Yeah, the BCEC sucks for nearby bars/restaurants other than Whiskey Priest and the other (expensive) places on the Waterfront. Always better to just take the T or walk back towards South Station/Downtown/Chinatown, but annoying. They do run shuttles at various intervals during the lunch hours to Chinatown, the North End, and deeper into Southie to make it easier to get food.
My PAX highlight reel:
-Showed up around 9AM and stood in the queue line; found AlphaTwo in the next row over
-Played Jet Set Radio HD (cool), Hell Yeah (awesome), Lollipop Chainsaw (great), Risen 2 (I picked up the demo in the middle of nowhere and had no idea what to do), Monaco (cool) Kid Icarus: Uprising (just for the shirt+AR cards)
-Caught up with a friend who works for WB, and ran into a couple friends from college
-Started drinking at Whiskey Priest around 3pm with PXG and wondermega
-Peaced out around 7PM and got my only real sleep of the weekend
-Went to the 3DS StreetPass Network panel that had some of the StreetPass Network guys, Jools from Renegade Kid, and some n-Space guys
-Played the rest of Square Enix's games at the booth to finish up their punchcard: Wakfu (meh), Theatrhythm (great), Sleeping Dogs (great), Quantum Conundrum (awesome), Heroes of Ruin (cool)
-GAF Meetup which was just plain awesome. Shoutout to PXG, AlphaTwo, Attackthebase, Arsenic Yellow, robertM, Hero, Charron, Lucario, shidoshi, Hazaro, and zmoney for showing up. The rest of you can read the drunken shenanigans in the last few pages. These meetups have to be a regular thing.
-Rolled in around 10:30 or so fighting off the hangover from Saturday night on the T that wouldn't stop shaking
-Played Dust (GOTS), Runner 2 (great), Guacamelee (awesome), Snapshot (cool), Crimson Dragon (cool), Mario Tennis Open (great), Sine Mora (cool)
-Chatted with Noogy a little bit after I played Dust before he got pulled away to talk to shidoshi.
Couple games I wish I played but didn't get the chance to were Steel Battalion, Dragon's Dogma, and Super Time Force.
In all, great show, but the best part was definitely the GAF meetup. Shit was ridiculous.