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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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One world trade center now in NY



Even if you lose your family to airstrikes as "collateral damage" (read: civilian casualties), there is no justification for these kinds of attacks on innocent civilians. They just want to live their lives. They do not fight you. They do not harm you. They do not hurt you. Why can't you just leave them be? :(

you can't sweep collateral damage under the rug


Technically yeah - it would be up to France (and NATO) to determine if they believe ISIS's "caliphate" to be a sovereign nation. If they decide it is, then France invokes article 5 and the bombs start dropping.

The US invoked article 5 after 9/11.

On September 12th, the North Atlantic Council met again in response to the appalling attacks perpetrated yesterday against the United States.
The Council agreed that if it is determined that this attack was directed from abroad against the United States, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which states that an armed attack against one or more of the Allies in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.


François Hollande at Bataclan minutes ago:

The terrorists who were here have been killed
I admire all the services who were here tonight - doctors, firefighters, etc.
Many here are killed, injured or shocked
I wanted to be there, show that we will fight and show no mercy. France is united, unafraid, and showing infinite emotion tonight.

You wouldnt wanna believe how fucked hospitals right now are. As a paramedic myself I dont even wanna imagine the chaos that is happening there right now. This is literally the worst of the worst of the worst.

I can tell you what: I live in a town with a population of 44.000 people. We have a big hospital and in case of an incident our hospital can take....1-2 severly insured people + 7-8 non-severly insured people.

This is insane.


whats this im hearing about 35 dead at an eagles of death metal concert?

Jesus christ. has there ever been that big a tally at a concert? good lord. besides the obviously terrible tragedy of the victims I cant even begin to imagine how the band feels

the station night club fire in providence, the 2002 moscow theater attack. Sadly, probably plenty more.
Sometimes I think how fucked up the world is, then I realise the world is beautiful and it is in fact the human race that is fucked up. Sigh.

Calais has gone back and forth, with people saying that the pictures may be wrong, whilst others have apparently contacted the site and confirmed a fire - which, as noted above, may be an accident. I apologise for my initial link being leading.
CNN says that gunman are still at large, unclear how many /u/helpmeredditimbored

Via Reddit Livestream thread.

Although take with a grain of salt, CNN is trash.


CNN (via BFMTV): Gunmen still at large; unclear how many

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to regularly update the death toll. I've seen at least 4 different figures in the last minute. 100+ seems to be the most accurate picture.


It's true though. It happened this evening but apparently it was an unrelated accident.

By now there are about 14 unique sources reporting with their own video/pictures.

Reports are conflicting. Some say candles caused it, others say it's refugees themselves and then others say it is old pictures.


Yea I mean who remembers Afghanistan and 9/11.. -.-'

9/11 was mostly committed by people from Saudi Arabia. A western supported dictatorship. A dictatorship which currently drops US-manufactured cluster bombs on Yemeni civilians and beheads more people than Isis.
In other news , multiple sources on the ground compiled by r/syriancivilwar , The Syrian army is steamrolling the rebels and ISIS in Aleppo as we speak .
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