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People who use the word "innovative" to describe games make me sick.


Is there any reason why all game makers should be competing to make drastically different games?

I mean, I've enjoyed lots of games up to this point in my life, and I still do. Why change something that works?

Look not all games that follow traditional methods are bad. And not all games that try something new are good.

So please stop trying to base whether game is better than one or another cause it tries something new or not. Base it on whether the game is actually good.


I also hate 'overrated'. Wtf. Just because you don't like a game that many do, doesn't mean that it's still bad and thus everyone is 'overrating' it.

And I also hate 'bad art'.


Technology is always improving allowing for advances in game design and mechanics. I think innovation is more than valid, but perhaps refine is a better word for most instances.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Something that's been done before doesn't have the full impact, even if the latest version takes it to new highs. Nothing wrong with further developing an old idea, but the scope of gaming that exists is still so extremely limited that there's as much obvious room to grow sideways as there is up.


^ Infogrames is entertainment that roooocks my wooorld

"Innovative" is definitely a valid description. It's like calling a game complex or challenging... it describes a quality of the game. Assigning a value judgment to that is up to you, of course.


Look I don't care if a game tries new things. I just hate when people shove the word down my throat as if a game doesn't try something drastically new it's a failure.
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