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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Maybe I should show this to the people on my Facebook feed saying America should reject Syrians refugees because the "terrorists were ALL refugees" according to some.

They won't give a shit, it doesn't fit their narrative, so they'll just ignore it.

They're like anti-vaccers, they're looking for any reason to justify their beliefs and will ignore the facts.

I grew up in that environment, it's amazing I learned to think for myself.


Makes me sick hearing the shit that comes from my family's mouths from this, saying that they'll boycott muslim shops (cos apparently it's up to the "normal" ones to keep the radicals in line) and calling for migration control.

Fucking hell.


on a related note



Makes me sick hearing the shit that comes from my family's mouths from this, saying that they'll boycott muslim shops (cos apparently it's up to the "normal" ones to keep the radicals in line) and calling for migration control.

Fucking hell.

Best thing I ever did was cut my family out of the bulk of my life (the only person I really still talk to is my mom).

Bunch of no good racist assholes, I'm better off without them.

because of this, Bosnia should be barred from playing in the Euro 2016 in France.

Hey, if both Serbia can lose points after the outburst of Serbian fans during a Serbia vs Albania match, then so can Bosnia for the actions of their fans.

you want to boo a moment of silence for France? okay, you are automatically kicked out of the reminder of the Play-Offs and won't be going to the Euro next summer in France,

*edit, looks at scores... Thank You Ireland!
Makes me sick hearing the shit that comes from my family's mouths from this, saying that they'll boycott muslim shops (cos apparently it's up to the "normal" ones to keep the radicals in line) and calling for migration control.

Fucking hell.
That's fucked up beyond belief :(

Being Croatian I have a lot of Muslim friends and none of us ever got into the whole Croat, Serbia, Bosnian, Muslim bickering like back in the old country. That's probably because we are not stupid.

My Muslim friends here in the US or across the pond are just as outraged and saddened by what happened.

I can't see pinning what some whackos do on an entire demographic. People are just fucking braindead to the um-teenth power.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Do NOT post photos of people who vaguely look like suspects in the crime. If authorities release photos, feel free to post them. Any attempts to "unmask" perps using random internet detective photos going forward will be deleted and permanently banned. Do not quote people who do this; just reply quickly with a "Don't do that, internet detectives can ruin peoples' lives" and report to a moderator. If you quote it, it makes it harder for the original careless person to edit out their error and makes more work for us.


These are the Grand Mufti of Australia's comment on the attacks:

“These recent incidents highlight the fact that current strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism are not working,” Dr Mohammed said.
“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.”

While the West defends the majority of Muslims, the leader of the majority of Muslims blames the West.


listen to the mad man
These are the Grand Mufti of Australia's comment on the attacks:

“These recent incidents highlight the fact that current strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism are not working,” Dr Mohammed said.
“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.”

While the West defends the majority of Muslims, the leader of the majority of Muslims blames the West.

great daily mail quote bro, it's neat that you pull-quoted from the bottom of the short message and not the top where he said "His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, and the Australia National Imams Council mourn the loss of innocent lives due to the recent terrorist attacks in France. Almost 130 people were tragically killed and more than 350 injured. We would like to convey our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We reiterate that the sanctity of human life is guarantee in Islam."



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
great daily mail quote bro, it's neat that you pull-quoted from the bottom of the short message and not the top where he said "His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, and the Australia National Imams Council mourn the loss of innocent lives due to the recent terrorist attacks in France. Almost 130 people were tragically killed and more than 350 injured. We would like to convey our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We reiterate that the sanctity of human life is guarantee in Islam."


I don't see why it would be wrong to say that this Mufti is blaming the West for terrorism. The examples for "causative factors" that he quotes are all things that are directed at the West, and this selection surely is deliberate.

That said, calling this guy the leader of the majority of Muslims is ridiculous.


great daily mail quote bro, it's neat that you pull-quoted from the bottom of the short message and not the top where he said "His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, and the Australia National Imams Council mourn the loss of innocent lives due to the recent terrorist attacks in France. Almost 130 people were tragically killed and more than 350 injured. We would like to convey our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased. We reiterate that the sanctity of human life is guarantee in Islam."


Daily mail? It's on every major news site in Australia along with all the positive ones.

What does condolences have to do with anything. I'm referring to the part where the cause of the attacks are addressed.

What if someone was raped and then someone said 'My deepest condolences to the victim and I reiterate that the act of rape is an unforgivable offence. The victim however shouldn't be wearing such sexualised clothing and suggestive appearance.'

You're also just focusing on one part of the message, just a different part.
These are the Grand Mufti of Australia's comment on the attacks:

“These recent incidents highlight the fact that current strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism are not working,” Dr Mohammed said.
“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.”

While the West defends the majority of Muslims, the leader of the majority of Muslims blames the West.

I'm pretty sure that's not the "leader of the majority of Muslims".
I can say without a doubt it wasn't the irish fans. They would never do that.
Are you serious? :) How can you vouch for people who you don't know? The boos were pretty loud. Not sure if you had enough Bosnia fans there to be so loud. Plus it seemed like they came from all over the stadium. It's kind of stupid argument, but I find it ridiculous that everyone is saying that there's no way even 1 Irish person was being disrespectful... There's always a chance that some random drunk dude was being stupid.


Grand Mufti is 'the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country'
Sorry about my wording but what I meant when I said majority is that he is a leader of the moderate muslims (with the moderate being the majority over the extremists).
Islam isn't like many other religions that have a central figure, they have many leaders. Dismissing his high position is ridiculous though.
Grand Mufti is 'the highest official of religious law in a Sunni or Ibadi Muslim country'
Sorry about my wording but what I meant when I said majority is that he is a leader of the moderate muslims (with the moderate being the majority over the extremists).
Islam isn't like many other religions that have a central figure, they have many leaders. Dismissing his high position is ridiculous though.

More Than 1,000 Indian Muslim Clerics Sign Fatwa Against ISIS (September 9, 2015 article)
More than 1,000 Muslim clerics in India have ratified a religious ruling that condemns the Islamic State and calls the extremist group's actions "un-Islamic," a top Indian Muslim leader said Wednesday.

Religious leaders from hundreds of Islamic mosques, education institutions and civic groups across India have signed the edict, or fatwa, saying the actions of the Islamic State group went against the basic tenets of Islam.

The edict was issued by a leading Mumbai-based cleric, Mohammed Manzar Hasan Ashrafi Misbahi, and has been signed by the leaders of all the main mosques in India, which has the world's third-largest Muslim population.

Muslim clerics across India will speak to their followers after prayers on Friday, explaining the contents of the edict and why it is important to denounce the Islamic State, said Abdul Rehman Anjaria, president of the Islamic Defense Cyber Cell.


Are you serious? :) How can you vouch for people who you don't know? The boos were pretty loud. Not sure if you had enough Bosnia fans there to be so loud. Plus it seemed like they came from all over the stadium. It's kind of stupid argument, but I find it ridiculous that everyone is saying that there's no way even 1 Irish person was being disrespectful... There's always a chance that some random drunk dude was being stupid.

The booing at the end was in response to the idiots who couldn't respect the initial silence


I live in Australia. I'm posting what an Australian Muslim leader has said AFTER the recent events. Is that ok? Or are we only allowed to post one side?

I am legit asking cause I thought a forum is meant for discussion.

That's great about all those leaders in India back in September and I'm sure all those feelings are the same in a majority of leaders here but I see people making entire threads picking apart each word a US politican says so what's wrong what me posting what the Grand Mufti of Australia said today?


( ≖‿≖)
More re: Nato stuff on last page


"France is at war" was the first sentence of President Francois Hollande's speech to an exceptional sitting of both houses of the French parliament in Versailles Monday afternoon (16 November). "Terrorism will not destroy the republic; it is the republic that will destroy terrorism," was the last.
Between the two declarations, Hollande delivered a speech aimed at creating national unity around a "security pact" and at triggering an international response following Friday's terror attacks in Paris.

The French president announced that on Tuesday France will invoke the European mutual defense clause.
Rather than article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which requires assistance when a member state is "the object of a terrorist attack", France chose to trigger article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union.

This article states that "if a member state is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other member states shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power."


Are you serious? :) How can you vouch for people who you don't know? The boos were pretty loud. Not sure if you had enough Bosnia fans there to be so loud. Plus it seemed like they came from all over the stadium. It's kind of stupid argument, but I find it ridiculous that everyone is saying that there's no way even 1 Irish person was being disrespectful... There's always a chance that some random drunk dude was being stupid.

The boos were from irish fans booing the idiots. If you disrespect a minutes silence in the UK/Republic or Ireland then you will have shit booed out of you.
Besides there have been many occasions in internationals when the irish have been asked for a minutes silence. They are impeccable in observing it. And thats's during Rugby games when they are monstrously pissed.


These are the Grand Mufti of Australia's comment on the attacks:

“These recent incidents highlight the fact that current strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism are not working,” Dr Mohammed said.
“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.”

While the West defends the majority of Muslims, the leader of the majority of Muslims blames the West.

I don't think he's off his rocker here, the current strategies directed at dealing with terrorism are clearly failing miserably and we do need to look at more causative factors. Especially foreign policies and military interventions.


Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I live in Australia. I'm posting what an Australian Muslim leader has said AFTER the recent events. Is that ok? Or are we only allowed to post one side?

I am legit asking cause I thought a forum is meant for discussion.

That's great about all those leaders in India back in September and I'm sure all those feelings are the same in a majority of leaders here but I see people making entire threads picking apart each word a US politican says so what's wrong what me posting what the Grand Mufti of Australia said today?
I really don't think he's victim blaming - the victims are the dead, not their governments who implement dangerous foreign policy that have gotten us into this mess. That type of discussion is fair game after an event like this.

Also, as an aside: Australia has 400,000 Muslims. Even if your supposition about the Grand Mufti is true, he still represents less than 0.1% of Muslims. Not quite a "majority".


We really need to control 20-30 y/o native born European men.

Scratch that, it's only a tiny minority of bad sheeps, so why even bother. Let's open the flood gates. It's only 130 dead after all. Nothing compared to the numbers in other parts of the world. Everything is going to be all right.


I don't think he's off his rocker here, the current strategies directed at dealing with terrorism are clearly failing miserably and we do need to look at more causative factors. Especially foreign policies and military interventions.

Foreign policy and miltary interventions are definitely the cause of ISIS and all the unrest in the middle east, no doubt about it. However the direct cause of the attacks in Paris, lebanon, etc clearly have an Islamic element to them. It's obviously a minority but regarding the situation here in Australia there have been 2 lone wolf attacks. We don't really have the threat of a coordinated strike like what just occurred in Paris, it's mostly people who agree with the ideology who turn their thoughts into actions.

Now there has been a tremendous outpouring of support to the Muslim majority here in Australia which is great but the potential people who might commit an attack don't care about any of that so when an actual respected figure in their community continues to feed reasons such as racism, islamophobia, foreign policy and miltary interventions as a cause of the attacks then this just provides more approval of their ideology.


Obsidian fan
Scratch that, it's only a tiny minority of bad sheeps, so why even bother. Let's open the flood gates. It's only 130 dead after all. Nothing compared to the numbers in other parts of the world. Everything is going to be all right.

What flood gates? What the hell are you on about? They are natives of France and Belgium.


Also, as an aside: Australia has 400,000 Muslims. Even if your supposition about the Grand Mufti is true, he still represents less than 0.1% of Muslims. Not quite a "majority".
Do you seriously think I meant the majority of all muslims in the world when I said Grand Mufti of Australia?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Scratch that, it's only a tiny minority of bad sheeps, so why even bother. Let's open the flood gates. It's only 130 dead after all. Nothing compared to the numbers in other parts of the world. Everything is going to be all right.

I think the point is that the bad sheep are already in Europe, and have been there for decades. Closing the borders is window dressing security - it'll make people feel safer, but won't amount to much actual security. It certainly wouldn't have stopped this attack.

Do you seriously think I meant the majority of all muslims in the world when I said Grand Mufti of Australia?

How could I know what you're thinking?


Scratch that, it's only a tiny minority of bad sheeps, so why even bother. Let's open the flood gates. It's only 130 dead after all. Nothing compared to the numbers in other parts of the world. Everything is going to be all right.

Floodgates of French and Belgium people?
CHEEZMO™;185738000 said:
What flood gates? What the hell are you on about? They are natives of France and Belgium.

Legacies of decades of short sighted immigration policies. So Europe should repeat their mistakes by letting in migrants in large numbers without screening.


Legacies of decades of short sighted immigration policies. So Europe should repeat their mistakes by letting in migrants in large numbers without screening.

So now they need to figure out what kids born in their own country are going to be terrorists?

Fuck, America better start screening white males ASAP.


CHEEZMO™;185738525 said:
Then why did you bring up refugees and controls for them?

How to you make the difference between a genuine refugee and a terrorist that tries to go back to EU? You need some sort of control.


Obsidian fan
How to you make the difference between a genuine refugee and a terrorist that tries to go back to EU? You need some sort of control.

but... they are EU citizens and always have been... They could just come back anyway, they wouldn't need to pose as a refugee.


CHEEZMO™;185739380 said:
but... they are EU citizens and always have been... They could just come back anyway, they wouldn't need to pose as a refugee.

Aren't they blacklisted? I would hope it's known by the secret services they went to Syria.
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