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Parody Thread Urges

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Nose how to spell and rede to
Locking yourself inside your apartment.



I'm wondering if the fact that light years are a measure of distance and not time is part of the parody of that parody thread >.>
On Friday I drove next to myself driving a car on the highway

I had a couple of miles to go. I looked over and saw myself driving another car on the highway. It was moving irregularly. Suddenly, there was intense light all around. And when I came to, I was home. What do you guys think happened to me?


On Friday I drove next to myself driving a car on the highway

I had a couple of miles to go. I looked over and saw myself driving another car on the highway. It was moving irregularly. Suddenly, there was intense light all around. And when I came to, I was home. What do you guys think happened to me?



Does it bother anyone else when your lover slaps your derrière and exclaims "Your butt is red!"

i only used derrière to practice my weak French that i'm just now learning

Just making sure :þ
Sometimes I'm just so used to things being misused that I'm not sure >.>

gotcha, i can't always tell when someone is using something wrong in jest either


Honestly, I'd probably toy with the possibility of changing my name to Terrisus. Don't know if I'd go through with it though.

edit: hold up, will pm a mod about changing my handle to terrysus


Honestly, I'd probably toy with the possibility of changing my name to Terrisus. Don't know if I'd go through with it though.

edit: hold up, will pm a mod about changing my handle to terrysus

Just go with terrisUS. I don't see anyone here with that handle. There's that one guy who has a similar name, I think, but it's all lower case, anyway.


Just go with terrisUS. I don't see anyone here with that handle. There's that one guy who has a similar name, I think, but it's all lower case, anyway.

you got it
real name only bruh

but we should all change our GAF names to variations of Terrisus

I'll take Pterysus

i know, but the most i can do right now is GAF handle

edit: do i send this to a Forum Admin, Mod, or System Admin? don't want to bother Gromph again, so System Admin is out of the question.


real name only bruh

but we should all change our GAF names to variations of Terrisus

I'll take Pterysus


Just go with terrisUS. I don't see anyone here with that handle. There's that one guy who has a similar name, I think, but it's all lower case, anyway.

Fun fact - the original casing and spacing of my username (from circa 1997, my AOL address) is "Terris US"

I just don't usually bother with casing and spacing when using it elsewhere, since many websites ignore spacing and casing (and often disallow spacing altogether)


We could always run off the Latin declensions of Terris


Also, if we have people here from other countries, we could do:


lol, Terry it has been a long time since you've thought about Latin...

I am the third of my name, I always sign with a ", III". When I was like twelve and learning Latin I really wanted a cool nickname and so my handle was "tertius" for a long time because the Latin for "third" but it turns out there's no cool way to say that >.<


lol, Terry it has been a long time since you've thought about Latin...

I am the third of my name, I always sign with a ", III". When I was like twelve and learning Latin I really wanted a cool nickname and so my handle was "tertius" for a long time because the Latin for "third" but it turns out there's no cool way to say that >.<

Yeah, my Latin is definitely way out of practice. I took a year of it in 8th grade, and another in 9th grade... Which would be back in 1996-1998. So, yeah... Definitely a while ago >.>

And I haven't really kept up with it much since then either. Which is my own fault, of course. Ah well :þ

And, for what it's worth, my username is based on the game Legends of Terris (whose name is then in turn based off the Latin word)


terry. you are over a decade older than me.
just throwing that out there

I thought on,y growned ups were allowed on. GAF.
I wish

Had six years of Latin.

Ask me anything.

That one line in the Illiad: "beware Greeks bearing gifts" or "beware gifts bearing Greeks".

Also what is your favorite Catullus I like the one where he says "if I was all a nose" because that's silly.


I took 3 years of Spanish, 2 of Latin, and 1 of Japanese.

I think I would've appreciated taking Latin much more if I had done so later on (either later in high school, or in college).
Ah well...

3y of Spanish, 5y of French for me. But yeah, Latin is awesome, you missed out.

That one line in the Illiad: "beware Greeks bearing gifts" or "beware gifts bearing Greeks".

Also what is your favorite Catullus I like the one where he says "if I was all a nose" because that's silly.

You're referring to the Aeneis, not the Illiad, of course. "Beware gifts bearing Greeks" makes no sense. :p

Haven't read much Catull. Cicero always impressed me the most, among others. Impeccable style.


3y of Spanish, 5y of French, and 6y of Latin?
that is awesome! did you take any of these at the same time? or was it one by one?

Only two at the same time. Latin + French at first which transitioned into French + Spanish after I got my proficiency degree in Latin. Yeah, I love learning languages (incidentally, I study literature). Recently took two courses (so 1y) of Russian, really want to expand on that soonish. Old Greek comes first, though.


Only two at the same time. Latin + French at first which transitioned into French + Spanish after I got my proficiency degree in Latin. Yeah, I love learning languages (incidentally, I study literature). Recently took two courses (so 1y) of Russian, really want to expand on that soonish. Old Greek comes first, though.

was that difficult to carry concurrently? and was your level of proficiency (or even just how comfortable you are with the languages) affected by taking two at the same time?
sorry if i'm causing exasperation with the questions, but i just find this really cool.


You're referring to the Aeneis, not the Illiad, of course. "Beware gifts bearing Greeks" makes no sense. :p

Haven't read much Catull. Cicero always impressed me the most, among others. Impeccable style.

Lol yes it's also been a while for me. Forget which is Vergil and which is Homer. Those are two tremendously different dudes...

But that line is about a gift full of Greeks. It bears them into the city. Laocoon the best.

maxcriden has been strangely absent from this thread

maxc, post a parody if you're alright

"pls resparody"
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