What N(orth)K(orean)RPG are you playing right now?
Have you ever hooked up with someone you met exclusively on Xbox live/PlayStation network/Miiverse
Do your hands still shake when you meet people?
I love the Dark Ages. So I decided to live in it.
NeoGAF "celebs" that irk you?
Chancellor Palpatine urges Anakin Skywalker to run for President
Lonely life of Anakin Skywalker, the man with the galaxy's highest midichlorian count
Anakin signs the Sith pledge
Anyone surprised to find that Palpatine is a devout Sith?
Force Preferences and Racism
Can someone hit the reset button on John Kowalski? His Parody Generation Algorithm seems to be stuck in a loop.
9/11's anniversary is in two days. Share your Playstation memories.
I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.
I was saving this for a confession thread but i've never seen an episode of Star Trek. Perhaps when i was really, really young but as far as i know i have never actually seen a full episode of Star Trek.