That's for sure (and thank god for that, it's beautiful).
But it literally isn't a roman empire anymore. For a group that is condemning any change to the Quran because it's the word of God and necessarily perfect, that's one serious oversight.
That's for sure (and thank god for that, it's beautiful).
But it literally isn't a roman empire anymore. For a group that is condemning any change to the Quran because it's the word of God and necessarily perfect, that's one serious oversight.
That's for sure (and thank god for that, it's beautiful).
But it literally isn't a roman empire anymore. For a group that is condemning any change to the Quran because it's the word of God and necessarily perfect, that's one serious oversight.
Well, for a group that is said to take the Quran literally, that'd be a shame.
Their argument is that the Quran is the word of God, and therefore necessarly right, right? So it should say "ennemies of the west" or something like that, not roman empire.
/s, though I'd be interested to hear how ISIS supporters would get out of that one
There's no certainty that piece of shit was anywhere west of Greece in 2015.Jesus, so the mastermind of these Paris attacks is still at large? Fucking terrifying
I didn't say it was bad though, did I? I said it was meaningless.
During these circumstances I don't think we could name one big city in Europe safe. It's the tragic truth. I don't even want to think about what this did to tourism in Paris....
This is the bulletproof shield police used to get into the Bataclan theatre. #Parisattacks
I'm pretty sure if you went around telling people with flag profile photos that it was meaningless they wouldn't take it in a good way.
The West looks pretty damn Roman if you ask me.
This is the bulletproof shield police used to get into the Bataclan theatre. #Parisattacks
I'll be honest, we were pretty unproductive today, so at noon, after that moment of silence, we headed to this wine fair on a boat, tasted and bought food and wine, because fuck it. That didn't help work but made the day slightly better.people already out in the streets, having a drink in terraces meters away from the terrorist attacks.
Yep, Paris, France, and europe in general will rise above this.
Only the second of those is Roman( and technically the last is Roman inspired, but that's kind of cheating), the rest are Greek revival.
Basically all of the big government buildings in the US are Greek inspired, because the founding fathers respected the Greek ideals of democracy. Rome not so much.
Damn. I have massive respect for these guys.
Give this guy a medal!this real ? The massive balls on the guy leading the assault column
It's their way of showing how much they care. Some might be sincere, others disingenuous. You can usually tell who's who by the frequency and target of their solidarity.
They must have ran out of grenades thankfully.
So what happened to the people hanging from the windowsills of the concert hall in that video?
They lived. Apparently the woman hanging from the windowsill was also pregnant.
The people of Paris wanted folks to put a candle in the window to show support. This is like that but on a global, social networking level. Same when people wear ribbons. It's a show of support, nothing more, nothing less.I didn't say it was bad though, did I? I said it was meaningless. The second quote doesn't make much sense generically applying models of anxiety to this scenario without much thought. If you suspect someone that might be affected, you should SHOW that you care, not about France as a nation, but about them, and their well being.
Too difficult to make out from the bad quality. However, i think it's a bit farfetched to think the guy would still be hiding in plain sight in Paris (is that where the video is taken?). Someone winking and smiling at a tv camera is also nothing new is it?
The people of Paris wanted folks to put a candle in the window to show support. This is like that but on a global, social networking level. Same when people wear ribbons. It's a show of support, nothing more, nothing less.
Didn't he supposedely cross a border check after the attacks so it would be strange for him to be back in Paris?
Immediately after the attacks, before they could get his alert out to border security.Don't know when he crossed the border, but the video is taken by sky news on the saturday/Sunday. It's the wink & smile at the end of the video as he passes by, which is like a WTF moment
Won't be long before they're accusing Iran of using PS4's to develop a nuke.
It's just Fox "News" doing its usual anti video games spiel without an ounce of intelligence or effort. The attackers could easily have used Snapchat or Facebook messenger but FN wouldn't have given a shit.
Authorities identify attackers: The assailants are grouped according to the targets into three teams. An additional two individuals are sought by police.
The attacks around Paris are one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in Europe’s recent history. Some other terror attacks in Western Europe:
Not at all.Lol gotta love it
Anders in the second picture was 2011, not 2001
that is the most convoluted infograph they could've possibly made wtf is that
that is the most convoluted infograph they could've possibly made wtf is that
Bosnian fans disrupt minute's silence for Paris victims
Bosnian fans disrupt minute's silence for Paris victims
Maybe I should show this to the people on my Facebook feed saying America should reject Syrians refugees because the "terrorists were ALL refugees" according to some.
Bosnian fans disrupt minute's silence for Paris victims
Not sure if that would help. If there's even one it still proves their point in their own mind.