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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Sky reporting that the terrorists threw explosives at the hostages when the French security forces stormed the theatre. Absolute carnage inside the theatre. Not exactly successful.

Ugh. Unfortunately they had to storm in and try and save who they could. Hopefully, they were able to save many of those whom were still in there and they weren't too late for them all.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Dear mother of God. They absolutely succeeded if they wanted fear and panic.

BTW, so there is a real chance that members of The Eagles of Death Metal are dead, isn't there?

see above, confirmed safe
I guess ISIS wants to kick start some stupid ass war and their hope is that we end up going too far and attack those who don't belong to ISIS, triggering a larger war, and so on and so forth.

Either way, they now have France's attention. I wonder if they'll be trying to get other countries involved in the same devastating manner.


Why is quoting posts a problem? People are doing it indifferently of each other and not in order to annoy anyone else. Just ignore any quoted texts and use the forum as its meant ot be used. This is totally the wrong thing to focus on at the moment.


I know it's horrible, but they should not be running...

They should fight for their land.

What? What? This is YouTube level trolling or just absurd lunatic nonsense, I don't have the means to explain how ridiculous this sounds on mobile but what?


Stop quoting, Stump has the banhammer on fucking standby for sheer stupidity like that.

I imagine he's busy enough trying to hammer these fools, let's stop endlessly chain-quoting their tripe.


Heart goes out to anyone/everyone in Paris.

Just realised my boss is there for the weekend, too. So traumatic. This might be a watershed moment in the whole political situation. IS are bad fucking news.

Does it not say "Bastard Islamists". Nothing wrong with that.

... Well yes there is. Most "Islamists" are not terrorists. Like, 99.9% of them.

no they aren't. They are running away from isis, that is hunting/killing them or keeping them as slaves

They started running away from Assad years before they started running from IS.


Kills Photobucket
Sky reporting that the terrorists threw explosives at the hostages when the French security forces stormed the theatre. Absolute carnage inside the theatre. Not exactly successful.

Horrifying as it is, I doubt the security forces would have moved in if they thought negotiations were possible. Everyone has n there probably would have died had they dine nothing.


No, it's "Bastard Muslims".
PS: Just don't look at Le Pen or Salvini twitters. Just don't.

The people who did this are bastard muslims, not those who are just ordinary muslims. Then again, I actually wonder how many muslims will gonna speak out against these terror attacks. Response to the Hebdo attacks was surprisingly muted, especially in countries where Islam is more rooted.


Fuck off Sky if you have the volume up really loud you can sometimes catch (a producer?) telling the hosts what to say.

The guy who was talking paused and then you could hear "Cause Terror" whispered from someone else, then the main guy talking parrots it.

I know they have to be careful in their message but it feels so sensationalist.
Dear mother of God. They absolutely succeeded if they wanted fear and panic.

BTW, so there is a real chance that members of The Eagles of Death Metal are dead, isn't there?
The drummer contacted the Washington Post and reported that everyone in the band was OK.


My cousin's is in Paris for her birthday, she posted pictures with her boyfriend from near the Champs Elysees shortly before this started. Thankfully she just updated that she is safe. It breaks my heart to think of all the people who didn't get away. They were just like her... enjoying a night out, relaxing in a beautiful city, no idea what was about to happen. I feel like crying. Those poor souls.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
don't let this be true




proper source

don't let this be true


i might just puke
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