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PEAK.53 - "SOCOM 2 NAVY SEALS" Spiritual Successor is finally HERE!


Gold Member
Interested Jurassic Park GIF by Vidiots


Gold Member
Big love for old SOCOM but, I just can’t go back to that camera perspective.
I've never been into third person shooters like this. First person is so much better.

Playing in third person, it alwyas feels weird moving around and shooting isnt clear if the cam isnt set right. At the 6:45 mark and beyond you can see some shooting clips and the character's head is right in the middle blocking aiming. Also, third person is a cheater's paradise for ducking behind cover and still being able to see what's around you. Makes zero sense you can be be hiding around the corner of a building and see someone approaching while they cant see you. I'd do the same in Gears. I'd hide around a corner and pop out and blast someone with a shotgun as they came towards me. It was dumb.
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SOCOM has some of my fondest gaming memories. I wish Sony would revive it and actually put in the effort. Playstation needs a big military online shooter in its arsenal. The market is there I feel.


Oh, I should clarify; it’s the centered position of the character that I struggle with, not third vs first.

Funny, because im tired to death of over the shoulder. In fact, which ever SOCOM they made to OTS was horrible. It felt like the character was always in the way.
Still waiting for my H-Hour PS4 version.

They screwed me on Kickstarter.

Let's never forget David Sears. Who promised never to abandon us and after a few months he left the fucking project.What is he doing now?? Hiding??

Never trust any dev who promises you a Socom styled game. Most of them will screw you.
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I too enjoyed socom, and I'm gonna get fried for saying this but it was a shallow game and that's why we haven't seen anything like it on console. I always had a great time with the 4 Socom games I played but they were summer flings.


Crowd funding now a days is tough & Socom style gameplay isn't wanted as much as we want it to be. They also could've used the Industrial Sci-Fi and Modular Oil Rig pack they bought to at least remake Frost Fire instead of using the default map included in the pack. If y'all are reading this and need a LD tweet me...

I'd have at least a blocked out version or full art pass of a Socom Map before trying to sell it to the fan base.


Still waiting for my H-Hour PS4 version.

They screwed my on Kickstarter.

Let's never forget David Sears. Who promised never to abandon us and after a few months he left the fucking project.What is he doing now?? Hiding??

Never trust any dev who promises you a Socom styled game. Most of them will screw you.
Dude fucked over the whole community. No project, including this one, is ever gonna get the backing H-Hour did after everyone got burned. That was our one chance.

But, if you guys like Socom 2, just go and play it on PC. It's pretty easy to setup and there's usually games going every evening. No indie project is ever going to match the original, let alone surpass it.


What do you think?

This thread is an ad for a kickstarter asset flip scam.
Looks like it’s about a new game being developed from previous SOCOM developers. If you think it’s a scam then don’t post here? 🤷‍♂️
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Looks like it’s about a new game being developed from previous SOCOM developers. If you think it’s a scam then don’t post here? 🤷‍♂️

The fuck are you talking about?

Maybe actually learn what you're talking about before thinking you know what's going on.


Does Sony own the rights of SOCOM? I would imagine this title would be perfect for F2P like Warzone


Does Sony own the rights of SOCOM? I would imagine this title would be perfect for F2P like Warzone
Yesss, unfortunately. There were some rumours that Guerilla were working on reviving it but it looks as though their multiplayer game is yet more Horizon.
Dude fucked over the whole community. No project, including this one, is ever gonna get the backing H-Hour did after everyone got burned. That was our one chance.

But, if you guys like Socom 2, just go and play it on PC. It's pretty easy to setup and there's usually games going every evening. No indie project is ever going to match the original, let alone surpass it.
An indie project can easily surpass it, H hour came close if david sears never left. When he left the whole project fell off. The game itself is decent but just needed polish and more direction which is what david had when he was there.


I want to believe in this, but I've been burned too many times. I wish them well, however.

Sony just needs to put forth the energy into recreating Socom like they are sucking dick for Call of Casual.


Gold Member
Wasn't socom main gimmick just having voice control for the team?

Never played a socom title in my life.


Industry Verified
This is like the 5th spiritual successor to SOCOM I've seen in the last 10 years, from H-Hour to Task Force. None of them have worked out.
I worked from 1 to 3 and have to agree. Socom back then was on a different level compared to today's MP titles.

I wish them success but it's going to be a long rode.
Not sure about this based on the trailer. Got a real cheap look about it, like those tracers and impact smoke look well over the top in a bad way.

Hopefully Sony just revive the IP and give it to a competent developer.


Wasn't socom main gimmick just having voice control for the team?

Not really (or at all?), no.

SOCOM was high-player-count multiplayer game on console with single-kill rounds, and I guess the "gimmick" (in that it was among the first to do this, particularly on console,) that teams could communicate and collaborate over mics. You kind of had to have the mic, otherwise your team was going to get eaten up by well-coordinated crews. Modern shooters have point systems and upgrades and other features in battle which often just have you running and gunning and barely caring what your team is doing (or in hero shooters, there's a shared goal and symmetrical maps that you can see progress on whether you communicate or don't,) but SOCOM was an intense and sudden-death experience that really encouraged a certain type of play.

SOCOM did have voice commands in the single-player (and I think the PSP SOCOM Tactics or FTB3 also had more deliberate voice control,) but it wasn't really a core feature and the single-player was rarely the draw of SOCOM anyway.
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Gold Member
Not really (or at all?), no.

SOCOM was high-player-count multiplayer game on console with single-kill rounds, and I guess the "gimmick" (in that it was among the first to do this, particularly on console,) that teams could communicate and collaborate over mics. You kind of had to have the mic, otherwise your team was going to get eaten up by well-coordinated crews. Modern shooters have point systems and upgrades and other features in battle which often just have you running and gunning and barely caring what your team is doing (or in hero shooters, there's a shared goal and symmetrical maps that you can see progress on whether you communicate or don't,) but SOCOM was an intense and sudden-death experience that really encouraged a certain type of play.

SOCOM did have voice commands in the single-player (and I think the PSP SOCOM Tactics or FTB3 also had more deliberate voice control,) but it wasn't really a core feature and the single-player was rarely the draw of SOCOM anyway.
When you say single kill round, do you mean something like rainbow six 3?


yea it's a scam, fry is good at exposing scams. They are using assets that are done already with basically no changes.

Which, in this modern era, is common since assets are so ready available and you're going to see assets acquired and reused, so when a developer gets hammered for asset flipping, it's good to look into it to know if it's a fair or over-extended accusation...

In this case though, it seems pretty warranted to be very wary. They're not just using buildings and debris from a library, there are apparently whole SOCOM-style maps on Marketplace which have been just dropped into this project, then they put a soldier and a SOCOM-style TPS reticule in and called it a Kickstarter project. No online infrastructure, no weapon mechanics systems (other than what is, again, available in stores, if not ripped from SOCOM itself,) really not much unique work at all. It's made to look like SOCOM (using materials prepared by SOCOM fans not employed by this company,) but little if any of the work to make a SOCOM product has been done, and little of that work even has actually been done by this development staff.


It's not impossible for a playable SOCOM-like game to come out of whatever this company is trying to sell here. Scam'ish projects do sometimes go all the way to market, and although it'd be scummy to just pull all the assets and level design from other sources and sell it as if you created something, if all the end user cared about was a SOCOM-like experience and this team somehow built it, then so be it. (BTW, some community development unit without an Indiegogo should take note that this material is out there, ready to be assembled like this.) But the fact that they're asking for money, and that they have a different project which also has yet to ship which also has some questionable history, there should be more than enough red flags to not put any investment in this and even be careful when/if it were to actually come out.
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