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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Confirmed : about 100 deads inside the Bataclan. /u/dClauzel

just now iTele are reporting that there are around 100 people have died inside the Bataclan. /u/MaximaxII

Reddit livestream


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I am sad and angry that they killed the terrorists. Instant death is way to merciful for this disgusting inhuman scum.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
100+ dead in the Bataclan apparently. That's a lot worse than I expected. Absolutely gut wrenching.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I'm not in france but I'm so, so scared...

This planet... I'm terrified...

Praying to all of you
Sadly my friend i believe that the downed Russian plane and these attacks are just the start of the Daesh retaliation.
Europe (and the world) is about to have a rough couple of years.

My most sincere wishes for you and everyone there.


I know it's horrible, but they should not be running...

They should fight for their land.

There's no need for such a horribly insensitive post.

Well Republicans have already started beating their drum. Disgusting.


What change is he looking for exactly? Boots on the ground is a bad idea and not going to work in 2015. Those Dubya war excuses don't hold up to scrutiny in a 24 hour news cycle. In any event, this is incredibly distatesful on Newt's part and distracts from this issue.
Goddamit ..
100 hundred dead.

I just can't ..

I'm so angry right now.
I'm going to stop posting and try to deal with this news in some way .

This is just so ...


I actually can't believe the 100, please please don't be true. If it is does it mean that they actually that cold-heartedly silently killed everyone one-by-one or did they fuck with them by throwing explosives too? Fucking hell.

Oh my god this is absolutely heartbreaking. :(

I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. And I don't even live in France. This is driving me nuts :|


I don't agree with the original statement, but wars are won by those who are willing to fight them. If only militant Islamist's are willing to fight what do you think the result will be? A whole lot like what we have seen in Iraq and Syria I imagine.
This is very easy for people sat in their comfy chairs to say, but when it comes to wars civilians should not have to be involved.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

And apparently it is ISIS: https://www.reddit.com/live/vwwnkuplwr9y/updates/a67f8912-8a63-11e5-8dce-0e4c6805a4fb

Can't link the actual tweet since Reddit is being slammed. So I dunno how 100% slam-dunk that is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is ISIS. Wayyy too coordinated to not be some terrorist group.


Yeah, that's if SKY is reportable.

Ihyll said:
Are the attacks over? I heard there was a hostage situation at a concert hall...were the hostages rescued?

The concert hall is (at least from what I've seen on the timeline) mostly cleared/"clear." They have a suspect (if Sky is reputable) saying they're from ISIS. There's at least 7 other(?) areas that may/may not be clear right now. It's not over yet.
No one (at least no one sensible) thinks that the refugees are the ones causing these attacks, but people are scared of even a few dozen ISIS terrorists being amongst the actual hundreds of thousands of refugees. With so many refugees that have no paperwork it's not that far fetched to think it's a possibility.

There's also a chance that, because we can't give them job and a nice place to live in, they will perpetuate the hate circle and extremist could use the situation to hide and plan attacks.

Terrorrists are able to plan those operations because we don't interfere with drug cartels and radical clandestine mosque in some districts.

More poverty and suffering will not help the situation.
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