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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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East Lake

ChiTownBuffalo said:
Either my writing sucks or your comprehension sucks.

All I said, was that JoePa's action or inaction, was colored by his relationship with Sandusky. I didn't say it was OK, but I'm also saying that it doesn't make JoePa a monster on Sandusky's level.
I understand what you're saying but as the suspected behavior of a friend becomes worse and worse self-interest loses its meaning. This guy created a foundation for at risk kids and sexually abused them. Paterno knew nothing happened after reporting the incident and knew this sick fuck was still around kids years afterward. There's almost nothing worse that could be ignored. At least Sandusky wasn't killing them after the abuse I guess?
ChiTownBuffalo said:
Either my writing sucks or your comprehension sucks.

All I said, was that JoePa's action or inaction, was colored by his relationship with Sandusky. I didn't say it was OK, but I'm also saying that it doesn't make JoePa a monster on Sandusky's level.
He's not the monster Sandusky is but he is still a giant piece of shit that could have easily stopped the rape of numerous children.

He's not at Sandusky's level but he is at the level right underneath him.


So, has anyone 'shopped a blue and white scarf on pedobear yet?

I also can't see anyone defending Joe Paterno. Dude was plowing a ten year old in the shower. Just informing your supervisor seems incredibly weak. Morally reprehensible and classless.


I got grudge sucked!
ChiTownBuffalo said:
Nope, I am not kidding you.

I am saying that in situations like this, with the length and history of the type of relationship Paterno and Sandusky had, it wouldn't be as black/white as people on the outside see it or want it to be.

I'll side with you here. There is a lot we don't know about the circumstances for either Paterno or the grad student. Paterno knew Sandusky for 30 years but that doesn't mean he knew he was a pedophile, these instances occured under the guise of some charity or community service action In that situation, I don't think its unreasonable to take the grad students report (which was supposedly lacking in detail) pass it onto the AD and have them investigate. If its my friend, I probably do the same because I have personal ties to the accused.

As far as the grad student is concerned and why he didn't report it to the cops, I'm assuming he was scared he would be black balled. College Football and Universities in general have a terrible reputation for covering up controversies and neutralizing whistleblowers...at least until its too late. Granted this is a whole different level than improper benefits.

I'm not necessarily condoning the actions, I just see how they played out and understand why they did. It was a grenade nobody wanted to hold or be near when it went off.




"Penn State!"


My Member!
I'm not going to defend Joe Paterno, but let me just say this guy isn't all there. The guy is 81 and really has no business being in coaching and should have retired a decade ago, no doubt his assistants do everything for him now. I don't know if he understood the impact or was even all there to comprehend what was going on to be honest. He seems completely unaware of his team or surroundings nowadays and is more of a figurehead.


Professional Schmuck
This makes me so sick to my stomach -- rage, terror, anxiety all rolled into one. As a father, there's nothing that scares me more than authority figures taking advantage of my child. I would not hesistate to murder someone that hurt my child.

As far as the guys that new about it but didn't act -- they're accessories and should be given the same punishment.

These fuckers are why I still believe in cruel and unusual punishment.

W Hudson

So in June 1998 there is a significant investigation into Sandusky, where he ultimately admits to hugging young boys while showering naked with them and further admits that such behavior is wrong. He is later informed by Joe Pa that he will not be the coach to follow him at Penn State and retires at the end of 1999.

Now Joe Pa is saying that he did not have any indications of improper activity by Sandusky except for the 2002 incident reported to him by McQueary. I'm calling BS on that one. No way does Joe Pa not know that a significant criminal investigation by campus police into his primary assistant coach is going on. No chance. This whole thing is despicable.
W Hudson said:
So in June 1998 there is a significant investigation into Sandusky, where he ultimately admits to hugging young boys while showering naked with them and further admits that such behavior is wrong. He is then informed by Joe Pa that he will not be the coach to follow him at Penn State and retires at the end of 1999.

Now Joe Pa is saying that he did not have any indications of improper activity by Sandusky except for the 2002 incident reported to him by McQueary. I'm calling BS on that one. No way does Joe Pa not know that a significant criminal investigation by campus police into his primary assistant coach is going on. No chance. This whole thing is despicable.
Ding, Ding Ding, we have a winner.

Sandusky not even thinking twice about ass raping a kid in an on campus facility tells you all need to know about how Joe Pa and the rest of the school enabled what he did.


First tragedy, then farce.
They have to fire the entire coaching staff in the next couple of weeks. Free transfers to all student athletes in the football program.


TheNatural said:
I'm not going to defend Joe Paterno, but let me just say this guy isn't all there. The guy is 81 and really has no business being in coaching and should have retired a decade ago, no doubt his assistants do everything for him now. I don't know if he understood the impact or was even all there to comprehend what was going on to be honest. He seems completely unaware of his team or surroundings nowadays and is more of a figurehead.
That would be a decent argument except for the fact that many of these incidents happened in the '90s, when he was way younger.

Also, if you're put in charge of a major college football program (no matter your age), certain responsibilities come along with that privilege. Making sure kids aren't being raped by your defensive coordinator in the team showers should *probably* fall under his umbrella of duties.
StoOgE said:
They have to fire the entire coaching staff in the next couple of weeks. Free transfers to all student athletes in the football program.
Really, it should be hours. And I wouldn't be opposed if they lost their whole program. The fact that a situation like this could be looked over is disgusting.


crowphoenix said:
Really, it should be hours. And I wouldn't be opposed if they lost their whole program. The fact that a situation like this could be looked over is disgusting.

Agreed, I don't think it's much of an exagerration to say that this is one of the worst scandals in college sports ever. What USC and OSU did pale in comparison to this.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider


Could not even finish the accounts of Victim I in the grand jury testimony. The fact that something like this went on is unbelievable. Is the guy not married? If he is and his wife looked the other way, then it is even more fucked up.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
W Hudson said:
Took me a while to catch it, but once I did I lost it.

I felt like a bad person posting it to be honest. But, it was too funny to pass up.


BLSwagger10 said:
Could not even finish the accounts of Victim I in the grand jury testimony. The fact that something like this went on is unbelievable. Is the guy not married? If he is and his wife looked the other way, then it is even more fucked up.

It gets worse. I got as far as Victim 4 before i stop reading for two reasons:

1) The sickening level of depravity shown
2) pretty much NSFW

Take my word for it: It gets real explicit and none of it is good. Victim 2 is the one the two jackasses covered up.


StoOgE said:
They have to fire the entire coaching staff in the next couple of weeks. Free transfers to all student athletes in the football program.

Bingo. Shutting down the program for five years wouldn't be too much to ask either.


W Hudson said:
So in June 1998 there is a significant investigation into Sandusky, where he ultimately admits to hugging young boys while showering naked with them and further admits that such behavior is wrong. He is later informed by Joe Pa that he will not be the coach to follow him at Penn State and retires at the end of 1999.

Now Joe Pa is saying that he did not have any indications of improper activity by Sandusky except for the 2002 incident reported to him by McQueary. I'm calling BS on that one. No way does Joe Pa not know that a significant criminal investigation by campus police into his primary assistant coach is going on. No chance. This whole thing is despicable.
Nailed it. JoePa has to go. Everyone does really. Deplorable situation that should frankly make everyone hearing about it nauseous.
Unfortunately this is outside of the NCAA's purview.

Oh, I'm sure they would like to act. Other than Auburn (whom I must admit is pretty good at covering their tracks), they've been looking for reasons to club programs lately just to show that they are still relevant. However, I don't see how they can get on Penn State's case here.
How does Paterno, or ANYONE, let this guy hang around campus/the team having heard sexual assault accusations? I can't imagine being told a co-worker was caught harassing a child, then seeing him at work or outside work with a child and not saying something to anyone.

Paterno should be fired. Any other coach would have been fired yesterday. Shut it down.
Sirpopopop said:
Unfortunately this is outside of the NCAA's purview.

Oh, I'm sure they would like to act. Other than Auburn (whom I must admit is pretty good at covering their tracks), they've been looking for reasons to club programs lately just to show that they are still relevant. However, I don't see how they can get on Penn State's case here.
Failure to monitor and lack of institutional control.


The fact Sandusky is said to have been working out at the football building as recently as last week is just mindblowing.
Rafa=FedKilla said:
Failure to monitor and lack of institutional control.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that refers to recruiting/scholarships/benefits to athletes, etc. Unfortunately. I doubt this is a NCAA matter, unless they have a catch-all provision for following the law, etc. Which is I guess possible. But even then, it would be a stretch.
Sirpopopop said:
Unfortunately this is outside of the NCAA's purview.

Oh, I'm sure they would like to act. Other than Auburn (whom I must admit is pretty good at covering their tracks), they've been looking for reasons to club programs lately just to show that they are still relevant. However, I don't see how they can get on Penn State's case here.
If Auburn did something of this level, I would want them to shut our Athletics program down or to inflict as much damage as they could.

You're right that this is beyond something the NCAA has control over, but, schools need to know that this kind of corruption will not be tolerated.


Meier said:
The fact Sandusky is said to have been working out at the football building as recently as last week is just mindblowing.
The sheer brazenness of it all is just astonishing.

The guy was anally raping a pre-teen in the TEAM LOCKER ROOM SHOWER, and was seen by a grad assistant.

There's no possible way that gets twisted into "he was taking a shower with a kid and it was vaguely inappropriate."

Just terrible, and I hope anyone who knew and failed to report it to the police is punished. Utterly inexcusable on so many levels.
I read that 23 page document...

Why didn't that grad student fucking kill that molester there and then. All of the top people at Penn State needs to be put on trial or something.


Sirpopopop said:
Unfortunately this is outside of the NCAA's purview.

Oh, I'm sure they would like to act. Other than Auburn (whom I must admit is pretty good at covering their tracks), they've been looking for reasons to club programs lately just to show that they are still relevant. However, I don't see how they can get on Penn State's case here.

Had to get it in there eh? You'll get all the sand out of there eventually.


As has already been said multiple times already. Do NOT read that grand jury doc. It will ruin your entire holiday season.


AgentChris said:
I read that 23 page document...

Why didn't that grad student fucking kill that molester there and then. All of the top people at Penn State needs to be put on trail or something.

scavenger hunt?
crowphoenix said:
If Auburn did something of this level, I would want them to shut our Athletics program down or to inflict as much damage as they could.

You're right that this is beyond something the NCAA has control over, but, schools need to know that this kind of corruption will not be tolerated.
The NCAA is a joke. They can't even handle their own trivial bullshit, so nobody should want them leading an investigation into something this serious. The fallout for Penn State is going to be far worse than what the NCAA could dole out anyway.

In other news, the Pennsylvania attorney general is asking any additional victims to step forward.

There must be dozens of them out there.


Joe hasn't known where he is for some time now.Just put him in a treehouse and he'll think he's in a pressbox.

The title of the book has to be :

"From Penn State to State Pen."
Meier said:
The fact Sandusky is said to have been working out at the football building as recently as last week is just mindblowing.


"working out multiple times in the team’s weight room just last week, according to multiple sources within the football program. The sources, who asked to remain unnamed due to the nature of the scandal, said they saw Sandusky working out in the Lasch Football Building last week."

Isn't that the building he was supposedly specifically banned from or did I misunderstand earlier reports?


I'm sure civil lawyers are lining up for this....

Why can't these guys just sublimate their urges and become Catholic priests?
Penn State alumni here, but I usually say I'm an alum of University of Maryland where I went to grad school and met my wife.

If this is the coverup it seems to be, I hope everyone involved, including Paterno and Spanier, loses their job. History can decide legacy, and this should be a part of it.
It seems trivial to discuss it in light of the seriousness of the crime, but this is going to decimate Penn State's recruiting.

No five-star recruit is going to want to play in a program where a coach was buttfucking little boys in the locker room showers.
samus i am said:
But he did report it. He just didn't follow up on it, which he isn't really required to do.

So he knows someone working under him is molesting kids, he reports and wipes his hands clean of any wrong doing because he reported it? He did nothing after that and just went about his business

Imagine a boss knowingly keeping a child molester on staff, you think that would fly?


Ken Masters said:
So he knows someone working under him is molesting kids, he reports and wipes his hands clean of any wrong doing because he reported it? He did nothing after that and just went about his business

Imagine a boss knowingly keeping a child molester on staff, you think that would fly?

He wasn't working under him at the time.
BertramCooper said:
It seems trivial to discuss it in light of the seriousness of the crime, but this is going to decimate Penn State's recruiting.

No five-star recruit is going to want to play in a program where a coach was buttfucking little boys in the locker room showers.
Forget recruits, this is going to have a massive impact on enrollment for all students. Not many parents out there are going to want their kids going off to a school that covers up for and enables a guy to do this shit.

Between falling enrollment and the eventual lawsuits(look up how much the catholic church had to pay out) Pedo St. may not survive in it's current form.
BertramCooper said:
The NCAA is a joke. They can't even handle their own trivial bullshit, so nobody should want them leading an investigation into something this serious. The fallout for Penn State is going to be far worse than what the NCAA could dole out anyway.

In other news, the Pennsylvania attorney general is asking any additional victims to step forward.

There must be dozens of them out there.
Trust me, I am aware of how useless the NCAA are. I just want them to nut up and come down hard on Penn State in addition to what the law should dish out.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
bigtroyjon said:
Forget recruits, this is going to have a massive impact on enrollment for all students. Not many parents out there are going to want their kids going off to a school that covers up for and enables a guy to do this shit.

Between falling enrollment and the eventual lawsuits(look up how much the catholic church had to pay out) Pedo St. may not survive in it's current form.
Because I'm sure Catholic Church goers stopped going to church because evidence showed that the Catholic Church was covering, all the way up the organization, up multiple cases of child rape.
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