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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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GraveRobberX said:
OK I was on Joe Pa's side about him passing along the info to superiors and it was "out of his hands"

Watched ESPN and when they said about the 10 year old kid being molested in the showers when that other assistant coach walked in on them... WOW!

I'm sorry, but Joe Pa as great as he is with his legacy, now this tarnishes all of it
I don't care for his 2 National Championships, 46 year college coaching career, his record making win totals, he had an opportunity to save face in 1998, and again in 2002, but looked the other way, and for that he should be relegated to just as Sandusky is getting treated

Also super huge WOW how emotional Matt Millen got, you know that shit is effecting ESPN too, crazy it's branching out so far

I think a lot of people defending Joe Pa are probably a lot like you were. Go read the Grand Jury report, it will only strengthen what you feel now. They need to clean house.


Real nuclear bomb is when a victim comes forward to claim that it happened to them on campus AFTER the 2003 incident. Unfortunately, I'm kind of expecting it at this point...

Not that the previous incidents aren't radioactive. How is this school going to cope with questions about it's prestige and how are they going to be able to get football players if anyone associated with this, in administration or the football program, is still around?

Whatever Paterno's level of responsibility, he is radioactive. He was the one carrying around the HUGE Morality Stick. He left himself no margin for error when it comes to morals.


JimtotheHum said:
I think a lot of people defending Joe Pa are probably a lot like you were. Go read the Grand Jury report, it will only strengthen what you feel now. They need to clean house.
People keep saying this but it really doesn't.

What turns the tide against paterno is the notion that he could stomach being around the guy. The grand jury report doesn't do a thing except mention that he wasn't clueless to the allegations.
gutshot said:
According to whom? Some random reporter? I think we need more corroborating reports before we can say that definitively. That's why I'm saying there needs to be more investigation done. Who knows if there will be or not though.

There have been numerous reports that he was on campus up until last week. It's definitive.


JumpingTheGun said:
Im so surprised the janitor and whoever else stumbled upon Sandusky in the showers wouldnt have just immediatley beaten the shit out of him.

I think Im just stating this because Im thinking its what I wouldve done had I been put in that situation...
Man, I've heard so many people say the same thing over the past couple of days. People calling in to radio shows, posts on forums and comments made by other media sources saying the exact same thing. I just have to say that it is so much easier to say that's what you would've done behind a computer or a phone or a camera rather than being there first hand and seeing it happen.

Yes, absolutely that is what should've happened. Yes, everyone hopes they would react the same way and be that hero to go in there and beat the everliving shit out of that scum like he deserves.

But imagine this; This man.. this truly, truly disturbed man doesn't think like you or I. He understood the grave situation he was putting himself in by performing these acts and knew what the consequences were if he was caught (and by caught, I mean by someone who would do something about it; i.e. whats happened recently). You have no idea what this man would be willing to do to keep himself out of trouble if he knew you were what stood between his freedom and possibly continuing to live. You're thinking like a normal human being... you see a situation, you know it's wrong.. you want to help. But you had better be prepared to sacrifice your safety, your life and everything in your life if you chose to make a decision to confront and 'fight' the man.

Yeah, he's probably a bitch and you probably could kick the shit out of him in any normal situation. But catching a man doing something like that and taking it upon yourself to take him out isn't something a lot of people are wired to do (or are capable of doing). Don't get me wrong, I'm with you and everyone else who said this should've happened. I'm just saying, hindsight it always 20/20 and you have to understand a man like that probably wouldn't stop at anything in an attempt to keep you from taking his life from him. You'd better be ready to do whatever it takes.

This grad assistant probably understood this in that quick flash of time he had to think about his options. Yeah, he should've called the cops. But again.. I can't imagine thinking clearly after seeing something like that. I'd like to think I'd go in there and beat his ass too... but man, what a tough situation. No excuse for not reporting for years... but that's not what we're talking about here.
hoos30 said:
Everybody knew this guy was a pedo, INCLUDING PATERNO.

Also, this: in the GJ report, one of the victims recounts how Sandusky was upset because Paterno had a meeting with him saying he wouldn't be the new head coach. I dunno how Sandusky's "retirement" was portrayed publicly in 1999, but it clearly sounds like a forced retirement, i.e., not his choice. That's obvious now, but just pointing out the corroborating evidence in the GJ report.


Paterno has become a huge distraction and needs to be fired today or even this week. Seeing that old bastard on the sidelines the rest of the year will only bring out more rage towards him and his university. His college players don't deserve it. Think about it, who in the world will be happy to see Paterno and Penn St win some football games in the remainder of the season? All anyone will think about is the poor victims in this case.
DBebm5 said:
Also, this: in the GJ report, one of the victims recounts how Sandusky was upset because Paterno had a meeting with him saying he wouldn't be the new head coach. I dunno how Sandusky's "retirement" was portrayed publicly in 1999, but it clearly sounds like a forced retirement, i.e., not his choice. That's obvious now, but just pointing out the corroborating evidence in the GJ report.

No, you are still making assumptions. If Paterno told him he couldn't be the head coach because was a perv, it would be different. All signs show that JoePa didn't want to step down, thus Sandusky couldn't be the coach.
Homeboyd said:
Man, I've heard so many people say the same thing over the past couple of days. People calling in to radio shows, posts on forums and comments made by other media sources saying the exact same thing. I just have to say that it is so much easier to say that's what you would've done behind a computer or a phone or a camera rather than being there first hand and seeing it happen.

Yes, absolutely that is what should've happened. Yes, everyone hopes they would react the same way and be that hero to go in there and beat the everliving shit out of that scum like he deserves.

But imagine this; This man.. this truly, truly disturbed man doesn't think like you or I. He understood the grave situation he was putting himself in by performing these acts and knew what the consequences were if he was caught (and by caught, I mean by someone who would do something about it; i.e. whats happened recently). You have no idea what this man would be willing to do to keep himself out of trouble if he knew you were what stood between his freedom and possibly continuing to live. You're thinking like a normal human being... you see a situation, you know it's wrong.. you want to help. But you had better be prepared to sacrifice your safety, your life and everything in your life if you chose to make a decision to confront and 'fight' the man.

Yeah, he's probably a bitch and you probably could kick the shit out of him in any normal situation. But catching a man doing something like that and taking it upon yourself to take him out isn't something a lot of people are wired to do (or are capable of doing). Don't get me wrong, I'm with you and everyone else who said this should've happened. I'm just saying, hindsight it always 20/20 and you have to understand a man like that probably wouldn't stop at anything in an attempt to keep you from taking his life from him. You'd better be ready to do whatever it takes.

This grad assistant probably understood this in that quick flash of time he had to think about his options. Yeah, he should've called the cops. But again.. I can't imagine thinking clearly after seeing something like that. I'd like to think I'd go in there and beat his ass too... but man, what a tough situation.

Fuck that. Fuck a beating. I walk in on a grown man and I see that happening my instinct to protect a child is going to go into auto pilot and the FIRST thing I'm going to do at the VERY LEAST is remove the kid from that assault. Beating the guy will take a backseat to just protecting the kid and getting him out of there and contacting 911 immediately.

That's why I'm upset with dude. You walk in on someone being raped and you just walk away and leave him to finish off? Not a chance.
samus i am said:
No, you are still making assumptions. If Paterno told him he couldn't be the head coach because was a perv, it would be different. All signs show that JoePa didn't want to step down, thus Sandusky couldn't be the coach.

Yes, he is making assumptions, but ones that are totally warranted. This scandal sheds a whole new light on the history of the Penn State program and we really need to take a second look at everything that happened there in the last 20 years.


Mammoth Jones said:
Fuck that. Fuck a beating. I walk in on a grown man and I see that happening my instinct to protect a child is going to go into auto pilot and the FIRST thing I'm going to do at the VERY LEAST is remove the kid from that assault. Beating the guy will take a backseat to just protecting the kid and getting him out of there and contacting 911 immediately.

That's why I'm upset with dude. You walk in on someone being raped and you just walk away and leave him to finish off? Not a chance.
I agree man.. 100%. I am sitting here saying I would do the same thing. But you would think everyone would think like that, right? What do you think is the reason the grad assistant didn't do it?

The real reason.
Homeboyd said:
I agree man.. 100%. I am sitting here saying I would do the same thing. But you would think everyone would think like that, right? What do you think is the reason the grad assistant didn't do it?The real reason.

Fear....for some reason or another...and i want to know WHY.


JumpingTheGun said:
Fear....for some reason or another...and i want to know WHY.
Fear for his job? Or fear for his safety/life?

That's what I'm saying.. fuck the job.. who cares. The real question is, are you willing to put your life on the line to protect another human being? Not one person will ever say no.. but certainly not every person would do it.
Homeboyd said:
I agree man.. 100%. I am sitting here saying I would do the same thing. But you would think everyone would think like that, right? What do you think is the reason the grad assistant didn't do it?

The real reason.

I'm a realist. Obviously not 100% people would do the right thing. Just like as a realist I concede that 100% of people wouldn't do the right thing and not have intercourse with children.

I don't know the reason. I can't imagine any reason that would possess an adult to encounter a child being assaulted and walk away.
Homeboyd said:
Fear for his job? Or fear for his safety/life?

That's what I'm saying.. fuck the job.. who cares. The real question is, are you willing to put your life on the line to protect another human being? Not one person will ever say no.. but certainly not every person would do it.

There's no indication at all that his life was in danger. At all.

Call a spade a spade. Dude was a straight up coward and morally bankrupt when it counted.

You gonna walk in on an unarmed man you know isn't prone to violence assaulting a kid and just walk away thinking "If I try to say stop that he might kill me"? Get outta here with that noise.


Mammoth Jones said:
You gonna walk in on an unarmed man you know isn't prone to violence assaulting a kid and just walk away thinking "If I try to say stop that he might kill me"? Get outta here with that noise.
So what do you really know about the guy?
Homeboyd said:
Fear for his job? Or fear for his safety/life?

That's what I'm saying.. fuck the job.. who cares. The real question is, are you willing to put your life on the line to protect another human being? Not one person will ever say no.. but certainly not every person would do it.

He was a big guy walking in on a naked 60-year-old man in the shower. It's not like Sandusky was concealing a knife somewhere. Plus, they saw each other! McQueary couldn't steal out of there hoping Sandusky didn't know he knew. If he was afraid Sandusky might kill him for knowing, confronting him in the locker room was pretty much the best opportunity he was going to get to... not get killed.
Homeboyd said:
Man, I've heard so many people say the same thing over the past couple of days. People calling in to radio shows, posts on forums and comments made by other media sources saying the exact same thing. I just have to say that it is so much easier to say that's what you would've done behind a computer or a phone or a camera rather than being there first hand and seeing it happen.
Fuck that dumb shit.

You think most people wouldn't go to the police after hearing information like this?

The fuck outta here, dude. 10 year old kids being victimized. If YOU are of such low morals and integrity that YOU don't know if YOU would do the right thing, that's fine. But don't attempt to indict anyone else by proxy just because you're a weak human being. This shit is about right, wrong and doing what is obviously correct.

Continuing to be okay with the presence of a man who you KNOW has molested a child and has yet escaped the judgement of the law is something that *nobody* I know would allow.

We'll not apologize for being of higher character. JoePa's apathy paved the way for God knows how many more children to be abused from 2002-2011. Sorry, but human decency demands...more decency.

Mammoth Jones said:
Fuck that. Fuck a beating. I walk in on a grown man and I see that happening my instinct to protect a child is going to go into auto pilot and the FIRST thing I'm going to do at the VERY LEAST is remove the kid from that assault. Beating the guy will take a backseat to just protecting the kid and getting him out of there and contacting 911 immediately.

That's why I'm upset with dude. You walk in on someone being raped and you just walk away and leave him to finish off? Not a chance.
+1 on that too.

Homeboyd said:
Fear for his job? Or fear for his safety/life?

That's what I'm saying.. fuck the job.. who cares. The real question is, are you willing to put your life on the line to protect another human being? Not one person will ever say no.. but certainly not every person would do it.
are you just making up scenarios as you go along? who's fucking life was in danger here? you think the guy who caught them was going to be beaten down by a naked man? is he going to batter him with his dick?

I don't know what you're babbling about, but it's clearly not about this particular case. Apologizing for any of these mothafuckas is shameful.


Joe Shlabotnik said:
He was a big guy walking in on a naked 60-year-old man in the shower. It's not like Sandusky was concealing a knife somewhere. Plus, they saw each other! McQueary couldn't steal out of there hoping Sandusky didn't know he knew. If he was afraid Sandusky might kill him for knowing, confronting him in the locker room was pretty much the best opportunity he was going to get to... not get killed.
And if he truly feared for his safety, that would have been a great time to call the cops.


Dreams-Visions said:
Fuck that dumb shit.

You think most people wouldn't go to the police after hearing information like this?
You literally missed the entire point of my original post.

This had nothing to do with the police.
Dreams-Visions said:
Fuck that dumb shit.

You think most people wouldn't go to the police after hearing information like this?

The fuck outta here, dude. 10 year old kids being victimized. If YOU are of such low morals and integrity that YOU don't know if YOU would do the right thing, that's fine. But don't attempt to indict anyone else by proxy just because you're a weak human being. This shit is about right, wrong and doing what is obviously correct.

Continuing to be okay with the presence of a man who you KNOW has molested a child and has yet escaped the judgement of the law is something that *nobody* I know would allow.

We'll not apologize for being of higher character. JoePa's apathy paved the way for God knows how many more children to be abused from 2002-2011. Sorry, but human decency demands...more decency.

+1 on that too.

Thank you! agreed.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Cyan said:
First reply:

Hell, I actually agree with that part of the reply. The rest of it, however, is a prime example of how to ostrich-neck like a mother fucking champ.
I’m sorry but you people in the media need to get your stuff together. Focus on the real criminal here: Jerry Sandusky, and to a lesser extent, Tim Curly and Graham Spanier. But to continue to kick Joe, who legally did nothing wrong, while he’s down, is wrong by every stretch of the imagination. This is a matter of moral vs legal here. You cannot allow your moral views (no matter how right or wrong they be) skew the legal facts, and not let the Court of Public Opinion skew the reality of the situation. This is a great tragedy, and my prayers go out to the victims and their families, but I Seriously hope this team wins out and wins the Rose Bowl and shoves it all back in your faces and send Joe out the way he has always deserved to: A legend, and a champion.
What a choad.
Homeboyd said:
You literally missed the entire point of my original post.

This had nothing to do with the police.
and you failed to read the rest of the post.

But considering your posts in the thread, failing to read is the least of your problems here.


mre said:
Hell, I actually agree with that part of the reply. The rest of it, however, is a prime example of how to ostrich-neck like a mother fucking champ.
Eh, I don't think they necessarily should cancel the season, but the incredulous "ON SENIOR DAY?" just made me :rolleyes at how completely the guy was missing the point.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Cyan said:
Eh, I don't think they necessarily should cancel the season, but the incredulous "ON SENIOR DAY?" just made me :rolleyes at how completely the guy was missing the point.
That is off, no doubt, but people who are blindly defending Paterno... I just don't get it. The guy was right, as far as we know Paterno did not do anything legally wrong. However, he's absolutely wrong in saying that the full wrath of the Court of Public Opinion should not be brought down on Paterno. He knew what Sandusky was, and I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he kept quiet knowing that Sandusky was still heavily involved with children through his charity. God only knows how many kids Paterno's silence enabled Sandusky to molest.


Dreams-Visions said:
and you failed to read the rest of the post.

But considering your posts in the thread, failing to read is the least of your problems here.

Mammoth Jones said:
Fuck that. Fuck a beating. I walk in on a grown man and I see that happening my instinct to protect a child is going to go into auto pilot and the FIRST thing I'm going to do at the VERY LEAST is remove the kid from that assault. Beating the guy will take a backseat to just protecting the kid and getting him out of there and contacting 911 immediately.

That's why I'm upset with dude. You walk in on someone being raped and you just walk away and leave him to finish off? Not a chance.

Homeboyd said:
I agree man.. 100%. I am sitting here saying I would do the same thing. But you would think everyone would think like that, right? What do you think is the reason the grad assistant didn't do it?

The real reason.
I guess you somehow got the impression I was defending someone here... and I did read your post. But what I referenced from your post didn't apply to what we were discussing. I can see this isn't going anywhere or drawing any valuable discussion.. so, you win.


First tragedy, then farce.
Cyan said:
Eh, I don't think they necessarily should cancel the season, but the incredulous "ON SENIOR DAY?" just made me :rolleyes at how completely the guy was missing the point.

If JoePa is on the sidelines ever again PSU is going on my shitlist with Miami and Oklahoma of schools who have shown a total and complete disdain for even playing lip service to doing things the right way.

Hell, at least OU has made some efforts to self-report since the 80s.

PSU will be in the rareified air of Miami levels if JoePa ever sniffs the sidelines again.
Since when is breaking the law the bare minimum standard to lose your job or be skewered in the media? Why do JoePa defenders keep bringing up that he is legally in the clear? Like it matters?


Tom Penny said:
They better not clip Joe and let him finish the season. For all he's done for Penn State. He deserves it.
For all he's done for Penn State he should be fired immediately. He deserves it.
Ninja Scooter said:
Since when is breaking the law the bare minimum standard to lose your job or be skewered in the media? Why do JoePa defenders keep bringing up that he is legally in the clear? Like it matters?
I think a great number of us are wondering exactly that. It's baffling.


First tragedy, then farce.
mre said:
That is off, no doubt, but people who are blindly defending Paterno... I just don't get it. The guy was right, as far as we know Paterno did not do anything legally wrong. However, he's absolutely wrong in saying that the full wrath of the Court of Public Opinion should not be brought down on Paterno. He knew what Sandusky was, and I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he kept quiet knowing that Sandusky was still heavily involved with children through his charity. God only knows how many kids Paterno's silence enabled Sandusky to molest.

I'm not even giving JoePa that much benefit.

99.9999999% chance he knew what was going on or at least a strong sense of what was going on in 1998. 100% chance in 2003.

Any kid that was attacked from about 1998 on is blood on JoePa's hands. In my mind that old sack of shit is complicit in the destruction of several lives, and whatever impact that has on those around them and their future interactions.

Just because he wins a lot of football games and looks like a geriatric old man who "talks tough" doesn't mean he isn't a worthless piece of shit. And he is a worthless piece of shit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tom Penny said:
They better not clip Joe and let him finish the season. For all he's done for Penn State. He deserves it.

He was complicit in the molestation of every child from 2003 on, most likely from 1998 on.. and he *knew* this guy was working with kids.

Everything he has done for the "young men" he's mentored, all the national titles, all the acolades, everything he has ever done with his life has been wiped away. His legacy is going to be as an accomplice to a pedophile. He earned it, let him wear the crown.
And I'm sorry, I don't care what degree of guilt you assign to JoPa, but this is such a weaselly statement from this morning:

That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

How considerate of you, Joe.


I think the worst thing about this is the poor kid in the locker room shower that McQuery walked in on. Think about this for a second from a different perspective. This 8 year old boy, who comes from a broken home or whatever his situation is, getting abused by a man he is supposed to trust. He has nobody to confide in about what is happening because in all likelihood, nobody would believe him. People would shrug it off because of all the good things the coach has done in the community but he knows what is being done to him is seriously wrong.

He sees McQuery come into the locker room out of the corner of his eye and thinks finally, somebody can help him and take him away from the person that is abusing him. He becomes filled with happiness thinking his nightmare is finally over. Then he sees McQuery turn around and walk away. But he still thinks ok, this man is going to get help and take me out of this horrible situation. So he waits. And waits. And waits. All the while the abuse continues while he waits for help that never comes.
StoOgE said:
He was complicit in the molestation of every child from 2003 on, most likely from 1998 on.. and he *knew* this guy was working with kids.

Everything he has done for the "young men" he's mentored, all the national titles, all the acolades, everything he has ever done with his life has been wiped away. His legacy is going to be as an accomplice to a pedophile. He earned it, let him wear the crown.
Thank you. To me, Paterno and anyone who thinks doing the bare minimum when it concerns child rape and molestation this sickening deserve shit crowns and tarnished namesake.

His complacence and being fine with the minimum of obligations indicates seedy intentions to keep his bullshit, superficial legacy alive. Enjoy the rusted, broke ass image PSU now has, glad I'm not alumni.

This is just fucking disgusting, and to think people are so eager to support him and see him through. His decision to ignore it and do only his legal obligation shows just how fucked the power structure is in college sports.
Tom Penny said:
They better not clip Joe and let him finish the season. For all he's done for Penn State. He deserves it.
Excuse me? Really? I don't care how many goddamn football games you have won, this is bigger than football and it happened under his watch. He should be nowhere near the stadium this weekend or for their other games. Any other coach, ANY OTHER COACH, would have been fired IMMEDIATELY. Your football legacy does not overshadow what has happened here.

Now that I think about it, as an alumnus of a Big Ten school, I can't think of a single instance where I heard Joe Paterno speak and thought he knew anything about football. I am sure he does but it certainly never came across like that to me.


Honestly, and I see all of your points, but I think some of you need to read up on JoePas contributions outside of football. The constant insinuation that anyone who even slightly defends Paterno is doing so because he simply won a lot of football games is downright false.

That said, I still think he needs to just go. Even if what he says in the gj report is true and his involvement was nothing more (or less) than that, his presence is nothing but a distraction now so he needs to go so everyone can move on and tackle those more heavily involved and find out who else can be held responsible for this because I get the feeling that there are more we dont know about yet.
Shick Brithouse said:
I think the worst thing about this is the poor kid in the locker room shower that McQuery walked in on. Think about this for a second from a different perspective. This 8 year old boy, who comes from a broken home or whatever his situation is, getting abused by a man he is supposed to trust. He has nobody to confide in about what is happening because in all likelihood, nobody would believe him. People would shrug it off because of all the good things the coach has done in the community but he knows what is being done to him is seriously wrong.

He sees McQuery come into the locker room out of the corner of his eye and thinks finally, somebody can help him and take him away from the person that is abusing him. He becomes filled with happiness thinking his nightmare is finally over. Then he sees McQuery turn around and walk away. But he still thinks ok, this man is going to get help and take me out of this horrible situation. So he waits. And waits. And waits. All the while the abuse continues while he waits for help that never comes.
Dreams-Visions said:
Indeed. It's the people expecting a higher moral standard from these officials that are in the wrong.


Everyone directly tied to the coverup is to blame. I have yet to see conclusive evidence that Joe was part of it. The evidence against Sandusky is conclusive, the evidence against Curley and Schultz is conclusive, the "evidence" against Joe Paterno isn't.

Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You do realize you have been trolling for more than five pages now or so?

You haven't been doing the same?


samus i am said:
Yes, this looks like another case where the angry mob will get their way.
Yes, everyone should be thinking about the real victim here, Joe Paterno. The loss of a multi-millionaire coach of football is the true tragedy of this scandal.
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