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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Junior Member
whats the deal with all these people screaming False Flag?

It is a reference to an inside job. So France did this in order to perpetuate some goal. Or it could also relate to the US doing this to France, or the lizard folk who rule the Western world.


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He talked about how commited he is to make sure the intelligence agencies have everything they need and will need in the long run. I may be reading too much into it though.

Thanks. Yeah. I think stuff like this is going to only increase in the future.


He talked about how commited he is to make sure the intelligence agencies have everything they need and will need in the long run. I may be reading too much into it though.

Not a great surprise. Politicians gonna play politics no matter what.


So what he wants the free world to do? Sit and watch while ISIS keeps killing innocent people?

If the terroristas aren't properly punished for what they did, the attacks will increase and more atrocities will happen.

How do you properly punish people who embrace martyrdom?


What we are doing isn't working. They are getting more bold. They know they can get away with it because it appears you can go an train in a terrorist camp and go back home and unless they can prove in a court of law that you did that they have to let you back into the country. Now how can that be right. How is that approach defensible?

Don't turn things around. It is what you say that is not defensible. Anything you'll say after "Fuck human rights" won't be defensible. This is a red line.

Also if you are interested in the anti-terrorist judiciary response you'd know that what the people in the field need (judges, intelligence agencies, police...) is more people and more money to follow the growth of the potential assassins. 2 laws have been voted in France the last 3 years about this matter btw, last one a few months ago.


Yes this is why Isis needs to be invaded by the governments while local population shouldn't targeted by bigoted individuals

Innocent people will die one way or another.

It's quite hard to focus on ISIS members only and not wanting anyone innocent (be it soldiers, be it citizens) to die.
It's not successful until it makes society turns against Muslims and gets them recruits. Do you think the intent was just to kill as many or did it have an even bigger agenda, almost everyone knows they want recruits and that comes from easily brainwashed individuals

From the point of a terrorist operation it was successful. They killed a lot of people and instilled fear. They demonstrated that all French people are vulnerable even after the Charlie Hebdo attack and they can hit France with impunity.


My heart goes out to the people hurt and killed last night. Must've been a scary night of seemingly random violence for everyone else too. Can't even imagine being that scared.


Junior Member
The newly elected Polish government was never going to honor that agreement anyways, if it wasn't a terrorist attack it would've been putting them all through refugee bureaucratic hell

Poland has accepted a ton of Ukrainian refugees earlier this year, in many cases (mostly due to manpower and procedures not being in place to deal with such a huge event) skipping the paperwork to ease their transition. But that was a crisis that didn't affect the rest of EU so of course the fact that Poland did this means nothing when deciding quotas and pointing fingers when dealing with Merkel's mess.


The situation in Ukraine was shit, but even the sources in this linked article estimate the numbers at hundreds of thousands.

I'm leaving this here just to counterbalance the sentiments any rash decisions or comments about the Syrian crisis might create. Poland isn't nearly as shit as some media outlets would have you believe when it comes to welcoming people who need help.
Innocent people will die one way or another.

It's quite hard to focus on ISIS members only and not wanting anyone innocent (be it soldiers, be it citizens) to die.

I don't think you understand when I said invade Isis I meant attack them in Syria and Iraq while not individuals in western countries should not start questioning every person who has a religious or ethnic connection from that region out of suspicioun
From the point of a terrorist operation it was successful. They killed a lot of people and instilled fear. They demonstrated that all French people are vulnerable even after the Charlie Hebdo attack and they can hit France with impunity.
I think you are underestimating the resilience of the French to think they will remain in fear


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Don't turn things around. It is what you say that is not defensible. Anything you'll say after "Fuck human rights" won't be defensible. This is a red line.

And the point I'm making is that we are now in a place where we continually make a trade between our personal freedoms and our safety. I can see that human rights will be a casualty of that.

I've already heard reports of one of the folks who committed this act was 'known to the police'. If he was suspected of being a terrorist should we have allowed him to carry out his business or should we have detained and in prisoned him without sufficient evidence for a court to convict him?


This has already been gone over a few pages back. It's being changed but hasn't yet. Sure it could be used to hide bigoted views and may have been but homosexual communities account for a much higher HIV risk if the blood was needed immeditely and couldn't be tested aside from blood type or it slipped through the testing procedure. Plus the individual won't know they were infected until it's been in the blood for ~3 Months so the person might not know they were infected at the time they gave blood. It was a way to reduce risk of a deadly virus. This is discussion for a diffrent thread though.

How does someone giving a blood transfusion in an emergency have anything to do with regular blood donations? The whole process of filling out a questionnaire, admitting that they were homosexual and had sex well before the time it would take for HIV/AIDS to develop and show up in tests, and then being told to walk out the door. They would never potentially put someone at risk even in an emergency by transfusing someone with untested blood, not only is that illegal there's no guarantee they won't get sick from heterosexual 's donated blood from a myriad of other illnesses besides HIV/AIDS.

A competent hospital would never do that.


So what is the difference between backlash and a response? He is trying to make a blanket statement that any response would be "backlash".

Not acting is weakness. ISIS does not want to talk, so calling someone who wants to act a "fuckwit" doesnt really help anything. It certainly doesnt stop ISIS from getting progressively bolder which they have been getting.

FFS... I'm saying that idiots that will go out looking for a Muslim on the street to beat up. How on earth did you come to that conclusion?
Not sure what it's like in France, but in Germany and Sweden police can just ask for your ID and if you don't show it you have some trouble.

Why didn't he get inside? I cannot say. My suspicion would have been that they initially wanted to wait till fans are leaving, so the area around the stadium is crowded. With the other attacks already ongoing, they may have been afraid to be discovered early. That's my theory, and it's not based on any facts. To me it doesn't make sense that they only killed so few people.

Getting into a stadium with a bomb shouldn't be exactly easy. Waiting till people leave, there's a much higher chance for maximum kills.

Not true. It is required that you have a valid ID, but you don't have to take it with you all the time.


Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

There are people on Reddit right now, asking for/wishing for these kind of attacks to happen in Germany so we can "see the light, open our eyes and kick the refugees out".

No joke.


Poland has accepted a ton of Ukrainian refugees earlier this year, in many cases (mostly due to manpower and procedures not being in place to deal with such a huge event) skipping the paperwork to ease their transition. But that was a crisis that didn't affect the rest of EU so of course the fact that Poland did this means nothing when deciding quotas and pointing fingers when dealing with Merkel's mess.


The situation in Ukraine was shit, but even the sources in this linked article estimate the numbers at hundreds of thousands.

I'm leaving this here just to counterbalance the sentiments any rash decisions or comments about the Syrian crisis might create. Poland isn't nearly as shit as some media outlets would have you believe when it comes to welcoming people who need help.

I wasn't mentioning the previous seats of government, from the sounds of it a conservative party was elected to parliament and if parliament means what I think it means they're the policy makers, they're the ones who agreed to migrate 7,000 people across their borders in the first place right?


In even more shitty news for France a TGV has apparently derailed near Strasbourg.

I hope this is just a load of twitter horseshit because that looks like a serious derail.

EDIT: It was a test train with no passengers. Thank god.


ISIS wants retaliation for the crimes they commit, so that there is an active conflict going on that will eventually lead into the end of days. Which is the goal of the Caliphate.

There are people on Reddit right now, asking for/wishing for these kind of attacks to happen in Germany so we can "see the light, open our eyes and kick the refugees out".

No joke.

There are simply a lot of dumb people.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

Isis is literally trying to foment Islamic genocide to instigate global war, so if there's one good thing that could come from this, it's even virulent wahhabiist supporters of terrorism realizing that it's a stupid plan. Doubt it though. Rich extremists isolated from danger.
Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

it's crazy how overrun some parts of that site get, but the main subreddits really are a filter for smaller ones. Though sometimes an idiot speaks his mind in an innocent hobby subreddit and that's when you find out whether your mods are cool or not.

Lets just hope France and others have a better plan than, say, the U.S. reaction to 9/11.

The war and sharp swing to the right is something we'll be fixing up for a while.


syria is torn to shreds and hadn't gotten half the support france did in one night

people don't even realize that lebanon got bombed the same night

don't mean to undermine a horrible tragedy, but i find that kind of ridiculous
Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

That's no different from usual. I know people have been saying it's been going to hell forever, but the last couple months have really shown a noticable decline in my opinion.
syria is torn to shreds and hadn't gotten half the support france did in one night

people don't even realize that lebanon got bombed the same night

don't mean to undermine a horrible tragedy, but i find that kind of ridiculous
Events closer to home have a bigger impact. Nothing strange about that.
I think you are underestimating the resilience of the French to think they will remain in fear

I didn't say they will remain in fear. There is a lot of fear now which is why Paris is in lockdown. I'm saying France will continue to be attacked by Islamic crazies because talk of solidarity and resilience does nothing to address the problem. We saw the same feel good images in January, we will likely see them again next year too when it happens again.


ISIS wants retaliation for the crimes they commit, so that there is an active conflict going on that will eventually lead into the end of days. Which is the goal of the Caliphate.

There are simply a lot of dumb people.

I don't think I'd call them dumb as there are quite a few people who are extremely qualified and share that opinion. The problem comes for the fact that there are quite a few of them and a small percent may take it out on anyone that resembles a Muslim person.


Reddit is a scary place today. There are some people that are happy killing all Muslims as a solution.

French comments on Yahoo news have been horrible for while now against muslins blaming them for anyhing bad they can and with the event of yesterday night it has gotten worse.

Example : https://fr.news.yahoo.com/terrorisme-cassandre-avaient-prévenus-113700676.html

One of the post/comments is saying how islam is wrose than nazi... horrible, just horrible and this kind how comments are in any news about islam.


syria is torn to shreds and hadn't gotten half the support france did in one night

people don't even realize that lebanon got bombed the same night

don't mean to undermine a horrible tragedy, but i find that kind of ridiculous

The twin bombing in Beirut was the night before actually.


I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I'm sick of people
Whining "oh stop generalizing"

Dude fuck this. Religion sucks.

Everyone is on Facebook "pray for France" while those fuckers were blowing themselves up yelling allah akbar. So the bad guys pray. The good guys pray. It makes no sense. Everyone fighting over what the imaginary man in the sky wants.

This opinion is so outmoded, and actually quite irrelevant.


Apparently the COP21 is still happening. It would have been depressing, if understandable, if it had been cancelled because of the attacks. We need to show support and emotion for the victims and their loved ones but also the ability to move one and not let debates years in the making and with possible worldwide repercussion be disrupted by a few idiots with AKs.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

At the same time a disturbingly large number of people is unwilling and scared to discuss any connection between Islam and Islamism/Jihadism, because we are incapable of having nuanced discussions. It's either the bigoted nonsense on the right that puts all Muslims and refugees under general suspicion, or the nonsense on the other side of the spectrum that denies any problem with religious ideology at all and brands anyone who speaks about it an islamophobe. Consequently, the west will continue to be unable to discuss and analyze the causes of terrorism rationally and support Muslim reformers who recognize the ideological problems that are at the heart in the battle for the soul of their faith.


I wasn't mentioning the previous seats of government, from the sounds of it a conservative party was elected to parliament and if parliament means what I think it means they're the policy makers, they're the ones who agreed to migrate 7,000 people across their borders in the first place right?
Before you purposefully cherrypick news to spread anti-Polish sentiments, please at least fully inform yourself what the situation is like in that country.
You know that we still live in democracies, where the is something call the law and the right of citizens ? And where would you bring them if they are only French (most are) ? How do you do that for 1500 people ?

Last I checked training to be a terrorist and planning attacks was a crime in every single democracy. Lock them the hell up.
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