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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I wonder how they acquired the weapons. Is the sale and possession of AK-47s legal in France, even if under restricted conditions? Or is it likely that they were smuggled in and provided by external supporters?
Given that the Montenegro guy was picked up in Germany with a car full of weaponry on the way to Paris I guess they smuggeled everything in like that.
Its only harder to defeat ISIS in the "completely eliminated" sense, you can still greatly suppress its world wide influence if you throw enough GDP in it. Just like cockroach.
Throwing money at the problem isn't a terrible idea perhaps, but it has to be spent in the right way.

Perhaps the best thing to spend money on at this point would be education.
America's war on terror actually increased terror in the world. Good job.

The War on Terror wouldn't have been a thing if the US wasn't attacked with 3000 people being killed on US soil. What do you think leaders should have done in response?

Now obviously issues later on, such as getting involved in Iraq were bad mistakes.


I definitely don't envy any of the world leaders. Tough decisions ahead.

The decision wasn't tough when the West decided to arm the opposing forces in a civil war.
Why not use diplomatic channels to try and make Assad "softer" instead of giving weapons to the other side randomly?
The War on Terror wouldn't have been a thing if the US wasn't attacked with 3000 people being killed on US soil. What do you think leaders should have done in response?

Now obviously issues later on, such as getting involved in Iraq were bad mistakes.

Dude the war on Iraq is one of the biggest catalysts for this. That's what that statement meant.
After the Marseillaise being sung in New York, at the opera, in Dublin and Tel Aviv, this is heartwarming.


Trafalgar square (!)

And apparently nothing, absolutely nothing, will prevent Parisians to enjoy a beer and a smoke at a terrasse. Taken tonight:



Some more here

This is great. Fuck ISIS cowards.
Dude the war on Iraq is one of the biggest catalysts for this. That's what that statement meant.

Well they said War on Terror, which includes everything. Of course Iraq has greatly contributed to this. Although 9/11 was unprovoked and an unreasonable action on part of already existing extremists.

But yes, Iraq amplified the existing issue.


Actually I would like to know what would cause someone to join arguably the evilest group on the planet.

Young people looking to rape, plunder, and kill as much as they want. AKA sociopaths. They blend in well enough with society growing up, say all the right things, and then when presented with a reality to act on their impulses, they take it. If it requires becoming radicalized on Islam, then sure, as long as I get to go to Syrian villages and do whatever the hell I want to the women and children there. As long as I get to kill anyone who bothers me, even better.


Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."
It's not like people were waiting for confirmation. There was an attack by anti-immigration groups on a refugee camp in Calais last night right after the terrorist attack ended at the theater. It's terrible. They're not all Jihadists. Hell, some of them are Christians.
You mean the fire? That was a hoax, the pictures of the fire came from a week ago and it was an accident.


Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."
I mean. This is basically what I expected, it came up too in Australia. "if only everyone had guns."


It's not like people were waiting for confirmation. There was an attack by anti-immigration groups on a refugee camp in Calais last night right after the terrorist attack ended at the theater. It's terrible. They're not all Jihadists. Hell, some of them are Christians.

If this is true, jihadists are infiltrating the people that are running from them in their country of origin. That is devilishly perverse. And in millions those infiltrators are a drop in an ocean of people. Exactly why that infiltration is successful in the first place.
Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."

Allowing guns in France would actually ARM thousands of already disgruntled French Muslim citizens who were on the tipping point to begin with, not to mention Neo-Nazi groups.

NOT a good idea.



No. ISIS = causing oil markets to plummet. Russia = lives off oil market.

There is no good or evil when it comes to Russia. Only profits.
That's a stupid thing to say. Someone cynical enough or unthinking could say the same thing about America, or any country in the world for that matter.
Young people looking to rape, plunder, and kill as much as they want. AKA sociopaths. They blend in well enough with society growing up, say all the right things, and then when presented with a reality to act on their impulses, they take it. If it requires becoming radicalized on Islam, then sure, as long as I get to go to Syrian villages and do whatever the hell I want to the women and children there. As long as I get to kill anyone who bothers me, even better.

army used to rape and slaughter for thousands of years, surely not all of them are born sociopaths, no?


It's not like people were waiting for confirmation. There was an attack by anti-immigration groups on a refugee camp in Calais last night right after the terrorist attack ended at the theater. It's terrible. They're not all Jihadists. Hell, some of them are Christians.
It wasn't related to the attacks, stop spreading misinformation.


America's war on terror actually increased terror in the world. Good job.
The war on terror has no end. I don't think the citizens of the countries realized that back in 2001.

In retrospect, I wish we (Americans) were more proactive when it came to getting our elected officials to denounce/reject the Iraqi invasion.

I'm not gonna to lie, I was naïve when it came to our government and believed everything they presented to us.
Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."

Because of course, having the right to bear arms automatically means using that right, especially when you're chilling at a restaurant or watching a concert.
Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."
It's just a silly NRA appeal. If more citizens had guns then terrorists just use even more explosive hardware to keep the element of surprise and take away the potential of responding. Having more guns might have had some effect on how this attack happened but it's just dumb to think they wouldn't have found a way to drive the body count.
So why aren't other countries suffering rampant devaluation and being forced onto the gold standard? Or do they have the same deal with OPEC?

No other country on earth (except maybe Zimbabwe) has expanded their money supply (and didn't recycled) like the US since the 70's. Also inflation is a real thing in almost every country, you must have seen it as well even in the US. And as far as I know by the 70's the US was the last nation to back their currency with gold since after the second world war the rest of nations agreed that the US dollar would be the Standard World wide currency reserve under the condition that the US would maintain a steady money supply to keep gold at a steady price of (IIRC) $35 per ounce.

Thanks for the explanation but I'm not sure I understand the implications.
Why the US need the Saudis to buy treasury bonds? What for? If their oil was sold in their own currency, what would be the consequence on the US market?
What the US can do to be independent from them?

This is a completely different topic. But less see if I can explain this in proper English.

Buying bonds (from any country) basically give a country money today for a return of money tomorrow (with interest), the interest rates for the US bonds are the lower you will find in the market emitted by a country (or at least that was the case in the past), so basically the Saudis should hold a lot of US bonds (or debt). Establishing a monopoly in the currency that OPEC (specially the Saudis since they are the primary exporters) sell their oil basically makes every nation that buy from them have a need to have u$s currency to buy oil, so the only way to do that is that nations have to trade with the US (or with someone that traded with the US) to have a constant super plus of u$s to buy oil. So in essences u$s became America primary export.

The US has/could have been free from Saudi Arabia, I mean America with Shale Oil was looking to be a primary exporter and no longer a net importer of oil. But the Saudis are basically crashing the market so Shail Oil isn't as profitable (or not at all) to produce (of course the Saudis have other things in mind to have the prices so low, including hurting Iran principally) so production is hurt (in the US this is seen is a slower grow compared to the previous years. I think that ND grow in Shale oil production has been the slower in 4/5 years since the Shale oil boom).

The theme has ramifications out of the ass, I don't know if I can give a clear picture, I don't even know if I know it myself.


This is clearly a fake. The guy's taking a selfie with his tablet (prob iPad) that was covered by someone photoshopping a Qu'ran over it. Also, that guy is Sikh.

The vest appears fake too.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Don't know if old, but German magazine Der Spiegel reports that the person who had been stopped in Germany on the 5th of this month with rifles and explosives in his car had an address in Paris programmed in his sat nav.


army used to rape and slaughter for thousands of years, surely not all of them are born sociopaths, no?

Depends on your overall outlook on humanity. Remove all laws and civil justice in any society and what happens? I think a lot of people are born shitty, and are held together by the laws and structure we spent thousands of years evolving. Unfortunately some of these people slip through the cracks and use anything to act on their base impulses.


Well, lost one friend over his Conservative opinions on this. This was the final straw on the haystack. Why do tragedies bring out the worst in people?


In addition, a Syrian passport found near the body of another attacker was linked to a man who entered the European Union through a Greek island last month.

A U.S. intelligence official told CBS News that a name and picture were recovered from the Syrian passport and the individual was not known to intelligence officials.

However, a U.S. intelligence official told CBS News the Syrian passport might be fake. The official said the passport did not contain the correct numbers for a legitimate Syrian passport and the picture did not match the name.


Human piece of shit Donald Trump everyone:


"Donald Trump said Saturday that the terrorists who wreaked havoc in Paris would have spilled less blood if more French citizens carried guns.

“When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys,” the Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by CNN. “Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

At least 129 people died in the attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit.

“And I will tell you what—you can say what you want, if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation,” Trump added."
I certainly don't agree with him here, but calling people a "human piece of shit" seems a bit much. We're all entitled to our own opinion on these matters . Even though Trump's is a bit extreme.
Depends on your overall outlook on humanity. Remove all laws and civil justice in any society and what happens? I think a lot of people are born shitty, and are held together by the laws and structure we spent thousands of years evolving. Unfortunately some of these people slip through the cracks and use anything to act on their base impulses.

So most of people are born sociopath and we can not give them any thing to latch on. Radical religion belief, fascism, etc. Otherwise they will act upon it.
Well, lost one friend over his Conservative opinions on this. This was the final straw on the haystack. Why do tragedies bring out the worst in people?

Dude, you should see the shit on some of my now-blocked friend's Facebook feeds...

Still friends, but I had to unfollow a couple.

They fucking cheering Trump's rhetoric and everything. Makes me seriously worry that he's going to pull off the election next year.


The war on terror has no end. I don't think the citizens of the countries realized that back in 2001.

In retrospect, I wish we (Americans) were more proactive when it came to getting our elected officials to denounce/reject the Iraqi invasion.

I'm not gonna to lie, I was naïve when it came to our government and believed everything they presented to us.

In retrospect we should have voted for Al Gore. Reading how obvious the signs were of an attack and how GW just ignored that shit. .. I'm convinced 9/11 wouldn't have happened.


No other country on earth (except maybe Zimbabwe) has expanded their money supply (and didn't recycled) like the US since the 70's. Also inflation is a real thing in almost every country, you must have seen it as well even in the US. And as far as I know by the 70's the US was the last nation to back their currency with gold since after the second world war the rest of nations agreed that the US dollar would be the Standard World wide currency reserve under the condition that the US would maintain a steady money supply to keep gold at a steady price of (IIRC) $35 per ounce.

This is a completely different topic. But less see if I can explain this in proper English.

Buying bonds (from any country) basically give a country money today for a return of money tomorrow (with interest), the interest rates for the US bonds are the lower you will find in the market emitted by a country (or at least that was the case in the past), so basically the Saudis should hold a lot of US bonds (or debt). Establishing a monopoly in the currency that OPEC (specially the Saudis since they are the primary exporters) sell their oil basically makes every nation that buy from them have a need to have u$s currency to buy oil, so the only way to do that is that nations have to trade with the US (or with someone that traded with the US) to have a constant super plus of u$s to buy oil. So in essences u$s became America primary export.

The US has/could have been free from Saudi Arabia, I mean America with Shale Oil was looking to be a primary exporter and no longer a net importer of oil. But the Saudis are basically crashing the market so Shail Oil isn't as profitable (or not at all) to produce (of course the Saudis have other things in mind to have the prices so low, including hurting Iran principally) so production is hurt (in the US this is seen is a slower grow compared to the previous years. I think that ND grow in Shale oil production has been the slower in 4/5 years since the Shale oil boom).

The theme has ramifications out of the ass, I don't know if I can give a clear picture, I don't even know if I know it myself.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I will have to read that several times ^ ^
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