So, I could manage to get my save to 5 hours yesterday, too bad I won't be able to play more than 5 today either
Some people said the game was starting faster than P4G but I don't think so, the hand holding so far is insane and as a P3 and P4 player I'm almost upset about how limited the game is at the moment, can't visit shops or anything it's just visiting school and going back home. I would only give it a 9/10 so far because the hand-holding is just insane and kills a lot of fun for me.
I heard this "Tutorial" takes about 10 hours until you're finally free to do what you want, guess I have to bear with it till then, at least the story starts to kick off already and the artstyle of the game is just insane. By the way: The PS3 version is looking quite good so far and even crisp(character artworks look incredible). It's only with finer details mostly in the distance that the lower resolution becomes noticable but that was to be expected. Loading times seem to happen quite often though but at least they are over pretty fast and the catchy music doesn't stop playing in the meantime.