Jeez, crazy this. No Belgium against Spain, no Germany vs. Holland... yikes.
Hopefully it's nothing @ Hannover.
Sky Sports News just mentioned "a suitcase," although it was kinda mentioned in passing, like they were unsure to even say it. I think evacuation would be an extreme for one misplaced object.
@dw_sports 10m
OFFICIAL: Police announcement: "Move away from the stadium. Do not stand still." #GERNED
Sky Sports News just mentioned "a suitcase," although it was kinda mentioned in passing, like they were unsure to even say it. I think evacuation would be an extreme for one misplaced object.
They're getting it from social media probably, so not really trustworthy at the moment. Reading on Twitter there was a suitcase, but turned out to be a fake threat. But until the police say anything, it's unclear.Sky Sports News just mentioned "a suitcase," although it was kinda mentioned in passing, like they were unsure to even say it. I think evacuation would be an extreme for one misplaced object.
"Ladies and gentlemen, dear football friends. I am sorry, but the game was cancelled on a short notice. There is... stay calm please. There is no danger, no threat incoming or anything like that. Just go home normally." Joerg Hoffmeister says something was found in the stadium and everyone had to be evacuated. They don't know what it is yet.
"Ladies and gentlemen, dear football friends. I am sorry, but the game was cancelled on a short notice. There is... stay calm please. There is no danger, no threat incoming or anything like that. Just go home normally."
Sounds a lot calmer than the other message you posted.
Neither do I. Hannover is a city in Germany.Sorry, I don't speak french. These just popped up on my feed.
Neither do I. Hannover is a city in Germany.
He is asking people on the street. He got partly information we already know and partly rumours people heard from other people. Nothing interesting.Any German-speakers watching the periscope stream? What is being said? their news and social media interest, they will be noting everything that follows their murderous assault on Paris, and my guess is that right now the chant among them will be “We are winning”. They will be heartened by every sign of overreaction, of division, of fear, of racism, of xenophobia; they will be drawn to any examples of ugliness on social media.
Central to their world view is the belief that communities cannot live together with Muslims, and every day their antennae will be tuned towards finding supporting evidence. The pictures from Germany of people welcoming migrants will have been particularly troubling to them. Cohesion, tolerance – it is not what they want to see.
Any German-speakers watching the periscope stream? What is being said?
Die Polizei sprach nur von einer "konkreten Gefährdungslage". Nach SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Informationen war am Stadion ein Gefährder gesehen worden, daraufhin zog der Niedersächsische Innenminister Boris Pistorius die Notbremse. Der NDR zitierte Polizeipräsident Volker Kluwe, der ebenfalls von einer "konkreten Gefahrenlage für ganz Hannover" sprach. police only talked about a "concrete threat scenario". According to SPIEGEL-ONLINE-information an endangerer was spotted at the stadium, prompting Lower Saxony Secretary of the Interior Boris Pistorius to pull the emergency brake. The NDR quoted police president Volker Kluwe, who also spoke about a "concrete threat scenario for all of Hannover".
Another Arena in Hannover and underground trains are being evacuated as we speak aswell
Still pretty bad. The mere threat just shut down concerts, half of the public traffic and a big football game. This is what terror is about.JuSt safety measures. Probably nothing. IF they are indes some Terrorist are running around i hope they catch them before they can flee.
Should give every other pos a nice Warning.
"Es gab ernsthafte Planungen, etwas zur Explosion zu bringen", sagte Polizeispräsident Volker Kluwe bei Hallo Niedersachsen."There were serious plans to detonate something", stated police president Volker Kluwe at Hallo Niedersachsen
Good Luck trying that. The Cockpit Doors are like Panzer doorsSo two suitcases found in a stadium and a woman tries to enter the cockpit of a British Airways flight. Hope they aren't linked.
this, this is gooood
Edit: According to the police twitter of Lowern Saxony, the concert is not evacuated. So the underground trains stuff is probably not true as well.
You're right, sorry, didn't see that.That's no official account is it?