Shin Johnpv
Yup. Some things I find humorous, others I don't.
What about the things you find humorous that others don't and would consider unfunny and lazy writing?
Yup. Some things I find humorous, others I don't.
I will never be able to understand people who judge people so all encompassingly off of actions that basically stem from having a bad day.
But that's me.
Its amazing how many people miss this and fixate on some perceived censorship. Almost no one cared about the comic at the time. It wasn't until PA threw a hissy fit that people on the sidelines took notice and said maybe they should calm down
It wasn't meant to be a comment supporting rape or sexual assault, but rather one about censorship and the shirt-pulling pouring gasoline on a sensitive discussion. I know we did a poor job of elaborating on that on stage, and as the guy moving the discussion along at the Q&A, I'm really sorry for that.
Kicked her out of PAX for showing too much skin, if I'm not mistaken... (?)What did they do?
And you are a shining example of the evils of censorship.They should do it. Shut down Penny Arcade. Shut down PAX. Shut down Child's Play. These people that make jokes on the internet are responsible for the rape culture that exists today and they must be stopped.
The biggest issue wasn't the original comic itself, though that will as usual be ignored.
Kotaku has a story on this up and has comment on it from Robert Khoo:
Sorry, what's the Jessica Nigiri story?
I think people are taking offence at, y'know, rape.
And you are a shining example of the evils of censorship.
To be fair I think that was someone else, not Mike or Jerry.Seems that the only time I notice them now is when they're being complete jerks. They also took the wrong side on game ownership / used games / intrusive DRM / required online, if I recall correctly.
From (I corrected a few spelling errors the guy had in the article, though)
Let's not forget the mess they made from treating Jessica Nigiri the way they did last year. Want to stop misogyny in the gaming community.Getting rid of Krahulik and whoever else keeps being the dickcheeses that make these dumbass decisions and comments at PA would be a great start.
I don't think pulling the shirt poured any more gasoline on the fire, if anything it probably did the opposite.Kotaku has a story on this up and has comment on it from Robert Khoo:
Just so you know, you don't have to post in every thread about every piece of information/news you don't care about.I could probably care if I wanted to. I don't.
It's videogames. It's the internet. If this really upsets you, go hang out with your kid sis.
And you are a shining example of the evils of censorship.
LOL, I'm sure their first thought is to get rid of the guy who does all the art for their webcomics empire.
Valtýr;79787169 said:Maybe I'm missing something about how is that a rape joke or a joke about rape?
Sorry, what's the Jessica Nigiri story?
Well after reading up I totally get why people were disgusted by it, and also get why people supported PA. The problem I'm running into here is that PA never actually seemed to justify the joke outside of "lolfreespeech", which isn't an indefensible way to approach anything creative, but completely tactless when dealing with something as easy to offend/piss off/give the wrong impression as rape. They definitely screwed up big time in how they handled it.
Mike's an idiot. Rape jokes, no matter what the context, aren't funny, and is a sign of an extremely lazy writer.
these guys are dickheads
So rape is off limits for comedy?
All I learned from this is that rape jokes are the worst thing on earth, yet simulations of grisly, realistic and indiscriminate murder are still perfectly acceptable. Hooray for video game culture.
I don't think pulling the shirt poured any more gasoline on the fire, if anything it probably did the opposite.
To be fair I think that was someone else, not Mike or Jerry.
The shirt basically said you took the stance opposite that of rape victims which is pretty damn reprehensible
Seriously, that small comic lead to all that? I don't see how anyone can take offense in it.
Of course it's the type of completely fictional rape of a fictional character by fictional and ridiculous beasts that actually don't exist that has happened to no one and is only referred to in fictional text in a non-serious and unreal context.
But other than that you're a crusader for good taking offense at rape itself. Kudos brave moral defender.
Free speech, not rape victims imo.
Guys, the rape joke was less of a problem than the fact that the people who initially voiced complaints about the joke were threatened with rape and murder by Penny Arcade fans for doing that.
Krahulik has a pattern of going absolutely fucking nuts with nerd rage instead of backing down even a fraction of an inch when anybody calls him on something, and it's sort of fucked up.
I was being sarcastic. I think this whole thing is ridiculously overblown.
Thanks for the quote. Makes me feel important, the way my parents never did.Just so you know, you don't have to post in every thread about every piece of information/news you don't care about.
Mike's an idiot. Rape jokes, no matter what the context, aren't funny, and is a sign of an extremely lazy writer. (In my opinion, of course.) Sad because I enjoy Penny Arcade a lot.
That being said, people going out and saying "If you go to PAX you're an ignorant moron" is a bit too much.
OP should put this in to explain the whole Dickwolves thing