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Parody Thread Urges

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Having sex with your consoles ....we explore which consoles are the best bed companions

Does the ps4s extra power mean extra in the bed? Will the power of the cloud be like a grower to a show-er ....is the wiiu for paedaphiles??


Chancellor Palpatine urges Anakin Skywalker to run for President

Lonely life of Anakin Skywalker, the man with the galaxy's highest midichlorian count

Anakin signs the Sith pledge

Anyone surprised to find that Palpatine is a devout Sith?

Force Preferences and Racism

Can someone hit the reset button on John Kowalski? His Parody Generation Algorithm seems to be stuck in a loop.
I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.

But simply parodying a thread's title seemed kinda... small, ya know, so i tried to in some way do something more complex, not just add/remove strength from a title by parodying it but using the technique to create something new. Kind of like... so there's this quote i always think of that goes "If the broad landscape refuses to compose itself economically within the viewfinder's rectangle, the photographer contrives a different but consonant subject, composed perhaps of two trees and a rock.", which is about struggling for control of the subject, and accepting that sometimes you need less to achieve more. Making all the parodies about a specific thing, i think it really helps the process of making them fun and interesting on a whole new level.

It becomes more about finding the parodies than inventing them.
An elephant(?) solution to the online voting problem

I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.

Same here. Well, the original series, I mean. It just was never on TV, and I never cared enough to go out of my way to watch it. Saw lots of Patrick Stewart ones, though.


I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.

The original series is really damn good because of how progressive and cheesy it is. I feel like it's very parody thread urges approved.
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