There were like 5 people in line when I played yesterday. You should get a t-shirt for playing, too.
I must have missed that. Back at Sheraton waiting for Game Scoop panel.
Lost 3 hours waiting to play For Honor. The game itself was fun and my team won, if just barely. The mechanics on how you attack and block are complex, as in you attack and block to the direction your opponent is attacking (somewhat like Infinity Blade when you parry in the same fashion).
Played Just Cause 3 for two short challenges. Like how you blow stuff up.
Indies played were as follows:
Lost Orbit - Hold X to boost and collect crystals while manuvering through asteroids. That's about it.
Rivals of Aether - 16 (?)-bit Super Smash Bros w/ furrys. That's all you need to know.
I was sure I wasn't going to buy anything, until there was a $5 discount for a $50 headset. Then I was upsold to use those $5 saved for a 16GB flash drive.
Sound quality is good though.