Was the
ending in the original P4?
killer's accomplice
Just maxed Yosuke's SL, what a great and well written deuteragonist. Fuck the haters![]()
Think about your real life friends.
How many of them are real friends? What sort of jealousy or resentment or contempt do they have for you? Are they merely your friend because they can get something from you? Will you ever even know?
How many of these friends would instigate not only conversation, but conclusion, not only for their sake, but for the two of you to resolve some ignored issue?
really enjoying this game. Playing on normal and about 1,5 hours in on a second save.and my MC is about lvl 9, is that high enough to continue or should I lvl him some more?Just got the persona for Chie.
Was theending in the original P4?killer's accomplice
Was theending in the original P4?killer's accomplice
Think about your real life friends.
How many of them are real friends? What sort of jealousy or resentment or contempt do they have for you? Are they merely your friend because they can get something from you? Will you ever even know?
How many of these friends would instigate not only conversation, but conclusion, not only for their sake, but for the two of you to resolve some ignored issue?
...And I just got the disgusting fan service cutscene I was worried about before this game came out. :/
It's in. There is nothing of value in the scene if you want to skip it at least, but the scene has no place in a game like thisFebruary, after clearing Marie's dungeon
This is what makes the characters in this game so great; they're not based on ideals, they're believable. They take anime and general high school cliches and subvert them completely.
Hah, that's something I'm struggling with in a year where I've played a lot of stuff that wouldn't make the top 5 but they're decent nonetheless. I don't want to give it to P4 but unless I play/finish a game that blows me away between now and whenever the voting period ends, it might be down to a contest between VLR and P4G.Can this be my GOTY? Even if the original was released on 2008?
Yup. It's awful, and very undermining of the otherwise amazing characters.
Agree 100%.
So I caved and bought this game after getting P4: Arena for $20 at
any tips for a newcomer to the series?
Make an ice resist or absorb persona. You should be around 30 or so by the end, fuse ganga.Are there any notable personas I should make going into the 3rd dungeon?
My MC is level 24
September 4 (or something like that)
So my guy let it slip that he went to festival part 2 with Rise, and Yosuke was shocked! Nobody else though. They just laughed at Yosuke. Kinda unrealistic that I've come this far with Yukiko, and to a lesser extent Chie, and they have no real reaction to that. This seems to be one of the bigger problems with RPGs; as much as they try, they never can really pull off something that resembles real-life reactions. Even if they did, it would probably just take my guy going to them, apologizing, and all would be good. I'm kinda splitting hairs here, but still. It's one of the things I'm interested to see progress in games going forward.
Anyway, I told Yosuke's co-worker ladies to fuck off, and watched Yukiko do the same to those reporters, AND watched Rise do the same to her ex-manager. Also got to Level 5 with Dojima, I assume that case he's speaking of is his wife's death.
I probably should go back into the TV soon.
Yosuke's and Dojima's S Links have really great conclusions.
I love how the S Links develop, and they have that Scrubs-esque reflection to them, as you can see how the character has grown. It's weird that more games don't do it.
Yosuke's and Dojima's S Links have really great conclusions.
I love how the S Links develop, and they have that Scrubs-esque reflection to them, as you can see how the character has grown. It's weird that more games don't do it.
You could say it's on the nose/mechanical because of the way the game gives you feedback and explicitly tells you you're developing relationships, but the characterization is just so goddamn good. I really don't think it's too much to ask for the player to suspense their disbelief.
Which S. Links do you recommend prioritizing, Dantis? I've honestly teared up during Yumi's and I'm not done with it yet.
Frankly I would say that this isn't even exclusive to the ends. There have been a couple of reflective moments with Yosuke already, particularly in regards to Saki and his new responsibility. Interested to see this one end.
Are there any notable personas I should make going into the 3rd dungeon?
My MC is level 24
RakshasaI was level 23 and just stuck with King Frost, Lilim and a Strength Persona. His name escapes me, but he wields two Katana's and is pretty red all over. Made it through fine.
Yumi's is great. Yosuke's is amazing if you like the character. Nanako's and Dojima's are both really important. The hospital one is excellent, particularly if you can contrast it to the Devil S Link in P3 (Tanaka).
The only one which I don't feel much for is Marie's, though her rank 9 is nice. She doesn't have anywhere near the same level of development as the other characters though.
There's a few I've never finished (Even on my most recent playthrough), like the daycare one and the tutoring one. I've also never done Kanji's for some reason... I end up going back to the same ones over and over. Like Yosuke's level 9. Love it.
His monologue in his rank 9 really gets me. It feels so conclusive, and it's a very 'real' reflection.
Popularity leads to intimacy.
I haven't even started her's yet. Has she been outside at all? Maybe I'm just overlooking her. Also, who's that girl who became the soccer team's manager but doesn't do anything? Is her link any good? Neither character seems very interesting.
She is the moon arcana. Her link develops pretty interestingly.I haven't even started her's yet. Has she been outside at all? Maybe I'm just overlooking her. Also, who's that girl who became the soccer team's manager but doesn't do anything? Is her link any good? Neither character seems very interesting.
I know, right? I wanted to say something before, but ...Having already played the game, it's really bothering me doing theAdachi social link. I already know he's a murderer and a creepy raper guy, yet I keep inviting him into my home and letting him hang out with Nanako. It's WEIRD.
So just started this today and while I'm really not even close to far into it figured I'd post here. Game is definitely not something i'd typically play and it starts off a bit slow for my tastes. However, despite all that...I'm still strangely very hooked on it and can't seem to want to out it down, and I'm sure once the game picks up I'll easily be able to see what all the hype is about. I'm excited to play much more.
Text recall is great for cheating!Persona 4's suddenly asking me about kanji... oh lawd...
Let's see...Kukai was the guy who they say invented kana, right? Must be him. Can't be Genshin because he specialized in enlightenment teachings. Edit: lol, this is what I get for FF-ing through dialogue; Kukai was actually mentioned.
The Voice and SOS functions are a great addition to the game, but those buttons are ugly as fuck! Why they didn't design them in the same art style of the rest of the game is beyond me. It looks like Atlus just bought some stock icons to use. Next time they need two buttons they should ask me to design them. I'd do it for free, lol.