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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.


He's probably right too.

ISIS aren't completely stupid - they're probably hiding in bunkers letting the civilians get destroyed and they'll be making a new propaganda video in the next couple days showing the dead women and children all over the city.

That's how they gain sympathizers around the world - by orchestrating civilian deaths, including their own, for publicity.
Ok, I'm in Vegas on a business trip, and haven't seen a bunch of the news, but I just turned on MSNBC and they're claiming that the PS4 was used for terrorist messaging? Is that true or just rumor? If its true, I can't wait for the shit-storm fallout.


He's probably right too.

ISIS aren't completely stupid - they're probably hiding in bunkers letting the civilians get destroyed and they'll be making a new propaganda video in the next couple days showing the dead women and children all over the city.

That's how they gain sympathizers around the world - by orchestrating civilian deaths, including their own, for publicity.

Prety much

I'm glad my uncle managed to flee from Raqqa two days before it was captured by the ASL/Al-Nusra/IS in a join operation.


He's probably right too.

ISIS aren't completely stupid - they're probably hiding in bunkers letting the civilians get destroyed and they'll be making a new propaganda video in the next couple days showing the dead women and children all over the city.

That's how they gain sympathizers around the world - by orchestrating civilian deaths, including their own, for publicity.
Good point, you'd think people would realize they aren't exactly a reliable source but some people will take the bait anyway.

As of a few weeks ago, Turkey
Ouch. It's probably a still safe haven as well, because Turkish planes sure aren't hitting ISIS targets but forces that are very efficient against ISIS.


Ok, I'm in Vegas on a business trip, and haven't seen a bunch of the news, but I just turned on MSNBC and they're claiming that the PS4 was used for terrorist messaging? Is that true or just rumor? If its true, I can't wait for the shit-storm fallout.

Par the course for Sony, didn't Saddam use PS2s to get around the PC embargo? /s
No doubt there are civilians in Raqqa, but I doubt French planes would suddenly retaliate by attacking civilians in Syria, as it would make them look even worse than those that attacked them. Also, ISIS have been staying in plenty of places they've occupied even with a force approaching them, both in Syria and Iraq, so while the high ranked ISIS officials may not take the risk of being there you can be sure their fighters will be. They're not just going to give up territory and run away or this thing would have been over a long time ago. Considering a bulk of their forces are not made of locals but foreign trash that decided to leave a safe comfortable life to die for some violent belief I'd say it's safe to assume most of them are still in Raqqa.

Perhaps this guy should start by condemning the group that killed people Paris people, especially when they believed in a belief that has been founded and exported by his own fucking country. Maybe he could stop being an ISIS apoligist, but that's kind of hard when he believes in their ideology himself. How about having him condemn the war crimes his country are still doing in Yemen, or is he only enraged when strike]civilians[/s] fighters are bombed?

Calm down.

Saudi's sponsor iffy/dangerous groups in Syria but I don't think and a bunch of professionals also say that the Saudi government doesn't fund ISIS.

Of course they have a bunch of issues and are known for at certain times for their hypocrisy but ISIS has attacked the Saudis on numerous occasions, some success, some failures in this year alone.

We can find a bunch of random people who work for other governments that rant about things too, while their said Government is saying the opposite, finding tweets of something especially as something as lukewarm as saying innocent people will die by air-strikes (which is likely true) is just flinging things from one place to the other.

On the other hand ISIS are scum bags and will of course use innocent civilians as shields.... and things like strategic training grounds, and facilities that help ISIS in their stronghold need to indeed be taken out of commission... in which France has been doing by bombing them.

In our modern warfare that is the calamity of war.


This shit is so scary to think about...just what could happen...ugh.

I don't really see whats so scary. Wars happen, it's just the way things are. And tbh, as ugly as wars are a lot of good comes from. Significant advances in technology that eventually make civilized life better. Could be what we need to kick off another space race.
People complaining on Facebook about the France profile picture filter or "why aren't we praying for "x"?!?!?!?!...do they really not get why one thing receives more immediate attention than the other? The attack on Paris is a current, UNCOMMON event. Of course it's terrible when a suicide bomber attacks a city in Lebanon. It's also more common which is why it doesn't get as much social media attention. They have to understand this, right?

I think they DO get why one thing receives more immediate attention and that's probably their issue. Grieving is trendy. It's as if people can only give so many fucks about mass deaths that they need to save them for the "uncommon" ones. But it's kinda shitty for the Lebanese who had to deal with their situation alone. And the argument is usually "it's not a competition of tragedy" which is just a great way to dismiss the whole issue.


Man, the Syrian refugee hate on FB is making my blood boil. There have been so many posts about people posting stuff like "countries full, stay out."
Pretty loose? It's as loose as you could possibly get. It's merely talking about the wrath of God himself. Quite what that has to do with suicide bombings I have no idea.

It talks about terror. It talks about destruction by their own hands and by the hands of the believers. By their own hands, because France is fighting ISIS. By the hands of the believers because the terrorists are good Muslims.

Could we just rip that from the Koran? Probably not, eh?

I'm not saying that it's worse than the ancient testament. It's just the problem of focusing too much on an old book.

I used to read quote from the old testament when I was playing a post-apocalyptic RPG.
Might have been a French RPG at that.


Some Saudi Islamist saying that France's democratic & civilized aircrafts are pouring death over innocent civilians in Raqqa.


This ass is an AlQaeda sympathizer who was also a blatant ISIS supporter until they started fighting other Jihadist groups in Syria. Though he never stopped pulling bullshit like this whenever anyone bombs ISIS.

Also, might as well translate the whole tweet, man:
"Now...The airplanes of the democratic and civilized France is taking revenge for those who died** in Paris by pouring death lava upon innocent civilians in Raqqa...Exactly like Hitler did when he burned London."

**The use of قتلى, which I translate as you can see, is just par for the course for people like him. Normally he should be using the word for victims, ضحايا, but قتلى has a connotation that implies those who died deserve no sympathy and is often used for enemy combatants.


A chain of very bad decisions has led to this era, and there's no indication that anyone has learned from their mistakes. Starting in Afghanistan in the 1980's, the United States and its vassals backed with weapons and resources the so-called mujahideen in their fight against the Soviets and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan through Pakistan's ISI. Once their enemies were defeated, these US-armed fighters completely destroyed Afghanistan and divided into warring statelets, fostering the conditions to allow for the rise of the Taliban and providing a safe haven for al Qaeda. That's to say nothing of the point that it is very likely that CIA money funded the 'Afghan Arab' fighters who later spawned the global jihadist movement, including al Qaeda, given that the CIA had little discretion over how the ISI channeled these funds.

Moving forward, the United States illegally invaded and occupied Iraq. Even the fallout of this disastrous decision could perhaps have been mitigated had the US not insisted on a process of de-Baathification, yet in doing so the occupiers ensured the marginalization of Iraq's Sunni Arab population and sparked the ethnic conflict that soon ensued. Even among policy-makers in the US it is now acknowledged this laid the groundwork for the rise of ISIS, yet given the opportunity to rectify its mistakes, the US has continued to follow the same strategy in Libya and Syria. Despite the Free Syrian Army fighting side by side with al Qaeda (al Nusra) and other radical Islamist groups (Ahrah ash-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, etc.) and while the American Syrian Civil War expert scholar Dr. Joshua Landis estimates 90% of all aid to the FSA ends up in the hands of radical jihadists, the CIA continues to back these fighters in an attempt to remove Assad from power. Sound familiar?

I understand the French desire to retaliate and I would say I even support the bombing of Raqqa. But bombing an enemy like ISIS does absolutely nothing if you do not have soldiers on the ground to attack and take ground. Even more crucially, however, we have to demand that our leaders stop pursuing policies that allow for the rise of these jihadist movements. We have to demand accountability of the Saudis and their sadistic Wahhabism-Salafism they spread with their petrodollars and we have to stop a policy of regime changed aimed at neutralizing nations that might stand up to Israel or in some other way stand in the way of the West's geopolitical designs. Otherwise it is inevitable that states will continue to collapse, refugees will continue to flee, and terror will continue to spread.

That's just my opinion. Kthxbye


It talks about terror. It talks about destruction by their own hands and by the hands of the believers. By their own hands, because France is fighting ISIS. By the hands of the believers because the terrorists are good Muslims.

Could we just rip that from the Koran? Probably not, eh?

I'm not saying that it's worse than the ancient testament. It's just the problem of focusing too much on an old book.

I used to read quote from the old testament when I was playing a post-apocalyptic RPG.
Might have been a French RPG at that.

The only french RPG (pen and paper one) I know of with tons of old testament quotes is In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas and there's nothing apocalyptic about it

Also old books have metaphores in them and should be taken as such, yadda, yadda, yadda
Man, the Syrian refugee hate on FB is making my blood boil. There have been so many posts about people posting stuff like "countries full, stay out."

That's one of the objectives. ISIS does not want the people fleeing the war to settle peacefully somewhere else and live happily.

I think about those two women born in Tunisia who died in the attack. The husband with the 2 kids is possibly the biggest victim in all of this.
This ass is an AlQaeda sympathizer who was also a blatant ISIS supporter until they started fighting other Jihadist groups in Syria. Though he never stopped pulling bullshit like this whenever anyone bombs ISIS.

Also, might as well translate the whole tweet, man:
"Now...The airplanes of the democratic and civilized France is taking revenge for those who died** in Paris by pouring death lava upon innocent civilians in Raqqa...Exactly like Hitler did when he burned London."

**The use of قتلى, which I translate as you can see, is just par for the course for people like him. Normally he should be using the word for victims, ضحايا, but قتلى has a connotation that implies those who died deserve no sympathy and is often used for enemy combatants.

oh wow never knew this.... that is a scummy way to act


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Man, the Syrian refugee hate on FB is making my blood boil. There have been so many posts about people posting stuff like "countries full, stay out."
Ironically, that attitude serves ISIS' aim to divide Muslims and the West.


That's one of the objectives. ISIS does not want the people fleeing the war to settle peacefully somewhere else and live happily.

I think about those two women born in Tunisia who died in the attack. The husband with the 2 kids is possibly the biggest victim in all of this.
Yup, in some instances, they've ruined some peoples second chance.
The only french RPG (pen and paper one) I know of with tons of old testament quotes is In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas and there's nothing apocalyptic about it

Also old books have metaphores in them and should be taken as such, yadda, yadda, yadda

Oh, no. I added the religious stuff of my own initiatives. The other players loved it.

That was 30 years ago... I can hardly remember... Bitume?


Also, might as well translate the whole tweet, man:
"Now...The airplanes of the democratic and civilized France is taking revenge for those who died** in Paris by pouring death lava upon innocent civilians in Raqqa...Exactly like Hitler did when he burned London."

**The use of قتلى, which I translate as you can see, is just par for the course for people like him. Normally he should be using the word for victims, ضحايا, but قتلى has a connotation that implies those who died deserve no sympathy and is often used for enemy combatants.
Subtleties like that are often lost in translation, especially from very old and complex languages. Thank you for that.
Man, the Syrian refugee hate on FB is making my blood boil. There have been so many posts about people posting stuff like "countries full, stay out."

Agreed. These attackers are second and third generation Muslims from prior waves of immigration, generations found to be more extreme then their parents. This new wave of immigration clearly won't lead to exacerbating those problems.
It's as if people can only give so many fucks about mass deaths that they need to save them for the "uncommon" ones.

That's basically true. There are easily enough tragedies going on in the world that we could spend every day of every week doing nothing but grieving and commemorating. Coverage of these is always going to be unfair to others, as single events dominate the news while others go on in the background, but people upset about Lebanon not getting the same level of attention can at least take some solace in that action that results from French attacks will also be directed at the organisation responsible for the Lebanese one.
That's basically true. There are easily enough tragedies going on in the world that we could spend every day of every week doing nothing but grieving and commemorating. Coverage of these is always going to be unfair to others, as single events dominate the news while others go on in the background, but people upset about Lebanon not getting the same level of attention can at least take some solace in that action that results from French attacks will also be directed at the organisation responsible for the Lebanese one.

I agree. I think it's more understandable on an individual level though. Like, it's definitely unfortunate, but I get it when it's coming from people on Facebook. The media doesn't cover "common" ones, so nobody is aware. I don't think I get it when Amazon & Youtube are in on the grieving though. They should be a bit above such a social media trend, maybe?


Subtleties like that are often lost in translation, especially from very old and complex languages. Thank you for that.

It technically should translate to "murdered" or "killed." But the word has become, increasingly, used with the connotation I mentioned, especially by Salafists like him. For instance, they'd also use it whenever Shias or Sunni Muslims they don't like get killed instead of the customary practice of referring to them as "martyrs."

It's just one of the many things that emerged over the recent years to desensitize people from various crimes and to intensify hateful feelings towards specific groups.


Kill ISIS, they can't be helped.

Give the semi-radical muslims who are likely to sympathize with extremists unprecedented access to porn and video games, they suddenly won't have time for their scripture.

That.......probably wouldn't work, not if they are being bombarded with hate speech down at their local mosque or on the private Wahhabism chat forum known to be instrumental in convincing young Muslims to join terror groups.
Exactly, and it pisses me off, especially when people aren't willing to see that.

France doesn't need to accept hundreds of thousands or millions of immigrants because maybe if they don't someone will commit a violent act. That's just laying of blame on the western world for horrific acts committed against innocent civilians. Blaming them for not being open enough despite decades of open door policy.

Mass immigration, destabilizing Middle Eastern interventions and a global culture of radical Islam are to blame for the fifth column in Europe that ISIS uses as a recruiting pool.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Many, many condolences to those that were killed, their families/friends, and in fact, to the whole country of Paris.

Hopefully all of Parisians in particular can stay strong. And hopefully this tragedy does not incite people to harm innocents that have nothing to do with the attacks.


Few friends were talking about the videos that are now coming out from this

I couldn't watch anything like that myself but even thinking about it....My brain doesn't know how to process what they were telling me what was in the videos
I've just seen someone say on Twitter that because of Paris' attentat, few people were talking/lamenting what has just happened in Beirut. I think he is right and I feel very bad about it :(
Seeing the adjectives used to describe the French bombing seems pretty disingenuous. Using words like massive and heavy to describe 20 strikes when there have been 7000 strikes in the last year.


I've just seen someone say on Twitter that because of Paris' attentat, few people were talking/lamenting what has just happened in Beirut. I think he is right and I feel very bad about it :(

Don't want to sound disrespectful to LebGAF but unfortunately such events are all too frequent in Lebanon, it's something that's in the mindset of many in the West when they hear the name of that country. There are still UN peacekeepers there patrolling the Israeli border region (relatives of mine deployed there now incidentally) and Hezbollah controls large swathes of it. In France however or indeed any Western country such terrorist outrages are exceedingly rare (though they now seem to becoming a more regular occurrence).

24 news media is a fickle beast and before long it's attention will move on to something else. Anyone else see a report on the Russian aircraft blown out of the skies above the Sinai on today's news? No, neither did I.

Seeing the adjectives used to describe the French bombing seems pretty disingenuous. Using words like massive and heavy to describe 20 strikes when there have been 7000 strikes in the last year.

I believe this may be the first strikes on the city itself, at least by the coalition.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
That's one of the objectives. ISIS does not want the people fleeing the war to settle peacefully somewhere else and live happily.

I think about those two women born in Tunisia who died in the attack. The husband with the 2 kids is possibly the biggest victim in all of this.

Nonsense, no more so than the families of any of the other victims.


Redmond's Baby
Just one question - from where France conducts their airstrikes? From aircraft carrier or they have a base somewhere near Syria?
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