No. P3 has it sort of like it, but not exactly. If you hit a single enemy that is not weak to what you are casting, even if the rest of the enemies are weak to it, you do not gain a One More! Vice versa with enemies hitting you. That is why in P3, single hit spells were more valuable to have than multi hit. In Press Turn Megaten games, you start with 4 turn icons. If you hit a weakness, you gained an icon, if you hit a strength/null/drain/repel, you lost an icon. You can lose all your turns using only 2 of your 4 dudes if you hit two strengths, etc. You could also choose to pass your current dudes turn to make the icon flash, meaning if you pass again with the next guy, you outright lose that turn icon. Any turn icons you gain are flashing, so those MUST be used by the first person they land on, and cannot be passed. You can have a maximum of 8 turns (disregarding NG+ in DDS) with this, either by passing with 4 and using 4, or hitting weaknesses 4 times, leaving 4 flashing turn icons to be used. This is a terrible explaination btw, in practice it is rather simple, but punishing and strategic.