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Parody Thread Urges

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GFL opener: Steelers have headset problems vs. The Fightin' Ewons at Palpatine Memorial Stadium on Coruscant.

I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.

But simply parodying a thread's title seemed kinda... small, ya know, so i tried to in some way do something more complex, not just add/remove strength from a title by parodying it but using the technique to create something new. Kind of like... so there's this quote i always think of that goes "If the broad landscape refuses to compose itself economically within the viewfinder's rectangle, the photographer contrives a different but consonant subject, composed perhaps of two trees and a rock.", which is about struggling for control of the subject, and accepting that sometimes you need less to achieve more. Making all the parodies about a specific thing, i think it really helps the process of making them fun and interesting on a whole new level.

It becomes more about finding the parodies than inventing them.

I'm glad I asked.


you can't put a price on sparks
Who said it: Donald Trump or Donald Duck

at my girlfriends place, instead of having sex and a shit, we are going to the movies


Would you date a girl who has genital furby's?

I am in an argument with every Star Wars fan in the world

What types of horrific crimes can you just not do?

Is your offline persona an accurate reflection of who you are?

I have trouble tearing people apart
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