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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Yes the reporter on scene is saying that the police doesn't appear to be doing anything in particular outside of standing around. But at the same time there's a police offer in a full swat style gear sitting in the gutter of a building and isn't moving away. The bang was from the possible carbombs.


Safety perimeter for possible bomb car is extended. One of the cars has French license plates. It is very close to the EU buildings, so they'll take no risks on that.




In 5 minutes the whole world will be silent for one minute...


In Jewish eschatology, you are doomed regarding the life to come if you are not "righteous" and do not follow the seven laws of Noah.

ok but I disagree with the term "doomed." if you don't believe in God then you cannot take place in the world to come (העולם הבא) and remain dead. there is no 'eternal punishment' for non-Believers, they just stay dead, it's like sleeping. Only a few times in the Tanakh is Sheol mentioned, and that is a place of shadows where everyone, righteous or not, goes. This is an explanation as to why people can communicate with the dead (allegedly)
These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.


These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.
Vienna should be fine. It is no coincidence that it is centered around Paris and Brussels.


The Birthday Skeleton
These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.

Vienna is a very safe city. Maybe because Austria is not militarily involved in middle east or maybe because Austrian police is really good at its job.
These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.

Sure they succeeded because the government let them succeed. They live in France, Belgium, Germany, etc with heavy weapons, bombs and grenades in their own apartment.
It's a fucking joke and I can't understand why the citizens accept this.


These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.
Terror fails when we refuse to be terrorized. Vienna and Paris are two places no one should ever fear to walk. The homes of so much art and culture and humanism.

Don't let murderous theocrats take that away from you.
Vienna is a very safe city. Maybe because Austria is not militarily involved in middle east or maybe because Austrian police is really good at its job.

During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....


During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....
There will be fear for a time, but the Parisian spirit has survived worse.

Paris will endure, as New York did.


These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.

Dude, don't let fear rule over you. There's still infinitely less chance of anything happening to you because of a terrorist attack than there is a plane crash, and it's not like you're going to stop flying on planes. This is what the terrorists want. Hate, fear, xenophobia, anger, ostracism etc. Don't let them win the subconscious battle.


The Birthday Skeleton
During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....

Still, the latest events in Europe are all pretty much revolving around the same areas. Belgium as a safe heaven for terrorists and France as a target.


During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....

No big city is ever safe. The probability for an individual to be caught in a terrorist attack is minuscule. Don't even cross the street or go out late at night if this kind of odds instil fear in you. This is a silly statement and shows how easy it is for terror groups to make people feel unsafe. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture instead of letting them distort your view of the world.


During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....
No where is safe unless you live in a bubble. Is your fear terrorism? I can tell you statically speaking the chances of you dieing in a terrorist attack are extremely slim to the point it is an irrational fear to have.

Out of curiosity where do you live? I'm a former new jersey / new yorker now living in spain and I lived through 0911. I will be traveling to Berlin Brussels and Amsterdam in a couple of weeks. Am I scared, no. Life goes on. The next day after the Paris attacks the people of Paris were having beers on terraces. Your comments about tourism to Paris makes me wonder. Do you think people stopped going to NYC because of 09/11?

And to the person worried about travelling to Austria.i can tell you Austria is not Paris. Paris is not a third world city. France is not a third world country. You will be no safer in Birmingham Alabama than in Vienna Austria.




The Birthday Skeleton
I think French and Belgian authorities should be also questioned though. It's the third event happening in less than a year (if we include the failed one with the train, which failed because the citizens involvement, not the authorities).


These motherfuckers surely succeeded in inflicting terror throughout Europe. I was planning a 3 day vacation in Vienna with my wife in the month of december, now we are having second thoughts. I can't believe it has come to this in our beautiful countries.

Don't have second thoughts. Don't play into their cards. Offcourse it crosses your mind. I went on a Thalys to Paris the day after the botched attacks, and offcourse there is some fear it will happen again. I am going to a concert in Brussels in a venue very similar to the Bataclan. Offcourse i think about it. But there is no need to change your plans or give in to fear.


I think French and Belgian authorities should be also questioned though. It's the third event happening in less than a year (if we include the failed one with the train, which failed because the citizens involvement, not the authorities).

My concern is how the guns are getting through. Most arms seizures are WW2 junk and pocket pistols. Full sized ARs were pretty much unheard of until this year.


I think French and Belgian authorities should be also questioned though. It's the third event happening in less than a year (if we include the failed one with the train, which failed because the citizens involvement, not the authorities).

How exactly are you going to prevent these kinds of attacks? The government is simply not the all-seeing eye of mordor, and even that failed to notice a bunch of hobbits infiltrating the capital.


since when does a fox need an accent aigu?
Don't have second thoughts. Don't play into their cards. Offcourse it crosses your mind. I went on a Thalys to Paris the day after the botched attacks, and offcourse there is some fear it will happen again. I am going to a concert in Brussels in a venue very similar to the Bataclan. Offcourse i think about it. But there is no need to change your plans or give in to fear.

Well said.


My concern is how the guns are getting through. Most arms seizures are WW2 junk and pocket pistols. Full sized ARs were pretty much unheard of until this year.
Former Soviet Union weaponry. It got lost after the fall of the Soviet Union.

I think French and Belgian authorities should be also questioned though. It's the third event happening in less than a year (if we include the failed one with the train, which failed because the citizens involvement, not the authorities).
It is also not that they are sitting still. They have managed to stop attacks too. Considering the guy behind this, it looked like his cell was caught in January in Verviers.


My concern is how the guns are getting through. Most arms seizures are WW2 junk and pocket pistols. Full sized ARs were pretty much unheard of until this year.

Really? Balkan war hardware has been making its way to Europe's organized crime organizations for a while now. It's not surprising to me that terrorists would be able to get their hands on this stuff too.


The Birthday Skeleton
How exactly are you going to prevent these kinds of attacks? The government is simply not the all-seeing eye of mordor, and even that failed to notice a bunch of hobbits infiltrating the capital.

You already have some suspects (both now and in January) that were already suspected of radicalization since long time ago, you have a supposed "mastermind" behind this and the train incident who was already well known.

BBC said:
The AFP news agency quotes the Paris prosecutor as saying that one of the bombers had previously been placed under formal investigation for a "terrorism" offence.

I don't know, maybe tracking better those suspected of radicalization? Trying better to counter the gun smuggling.

How could this action:

BBC said:
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says 168 locations across France were raided by police overnight, and 23 individuals were detained and taken in for questioning. Thirty-one weapons, including a rocket launcher, were seized.

be done just now?

How could UK do this if it's so difficult:

BBC said:
Downing Street sources have said that security services prevented one attack in the UK in the last month.

Earlier today the Prime Minister said that seven attacks were prevented in the last 6 months.

Edit: not every terrorist attack can be stopped, this not what I'm saying, but 3 successful attacks (I'm marking the train incident as successful because it wasn't stopped by French or Belgian intelligence/police) in less than one year is quite a lot.


You already have some suspects (both now and in January) that were already suspected of radicalization since long time ago, you have a supposed "mastermind" behind this and the train incident who was already well known.
Who was probably never in Belgium or France since he left for Syria.

be done just now?
They're preventive. They're now arresting people who might have never acted in the off chance that they might spring into action due to copycat behaviour.

Edit: not every terrorist attack can be stopped, this not what I'm saying, but 3 successful attacks (I'm marking the train incident as successful because it wasn't stopped by French or Belgian intelligence/police) in less than one year is quite a lot.
You have no idea how many they might have stopped in the meantime, and how many people they are tracking. Belgium has to track almost as many Syria fighters as the UK. The intelligence department is a bit smaller than the UK.
I can't see any reactions.

What visible reaction do you expect? Demonstrations/marches/rallies have been forbidden for a few days for security reasons.

That said, there is a large part of the population that has branded the current government as "inefficient" or "weak" and that has given in to extremist parties -- many polls say Hollande will be beaten by far-right candidate Le Pen at the first round of the next presidential election... Actually, many polls say he'll even be beaten by right-wing candidates Sarkozy or Juppé.
What reaction do you want? Vigilante justice?

The government failed.....again. I'd be nice to see some reactions against the actual politics. Not only in France but in Germany, Belgium, etc as well. Our politicians are cowards.

Lol, what do you really want to see?
Vigilante justice where outraged civilians are irrationally targeting innocent muslim citizens for 'acting shady' or flimsy excuses like that? That's the last thing we need.

Jumping to conclusions....


The Birthday Skeleton
Who was probably never in Belgium or France since he left for Syria.

They're preventive. They're now arresting people who might have never acted in the off chance that they might spring into action due to copycat behaviour.

You have no idea how many they might have stopped in the meantime, and how many people they are tracking. Belgium has to track almost as many Syria fighters as the UK. The intelligence department is a bit smaller than the UK.

So 3 successful terrorist attacks in less than a year is acceptable?


Wait, did Fox News just suggest the terror attacks were plotted because of "video games"? (Apparently they used PS4 voice chat to " plot") Sweet Christ!


The guys that are being arrested on the pics from Molenbeek aren't terror suspects. They just didn't comply with the police when asked to leave the streets.


The government failed.....again. I'd be nice to see some reactions against the actual politics. Not only in France but in Germany, Belgium, etc as well. Our politicians are cowards.

There have been some demonstrations in Germany lead by a right wing party (afd?) that have been met by heavy counter demonstrations by antifa groups. Same in some other northern european countries. Also, there's the pegida? group doing demonstrations in Netherlands.

The thing is anybody wanting any kind of better control of the refugee asylum process is instantly labeled a nazi or extreme right wing, literally killing any sort of debate and muting a considerable portion of the population that doesn't know what to do.
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