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Persona 4 |OT|

Man, it's been a while since I talked about the game!

Early July - November 1st
Oh gee, where to start?
So, I finished the Rise dungeon, but I set myself up for disaster because I skipped past the last floor or so when I was running through it. I didn't manage to level up very high or get many items for crafting new weapons, and that really set me back for the next dungeon.

Rise's boss fight was surprisingly easy, and I thought I was just doing that good. When Teddie started going nuts, though, that was rather shocking. Glad it evened out the easy boss with a second encounter. Teddie's illustrations were fantastic during this part as well, hahaha. I was pretty resentful of Rise joining, as I tend not to like the overly-bubbly type of characters, but she's been alright. Still probably my least favorite of the cast.

Mr. Morooka dying was the worst thing ever, though. : (
The voice actor always seemed to be having a good time, and I miss his insane ramblings.
Anyways, seeing the creepy-eyed kid from the start really threw me for a loop. I was thinking "surely not!" Glad it wasn't! Well, except for Morooka...

His dungeon was really great, visually, but man it was hard. I was using some pretty low level weaponry, as I hadn't crafted anything from the previous dungeon due to lack of items. I made sure to "grind" in his dungeon since I had gotten the Fox social link really high (either 8/9/10) at this point, and I could finally use the SP reasonably. The weapons I crafted after exiting the 8-bit dungeon were more than double the strength of what I had been using... OH WELL.

The boss fight sucked so much, haha. I really have to say that was frustrating to have him rebuilding that armor so often. Also, I got super lucky due to my OCD and found the key before I passed it on the 7th floor. Pretty sneaky of them with the turning around stuff.
Glad the guy got arrested, but I figured he was just claiming the crimes for the attention. I was sad to hear that he really did kill one person...

Naoto was really my most dreaded character, before I really got to interact a lot. I hate it when rpgs introduce new party members so late into the game, as they feel like such a third wheel to me. Luckily, Naoto is freaking awesome, so Rise is my unofficial third wheel, haha. I was already spoiled about her being a her from artwork (and just listening to the voice). Still, had a lot of fun running through her crazy science dungeon, but I kept laughing at the trail of green liquid that was spilled all throughout the place.

Easiest boss fight so far? Probably so. Maybe it was more to do with my stats being up to speed, but it just seemed rather effortless. I was honestly expecting a second boss afterwards because I was having flashbacks to Rise's boss.

A little disappointed still at how they ended up going with the Kanji and Naoto stuff, as I thought they might do something really different with them, but they're really enjoyable characters still. Kanji's performance by Troy Baker is easily my favorite VA in the game. The guy seemed to be having a blast with it, and I think he was an excellent choice.

So let's see... what have I missed with social link stuff?
The Devil Social link freaked me out with how strongly she comes onto the protagonist as soon as she meets him. It's taken a long time to finally start to see her character come though, but I'm looking forward to seeing how this ends up.
Uh... death woman makes me want to sympathize for her, but she's too nagging on “oh, woe is me, it's all my fault.”
The tower kid is a little son of a gun, but I think he'll end up being alright.
Temperance mom has been alright...
Hanged man was surprisingly okay. I thought “what a little jerk” when he immediately says he hates me, but I maxed his out recently and was pleased with how they handled his character growth.

Oh yeah, and the short sleeves in summer... I'm just glad to be back to fall clothing, because it just looked wrong with Chie not wearing her jacket normally and protagonist not having a jacket. IT WAS JUST WRONG.

On the note of Chie, I ended up going with her as my love interest. Was there a better choice, honestly? I mean, she's into kung-fu movies and KICKS STUFF INTO SPACE. Best video game girlfriend ever.
She was the first character I maxed and it blew me away when it changed her persona. Dirtbike-darth maul persona out of nowhere was a great surprise for maxing.

I've maxed out almost everyone on my team (Teddie and Naoto being the exceptions), but I did manage to max Dojima and Nanako the other night. Pretty happy with how those resulted, and I couldn't help but smile.

Okay, last points, I swear! I hope.
The cutscene where they were all sharing the watermelon on the last day of summer was nice. Just a great time for all of the characters to interact, and Teddie wanting to stay was touching. I think.

The trip to the port island school was a hoot. I loved how dumb it all got, and the drinking game stuff was super funny. Teddie attacking Kanji... hahaha! I really need to see if the original actually had them getting hammered, because the lot of them getting wasted off the “atmosphere” was pretty dumb, but still seemed fitting. The sex hotel from the teacher. Why didn't I see that one coming? Mary Elizabeth McGlynn seems to be really having fun with her role too.

And now, my favorite part in the whole game so far- cultural festival!
Oh man, what a great series of events. From how the voting started to the way things kept snowballing to the actual event. It was great. The mock run of the group date cafe with the students was hilarious! I jumped in the guy's seat quickly, and I'm glad I did. Yosuke's girl act was everything I would have asked for. Rise's late arrival was the icing on the cake.

The cross-dressing pageant was so enjoyable. Kanji's stance in his costume kept me laughing the entire time, and his “...my eyes?” being so serious was a side-splitter. Sealed my love for his character. Yosuke's arm holding and hairdo were great, but I loved the protagonist's get-up. Reminded me of Cloud's disguise in FF7. I need this as an alternate costume, NOW. Teddie entering... The little cheater! He doesn't even go to school there! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THAT JUDGE.

The actual beauty pageant really disappointed me because I wanted to see Hanako and the teacher do their stuff too. Oh well... Everyone was entertaining and kept it fun. Was sad to see Naoto drop out of the swimsuit portion, but I got a laugh at her still winning. Kanji must be so proud!

Then, of course, the Amagi Inn. I wasn't expecting much, to be frank. The tired cliché of “let's go to the convenient hot springs!” was pretty “meh” in my mind. The initial scary setup actually made me jump with the phone ringing (it was 2:00 am, cut me some slack!). OH! So this is the payoff for not seeing Naoto in the contest. Okay, I can live with that. Wait. I'm not creepy, I swear!
The guys going into the springs was already good, but the option to “stand your ground” cracked me up. Aww, Yukiko was wrong and hurt us for no reason. : (

A panty raid to follow? Okay, fine, no mention of panties, but a room invasion is close enough. I have to say, when I heard the crying at first, I recognized it immediately, but the mention of invading the rooms completely made me forget about it (once again, 2:00 am). Teddie and Yosuke are going to be registered sex offenders one day, I guarantee you that. You found her tooth brush? Really?
The surprise of the teacher and Hanako was a great reveal, but Kanji's “HOLY CRAP! KEEP AWAY FROM ME!” line has got to be my favorite delivery in the entire game.

Really having a great time, and I can't wait to see how this is going to end. I'm really sad to be in the final stretch, but this has been such a fun game that I don't mind. INVESTIGATION TEAM GO!


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Persona 4 is getting a live stage play!

Official site: http://www.maql.co.jp/special/vlp4/

This is the chick playing Yukiko... :D

I'm so there

(in spirit, lol)

I only see one other girl in on that page and she doesn't look very Chie-like. Can we get some kind of emergency Chie report happening. Not that I'm not super curious about Rise, Naoto and the rest of the crews actors.
Wolf Akela said:
Am I the only who feels that Atlus is seriously whoring this game out?

I mean seriously, did FFVII even have a stage play?

Nah, I don't think so. Just fan service man, it's not like their putting Persona 4 on Pepsi or Doritos anything. The people that love it are few but we really love it, and whatever outlet Persona 4 can be expressed in, well, the more the better yeah? :)
Okay, here we go! My impressions and stuff from the final chunk of the game!
Massive post incoming, and I'm sure nobody will read it, but I needed to get some closure from my postings on GAF on the game.

November 2nd - End of game?
What the?! You suspect me, Dojima? After all we've been through?! YOU GAVE ME A MUG.
I mean, I know I acted all suspicious ALL the time, showed up at all of the scenes, and had some sort of tie to every person that goes missing, but come on! You got nothing on me!

So, since Nanako wasn't literally on tv, her being kidnapped really took me by surprise. I don't know why it didn't occur to me, but it just didn't.
The chase scene stuff surprised me with an actual anime cutscene. To be honest, I really liked the anime cutscenes at the beginning, but I had grown so much to liking the in-game stuff that I was a little off put by the anime now, haha.

The standoff at the crashed cars brought a rather shocking surprise! I was not even guessing that Namatame was related at all. I mean, I had seen him around town, but he always just seemed really depressed over everything. Imagine my surprise at him holding Nanako captive! (I'm fairly certain he was supposed to have a knife, right? I know they edited out Dojima's cigarette, as he'll have it on his model at times, but not in the illustrations.

Anyways, with the ex-senator taking Nanako into the tv, we went to the hospital with Dojima since he was all banged up. Then he entrusted us with rescuing Nanako... I forgive you, Dojima! We'll get her back! WE'LL DO IT!

It made me angry because I had managed to get almost every social link maxed, and I was going to use this time before tracking down Namatame! NO! I WAS SO CLOSE TO MAXING ALL MY LINKS! Really bummed me out.

Nanako's dungeon was pretty cool. I wasn't really sure what to think upon seeing such a bright, sunny looking location for the first time. I'd maxed my fox link and all, so going through the dungeon was super easy (not to mention me fighting against my urges to use anyone in rotation outside of my main party). On that note, I went traditional with Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko.

Another anime cutscene? Whoa, this one's kinda rad. WHOA. WHAT?! The giant peace-gear-wheel Namatame is freaky as heck. Also, put some pants on, sheesh! The fight wasn't too bad, but it made me mad when he kept possessing people. I'd gotten some studly Personas on my end at this point, so things were easily handled.
On the note of personas, I went crazy at this point and decided to get Margaret's social link maxed. Yeah, I used a guide because that was insanely confusing. Anyways, I ended up with around 1000 Yen at the end of the process, but I crawled my way back up to about 120,000 by the end of the dungeon. Not advised to do 6/10 of her links in one session...

So, Nanako can't handle the poison air from the tv or something? I wonder why we're all okay then. At least her and Dojima are in the same hospital.
Then, the thing that shocked me more than anything in the entire game happened: Nanako died! I couldn't believe it. I was all, "yeah, yeah, okay. She'll come back to life now. ...Nanako? ........NOOOOOOOOOO!"

Yosuke and Naoto scared me when we all confronted Namatame, since they were talking about pushing him into the television so he'd be lost somewhere and just die. I had looked to see if there was multiple endings to the game way back when I started, and the first thing I found was some spoiler-free true ending guide, so I was ready for this stuff. Hey, don't judge me, I didn't want my first ending with a game I really liked to be something terrible!
So, I talked everyone down, since we really didn't have a good explanation as to why the heck he would be killing anyone. I mean, it maybe would make sense for the first two, but everyone after that didn't add up.

Everyone showed up to at the beef bowl place (why couldn't this have been our headquarters?), and the discussion gets lively with what's really afoot! When Naoto, Yosuke, and I went outside and the options came up, it all made perfect sense that Adachi was the one. THE DOOFUS! Made me chuckle that both the protagonist and the villain were played by Johnny Yong Bosch, though.

It was great seeing him sweat bullets when we approached him at the hospital. Dojima was pretty swell in that scene too, and making him run off in fear was the best. MWAHAHAHA! We've got you now, you sick jerk! So, yeah, I decided to hold off one day on going in, as I didn't want to try jumping into the tv from some place we weren't familiar with. I figured, no sense in making things difficult for me since he can't come back into our world right now, anyways.

Wait... what's this? I CAN DO MY SOCIAL LINKS?! YES! YEEESSSS!
So, yeah, I maxed everyone, with like four days to spare.

Yeah, the town progressively getting harder and harder to see was really, really freaking me out. That one morning where I couldn't see out the bedroom window made me get my tail to the television.

Oh, I'm not sure when it happens in the events of the game (I did this a couple of weeks ago, cut me some slack), but when Nanako came back to life I felt a little angry. I didn't want her to die, but it just felt like a cheap "hey, you should be angry now!" thing. Maybe it was just to get you to push Namatame into the tv, but felt a little cheap. I'm still not sure if Teddie actually sacrificed himself to save her or not, since he was pulling a Shinji Ikari deal. I thought it was pretty funny seeing him in the Velvet Room limo, though. Really was nice to have him back.

Adachi's dungeon was rather unnerving at first, but the way the city in the background, mixed with the sky, looked made it really cool. The traffic signs with the shadows on them cracked me up. BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT EVER was that you didn't actually cut the police tape to open the doors. Geez, I have a sword! Let me cut it!

So, Adachi's fight was a little intimidating in concept, so I figured I'd grind a little before fighting him. I think I made the fight too easy, as a result. Oh well! Adachi disappointed me with his motives being "I was power hungry!" more than anything, but I sort of suspected the bad guy would be that way. I just hoped they'd surprise me with an actual motive. We stopped Adachi, but then the freaky giant eye thing showed up! WHAT IS THAT?!
I remember watching a GAF member play this on livestream for a little while once, before my account was approved, and I recalled the eyeball dude. I had completely forgotten it, and I'm glad I wasn't paying close attention to anything since it was so near the end when he was playing.

We beat the giant eye, Adachi got arrested, Nanako came back to life because of Teddie or something, and it was Christmas time! Chie came over for some hot coffee hot chocolate christmas cake. Everyone being together and being able to relax some was a nice pace change, considering all of the heavy stuff we'd been through just before. I didn't like coming home to an empty house with nobody to say "welcome home!" People should have just come over to my place for a big sleepover christmas party! Oh, and the fog was gone. That's good too, I suppose.

True Ending Stuff
This must be what it's like to time travel! Jumping forward three whole months!

It's already time for me to leave? Aww, I'm going to miss Inaba and this game. : (
Since I was supposed to say goodbye to everyone, I guess I'll try to quickly cover the social link peoples and my final impression on them (at least, the ones I hadn't finished by last update).

Lovers: Rise - I ended up giving Rise the cold shoulder. Dang, I have Chie, I don't need some popstar, bubbly girl. Glad she feels more sure of herself now, and she's going back to the thing she likes.
Fortune: Naoto - Naoto's was fun, and I figured it was her family responsible for all of the mystery stuff.
Strength: Daisuke - Daisuke! YOU DA MAN. Glad he finally manned up and got over that stupid relationship thing as a kid. Now he's gonna be the very best, like no one ever was.
Death: Hisano - Mary E. McGlynn? Is that you?! Haha, this was an awesome social link since you could, apparently, do no wrong in your choices. Good to see her move in with her family.
Temperance: Eri - Glad she finally ended up making friends with the kid. Yeah.
Devil: Sayoko - Whoa, she went to Africa to help people. Pretty huge turn around from when I first saw her.
Tower: Shu - This was an unexpectedly fun one. I'm glad the kid is more comfortable with stuff, but the birthday was the best part. It's got to be worrying when the entire fate of the world has been left into the hands of people that end up half-dead trying to flip on some lights. hahaha!
Moon: Ai - Yeah, she ended up as a friend, thankfully. I didn't really care for her, but I'm glad she's going to be less of a jerk in the future.
Sun: Ayane - Yeah, she was able to me more assertive and stuff. GO PLAY YOUR TROMBONE IN FRANCE, ALREADY.

So, I said my goodbyes, and the game prompted me to return home, but I remembered there being unfinished business! The spoiler-free guide told me to keep refusing to go home, and I'm really glad I did.

There ended up being two things that really, really bothered me in the game. They both occurred in the last couple days I played P4, and they were both story related. The first being the cheap Nanako death scene, but I got over it.
The thing that still really hung in my mind as contrived was that there were only three people that had the ability to go into the television. Why did it just so happen to be Adachi, Namatame, and myself? It felt like some giant plot hole that should have been glaringly obvious.

Anyways, everyone showed up at Junes, and I thought "okay, righteous, one last goodbye." Then we all got to talking about the origins of the midnight channel. I hadn't ever considered it, as it was just there from the beginning. Then we got to talking about how only three people had the power (YES, PLEASE COVER THIS) and we all split up to investigate. Investigation Team, GO!

I must admit, finding out it was the gas station attendant left me torn. I was really glad that there was a reasonable explanation for how just the three of us had the power, but I was also upset that Persona pulled a "oh, by the way, here's the REAL bad guy now!" I've just never liked it when the real threat ends up being something you were never even remotely aware of during the course of a narrative. It just feels tacked on more often than not. I was glad they at least hinted towards it when you did the exchange program, though. It wasn't a great foreshadowing, but it made me feel better about it than I would, had they not done it.
Plus, it made me chuckle that, since she appeared to actually work there, she must have been cleaning a gas station bathroom and serving fried burritos and pretzels while I was off fighting shadows. THE ULTIMATE EVIL!

So, yeah, Izanami is not one to be messed around with. We all dove into the tv to stop her, and that dungeon kicked my butt. I don't know how the previous dungeon/bosses went so swimmingly and then transitioned into misery. I'm so glad I could get fox's SP for cheap, because it ravaged my SP in the dungeon. Really liked the design of her dungeon, though. It didn't feel quite like the dream sequence's location, but I liked it much more. Another nice tie-in from earlier.

And, yeah, that boss fight was a patience tester, for sure. So much crap to deal with! I pretty much had Yukiko alternating between healing and fighting, Yosuke and Chie attacking, and me focused almost exclusively on healing and setting defense barriers.
I was incredibly angry when she pulled that cheap "I'm stealing your teammates!" move out, but when I realized it was a scripted event, I calmed down some. Was a little unnecessary showing every person from my social links again, as I just said goodbye to them all, but whatever. The power of friendship and stuff.
Now we'll never have to worry about bad stuff again!

Felt incredible to take her down, and the other side turning all sparkly and green was not something I anticipated. We rescued the world, and it was time to go back to my family. : (
Made me a little sad to see everyone saying goodbye and chasing after my guy on the train. His expressionless response was too goofy for the scene, but it was consistent, haha.

I think I'm going to go back to my final save before I ended it all and level up to the max (I'm like an 89, so it won't be bad), do the ending scenario again, and use that as my new game+. Just want to get some of the higher level personas in my compendium before I drop back to level 1.

In all, this was an incredible game.
I'm so glad I was able to overcome my biases towards JRPGs and give this a chance, because it's definitely in my top ten games of all time, now. The characters, the writing, the gameplay, the art direction, the music, the everything! I loved it all! The story was a little weak for me towards the end, but still left me satisfied.
One of the biggest things going for the game was how thoroughly it anticipated my own feelings. Every time something would come up that I would think was inconsistent or needed people in the game to address, they would. What a breath of fresh air!

I'll probably take a short break before going back to replay it, but I'm definitely in the spirits to see this through again.
Atlus, you've won my heart, and I eagerly look forward to Persona 5. In the meanwhile, I'll be eye-balling Persona 3 until I pull the trigger
on buying it.
I think I'm about to give this game [yet another] go. I've only ever put a little over 10 hours into it both times, and both times I was using the Max Social Link guide as a way to ensure that I didn't unwittingly handicap myself for future battles. This is mainly because I beat Persona 3 without a guide and loved it up until the very end, where I realized I was suddenly ill-equipped to battle the last boss because my Personas sucked, particularly due to have crappy S-Links. This caused me to grind my ass off for hours on end and spending an ungodly amount of time in the Velvet Room trying to fuse Personas with just the right combination of skills, which as you know can take a while.

Problem is, the games are not fun when you're using a guide. It definitely helped me in battle, but outside everything became a chore, not making any choices on my own without referring to my "to-do list" first. There's no way I can enjoy the game like this.

So this time around I'm going in without a guide, and will just try to play it relatively smart. Also, although I didn't get very far, I have a suspicion that P4 is a lot more lenient with S-Links than P3, giving me enough time to max most of them out at my own discretion.

Wish me luck, as I think I'll actually enjoy the game this time.
I think I'm about to give this game [yet another] go. I've only ever put a little over 10 hours into it both times, and both times I was using the Max Social Link guide as a way to ensure that I didn't unwittingly handicap myself for future battles. This is mainly because I beat Persona 3 without a guide and loved it up until the very end, where I realized I was suddenly ill-equipped to battle the last boss because my Personas sucked, particularly due to have crappy S-Links. This caused me to grind my ass off for hours on end and spending an ungodly amount of time in the Velvet Room trying to fuse Personas with just the right combination of skills, which as you know can take a while.

Problem is, the games are not fun when you're using a guide. It definitely helped me in battle, but outside everything became a chore, not making any choices on my own without referring to my "to-do list" first. There's no way I can enjoy the game like this.

So this time around I'm going in without a guide, and will just try to play it relatively smart. Also, although I didn't get very far, I have a suspicion that P4 is a lot more lenient with S-Links than P3, giving me enough time to max most of them out at my own discretion.

Wish me luck, as I think I'll actually enjoy the game this time.

I think, you should just do few social links for battle, which won't take that time and enjoyment out of the game, and then do what you like. You'll probably only need a guide to see what combination will make what persona, since your options will be more limited this way

I don't know about 4, but for example in 3, a lot of unnecessary stuff like maxing charisma, etc. is required to just enable some social links, let alone maxing them.


I think I'm about to give this game [yet another] go. I've only ever put a little over 10 hours into it both times, and both times I was using the Max Social Link guide as a way to ensure that I didn't unwittingly handicap myself for future battles. This is mainly because I beat Persona 3 without a guide and loved it up until the very end, where I realized I was suddenly ill-equipped to battle the last boss because my Personas sucked, particularly due to have crappy S-Links. This caused me to grind my ass off for hours on end and spending an ungodly amount of time in the Velvet Room trying to fuse Personas with just the right combination of skills, which as you know can take a while.

Problem is, the games are not fun when you're using a guide. It definitely helped me in battle, but outside everything became a chore, not making any choices on my own without referring to my "to-do list" first. There's no way I can enjoy the game like this.

So this time around I'm going in without a guide, and will just try to play it relatively smart. Also, although I didn't get very far, I have a suspicion that P4 is a lot more lenient with S-Links than P3, giving me enough time to max most of them out at my own discretion.

Wish me luck, as I think I'll actually enjoy the game this time.

You're definitely right about S-Link guides being fun sponges. Just enjoy the game, regularly fuse your personas and don't be too reluctant to grind when you have some down time.

Good luck and godspeed.


My system is just to fuse personas in a way that the fused is always at least one level higher than the ones used in the fusion before getting out of the TV and then letting whatever Persona I have atm dictates who I will spend the day with. When I have a lot of options, I just go for whoever is the higher one. If I have no Persona matching people I can get out the specific day I do one of the stats boosting stuff (which is good because this usually happens on rainy days when I can go to the food place that raises 3 random stats on rainy days).
Wish me luck, as I think I'll actually enjoy the game this time.
I never had a single problem when it came to being underprepared with my personas. The thing I did was just keep one slot for rotating out every new one I found, because it will automatically store it to the compendium. Then, just look at fuses for my current ones with something new I find until I get some decent looking things.

Just keep a variety of skills on hand, and it should be just fine.
Haha, that was pretty good. Love the use of Mass Destruction.

Though man, Rie Kugimiya is really not a good Rise, what an annoying voice.

i disagree.
Rise is supposed to be a retired idol,remember.
She does a perfect job inthat aspect.
I didnt found the Us voices intresting at all when you take into account the background of the cast


I was about to make a LTTP when I noticed this thread was still kicking around with posts from January... so.... Hooray!

I've had this game on my shelf since it was released but never touched the damn thing. This weekend I was craving a JRPG so I opened the plastic wrap and dove into my first Persona game ever. I had little to no idea what I was getting into...

Within the first 20 minutes of playing this game I knew I was probably going to be hooked. The moment that I knew I was going to really like this game was when it threw a complete curve ball at me when
Yosuke and I were investigating the first murder in the TV, and just when you think it's going to be "I wanted to tell him I loved him" it throws a "he was a total dick" out. I laughed way to hard at that

So anyway, It's now Monday, and I've played over 18 hours so far. I was having a super awesome time playing right up until I got to what I consider the first real boss
Shadow Yukiko
. Holy shit did I get really angry at that one. I kind of hate grinding in RPGs and was hoping that I could get by in this game just playing it normally. Up to that point I had fought every single enemy I had come across unless I was running out of a dungeon. When I went back into a dungeon, I started from whatever floor Teddie would let me. I think I fought the boss 4 times before giving up and just grinding for a day (thank god I had an extra) but it was really disappointing. The only other thing in the game that has pissed me off is when I've done something that should take 20 minutes and it takes a whole damn day of my time. Fished once? Too bad. It took you 4 hours to catch it.
Turn the knob on the capsule machine in the rain? Yeah, that took 4 hours too
. Now I just avoid doing anything new because I'm scared it will eat a day.

I'm now firmly in the second dungeon and am 2 days from
the fog coming in
. I've fought the first mid-boss, and am hoping that I'm coming to the real boss soon so that I know if I need to grind again or not. Anyone got any general advice for someone who has never played a game in the Persona series?

How important is it to keep all of the S.Links up? Up to this point I've been trying to always level up the lowest S.Link, but I just found out that
if you level up S.links of people in your party they will do stuff in battle (thus far, I have found "do a second attack" and "help someone up if knocked down"). Now, I just want to level them up instead of doing Basketball, Drama, or almost anything else
. Is this wise?

How much should I focus on fusing Personas? How do personas and their affinities affect S.links? I keep getting a prompt that says something along the lines of "this persona you have is like this person and would benefit." Does that mean that I can level up S.Links faster if I keep Personas that are the same as the people I'm "wooing"? Or does that mean that each time I level up a S.link, I am effictively making those Personas stronger? OR, does that mean Personas only get a boost when you fuse new ones? I'm so confused on this one :(


Personas get an EXP boost when you fuse them with the boost increasing in power every level. After you've fused them, the S.Link level doesn't matter.

Leveling up S.Links is easier when you have a Persona of that arcana in your possession. It might take 2 afternoons to level up instead of three.

As for who you should level up, your party and everyone who might help you in the TV are good arcanas to level. Other than that, you should just focus on the persons you find most interesting. You'll enjoy the game more that way.
Owensboro, that boss fight you mentioned was the only boss fight in the game that gave me serious trouble. It was the only time I had to actively grind for any of the fights (not to say the rest are easy, but that one is easily the hardest starting out).

The social link stuff is really important, primarily for your party members. Try working on getting them all maxed out, and work on raising other social links when at all possible.

My advice for S. Links: make the best use of your evenings when you can. Be sure to buy books, get jobs, and keep at it. Many of your later interactions and dialogue are dictated by certain levels of your character. (I want to say courage and expression are the main ones to focus on)

Yeah, the first time I fished it made me really angry, and I actually reset, hahahaha.
Try your best to balance doing activities like that.

BUY SODAS. The only decent way to get SP back doesn't happen for quite a while, and the only place to find items that give you SP are in the dungeons. Be sure to have some backup, or you'll find yourself in a tight spot or two.

When you do particular social links, try to have a persona of their type on you. I believe it helps to level the link faster, but I might be mistaken. Perhaps it was just required to do them? I don't remember for sure.
Either way, here's a tip I'd recommend for personas: Keep a single slot available for just swapping out personas in dungeons. When you finish a fight and get to do a shuffle for a new persona, keep switching them out with the one slot dedicated to rotation. They will still show up in the compendium in the velvet room, so you'll still be able to use them in the future for any fusion stuff you might want/need to do without losing all of your current personas. (make sure to update them in the compendium and save any leveling/progress you make with them!)

Other than that, just have fun! : )
Welcome to Persona 4~


A few quick notes:

-In general, you should almost never have to grind. The fusion and social link systems are the bread and butter of P4's character-progression system (at least for the protagonist). Only grind toward a very specific goal (ex: my teammate/persona will gain a certain ability next level, I want to gain one level to be able to fuse a specific persona, etc.). Once your level surpasses that of the shadows you are fighting, the EXP you get from battles will drop significantly. Social links are a more worth-while source of power for your personas.

-Like I said, fusion and social linking are generally more important than fighting shadows. Try to limit your dungeon-crawling to a few days in order to maximize your time for social links. While in the dungeons, SP will be the limiting factor for how much progress you can make in a single day. Try to conserve SP however you can (such as by making strategic use of physical skills, which drain HP instead of SP). Also, try to go into dungeons on rainy days, since there's less social link stuff to do on those days and there are special rainy day-only enemies that drop special loot that will give you cool weapons/armor at Daidara.

-Getting your comrades' social links up is a good priority, since it unlocks some skills in battle and also because they're just interesting people. Other than that, you should generally (there's that word again) be raising as many social links as possible, since that's what will determine how awesome the personas that you fuse will be. (Hint, hint: going to sports practice a lot might help out when showing off your bod/persona in the second major dungeon)


Owensboro, that boss fight you mentioned was the only boss fight in the game that gave me serious trouble. It was the only time I had to actively grind for any of the fights (not to say the rest are easy, but that one is easily the hardest starting out).

I'm glad to hear I'm not significantly behind the curve or anything. Good to know I don't need to really grind as this second dungeon
Bath House
proved to me. I was
able to clear it in two days and the boss was managable as long as I kept debuffing him. I'm strangely happy that battles require enough thought to manage boss's buffs
My advice for S. Links: make the best use of your evenings when you can. Be sure to buy books, get jobs, and keep at it. Many of your later interactions and dialogue are dictated by certain levels of your character. (I want to say courage and expression are the main ones to focus on)
Oh, so you can have more then one job at a time? Good. I only took translating because I figured you couldn't have more then one at once.

BUY SODAS. The only decent way to get SP back doesn't happen for quite a while, and the only place to find items that give you SP are in the dungeons. Be sure to have some backup, or you'll find yourself in a tight spot or two.
Wait, so that is what sodas do? I ran across the vending machine and must have zoned out when reading about them. I thought they restored a measly amount of HP, not SP. Oh man, I'm totally going to stock up on those now.

Either way, here's a tip I'd recommend for personas: Keep a single slot available for just swapping out personas in dungeons. When you finish a fight and get to do a shuffle for a new persona, keep switching them out with the one slot dedicated to rotation. They will still show up in the compendium in the velvet room, so you'll still be able to use them in the future for any fusion stuff you might want/need to do without losing all of your current personas. (make sure to update them in the compendium and save any leveling/progress you make with them!)

Oh neat. I thought you had to have the Persona in your possession and then register it to get it in the compendium. That's good to know. I've been pretty good about swapping out Personas up to this point, but I always keep one with a Heal on me at all times. I finally just unlocked the ability to carry 8, so that's going to help.

A few quick notes:

-In general, you should almost never have to grind. The fusion and social link systems are the bread and butter of P4's character-progression system (at least for the protagonist). Only grind toward a very specific goal (ex: my teammate/persona will gain a certain ability next level, I want to gain one level to be able to fuse a specific persona, etc.). Once your level surpasses that of the shadows you are fighting, the EXP you get from battles will drop significantly. Social links are a more worth-while source of power for your personas.

-Like I said, fusion and social linking are generally more important than fighting shadows. Try to limit your dungeon-crawling to a few days in order to maximize your time for social links. While in the dungeons, SP will be the limiting factor for how much progress you can make in a single day. Try to conserve SP however you can (such as by making strategic use of physical skills, which drain HP instead of SP). Also, try to go into dungeons on rainy days, since there's less social link stuff to do on those days and there are special rainy day-only enemies that drop special loot that will give you cool weapons/armor at Daidara.
I figure this is a good time to ask this question then. If you beat a dungeon before the rainy days pass, do you lose all those days, or does time keep going on day by day? I guess in the end this shouldn't matter as I'm going to go into dungeons only on rainy days in the first place, I was just curious. I'd rather try a dungeon a few times first and have a day of buffer then get screwed and find out I need to grind because I don't have any days left. I mean damn
that fox's price for healing is fucking c r a z y
-Getting your comrades' social links up is a good priority, since it unlocks some skills in battle and also because they're just interesting people. Other than that, you should generally (there's that word again) be raising as many social links as possible, since that's what will determine how awesome the personas that you fuse will be. (Hint, hint: going to sports practice a lot might help out when showing off your bod/persona in the second major dungeon)

Uh oh, second major dungeon... Did you mean
the bath house
and if so, what did I miss? I just
saved Kanji.

Funny note about that, my roommate who doesn't play games at all watched me play that entire boss fight. I explained the entire premise of the game to him, and after responding with "This is Japanese right? Oh those crazy Japanese" upon seeing
Kanji's boss form for the first time, he then said "Wait a minute. This is totally a hate crime you gay basher!" I laughed

Oh, and lastly, I've heard random musings about some
"True Ending"
and am starting to get worried. I absolutely never play through a game the first time with a walkthrough, but don't want to miss anything super important. So I have a special question: Without spoiling said
would I be able to play through the game how I want and then just youtube it afterwards? I just don't want to get screwed over with this game like I did with Symphony of the Night. Yes, I only played half of that game and didn't find out about the whole "ruby glasses" thing until 2 years later. I felt like such a dumbass.


Wait, so that is what sodas do? I ran across the vending machine and must have zoned out when reading about them. I thought they restored a measly amount of HP, not SP. Oh man, I'm totally going to stock up on those now.

Some sodas restore a little SP, while others restore a little HP (making them a waste of time and money). You should get TaP sodas, as they're the best. But watch out: food and drink you buy in Inaba can only be used outside of battle!

I figure this is a good time to ask this question then. If you beat a dungeon before the rainy days pass, do you lose all those days, or does time keep going on day by day? I guess in the end this shouldn't matter as I'm going to go into dungeons only on rainy days in the first place, I was just curious. I'd rather try a dungeon a few times first and have a day of buffer then get screwed and find out I need to grind because I don't have any days left. I mean damn
that fox's price for healing is fucking c r a z y

You won't lose any days. In fact, there's an advantage to finishing dungeons early: your teammates will be more relaxed and want to hang out with you more. Oh, and the higher your social link with the Fox is, the better the prices for SP recovery will be. In this early portion of the game, it's not worth the cost.

Uh oh, second major dungeon... Did you mean
the bath house
and if so, what did I miss? I just
saved Kanji.

I was just giving you a hint about a cool persona that kicks ass on Kanji's shadow. No big deal.

Oh, and lastly, I've heard random musings about some
"True Ending"
and am starting to get worried. I absolutely never play through a game the first time with a walkthrough, but don't want to miss anything super important. So I have a special question: Without spoiling said
would I be able to play through the game how I want and then just youtube it afterwards? I just don't want to get screwed over with this game like I did with Symphony of the Night. Yes, I only played half of that game and didn't find out about the whole "ruby glasses" thing until 2 years later. I felt like such a dumbass.

Don't worry about the endings right now. The ending system in P4 works completely differently than in any other game. Getting a non-true ending (there are several in this game!) in fact isn't even a bad thing, and I even would go so far as to say that you haven't really experienced P4 until you've gotten one of the bad endings. Don't worry; you won't have to start the game over to get a different ending! Just don't spoiler yourself!
able to clear it in two days and the boss was managable as long as I kept debuffing him. I'm strangely happy that battles require enough thought to manage boss's buffs

I've been pretty good about swapping out Personas up to this point, but I always keep one with a Heal on me at all times.

Excellent! You're THINKING Megaten instead of having to be told how.

I mean damn
that fox's price for healing is fucking c r a z y

I've finally started playing this after beating Persona 3 Portable a few months and so far only a few hours in the game is annoying me to no end.

*Start battle, new shadow I never seen before, shadow uses a move I'm weak to before I get a chance to change personas, I go from full health to death before I can do anything, game over*

Stuff like this just makes me not want to play the game at all


What dungeon are you in? I don't recall anything early in the game that is powerful enough to two-shot you even if it hits a weakness.

Red Scarlet

Maybe it's those fish that can insta-kill? Yosuke has wind and Chie has ice, so try to get something with fire and elec for the MC so you have the 4 elements covered. You can make some multi-elemental personas pretty soon into the game like with P3.
What dungeon are you in? I don't recall anything early in the game that is powerful enough to two-shot you even if it hits a weakness.

Still really early, first one with Chie it was two of the Trance Twins I think they are called, first one used an ice attack on everyone, downed me, then used it again on me, then the second one used the ice attack on me twice again and I was dead.
Megaten happened!


The game is trying to kill you. Make note of how this happens and use it against them, and the times you fuck up an enemy and be aware it can happen to you. Soon you'll be like Owensboro and Typographenia up there, thinking Megaten and growing stronger as gamers and loving it.

OMG Aero

What dungeon are you in? I don't recall anything early in the game that is powerful enough to two-shot you even if it hits a weakness.
I distinctly remember getting fucked up by those enemies that look like two zombies stuck together with telephone poles in Yukiko's castle near the start of the game. They would just keep hitting elemental weaknesses and getting another turn before I even had a chance to change persona or do anything. In the end I had to remember which floor they started appearing on and pre-emptively switch persona to something that wasn't weak to/resisted them before getting in a battle.
I distinctly remember getting fucked up by those enemies that look like two zombies stuck together with telephone poles in Yukiko's castle near the start of the game. They would just keep hitting elemental weaknesses and getting another turn before I even had a chance to change persona or do anything. In the end I had to remember which floor they started appearing on and pre-emptively switch persona to something that wasn't weak to/resisted them before getting in a battle.

Yeah that's what happened to me, really annoyed me. Missed having Pixie in P3P who had no weaknesses kept it as my main persona for most of the game


Yeah that's what happened to me, really annoyed me. Missed having Pixie in P3P who had no weaknesses kept it as my main persona for most of the game

Whoa, what? You kept a single persona for most of the game? Bad idea, dude! Personas gain levels much too slow through combat. Remember the key to success: fuse, fuse, fuse! Every time you get back from a dungeon with some new personas from shuffle time, try to see if you can fuse them into something! Remember: social links and fusion are the best source of power; leveling up in dungeons only supplements that. So be sure to always improve your social links and fuse fresh, sexy, new personas!

And always keep a wide variety of personas on board with different strengths, weaknesses, attacks, and specialties so that you can be ready for anything (or at least build up a few badass personas!).
Whoa, what? You kept a single persona for most of the game? Bad idea, dude! Personas gain levels much too slow through combat. Remember the key to success: fuse, fuse, fuse! Every time you get back from a dungeon with some new personas from shuffle time, try to see if you can fuse them into something! Remember: social links and fusion are the best source of power; leveling up in dungeons only supplements that. So be sure to always improve your social links and fuse fresh, sexy, new personas!

And always keep a wide variety of personas on board with different strengths, weaknesses, attacks, and specialties so that you can be ready for anything (or at least build up a few badass personas!).

In all honesty I didn't have a single problem with just using Pixie for most of the game in P3P, pretty much just got skill cards from other Personas to give Pixie better skills and increased her stats outside battle. It wasn't until I did...Monad Depths (I think it's called) that I felt the need to change up my personas and even try to grind.

I think Tam Lin became my main default Persona after that, mainly for fear of being one shotted at the start of battle like has happened to me in P4. Are there any early personas without weaknesses in P4?


In all honesty I didn't have a single problem with just using Pixie for most of the game in P3P, pretty much just got skill cards from other Personas to give Pixie better skills and increased her stats outside battle. It wasn't until I did...Monad Depths (I think it's called) that I felt the need to change up my personas and even try to grind.

I think Tam Lin became my main default Persona after that, mainly for fear of being one shotted at the start of battle like has happened to me in P4. Are there any early personas without weaknesses in P4?

There are no skill cards in P4. You're going to hit a wall very soon if you aren't constantly making new personas.

...at least that's my two cents.


So glad this thread is still up, so much longevity in this game.

Reading on some of these impressions reminds me how much you grow to like and dislike some of the personalities after having spent a year with them.

Looking forwards to doing it all again with P4G
There are no skill cards in P4. You're going to hit a wall very soon if you aren't constantly making new personas.

...at least that's my two cents.

Yeah I've noticed that, I wasn't really planning on using just one in P4 it was more just a comment on how I played through P3P and just the fact that having a stable weakness-less persona made some of the game slightly less frustrating

Think they're weak to fire, try to make a fire Persona.

Yeah I had my fire persona equiped at the time that was what got me killed. Battle went something like

Yosuke: Garu
Enemy: Mabufu *me downed*
Enemy: Mabufu
Enemy: Mabufu

and that was the end of me, I've started equiping Angel before battles for now and I've been doing better, beat Yukiko's Castle and am enjoying the game so far

Red Scarlet

There should be a couple of personas with no elemental weaknesses, or at least the ability to cast an element and not be weak to the opposite. I don't think much uses elec in Yukiko's castle, so Senri isn't a bad quad.

A lot of early stuff is weak to fire, but no other weaknesses. Ukobach (lv3, Devil) learns Resist Fire at level 6, which is passable to anything. Give that a try in your mixes to give yourself a lot more options of not having weaknesses.


you can't put a price on sparks
im going to have to restart this game for the third time... and i just got to the "video game" level and beat it.

anyone suggest i follow a guide step by step to make my 3rd trip through easier rather than re-discovering everything again?

Red Scarlet

If you've gotten that far without a guide, there seems like no real reason to start using one now unless you absolutely have to max all the links in 1 go, which you may have to start over to accomplish from that point in the game. Just ask in here if you have questions!
Completed the second main dungeon, and despite the annoyances at first I love this game, can't believe I had it sitting there for over 6 months
Just beat the game, absolutely loved it. Pretty much the only single player game I played for the last month and it was a great way to spend the time. The game overall just felt like an improved version of Persona 3, pretty much every aspect of Persona 3 I liked was improved upon in 4. I didn't really like the animation cutscenes though they just didn't seem to fit, in my opinion anyway. Oh and Shoji Meguro makes such great music, such a great soundtrack
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