I agree with people saying that the original comic isn't as big of a problem as Penny Arcade's response to the reaction to it. I think it's how someone responds to other people being offended that really means something, and it's clear that the PA guys aren't listening or internalizing the complaints people have been having for years now.
But I also disagree with people yelling "The comic isn't wrong because the comic isn't even about rape!" If the comic isn't about rape, and it would be just as funny without rape, then why did they put SO MUCH RAPE IN IT? There is a lot of talk about the first amendment, but to get behind that defense, someone kind of needs to be SAYING SOMETHING, and the Penny Arcade guys aren't. They told a good joke and made a neat comic that was about MMOs, but then also made it about rape because they live in a privileged circle where they haven't been affected by that. All of which I could easily forgive (WE ALL SAY STUPID STUFF SOMETIMES) if their response to the reaction had been better.
Honestly, what offends me the most is that the Penny Arcade guys have this platform, they have this audience, they have the first amendment, and they use it all to tell rape jokes that don't even have to be rape jokes. Every time it looks like they may be growing creatively, maturing as artists, they retreat back into dumb jokes and immaturity. And I LOVE DUMB JOKES, but dumb jokes can say something to. And I love immaturity, but not when it's in response to mature, serious topics. So much creative freedom, yet they're choosing to continue a fight from THREE YEARS AGO, instead of making awesome stuff and growing as creative artists.
There are a lot of people yelling about the "liberals" and "feminists" "over-reacting" to a joke. Artists make work that reflects the world, is interpreting by the world, is judged by the world, and ultimately changes the world. To say that no one should react to the art isn't something that people who appreciate an artist's work should be doing. Instead, the people who appreciate the artist's work should be frustrated that those artists are creatively repeating themselves, are not growing as people or artists, and instead of making new art are opening old wounds, seemingly yelling EARLIER I MADE IT SEEM LIKE I HAD LEARNED SOMETHING ABOUT THE WORLD BUT I WANTED TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT I HAVEN'T LEARNED ANYTHING AND IF I COULD DO IT OVER AGAIN I WOULD BE EVEN MORE OF A DICKWOLF ABOUT IT.
It's an attitude that would be rockstar and admirable if they were right, but they're not right. The original comic is a joke about MMOs and would be funnier to a wider audience if it was not about rape. Their response to the controversy has been embarrassing and short-sighted. This weekend they yelled loudly about how they wish they had been even more wrong, and a bunch of people applauded them for it. This isn't a fight about the first amendment, it isn't an argument over which sort of rape joke is acceptable, it's a story about artists failing to meet their potential. It's all pretty sad.