@AmyAcker: @LonestarAL: @AmyAcker Really love how the storylines merge
@dandietz @POIWritersRoom
They are SO smart!
@POIWritersRoom: We have a thing for the American Revolution, too! #PersonOfInterest http://t.co/1VX3iYNc6a
Since Root has been under the machine's command I haven't seen her do anything that Finch or Reese wouldn't do other than kidnapping Shaw. Its just taking advantage of being able to use more people to carry out more missions.So Root is the Machine's attack dog in the sense that if it needs to get something done and damn the methods, it unleashes Root
Finch/Reese Root/Shaw separate machine teams. I like it.
has a bit of Guy Ritchie/Tarantino bit of storyline merging going on. Only thing missing is having Carter accidently drive by the shootout :lol
Scary Time: It's been awhile since Root was in communication with the machine, and it and her knew of that intersection and how it was going to all happen. Motherfucking Future reading
:lol , tweeted by the writers
TVLINE | How do you envision Shaw’s love life? Maybe the occasional, emotionally detached hook-up?
I think she’s having lots of sex. I do. Maybe not lots, but, like, a couple times a week. I feel like she’s got a good ["liaison"] or two lined up. Again, she’s so emotionally detached, everything is so suppressed for her, that I think she’s very much like a repressed male.
TVLINE | Is it also just a release, with her being so intense all the time?
It’s a release, a way to express some kind of emotion, even if it is anger. I also don’t think for her it’s just sex. I think there are knives involved, I think there’s cutting…. The thing with Shaw is I don’t think it’s her doing this to herself but she has a lack of ability to feel. It’s somewhat of a disease, and I feel like part of the reason why she wants to go on these insane missions and why she joined with the group as opposed toMors Praematura just going off on her own is she wants to tempt fate. Because possibly in those moments right before death she might feel something, something might get unlocked within her. That’s why it’s not just normal sex. I haven’t shared this with [the producers], by the way…. [Laughs] But yeah, I think she’s very experimental.
but if the machine is all about self preservation and it sees this privacy group as an extreme threat with root being its most devoted follower who is willing to do anything for it. she becomes as a last resort.Since Root has been under the machine's command I haven't seen her do anything that Finch or Reese wouldn't do other than kidnapping Shaw. Its just taking advantage of being able to use more people to carry out more missions.
Since Root has been under the machine's command I haven't seen her do anything that Finch or Reese wouldn't do other than kidnapping Shaw. Its just taking advantage of being able to use more people to carry out more missions.
What's interesting, is that the Machine wanted a hands on approach (via Ms. Groves) with the hacker, but knew enough about the situation, that it knew that the Foster Brother would get involved, endangering his life. So it gave his information to F&R. Some complicated, multi-tiered, computations.
Just think, they haven't even introduced who Control is yet. Mystery Shadow Lady from the end of season 2. You know they're out there, waiting.
Fuck CBSPerson Of Interest 1.8/5 11.90
Fuck CBS
had to look, see that The Voice was on for 2 hours. Seems like a couple hundred thousand people usually turn to CBS after The Voice normally ends, but this time stayed with it.
What's interesting, is that the Machine wanted a hands on approach (via Ms. Groves) with the hacker, but knew enough about the situation, that it knew that the Foster Brother would get involved, endangering his life. So it gave his information to F&R. Some complicated, multi-tiered, computations.
Just think, they haven't even introduced who Control is yet. Mystery Shadow Lady from the end of season 2. You know they're out there, waiting.
Have to figure, every possible "CODEWORD" sounding word is being used for an government agency somewhere.
Hm... both Decima Tech/The New Gods and Control/ISA are still at large. They've taken quite a backseat to HR and Vigilance.
every single episode seem better than the last, just keeps building and building.How is this show after season 1? I stopped watching towards the end of season 1.
I really liked it, but just felt it was getting a little repetitive.
How is this show after season 1? I stopped watching towards the end of season 1.
I really liked it, but just felt it was getting a little repetitive.
Lol, where's Root? Pretty awesome though.
Root's a protagonist now?
Don't forget the millionaire from last season, guys. The end of the episode seemed to hint that he might be a threat for them in the long run.
Anyway, it was a great episode, really loved when everything came into plan.
There's also;
1) Elias' organization (now has quite a bit of funding)
2) Alastair Wesley
British MI6 Riddler. Blonde dude. Held the doctor's wife hostage in season 2. Has a contingency for everything.Who? I don't remember this one.
io9's recap is up: Best team up ever, on Person of Interest
Also, AV Club gave the last episode an A. They really love this show.
Well, this is it: the last episode of Person Of Interest that Ill be covering for The A.V. Club, at least for now. Ill keep recording the show on my DVR and check in from time to time in case it suddenly takes off, and if any of you whove been following this coverage start seeing marked signs of improvement, feel free to let us know in other comment sections. Its not impossible that POI might still pull it together and tell some interesting, exciting stories, but after the first seven episodes, the odds dont look so great. I feel Ive said as much as I can about the series and its flaws, and since those flaws dont seem to be going anywhere any time soon, theres no real reason to keep reiterating them. The show isnt even bad enough to be fun to mock. Its just mediocre, with occasionally flashes of wit or awfulness. And, to be completely honest, I wouldnt mind having Thursday nights off again.
Which is awesome considering they gave up on it during the first season. From their s1e7 review:
Glad the readers told them otherwise/they realized their mistake.
LOL. Didn't realize they had stopped covering it back then. They had a great article last year about POI being the perfect show about post-9/11 regret. It was really good. Good thing they came back to it. I really like reading their reviews.
Carter's (Taraji) Halloween costume