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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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This has nothing to do with being muslim.

This has to do with people leaving france for turkey then syria, being noticed by secret services, then allowed to come back and live in nearby countries. They were flagged for a reason.

They were seen talking and / or posting on social medias about their journey with Isis.

They should lose their nationality and never come back. I hardly see how that's unfair. As I said if they decided to betray their country I don't see why they deserve a second chance.
I agree with the general sentiment (minus children who are victims and should be helped / rehabilitated) but the logistics and legality of making people stateless are shaky.

It's kind of the same problem as what we do with these guys when they're caught. The (vaguely) humane thing to do is to throw them in our nails, except we don't want them proselytizing in prison either. Not to mention how do we evaluate when a co-conspirator should be released? Do we throw away the key and forget about them?

I'm mentioning all these issues because they expose the same fracture between our gut feeling (take all these fuckers out) and our western democracies' values and principles. I have honestly no idea what the right answer is but neither is entirely satisfying.


Hollande says he'll invoke EU defence clause 42.7


First step to get NATO article 5 going?
Thinking of taking a Facebook break for a while. Seeing photos inside the nightclub posted everywhere. Those victims and the victims families don't need this.
Same, but for different reasons. (Racist, ignorant idiots.)

My Facebook feed has been pretty tame. Just kind words, "prayers" and people reminding others not to let the far-right parties take advantage of the situation.


Why does he wear the mask!?
My Facebook feed has been pretty tame. Just kind words, "prayers" and people reminding others not to let the far-right parties take advantage of the situation.

some plebs put a banner over a bridge nearby from me with "Immigrants not welcome, Britain is full"

Some EDL movement bollocks, then idiots on my feed shared it :/
Paris attacks: France to extend state of emergency by three months – live

France will extend state of emergency by three months

Hollande says he will table a bill to extend the state of emergency in France by three months, and said the French constitution must be amended for crisis situations.

The constitution must allow dual citizens to be stripped of their French citizenship and barred from the country if they are a terrorism risk, he said.

Foreigners who present a security risk must be expelled faster, he added.

Hollande calls for controls on EU borders

Hollande says France demands a rapid implementation of “co-ordinated and systematic controls” of the EU’s internal and external borders.



Noooo... Please don't make the same stupid mistake that America made... :(

To do what exactly? Remove liberties from average citizens? I hope the French people don't fall for that.

For now, he only talked about adding the possibility to revoke the french nationality to someone suspected/convinced (not sure which) of terrorism if said person has at least another nationality, and refuse entry in the territory to anyone having at least another nationality if there are strong suspicions.

Edit: oh yeah, and he didn't get into details, but he wants to reform the state of emergency, as it is no longer adapted to modern times.
For now, he only talked about adding the possibility to revoke the french nationality to someone suspected/convinced (not sure which) of terrorism if said person has at least another nationality, and refuse entry in the territory to anyone having at least another nationality if there are strong suspicions.

I'm OK with that... But if somebody is terrorist the least of their problems should be which nationality they have :)


Hollande wants to modify our Constitution to have a better option to act in these kind of situations.

Noooo... Please don't make the same stupid mistake that America made... :(

To do what exactly? Remove liberties from average citizens? I hope the French people don't fall for that.

It depends on what he wants to change exactly. From what I understand from extracts of his speech, it's about including the "state of emergency" rules in it. Right now that procedure is not part of the Constitution, there is a "state of siege" but it seems made for old-fashioned wars, and transfers all authority from police force to the army (which is not really what we'd need to do in the current situation).
I suppose he wants to make it easier for the President to declare a state of emergency for a given duration, considering right now it requires the approbation of the government for the first few days, then of the Parliament for longer periods.

relevant quote :
François Hollande : "Notre texte comporte aujourd’hui deux régimes particuliers, qui ne sont pas adaptés à notre situation : le recours à l’article 16 (...) Et puis, il y a l’article 36, qui porte sur l’état de siège, qui est déclaré en cas de péril imminent, en cas d’insurrection armée ou d’attaque étrangère. Dans ce cas, différentes compétences sont transférées de l’autorité civile à l’autorité militaire. Il est inadapté. Il n’est pas concevable de transférer à l’autorité militaire des pouvoirs. Et pourtant, nous sommes en guerre, une guerre d’un autre type qui appelle un régime constitutionnel permettant de gérer l’état de guerre."
En savoir plus sur http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/live/...a-paris_4809489_3224.html#KOPMGDr8cCbrubRL.99


I'm OK with that... But if somebody is terrorist the least of their problems should be which nationality they have :)

Not really; if their second nationality isn't from the EU, they lose all aventages of having a nationality from the Shengen community.

I'm doubtful how useful this'll be, I'd guess most don't have double (or more) nationalities (at least not that France know of)... But well, you can't exactly make someone stateless.

Kud Dukan

For now, he only talked about adding the possibility to revoke the french nationality to someone suspected/convinced (not sure which) of terrorism if said person has at least another nationality, and refuse entry in the territory to anyone having at least another nationality if there are strong suspicions.

Going down that road is very dangerous. The definitions of what constitutes terrorism changes over the years. That's the problem with the words terrorism and terrorist. It can be interpreted very broadly.
It depends on what he wants to change exactly. From what I understand from extracts of his speech, it's about including the "state of emergency" rules in it. Right now that procedure is not part of the Constitution, there is a "state of siege" but it seems made for old-fashioned wars, and transfers all authority from police force to the army (which is not really what we'd need to do in the current situation).
I suppose he wants to make it easier for the President to declare a state of emergency for a given duration, considering right now it requires the approbation of the government for the first few days, then of the Parliament for longer periods.

relevant quote :

Yeah I think that's it, neither of the two articles are relevant to this kind of situation.
But you can't remove someone from the country if they are a national.

Not really; if their second nationality isn't from the EU, they lose all aventages of having a nationality from the Shengen community.

I'm doubtful how useful this'll be, I'd guess most don't have double (or more) nationalities (at least not that France know of)... But well, you can't exactly make someone stateless.

If they start kicking out Muslims just because they feel that they might be terrorists this will cause more damage then help. And if they are suspected terrorists they should be watched no matter what their nationality is... I don't see the point of this specific provision.


Going down that road is very dangerous. The definitions of what constitutes terrorism changes over the years. That's the problem with the words terrorism and terrorist. It can be interpreted very broadly.

Yeah the law will have to be written very thoughtfully to not allow any kind of abuse in the future. Although French used to be called the "language of diplomacy" because we have people obsessive about the precise meaning of each word. Hopefully our law writers haven't lost the knack of it, but any change to the Constitution is usually scrutinized very closely.

Putting in controls for internal/external borders, is a fair response to this.

Yes, especially if we manage to make it a joint European effort (one can dream...). It would be nice if we could have a common action without each country bickering, for a change.


If they start kicking out Muslims just because they feel that they might be terrorists this will cause more damage then help. And if they are suspected terrorists they should be watched no matter what their nationality is... I don't see the point of this specific provision.

This has nothing to do with being muslim. At all. You are completely out of the loop. This is about people associating themselves with terrorism.

It's not like french muslims go to syria every week on vacation to talk to isis leaders.

They are safe. It's targeted.
If they start kicking out Muslims just because they feel that they might be terrorists this will cause more damage then help. And if they are suspected terrorists they should be watched no matter what their nationality is... I don't see the point of this specific provision.

They are currently watched, but this allows the French government to remove any rights associated with being French (i.e. freedom of movement in europe etc.) if they're major suspects of terrorism.


The gulf states are hardly bastions of democracy and tolerance. They are not going to let them in. Thats not the refugees fault. We can't keep claiming we are open, tolerant, liberal democracies and refuse people who are fleeing death and destruction.

There's also the fact that a country like Saudi Arabia has very little incentive to take refugees.
Some refugees from war-torn countries might be intellectuals who possess strong political opinions, which may not serve the installed autocraties well. The relative proximity of the border might also lead to massive droves of migrants which would be harder to keep under control.

Germany, on the other side, has been struggling with dwindling fertility rates for a long time. Aside from the fact that opening its doors to a huge amounts of Syrians makes Germany look generous and selfless in the eyes of the West, one might emit the hypothesis that declining birth rates were a factor that helped tilt the scales. At the rate of 3 children per woman, the initial figure of 800 000 Syrian migrants had the potential to bring up to 2 million new German citizens over the span of one single generation, assuming the parents took citizenship. The later figure of 1.5 million migrants could ideally turn into 3.75 million Germans. That would be, at least, the beginning of a quick fix to buffer the upcoming fall in population.
This has nothing to do with being muslim. At all. You are completely out of the loop. This is about people associating themselves with terrorism.

It's not like french muslims go to syria every week on vacation to talk to isis leaders.

They are safe. It's targeted.

I said "IF". If that doesn't happen it's fine. I'm just saying that it could. I'm acknowledging that there's a lot higher chance that the terrorists could be Muslim. They need to be sure that there's a lot stronger evidence than that.


I just stumbled upon a NSFW liveleak video (don't ask) showing three of the terrorists intercepted by the police while driving a car. Two of them dead, one injured.

They were well equipped.

At very least two of them were carrying some measure of body armour, plus AR-15 style assault rifles (not AK ones despite the reports) and black gloves.

Monsters. I wish they would rot in a rat hole until forever instead of dying. These monsters embrace death, they should be punished for life.

Funky Papa

Monsters. I wish they would rot in a rat hole until forever instead of dying. These monsters embrace death, they should be punished for life.
I'd rather ignore it.

I checked the source a few times after posting it and it seems REALLY pesky. Unless I missed something big, I don't recall anything regarding a shootout such as the one depicted there* (and without speakers to check the sound, I'd rather delete that shit). Apologies.

*I've been following the situation from the TV due to a number of reasons and coverage has been surprisingly terrible so far when it comes to the timeline. Again, apologies for diseminating that video. I'm very sorry.

Edit: Lo and behold, that trash seemed to originate in Brazil. Could you please edit that it doesn't disseminate any more?


I'd rather ignore it.

I checked the source a few times after posting it and it seems REALLY pesky. Unless I missed something bog, I don't remember anything regarding a shootout such as the one depicted there (and without speakers to check the sound, I'd rather delete that shit). Apologies.

Showed it to a friend of mine he told me it's an old video from Brazil.

Funky Papa

Yeah, better unquote that shit so it doesn't spread through Google. I was on mobile and I fucked up.

Edit: Now that I'm on my computer, I feel even more embarrassed for falling for that shit. Ugh.
Edit 2: For the record, I only posted that video because this was sent to my by a friend working at a local newspaper (and not a small one). Which is harrowing by itself. Sigh.
I really don't understand the 'solidarity for Paris movement', at least not at an individual level. What does the mass changing of facebook profile pictures mean to the people that lost loved ones in this incident? It seems so arbitrary and meaningless.

Not trying to be offensive, I just feel that many people are so quick to jump to show 'support' when that support has no expense, and I don't just mean financial.


Well, ISIS got the war they were looking for.

These guys are gonna be really disappointed when Jesus doesn't beam down from heaven to help them out like they're expecting.


Meanwhile Slovakian government leader Robert Fico announces that all Muslims will be put under surveillance in Slovakia. *sigh*

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I really don't understand the 'solidarity for Paris movement', at least not at an individual level. What does the mass changing of facebook profile pictures mean to the people that lost loved ones in this incident? It seems so arbitrary and meaningless.

Not trying to be offensive, I just feel that many people are so quick to jump to show 'support' when that support has no expense, and I don't just mean financial.

I get where you're coming from, but it's mostly harmless and I suppose it can help raise awareness with people who may actually be able to help in a more concrete way.


I really don't understand the 'solidarity for Paris movement', at least not at an individual level. What does the mass changing of facebook profile pictures mean to the people that lost loved ones in this incident? It seems so arbitrary and meaningless.

Not trying to be offensive, I just feel that many people are so quick to jump to show 'support' when that support has no expense, and I don't just mean financial.

It's their way of showing how much they care. Some might be sincere, others disingenuous. You can usually tell who's who by the frequency and target of their solidarity.


Well, ISIS got the war they were looking for.

These guys are gonna be really disappointed when Jesus doesn't beam down from heaven to help them out like they're expecting.

I'm sure they'll find some explanation as to why this wasn't the prophecized war, but the next war will be.

Do they actually know that there is no roman empire anymore?
It's their way of showing how much they care. Some might be sincere, others disingenuous. You can usually tell who's who by the frequency and target of their solidarity.

But the gesture is so small, how does it show anything?

Maybe if facebook didn't implement an automated feature, it might mean more, but as it is, you flip a switch for social approval. Indeed, there may be people that genuinely care within the people that use the feature, but I don't believe that using this feature is at all indicative of that, at all.

It's like, how quick emotes and chat acronyms mean less on the internet. Lol doesn't mean the person laughed, or even found what was said especially funny, but because of its accessibility and ease of use people use it for various alternative purposes that completely devalue, and detract from its meaning.
I really don't understand the 'solidarity for Paris movement', at least not at an individual level. What does the mass changing of facebook profile pictures mean to the people that lost loved ones in this incident? It seems so arbitrary and meaningless.

Not trying to be offensive, I just feel that many people are so quick to jump to show 'support' when that support has no expense, and I don't just mean financial.

just stop.

same with all the people saying how changing your flag is bad and other shit.

NOBODY CARES if you don't like it. People have different ways of showing support.

What the hell do you want them to do? Put on uniform and go fight ISIS? Donate all their money? what? You want them to stop everything doing in their life and think about Paris 24/7?

Jesus Christ.

The survivors of the massacre themselves have posted on Facebook saying how much it means to see others showing support and solidarity..so please...just stop.

Blasting people for showing support in an online forum isn't helping the people of France, either, FYI.

People are trying to be nice and show support to help the certain mental struggle that is happening right now. Sometimes a few words or photos is all they can do and can make all the difference in someone's day so they feel just a little less alone and vulnerable.



Substitute "Western powers" for "Holy Roman Empire".

Well, for a group that is said to take the Quran literally, that'd be a shame.
Their argument is that the Quran is the word of God, and therefore necessarly right, right? So it should say "ennemies of the west" or something like that, not roman empire.

/s, though I'd be interested to hear how ISIS supporters would get out of that one

I didn't say it was bad though, did I? I said it was meaningless. The second quote doesn't make much sense generically applying models of anxiety to this scenario without much thought. If you suspect someone that might be affected, you should SHOW that you care, not about France as a nation, but about them, and their well being.


Well, for a group that is said to take the Quran literally, that'd be a shame.
Their argument is that the Quran is the word of God, and therefore necessarly right, right? So it should say "ennemies of the west" or something like that, not roman empire.

/s, though I'd be interested to hear how ISIS supporters would get out of that one






The West looks pretty damn Roman if you ask me.
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