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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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In the car. We just all go "WTF!" and try to convince him otherwise. Problem is, he's not really interested in facts as he's obviously been told they're all lies.

Get him in fucking jail. People like that should not be allowed to walk on the streets freely


Well, if it is ISIS - it is interesting to see if NATO invokes Article 5. ISIS declares the area it occupies to be a sovereign country. NATO could take them at face value and that would then invoke Article 5...which would mean a full scale war.

<hugs to anyone affected>, and godspeed on your recovery Paris.

Wouldn't it be France who would invoke article 5?


This is incredible to me. Usually with these kinds of attacks a group is very quick to claim responsibility. It's even more terrifying that nobody has any confirmation on who did this.

Yup I dont buy this at all. They probably know who it is but wont risk saying who.


Can someone please explain the relevance of Calais? Other than it being aflame, obviously. I'm a bit confused

edit: nevermind, thank you Lihwem and JonnyDBrit


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Even if you lose your family to airstrikes as "collateral damage" (read: civilian casualties), there is no justification for these kinds of attacks on innocent civilians. They just want to live their lives. They do not fight you. They do not harm you. They do not hurt you. Why can't you just leave them be? :(


fucking shit. sorry, I just got home. god damn. I thought the attacks were kinda all over, didnt know it was 100+ at that specific concert alone
Yeah...god damn
Is subrayado still on at this hour?, want to see how these dumbasses "make" themselves that number 200.
It's sad. But the saddest thing is, probably a few hundred more of these 'people' already settled down in many European countries, and hundreds will be coming over the next months/years.

Actually a lot of the problem with radicalisation is the children of immigrants. The parents often want to escape to the host country but the children are left with more romantic opinions of the home country.


He just believes what he's told, he's very malleable. Must be some very iffy people at his mosque. He thinks that American soldiers purposely murder Muslim children in Afghanistan and the BBC etc are all in on the cover up. This is a guy that smokes, wears western style clothing. You wouldn't even know he was Muslim. It worries me because you just wonder...how many might there be that are unhinged enough to go do something like this?

Lots of the people who went to join ISIS from European countries were "normal" like this, as in they smoke, drink and hang out with girls.
François Hollande at Bataclan minutes ago:

The terrorists who were here have been killed
I admire all the services who were here tonight - doctors, firefighters, etc.
Many here are killed, injured or shocked
I wanted to be there, show that we will fight and show no mercy. France is united, unafraid, and showing infinite emotion tonight.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Again, Hollande said they know who did it, but not name names as per the BBC broadcast.

Ah, OK. I did not know this. I think it might be better to not name them. Let the governments deal with them in their own way. Naming them in the press does nothing for the people. I think part of the reason there are so many mass shooting these days is due to the media exposure of the maniacs who carry them out.


They are attacking Rome next.

Francis should call for a Crusade.

Only half joking at this point. The West should unite. No bullshit about each member state on its own. The EU, the NATO, Russia, the US, the UN. All together.
Well, if it is ISIS - it is interesting to see if NATO invokes Article 5. ISIS declares the area it occupies to be a sovereign country. NATO could take them at face value and that would then invoke Article 5...which would mean a full scale war.

<hugs to anyone affected>, and godspeed on your recovery Paris.

Only happened once before, I do not think it will happen again right now.


This is incredible to me. Usually with these kinds of attacks a group is very quick to claim responsibility. It's even more terrifying that nobody has any confirmation on who did this.
Many of those crazy guys don't take orders from anyone besides a "make as much fuss as you can when you want".

Even if they worked with ISIS in mind, I wouldn't be surprised that no ISIS "official" was aware of this. And that they'll learn it from the police afterwards...
Can someone please explain the relevance of Calais? Other than it being aflame, obviously. I'm a bit confused

Calais is currently home to numerous refugees who've been stuck hoping to get to Britain, but the governments won't agree on who takes them. The fear is that a fire there tonight might have been in retaliation for the Paris attacks. Reportedly's twitter is saying that there's indications it might be an accident instead of arson - digging deeper, they were installing heaters recently. Could be something went wrong there.


FGC Waterboy
Wouldn't it be France who would invoke article 5?

Technically yeah - it would be up to France (and NATO) to determine if they believe ISIS's "caliphate" to be a sovereign nation. If they decide it is, then France invokes article 5 and the bombs start dropping.


These fast moving news threads need updates in the OP so people stop posting the same thing over and over.

That Calais story has popped up multiple times now
That's true, but that was nothing to do with Assad himself and what he was doing to his own people. In my understanding, we're talking about two separate issues here. However, standing with Assad against ISIS is hugely important. And I never intended to shame you or put words in your mouth, but the phrase 'under his rule, Syria was a relatively safe, stable country' sounded a lot like you were ignoring when he chemical-bombed his own people. Feel free to re-inform me on this &#8211; it sounds like you know your stuff.

How is the question ridiculous? A hypothetical: it transpires that armed forces are crossing the border nearest to you to invade your country (this is not what's happening now obviously). What do you do? Cautious and careful thought, or active reaction?

That's my point - I feel like the whole ISIS situation is quickly escalating towards that. I might be totally wrong in this analysis - anyone feel free to correct me on it.

I don't quite understand your point here. Could you rephrase? For one thing, ISIS are not a sovereign nation in the same sense as France or Yemen, so that comparison doesn't make much sense. Though of course they do have control over a lot of territory in several countries. As a caliphate.

My point is what's your long term plan? You go into Syria and you retake some land and "kick ass" to satiate the reactive bloodlust like we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. Then what? You have to permanently occupy the land and engage in nation building which takes years. Meanwhile, your enemies go underground for a while or relocate and become something else. Al Qaeda was replaced with IS and AQ in the Arabian Peninsula. Some group will just take their place. What happens with Assad and his regime?

They're also still radicalizing people all over the world and carrying out attacks wherever they can.


Can someone please explain the relevance of Calais? Other than it being aflame, obviously. I'm a bit confused
People are guessing it could be revenge for these attacks (there are refugees there). There's nothing to support it. Of course it could also be the work of another terrorist. Or be completely unrelated & an accident. We don't know.


Their prophecy is that a Roman army (NATO?) fights them in Syria and Jesus will resurrect and lead them to victory.

Zombie Jesus probably would not have very good military commander skills I wouldn't think.

God damn what a tragedy. I hope France's retribution is effective. Vive la France!


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
One world trade center now in NY

Wait, this isn't only at a football game? I only read this as it was breaking and now I'm hearing 150 or so confirmed dead and something about an Eagles of Death Metal concert?


These fast moving news threads need updates in the OP so people stop posting the same thing over and over.

That Calais story has popped up multiple times now
It's true though. It happened this evening but apparently it was an unrelated accident.

By now there are about 14 unique sources reporting with their own video/pictures.
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