People voted for austerity. They then wondered why public services were being decimated, they fell book line of sinker for the Tory/Right wing press line blaming immigration.
It wasn't because of devastating budget cuts to councils, social housing and other public services, no it was people who contribution was a net benefit to the country.
Of course not only did the public buy this bollocks by putting Cameron in with a majority in 2015, they then voted Brexit on the utter lie that it would mean more money for the NHS.
The public want a socialist platform but the media have told them that is such a bad idea they vote the opposite, then complain bitterly about losing the safety net Labour tried to repair from 1997 to 2010. I can't wait for the fallout post Brexit when the media start to run out of excuses. Well they'll blame the EU and people will buy it, vote Tory again and still wonder why their government doesn't give a toss about them.
My own father has repeatedly voted for a conservative government while he worked for the council as a leisure centre manager. local council budget got tightened and made his work a nightmare, he was having to cover multiple centres essentially doing the job of 2-3 people and he worked loads of overtime. it ended up in a mental breakdown and taking 3 months off of work to recover from stress related illness. He took up smoking again due to the stress after being a non-smoker for over a decade.
Hes now left the job and has had to go for a lower paid job to get something that is more stress free.
yet he will still vote conservative in 2020 because he is so adamant in his belief that publicly owned services = inefficient use of taxpayers money.
My Brother doesn't grasp the concept of why corporations should pay more tax, he states that people have a right to the money they earn and taxing someone more because they earn more is unfair. He doesn't grasp that businesses greatly benefit from publicly funded services such as healthcare and education as it provides businesses with a healthy and educated populace to make profit with so they should pay a larger share into the pot. He tried to refute my argument by saying "what if you had to spend 10% more tax" while ignoring that that would leave me with a smaller amount of money than a corporation that earns millions. it's not comparable.
These are some of the arguments the left has to overcome and it's bloody difficult. My personal earnings which are just under the uk average salary to entities that earn >100x more is completely incomparable. Me spending more tax would hit my standard of living, to them it's just less pocket change.
This combined with a massive disconnect between actions and results (with things such as the environment) makes these incredibly tough for the populace to grasp.