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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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this is some scary shit


i don't understand how this happened ?
did he edit the tweet ?


Re: Muslims speaking out. A large, large number of Muslims, hell maybe even a majority, are not religious enough to be politically organised with an Islamic group or mosque group or w/e, so literally they have no way of "condemning the attacks". Many don't go to mosque at all and many who do, aren't super into the political side of religion. So what exact outlet do these people have of "SPEAKING OUT" etc.?

Another good point to knock down the silly "not speaking out" argument.

You would almost think that Muslims are not wholly unlike other human beings and groups that evolved on this planet.

It's almost like a lot of them probably think similar to how passive religious Americans think which is that they don't. Because their religion isnt their defining characteristic and when shit happens they aren't thinking about how are people going to view the religion I only casually adhere to if I don't act in a certain way. They mourn and feel bad and talk and debate a little bit and then they have to go back to their lives.

Even those that are more devout likely don't feel they are required to appease the fears born out of ignorance of westerners they have never met nor ever will. They speak amongst their families and their social networks and leave it there.


The Birthday Skeleton
So it seems that one of the terrorists had a ticket and tried to enter the stadium around 15th minute, but he was discovered at the security control at the gate and he turned around and blew himself up. That's quite strange. Why come around 15th minute? Was he just late?


At least one of the attackers outside France’s national soccer stadium had a ticket to the game and attempted to enter the 80,000-person venue, according to a Stade de France security guard who was on duty and French police.

The guard—who asked to be identified only by his first name, Zouheir—said the attacker was discovered wearing an explosives vest when he was frisked at the entrance to the stadium about 15 minutes into the game. France was playing an exhibition against Germany inside.

While attempting to back away from security, Zouheir said, the attacker detonated the vest, which was loaded with explosives and bolts, according to Paris prosecutor François Molins. Zouheir, who was stationed by the players’ tunnel, said he was briefed on the sequence by the security frisking team at the gate.


So it seems that one of the terrorists had a ticket and tried to enter the stadium around 15th minute, but he was discovered at the security control at the gate and he turned around and blew himself up. That's quite strange. Why come around 15th minute? Was he just late?

He's a coward who failed at his mission and probably knew law enforcement would nab him soon. Not surprising.


Jesus Christ, really? Horseshit conspiracies in this thread now? Have you looked at that Twitter feed? They post hundreds of messages an hour and are posting FAKE headlines. Just shitty fluky luck.

Yeah I know, but it's more scary that not only he got the attack news 2 days prior, he also had the casualties and similar injuries numbers
Regarding that tweet, it seems like it just generates fake headlines. Still pretty wacky for it to get a headline so close in details and so close to the date of the event itself.
So it seems that one of the terrorists had a ticket and tried to enter the stadium around 15th minute, but he was discovered at the security control at the gate and he turned around and blew himself up. That's quite strange. Why come around 15th minute? Was he just late?

I guess he thought that there would be a crowd jumbled up, trying to get to seats?

Or he could have just been bad at his job, he failed to do as much damage as he could have thank god
Not exactly. France says it knows, US says it has no evidence otherwise. We still don't know for certain.

We know that ISIS claimed it in a statement. I don't know if they are known for claiming false deeds.

Le Monde is reporting that one of the dead terrorist was french and went to Syria between 2013 and 2014.


Sometimes I think people took the wrong lesson from Japan.

They are a cohesive, obedient and pragmatic people. They responded to occupation by accepting their new overlords and getting to work.

The ideas that many other cultures cherish would urge them to fight against intervention and occupation for years, decades and even centuries...

Japan was the model that guided the next 70 years of military operations abroad, but I think it was actually an anomaly....

Also Japan maintained its emporer who renounce divinity. I don't think that could be replicated in the Middle East.


So we should attack Saudi Arabia?

Put diplomatic pressure on them.
At one point we have to be honest with yourselves. We can't pretend to defend human rights, civilization, freedom and democracy and closing an eye on their actions, just because they're the world's largest oil producer and largest exporter. We have to free ourselves from this dependency.


The Birthday Skeleton
I guess he thought that there would be a crowd jumbled up, trying to get to seats?

Or he could have just been bad at his job, he failed to do as much damage as he could have thank god

It does sounds like he failed terribly, doesn't it? That was thankfully for the best. I can't imagine what would have happened if he would have been there right before the game with all the people trying to get into the stadium.


What exactly happened at the stadium? There were 3 terrorists there with bomb vests and no other weapons? Were they all discovered by security or just one of them? Who was the single victim there, one of the security guards?
So it seems that one of the terrorists had a ticket and tried to enter the stadium around 15th minute, but he was discovered at the security control at the gate and he turned around and blew himself up. That's quite strange. Why come around 15th minute? Was he just late?


15minsafter kick off there are less gates open and less security out the front at the gates. Also, easier to get to a specific seat location when everyone would be sitting down I.e. Get closer to the president.

Or he was whomping out, having second second thoughts.
Put diplomatic pressure on them.
At one point we have to be honest with yourselves. We can't pretend to defend human rights, civilization, freedom and democracy and closing an eye on their actions, just because they're the world's largest oil producer and largest exporter. We have to free ourselves from this dependency.

You threaten Saudi Arabia and gas prices will triple overnight.


The Birthday Skeleton
15minsafter kick off there are less gates open and less security out the front at the gates. Also, easier to get to a specific seat location when everyone would be sitting down I.e. Get closer to the president.

Or he was whomping out, having second second thoughts.

But it is also more probable to be better searched, with no crowd at the gate and no time pressure on the security personnel there.


Jesus Christ, really? Horseshit conspiracies in this thread now? Have you looked at that Twitter feed? They post hundreds of messages an hour and are posting FAKE headlines. Just shitty fluky luck.

With the amount of crap that account spits out, it's bound to get something right sooner or later. Probably a bot scraping news sites just randomly putting things together.

Still weird how accurate it was.

Edit: Mystery solved.

here is the explanation of that tweet



Also Japan maintained its emporer who renounce divinity. I don't think that could be replicated in the Middle East.

Not to mention Japan had to that point never been occupied by a foreign power, the closest it'd ever come being paying vassalage to China. The Middle East on the other hand....
But it is also more probable to be better searched, with no crowd at the gate and no time pressure on the security personnel there.

Yeah maybe. I'm just going off the times I have rocked up late to sporting events in Australia and the people on the gates seem to be more relaxed and let you through quickly after the game is started.

I do think he wanted to get close to the president though.


You threaten Saudi Arabia and gas prices will triple overnight.

And this is a big reason why there's been such a hard push for fracking in spite of its many downsides. I used to be vehemently anti-fracking but if it means freedom from OPEC's extortion then maybe it's the lesser of two evils.


Re: Muslims speaking out. A large, large number of Muslims, hell maybe even a majority, are not religious enough to be politically organised with an Islamic group or mosque group or w/e, so literally they have no way of "condemning the attacks". Many don't go to mosque at all and many who do, aren't super into the political side of religion. So what exact outlet do these people have of "SPEAKING OUT" etc.?

That's one problem they've never had. They go. They go a lot.
Put diplomatic pressure on them.
At one point we have to be honest with yourselves. We can't pretend to defend human rights, civilization, freedom and democracy and closing an eye on their actions, just because they're the world's largest oil producer and largest exporter. We have to free ourselves from this dependency.

America doesn't defend Saudi Arabia because they have oil. The US has a deal with the OPEC since the 70's that basically says that America will defend those countries and in return they will buy US treasury bonds and most importantly basically sell their oil ONLY in US currency (u$s) which basically allow the US to leave the Gold Standard without a rampant devaluation after Nixon "temporarily" cancelled the u$s conversion into gold.

America doesn't defend the Saudis or turn a blind eye to their atrocities (their Sharia Law or the bombing of Yemen, or they backing of the Free Syrian Army) because the Saudis have oil but because of economic politics.


You realize that, at least in the US, that EVERYTHING would triple in cost as well due to the country being completely dependent on tractor trailers transporting goods; which guzzle gasoline.

Then the US should stop pretending they are fighting terrorism.
Why Saudi Arabia is financing terrorists and are OK with its allies (US, France...) bombarding those they finance? Unless we're not really bombarding them.
I don't understand this double strategy.


I can't even...

Do people even think about what they write?

You realize we have oil here as well as barrels stocked for reserves right?

You realize I'm just saying we can put pressure on them to stop selling to terrorists. They can't just say no and stop giving us oil. Sorry I wasn't clear in what I meant. I wasn't saying WAAARRR


I find the whole "Muslims need to speak out" kind of absurd. They speak out often. Why? Because Muslims are the ones being killed in scores daily by ISIS and other terrorist groups. When they blow up a mosque or a shopping market in a predominantly Muslim city, who do you think is dying?
America doesn't defend Saudi Arabia because they have oil. The US has a deal with the OPEC since the 70's that basically says that America will defend those countries and in return they will buy US treasury bonds and most importantly basically sell their oil ONLY in US currency (u$s) which basically allow the US to leave the Gold Standard without a rampant devaluation after Nixon "temporarily" cancelled the u$s conversion into gold.

America doesn't defend the Saudis or turn a blind eye to their atrocities (their Sharia Law or the bombing of Yemen, or they backing of the Free Syrian Army) because the Saudis have oil but because of economic politics.

So why aren't other countries suffering rampant devaluation and being forced onto the gold standard? Or do they have the same deal with OPEC?


I find the whole "Muslims need to speak out" kind of absurd. They speak out often. Why? Because Muslims are the ones being killed in scores daily by ISIS and other terrorist groups. When they blow up a mosque or a shopping market in a predominantly Muslim city, who do you think is dying?

Seriously, I find it so offensive. It's like asking them to take responsibility and apologize for it (WTF?). So ignorant
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