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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Then the US should stop pretending they are fighting terrorism.
Why Saudi Arabia is financing terrorists and are OK with its allies (US, France...) bombarding those they finance? Unless we're not really bombarding them.
I don't understand this double strategy.
So basically unless the US tanks itself into another great depression we shouldn't even try to fight terrorism?

The strategy is obvious; maintain our position as the #1 world power AND target terrorism.
After the Marseillaise being sung in New York, at the opera, in Dublin and Tel Aviv, this is heartwarming.


Trafalgar square (!)

And apparently nothing, absolutely nothing, will prevent Parisians to enjoy a beer and a smoke at a terrasse. Taken tonight:



Some more here


America doesn't defend Saudi Arabia because they have oil. The US has a deal with the OPEC since the 70's that basically says that America will defend those countries and in return they will buy US treasury bonds and most importantly basically sell their oil ONLY in US currency (u$s) which basically allow the US to leave the Gold Standard without a rampant devaluation after Nixon "temporarily" cancelled the u$s conversion into gold.

America doesn't defend the Saudis or turn a blind eye to their atrocities (their Sharia Law or the bombing of Yemen, or they backing of the Free Syrian Army) because the Saudis have oil but because of economic politics.

Thanks for the explanation but I'm not sure I understand the implications.
Why the US need the Saudis to buy treasury bonds? What for? If their oil was sold in their own currency, what would be the consequence on the US market?
What the US can do to be independent from them?


People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

The sooner you stop living in the past, the sooner you can actually confront the issues.

I support this post whole heartedly.
OK everyone, enough with the derail about Saudi Arabia and the oil situation. This thread is for confirmed info and ongoing developments from reputable sources regarding the attacks.
I find the whole "Muslims need to speak out" kind of absurd. They speak out often. Why? Because Muslims are the ones being killed in scores daily by ISIS and other terrorist groups. When they blow up a mosque or a shopping market in a predominantly Muslim city, who do you think is dying?

Well, who cares as long as what happens in the ME, stays in the ME, right? It's a terrible situation all around whenever this shit happens in whatever part of the world.


Thanks for the explanation but I'm not sure I understand the implications.
Why the US need the Saudis to buy treasury bonds? What for? If their oil was sold in their own currency? What would be the consequence on the US market?
What the US can do to be independent from them?

Dollar as the world's reserve currency.


Guys, it's kinda ot, but I just saw on the news that the Pope is talking about WW3 after these attacks?! WTF?

Pope Francis has already spoken several times that there is in fact a Third World War in place but fragmented in many confined hotspots of conflict. He commented that these attacks are part of that.


After the Marseillaise being sung in New York, at the opera, in Dublin and Tel Aviv, this is heartwarming.


Trafalgar square (!)

And apparently nothing, absolutely nothing, will prevent Parisians to enjoy a beer and a smoke at a terrasse. Taken tonight:



Some more here

I love it. Wish I was there right now. Fuck ISIS.




You threaten Saudi Arabia and gas prices will triple overnight.

Not right now. The Saudis are pricing oil on the cheap to discourage fracking in the West. Even if they price gouge the buyers, oil will still remain under the price levels of the past 9 years or else the US and Canada begin fracking and the Saudis lose market share.


The nazis were defeated by pure firepower and they were more dangerous and organized than ISIS.

It's unfortunate how lack of understanding people have about core of this problem. Do I really have to explain the difference between rise of nazi Germany and ISIS?


That's precisely why it was easier to defeat them with firepower.

The Islamic State is like their name says, a state: that means that it has land and personnel/authorities that can be destroyed. This is not Al Qaeda that is pretty much a "brand" and therefore harder to destroy.

Some pages ago, a guy posted a very good article about ISIS. They can be destroyed, the problem is that no one wants to deal with a full scale war and occupation in at least 2 countries (one of them that is currently being supported by Russia), everyone makes half measures like selective airstrikes.
There's a man who was in the Bataclan on BBC Radio 5 Live right now, very powerful testimony. He was saying it was like an abattoir (slaughterhouse), blood everywhere. It was mostly dark inside, very eerie with the guitarist's amp still making noise. He said one of the terrorists had a very good French accent and said that this is for the actions of President Hollande.


The Islamic State is like their name says, a state: that means that it has land and personnel/authorities that can be destroyed. This is not Al Qaeda that is pretty much a "brand" and therefore harder to destroy.

Do you know why a moderate western Muslim, will go to Syria and join ISIS?


We could utterly crush ISIS's ability to be a state and kill thousands of them and we still won't really be able to entirely prevent suicide attacks like these. What we saw yesterday is basically final state ISIS. We'll likely see more attacks as they get more desperate when they get pushed.

Of course we have to push them and annihilate their ability to exist as a state. And I'm fine with killing thousands of them. But in reality, bombs and missiles and Western presence never does any good for the region. Assad is the tricky variable. Keep him in power and Syria suffers brutal civil war until he dies or is replaced. Try to force him out of power and you get Iraq 2.0 which would make us think back to those halcyon days of Iraq 1.0. That is a future we should actively avoid at all costs.

I definitely don't envy any of the world leaders. Tough decisions ahead.


Was hoping none of the presidential candidates would use these horrific events to push an agenda, but Trump used Paris to push guns.



Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas, in charge of police forces in Greece, said: "On the case of the Syrian passport found at the scene of the terrorist attack, we announce that the passport holder had passed from Leros on October 3 where he was identified based on EU rules.



But look what it took for us to defeat them.
Plus, ISIS isn't just a country. When the allies took over the german lands they had nothing left to fight for. But ISIS isn't bound by an area, only by their ideology. You can kill a lot of them, but in the end the remnants will survive, because they don't wait until they're massacred to the last man. Some may flow back into other terror cells, some may secure assets and dwell in the darkness quietly. The only long term weapon is education and progress. Albeit short term solutions are needed, given what they are doing. I just want to point out that we only ultimately can beat them with progression.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I wonder how they acquired the weapons. Is the sale and possession of AK-47s legal in France, even if under restricted conditions? Or is it likely that they were smuggled in and provided by external supporters?


The Birthday Skeleton
Ideologies are not defeated by missles and bombs

But IS can be. Their financial sources can be destroyed. Their power can crushed.

It's not enough to have radicalization to have terrorism, it also requires money, weapons and organizing. While fighting radicalization is a long term process, tackling the state that provides the other three can be done.
After the Marseillaise being sung in New York, at the opera, in Dublin and Tel Aviv, this is heartwarming.


Trafalgar square (!)

And apparently nothing, absolutely nothing, will prevent Parisians to enjoy a beer and a smoke at a terrasse. Taken tonight:



Some more here

Excellent. Heartwarming. This resilience is exactly what you want to see in the wake of a terrorist attack.
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