems nothing much has changed since Charlie Hebdo. All this nonsense about solidarity and resilience, it's just a rehash of January. Islamic crazies are going to keep giving France a bloody nose and there isn't much France can do about it, short of becoming a police state that actively discriminates against one sector of the population.


I don't get this cartoon. This has been a very successful operation for IS. Seems nothing much has changed since Charlie Hebdo. All this nonsense about solidarity and resilience, it's just a rehash of January. Islamic crazies are going to keep giving France a bloody nose and there isn't much France can do about it, short of becoming a police state that actively discriminates against one sector of the population.
pretty much.


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I meant as in one person with a Syrian passport, obviously there are more then one. Also far more attacks etc are stopped then actually happen in the West, so I wouldn't call it powerless. If a terrorists group wants to do something like this enough then in the end it will happen. No one can stop stuff like this happening 100%.

I agree with you that demonising a whole country for a growing contingent of terrorists isn't helpful but surely the countries governments have a part to play.


I don't get this cartoon. This has been a very successful operation for IS. Seems nothing much has changed since Charlie Hebdo. All this nonsense about solidarity and resilience, it's just a rehash of January. Islamic crazies are going to keep giving France a bloody nose and there isn't much France can do about it, short of becoming a police state that actively discriminates against one sector of the population.

The cartoon is showing that France/Paris won't back down and won't be under the heel of the terrorists.


Here's the thing. This is a culture war and only one side is fighting. The other side has tied one arm behind it's back while it's citizenry admonish themselves for even engaging.

This whole movement of trying to rationalize evil is very Chamberlain-esque and it's never worked before in human history. I don't know why so many people are willing to sit and say violence doesn't stop violence. Tell that to the Nazi. Tell that to the Japanese who were utterly destroying Asia in WW2.

I understand that it's asymmetrical warfare we're talking about here, but that doesn't excuse the west for sitting on its hands and hoping for the best.

I mean, we saw these people commit atrocity after atrocity and did nothing! Maybe it's time to pay attention, and admit that humanity is only going to be as civilized as its lowest people.

We have a choice: admit that there's a severe problem and act or sit back and wait for the next atrocity. But the most infuriating thing is we already know what's going to change. Nothing. And we've been getting mad at the same shit since Munich and still we refuse to admit that this is a very real war people have declared on our way of life.

My only hope is that this time will spur the world into action.

I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.

And which side do you think is fighting exactly? As I see it, the West puts all of its weight behind a murderous colonial regime that regularly commits atrocities ten times as bad as the one in Paris, has invaded 2 Middle-Eastern countries since 2000 and terrorizes the inhabitants of countries like Pakistan and Yemen with indiscriminate drone attacks. You go and count all the victims in this 'culture war' and tell me which side has lost the most.
Shame there are too many fuckwits that don't get this.

So what is the difference between backlash and a response? He is trying to make a blanket statement that any response would be "backlash".

Not acting is weakness. ISIS does not want to talk, so calling someone who wants to act a "fuckwit" doesnt really help anything. It certainly doesnt stop ISIS from getting progressively bolder which they have been getting.


No it's explaining why it is set in place because some said it's just a homophobic agenda.
100% of gay men do not have HIV, yet 100% of them are banned from giving blood. Seems pretty homophobic/discriminatory.

Painting any group of people with a broad brush is ill-advised.


Unconfirmed Member
So what is the difference between backlash and a response? He is trying to make a blanket statement that any response would be "backlash".

Not acting is weakness. ISIS does not want to talk, so calling someone who wants to act a "fuckwit" doesnt really help anything. It certainly doesnt stop ISIS from getting progressively bolder which they have been getting.
You can fight ISIS without demonizing muslims


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Yeah, let's make another Guantanamo and kill what is left of our democracies ! Fuck you ISIS, we are more barbaric than you !

What we are doing isn't working. They are getting more bold. They know they can get away with it because it appears you can go an train in a terrorist camp and go back home and unless they can prove in a court of law that you did that they have to let you back into the country. Now how can that be right. How is that approach defensible?


I agree with you that demonising a whole country for a growing contingent of terrorists isn't helpful but surely the countries governments have a part to play.

Politics is a murky game. Attacks like this will be used to push agendas or over the top laws. I would love to see politicians use this to get communities closer but can't see it.
I don't get this cartoon. This has been a very successful operation for IS. Seems nothing much has changed since Charlie Hebdo. All this nonsense about solidarity and resilience, it's just a rehash of January. Islamic crazies are going to keep giving France a bloody nose and there isn't much France can do about it, short of becoming a police state that actively discriminates against one sector of the population.

It's not successful until it makes society turns against Muslims and gets them recruits. Do you think the intent was just to kill as many or did it have an even bigger agenda, almost everyone knows they want recruits and that comes from easily brainwashed individuals


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Politics is a murky game. Attacks like this will be used to push agendas or over the top laws. I would love to see politicians use this to get communities closer but can't see it.

So would I but as you say. I don't it when there is political gains to be made.


In case of an ID check his mission would have been in danger. In that case he might have had to detonate his bomb early, not kill as many people, and also risk failure of the other attacks. So it makes perfect sense to bring it. No reason to see some kind of conspiracy to make refugees look bad.

That logic still doesn't fly, if he was bombing a place that required an ID to get in like an airport maybe but usually the ticket booth at a stadium doesn't ask for anything besides a ticket to get in. And if they did why didn't he just show them his ID so as to get inside cause a deadlier attack? If they didn't accept it he has also has two legs, he could've ran inside. Instead he blew up outside the stadium walls causing exponentially less casualties than the other attackers who brought ID's from there respective countries, how convenient of them.

And honestly bringing a Syrian Passport while wearing extremely bulky clothes to hide a bomb vest while trying to gain access into an international Football Stadium. Also, I might add, where the French President is currently attending a match is super fucking stupid. The mission to kill as many people inside the stadium as possible was a failure from the start. Perfect sense to an untrained Daash militant I suppose.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Mentally ill people these shooters and bombers. Just mentally ill. How else can one explain that "oh, lets kill someone because a voice told me so"?
So what is the difference between backlash and a response? He is trying to make a blanket statement that any response would be "backlash".

Not acting is weakness. ISIS does not want to talk, so calling someone who wants to act a "fuckwit" doesnt really help anything. It certainly doesnt stop ISIS from getting progressively bolder which they have been getting.

Don't be disingenous, when he says "backlash" he means the racist assaults and discrimination against the muslim community that usually flares up after these events happen.
Poland backs down from agreement to take in refugees.
In a sign of how much the Paris attacks may unsettle the EU-wide debate on migration, politicians in Poland quickly tied the attacks to Ms. Merkel’s policies. The incoming minister in charge of European affairs, Konrad Szymanski, said the country’s new, conservative government, to be sworn in on Monday, wouldn’t honor its predecessors’ commitment earlier this fall to take in about 7,000 people as part of an EU-wide plan to redistribute migrants across the bloc.


So what is the difference between backlash and a response? He is trying to make a blanket statement that any response would be "backlash".

Not acting is weakness. ISIS does not want to talk, so calling someone who wants to act a "fuckwit" doesnt really help anything. It certainly doesnt stop ISIS from getting progressively bolder which they have been getting.

It's not like we haven't been conducting a targeted campaign to degrade and destroy them though. Coalition forces have been aiding the Kurds and others in the ground to erode them over time and now Russia has joined in somewhat. Short of calling for all out war with half a million ground troops im not sure what else the world would like the West to do


Beirut was attacked too, no one gives a damn tho.

I know, that's what I meant with the selective grievance. I read people claiming that we lebanese are "used to" getting bombed. But as well as the situation in Syria, Baghdad and Japan they are not of less importance than what happened in Paris. All attacks should be condemned and all the lost human lives should be mourned and remembered.



So what he wants the free world to do? Sit and watch while ISIS keeps killing innocent people?

If the terroristas aren't properly punished for what they did, the attacks will increase and more atrocities will happen.


The newly elected Polish government was never going to honor that agreement anyways, if it wasn't a terrorist attack it would've been putting them all through refugee bureaucratic hell


100% of gay men do not have HIV, yet 100% of them are banned from giving blood. Seems pretty homophobic/discriminatory.

Painting any group of people with a broad brush is ill-advised.
This has already been gone over a few pages back. It's being changed but hasn't yet. Sure it could be used to hide bigoted views and im sure have been but homosexual communities account for a much higher HIV risk if the blood was needed immeditely and couldn't be tested aside from blood type or it slipped through the testing procedure. Plus the individual won't know they were infected until it's been in the blood for ~3 Months so the person might not know they were infected at the time they gave blood. It was a way to reduce risk of a deadly virus. This is discussion for a diffrent thread though.

Not painting any group with a broad brush just replying to what you said friend.


I know, that's what I meant with the selective grievance. I read people claiming that we lebanese are "used to" getting bombed. But as well as the situation in Syria, Baghdad and Japan they are not of less importance than what happened in Paris. All attacks should be condemned and all the lost human lives should be mourned and remembered.

Look at western news, there isn't anything about other attacks. People will only comment and grieve about what they hear. But yeah all the attacks and the earthquake are saddening to hear.
So what he wants the free world to do? Sit and watch while ISIS keeps killing innocent people?

If the terroristas aren't properly punished for what they did, the attacks will increase and more atrocities will happen.

As someone said above, you can fight ISIS without demonizing non-extremist muslims. At no point does that post that we shouldn't do anything against ISIS' crimes.


I know, that's what I meant with the selective grievance. I read people claiming that we lebanese are "used to" getting bombed. But as well as the situation in Syria, Baghdad and Japan they are not of less importance than what happened in Paris. All attacks should be condemned and all the lost human lives should be mourned and remembered.

Nothing important happened in Japan. There was a quake far away from the coast, which caused maybe a bit higher waves. The situations in Syria and Baghdad are in the news daily considering the influx of refugees.


I don't get this cartoon. This has been a very successful operation for IS. Seems nothing much has changed since Charlie Hebdo. All this nonsense about solidarity and resilience, it's just a rehash of January. Islamic crazies are going to keep giving France a bloody nose and there isn't much France can do about it, short of becoming a police state that actively discriminates against one sector of the population.

It is a symbolic way to try and reinforce the mentality of unity and power to provide resistance against terrorism. It invokes patriotism and it boosts morale.
In situations like these people should aim to help eachother instead of dispersing and bowing down to fear. It tries to illustrate that the more damage ISIS does, the more people will shed their inter-personal differences to band together as a nation against terror.

Some beautiful examples of this yesterday and today. People all around the city offering shelter, people lining up around the block to donate blood, taxis giving everyone free fares, international recognition and shows of support from allies.
Sure, the comic itself doesn't do anything. But it's the mentality that lies behind it.

100% of gay men do not have HIV, yet 100% of them are banned from giving blood. Seems pretty homophobic/discriminatory.

Painting any group of people with a broad brush is ill-advised.

Make a new thread if you think this is worth debating.


It's not successful until it makes society turns against Muslims and gets them recruits. Do you think the intent was just to kill as many or did it have an even bigger agenda, almost everyone knows they want recruits and that comes from easily brainwashed individuals

Not doing nothing can attract people that thinks that the state can't do nothing to them too.


That logic still doesn't fly, if he was bombing a place that required an ID to get in like an airport maybe but usually the ticket booth at a stadium doesn't ask for anything besides a ticket to get in. And if they did why didn't he just show them his ID so as to get inside cause a deadlier attack? If they didn't accept it he has also has two legs, he could've ran inside. Instead he blew up outside the stadium walls causing exponentially less casualties than the other attackers who brought ID's from there respective countries, how convenient of them.

And honestly bringing a Syrian Passport while wearing extremely bulky clothes to hide a bomb vest while trying to gain access into an international Football Stadium. Also, I might add, where the French President is currently attending a match is super fucking stupid. The mission to kill as many people inside the stadium as possible was a failure from the start. Perfect sense to an untrained Daash militant I suppose.

Not sure what it's like in France, but in Germany and Sweden police can just ask for your ID and if you don't show it you have some trouble.

Why didn't he get inside? I cannot say. My suspicion would have been that they initially wanted to wait till fans are leaving, so the area around the stadium is crowded. With the other attacks already ongoing, they may have been afraid to be discovered early. That's my theory, and it's not based on any facts. To me it doesn't make sense that they only killed so few people.

Getting into a stadium with a bomb shouldn't be exactly easy. Waiting till people leave, there's a much higher chance for maximum kills.


For you.
So what he wants the free world to do? Sit and watch while ISIS keeps killing innocent people?

If the terroristas aren't properly punished for what they did, the attacks will increase and more atrocities will happen.
... You might have completely missed the point. He isnt saying that the terrorists shouldbt be punished. Not even close.
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