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Party Animals got me! I admit it.


It's my fault and I have nobody to blame but myself... I need to start by prefacing my post with that.

So, my little girl has been talking forever about Party Animals. She saw a video on youtube and fell in love with the characters and how fun the gameplay looked. She convinced me to purchase the Deluxe edition because it has variations and such added to it.
No problem I thought. I have an Xbox and if not for Starfield.. it would be collecting dust. However, Starfield is solid so I thought what the hell. Download the game, and my daughter and I go thru the tutorial... She struggles at first with the delayed physics of the game but pushed thru it. She was happy, and I was convinced that I had won dad of the week.

Except that not even 3 minutes later she is coming to me because we dont have xbox live. The game is (from what I can tell) unplayable unless you have Xbox live.
What the actual fuck??? Like I said above, its my bad and I should have known, but it got me thinking.. they created this really cool game but it doesnt have an offline mode?

I guess I will be paying for xbox live now so we can play the actual game.

Is this the path for these party games? Are there really no offline modes that you can plug bots into to play against? Seems short sighted from a development standpoint. Oh well, you live you learn.
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yup. all paid games require the subscription. and generally "party" games don't include much of an offline mode if any -- nintendo being a notable exception.

note, f2p games (fortnite, apex, etc) don't require it.


Yes it's a ridiculous game. It had offline in tests a while back but not the recent ones.

It has AI, it allows local multiplayer. But you must be always connected online and not just that but you even have to create an online lobby to play even if you only want to play on your own or with only local players.

Nonsensical and pathetic. The developers response to backlash was equally pathetic and say they have no plans of allowing offline play.


All roads lead to game pass. With ultimate you could have had starfield, party animals and online play for a low cost monthly fee. Xbox knows me so well. I love how Xbox makes things simple for me, and think about how much your daughter will love the adorable new Xbox series X all digital green cylinder edition. Pre order soon!


Yes it's a ridiculous game. It had offline in tests a while back but not the recent ones.

It has AI, it allows local multiplayer. But you must be always connected online and not just that but you even have to create an online lobby to play even if you only want to play on your own or with only local players.

Nonsensical and pathetic. The developers response to backlash was equally pathetic and say they have no plans of allowing offline play.
Seems like they potentially missed the boat by leaving off options. Having a offline mode and an easier local multiplayer mode for access would go along way to giving gamers a more complete package/ experience.

Oh well, I will get some online cards so she can play online... Im sure it will be useful for other games if I start using the xbox more.
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