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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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There is no automatism that commands any religion to be reformed by some point in time. We have this strange and fuzzy feeling about religion as something esoteric, something that only bothers you, something that gives you a nice feeling in dark times. No harm done, all the same right? Like Santa for grown ups. The Problem is: Not all religions are the same. Some are just there, some are bad, some are even dangerous. No amount of people believing will change that.

Good job at totally missing the point. People like you are simply joining the ISIS rethoric of me versus them and are of no use at all.
People complaining on Facebook about the France profile picture filter or "why aren't we praying for "x"?!?!?!?!...do they really not get why one thing receives more immediate attention than the other? The attack on Paris is a current, UNCOMMON event. Of course it's terrible when a suicide bomber attacks a city in Lebanon. It's also more common which is why it doesn't get as much social media attention. They have to understand this, right?

Yes, changing your profile picture does nothing to stop violence or heal someone. Much like saying "bless you" to a sneezing stranger does nothing. It's a simple token gesture of kindness. 99% of those in the U.S. can't do anything to directly help the people of Paris. Hashtags, profile picture filters, etc...,while "slacktivism", are just small ways to tell someone you'll never meet, "Wow, that sure sucked didn't it? I'm really sorry."

If changing your profile picture does nothing, complaining about profile pictures achieves the same result. They'll go away like they always do and always will. Thank goodness you won't have to deal with cheap filters anymore, huh?

Rant over.
Islam? Yes. Muslims? No. We need to help them.
I don't see how ripping someone's religious faith away from them is helping them. That is super pretentious.
I'm sure there's plenty of things you do that society would like to "help" you by removing, but if it's part of your identity then you'd probably not want that to happen.
So you just hate Muslims or something? I understand believing religion is a major cause of war and hatred but I don't see how Islam is any more responsible then Christianity/ Judisim/ etc. Maybe it is right now, because of the extremists, but not in a historical sense.

Any ideas why those crusades happened in the first place? Any ideas who ran the biggest slave markets in history? Hmm. Maybe not historical enough. Or all extremist.


Can´t, it´s forbidden.
I could attack Scientology for its inhuman guidelines and ridiculous believes and it would be ok. With the other cult it would be "racist". As i said, the marketing is incredible. Paris will happen again, many times, with or without the IS. We will find more excuses, more changed facebook profiles, more of "its all the wests fault". Nothing will change.

I've noticed you've used this persecuted shtick in a lot of Islam threads; do you really not understand that often times the discrimination against Islam has a racial component to it? (i.e. brown people, arabs etc.) Stop tip toeing and get real. Suggesting banning the entire religion is so naive.

People complaining on Facebook about the France profile picture filter or "why aren't we praying for "x"?!?!?!?!...do they really not get why one thing receives more immediate attention than the other? The attack on Paris is a current, UNCOMMON event. Of course it's terrible when a suicide bomber attacks a city in Lebanon. It's also more common which is why it doesn't get as much social media attention. They have to understand this, right?

Yes, changing your profile picture does nothing to stop violence or heal someone. Much like saying "bless you" to a sneezing stranger does nothing. It's a simple token gesture of kindness. 99% of those in the U.S. can't do anything to directly help the people of Paris. Hashtags, profile picture filters, etc...,while "slacktivism", are just small ways to tell someone you'll never meet, "Wow, that sure sucked didn't it? I'm really sorry."

If changing your profile picture does nothing, complaining about profile pictures achieves the same result. They'll go away like they always do and always will. Thank goodness you won't have to deal with cheap filters anymore, huh?

Rant over.

This was the biggest terrorist attack in Lebanon in 25 years.
And maybe, just maybe, Religion is the problem this time. What if its Relgion causing the atrocities, what if religion is not being used but actually the entity using? What if those so endlessly quoted 1.6b are just like you and me and simply don´t care about their religion. Which makes them awesome human beings, but bad adepts of their book.

Islam? Yes. Muslims? No. We need to help them.


Please explain.
Any ideas why those crusades happened in the first place? Any ideas who ran the biggest slave markets in history? Hmm. Maybe not historical enough. Or all extremist.

stop what your doing and go read several books about the crusades... your embarrassing yourself

lol why the crusades happened
People complaining on Facebook about the France profile picture filter or "why aren't we praying for "x"?!?!?!?!...do they really not get why one thing receives more immediate attention than the other? The attack on Paris is a current, UNCOMMON event. Of course it's terrible when a suicide bomber attacks a city in Lebanon. It's also more common which is why it doesn't get as much social media attention. They have to understand this, right?

Yes, changing your profile picture does nothing to stop violence or heal someone. Much like saying "bless you" to a sneezing stranger does nothing. It's a simple token gesture of kindness. 99% of those in the U.S. can't do anything to directly help the people of Paris. Hashtags, profile picture filters, etc...,while "slacktivism", are just small ways to tell someone you'll never meet, "Wow, that sure sucked didn't it? I'm really sorry."

If changing your profile picture does nothing, complaining about profile pictures achieves the same result. They'll go away like they always do and always will. Thank goodness you won't have to deal with cheap filters anymore, huh?

Rant over.

Actually the complaints largely also include discussions about how ISIS' main victims aren't western folk but muslims in muslim countries.

I mean your justification is exactly the problem. ISIS kills thousands and thousands of Muslims in Myslim countries? Eh not our problem, happens everyday. ISIS kills a 100+ people in Paris? We are all french, we are a global community.

It literally creates the image of Western folks as the victims and Muslims as the terrorists. This is 100% part of the problem.
Kill ISIS, they can't be helped.

Give the semi-radical muslims who are likely to sympathize with extremists unprecedented access to porn and video games, they suddenly won't have time for their scripture.

Leave the good ones alone.

Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, we could all find plenty of motivation to slaughter if we had nothing better to do. Get these fundamentalists to prioritize wanking, leveling up or the latest season of a hot HBO show, and they'll forget all about murdering us.
And maybe, just maybe, Religion is the problem this time. What if its Relgion causing the atrocities, what if religion is not being used but actually the entity using? What if those so endlessly quoted 1.6b are just like you and me and simply don´t care about their religion. Which makes them awesome human beings, but bad adepts of their book.

Islam? Yes. Muslims? No. We need to help them.

Muslims believe in Islam,yo. Like Jews believe in Judaism.

Also I got your back I think you want to say is " Let's destroy all religion, including Islam, especially Islam. We do this by converting those ignorant sand people to believe in something right like secularism. But maybe we have a liberal dictator to control these people, considering that they don't and can't comprehend democracy. After we "educate" these people about western culture values hopefully they stop being stupid with believing in God. * sips latte* ".

All we need is kindlier gentler Hitler to spread western culture without imperialism, but does imperialism.

edit: Oh well to late.

Real Hero

Kill ISIS, they can't be helped.

Give the semi-radical muslims who are likely to sympathize with extremists unprecedented access to porn and video games, they suddenly won't have time for their scripture.

Leave the good ones alone.

Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, we could all find plenty of motivation to slaughter if we had nothing better to do. Get these fundamentalists to prioritize wanking, leveling up or the latest season of a hot HBO show, and they'll forget all about murdering us.
Buddhists do slaughter


Any ideas why those crusades happened in the first place? Any ideas who ran the biggest slave markets in history? Hmm. Maybe not historical enough. Or all extremist.

lol as I thought, just some shouter like other rightwing extremists

Let's say Islam is fucking Hitler's pet dog and we need to 'help' muslims getting rid of this

How the fuck does that help with the geopolitics? How does that help in stopping the violence? What is your plan? You are useless in this discussion because you add 0 value to the creation of a working plan against rising extremism that has obvious causes beyond religion.

EDIT: Ah well...


And maybe, just maybe, Religion is the problem this time. What if its Relgion causing the atrocities, what if religion is not being used but actually the entity using? What if those so endlessly quoted 1.6b are just like you and me and simply don´t care about their religion. Which makes them awesome human beings, but bad adepts of their book.

Islam? Yes. Muslims? No. We need to help them.

As far as I'm concerned you're part of the problem with the growing divide amongst ordinary (Western) Muslim and non Muslim communities right now, and part of the reason so many ordinary Muslims are feeling increasingly ostracised. Which naturally is what ISIS want in the first place. I mean, you are literally inciting a war of sorts on Islam.

You're not going to get rid of one of the fastest growing religions in the world, nor are you going to drive 1.6 billion people from their religion. Especially over the actions of 0.0003% of them. There is nothing in the Quran that talks of or promotes suicide bombing or anything of the sort, quite the opposite, so I don't know how you can come to the conclusion it is as a result of Islam itself.

It's clearly geopolitically influenced. In Iraq, there were zero suicide attacks in the country's history until 2003. Since then, there have been 1,892.

In Pakistan, there was one suicide attack in the 14 years before 9/11. In the fourteen years since, there have been 486.

Let that sink in. There's a bigger picture here that you're completely missing.


So I'm not exactly an expert on ISIS...where are there main ties? Syria? Are they tied to Iran at all?

The reason I ask is because I've read a bunch of stuff online and on FB about this being a catalyst to something much larger...as in war. Now I've seen people talking about how this could set off WWIII and while I think it was hyperbolic, it got me thinking.

It's always scary to think what could happen...esp. with things like the Super Bowl on the horizon.
Buddhists do slaughter

We all do sometimes. All groups of people, from every race and religion. The only thing that stops it is distractions, entertainment, and having something to lose. These factors make us doubt the more extreme aspects of religion and politics, which leads to more peaceful interactions with those who are different from us.


Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.

Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.

So? We've already had people in this thread say that they as Westerners want to get rid of Islam.

Do we need to get out some kind of score card? What's the point of this?
Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.


well there are civilians in Raqqa

I also doubt top ISIS officials would stay in the city knowing that it could get bombed any moment


as do Christians (Christians militias in Central African Republic) and Hindus (Gujarat riots, Sikh Massacres or the recent series of religiously motivated lynchings in India)
as do non religious people. World Wars? Vietnam War? Pretty much every major war in modern history is not related to religion.

I don't know why religion as a whole is always brought into discussion when one of these attacks happen.
There is nothing in the Quran that talks of or promotes suicide bombing or anything of the sort, quite the opposite, so I don't know how you can come to the conclusion it is as a result of Islam itself.

Allah (ta'ala) said, They thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah but Allah came upon them from where they had not expected, and He cast terror into their hearts so they destroyed their houses by their own hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning, O people of vision [Al-Hashr:2].

That's the opening of the ISIS statement. It's pretty loose, but it's not nothing.


So I'm not exactly an expert on ISIS...where are there main ties? Syria? Are they tied to Iran at all?

The reason I ask is because I've read a bunch of stuff online and on FB about this being a catalyst to something much larger...as in war. Now I've seen people talking about how this could set off WWIII and while I think it was hyperbolic, it got me thinking.

It's always scary to think what could happen...esp. with things like the Super Bowl on the horizon.

My buddy thinks the long-term goal is to move operations into a country that isn't friendly with the US in order to force the US to invade again, instigating the harboring country to declare war against the US and set of WWIII.


So I'm not exactly an expert on ISIS...where are there main ties? Syria? Are they tied to Iran at all?

The reason I ask is because I've read a bunch of stuff online and on FB about this being a catalyst to something much larger...as in war. Now I've seen people talking about how this could set off WWIII and while I think it was hyperbolic, it got me thinking.

It's always scary to think what could happen...esp. with things like the Super Bowl on the horizon.

Iran and Syria are Daech's biggest enemies in the region (along with Iraq)


It's clearly geopolitically influenced. In Iraq, there were zero suicide attacks in the country's history until 2003. Since then, there have been 1,892.

In Pakistan, there was one suicide attack in the 14 years before 9/11. In the fourteen years since, there have been 486.

Let that sink in. There's a bigger picture here that you're completely missing.
Jesus, that's a horrifying statistic.
Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.

We we reply blow for blow. We will be merciless.

Raqqa is the Paris of ISIS.

Someone in Saudi Arabia where they behead people over religious disagreement is pointing out that democracy is bad. Take it as the will of Allah my friend.
So? We've already had people in this thread say that they as Westerners want to get rid of Islam.

Do we need to get out some kind of score card? What's the point of this?

The difference is, most of us Westerners won't be influenced by a forum post. We have a million reasons not to fight, a million reasons not to pursue misguided violence. Our standard of living is too decent for us to go out in the thousands and start murdering people.

But if I was a young, angry man in a tumultuous nation with a dismal future and few pleasures in my daily life? All of a sudden the concept of beginning a new nation on the corpses of the people I view as privileged oppressors seems like a neat idea.


You're not fighting "terror" or an ideology, the aim is to kill those who are acting on this ideology, you attack the players/actors and infrastructure (physical/financial) that supports their operations, not the concept.

And you end up increasing their numbers, bomb a building and kill an innocent father or brother you have the rest of their family pissed off asking to join.


My buddy thinks the long-term goal is to move operations into a country that isn't friendly with the US in order to force the US to invade again, instigating the harboring country to declare war against the US and set of WWIII.

This shit is so scary to think about...just what could happen...ugh.


well there are civilians in Raqqa

I also doubt top ISIS officials would stay in the city knowing that it could get bombed any moment
No doubt there are civilians in Raqqa, but I doubt French planes would suddenly retaliate by attacking civilians in Syria, as it would make them look even worse than those that attacked them. Also, ISIS have been staying in plenty of places they've occupied even with a force approaching them, both in Syria and Iraq, so while the high ranked ISIS officials may not take the risk of being there you can be sure their fighters will be. They're not just going to give up territory and run away or this thing would have been over a long time ago. Considering a bulk of their forces are not made of locals but foreign trash that decided to leave a safe comfortable life to die for some violent belief I'd say it's safe to assume most of them are still in Raqqa.

Perhaps this guy should start by condemning the group that killed people Paris people, especially when they believed in a belief that has been founded and exported by his own fucking country. Maybe he could stop being an ISIS apoligist, but that's kind of hard when he believes in their ideology himself. How about having him condemn the war crimes his country are still doing in Yemen, or is he only enraged when civilians fighters are bombed?

So? We've already had people in this thread say that they as Westerners want to get rid of Islam.

Do we need to get out some kind of score card? What's the point of this?
Calm down.
In Pakistan, there was one suicide attack in the 14 years before 9/11. In the fourteen years since, there have been 486.[/B]

There are areas in Pakistan that completely out of the control of the government. The army is afraid to send soldiers there. Remember that suicide attack against a military school where officers where sending their sons? That was a massive bloodbath.
Possible, but wouldn't that require NATO adherents to recognize IS as a state? Seems politically unsavory to anyone who isn't ISIS. I can see NATO involvement happening, but on a more informal basis.


Article 5 said:
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.
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