No, Haru's voice is straight up terrible.
No, Haru's voice is straight up terrible.
NG+ question:Is the 23rd the last good day to farm for money to save up cash for doing end game persona fusing or did you guys do that during the final dungeon section? Deciding on how far back I want to go so I can clear the compendium to take into NG+.
No, Haru's voice is straight up terrible.
If all other upcoming dungeons are like this then wow this game will kind of unenjoyable. Went from one of the greatest of all time to just a good game in my opinion. The dungeon ruined the game for me.So i just got to treasure part in dungeon 5. And yeah i was loving this game until this pos dungeon. It has trash tier design and never ends...
Welp, they do not guard on the "Act Freely" setting. Found that out the hard way.
If all other upcoming dungeons are like this then wow this game will kind of unenjoyable. Went from one of the greatest of all time to just a good game in my opinion. The dungeon ruined the game for me.So i just got to treasure part in dungeon 5. And yeah i was loving this game until this pos dungeon. It has trash tier design and never ends...
I did it in the final area since the area before the final save has two enemies that give you about 10k each.
I'm shocked at how much people hate the 5th palace. Like I didn't really like it either, but the posts I saw before I got to that point made it seem like it'd be something truly awful. Ch. 13 of FFXV all over again, where it's pretty bad, but not as bad as the posts led me to believe.
That being said, I didn't like the 6th one either (music was amazing though), and from what I hear, the 7th one has its annoyances too...
Have revive items ready, and a dedicated you need to keep your health up and keep on shaving off damage little by little. Tricky boss..Guy has no weaknesses
It's been the boss that gave me the most trouble, but it's pretty doable if you know what you're doing.
Just bring a physical attacker like Yusuke and spam AoE physical attacks till only one part of the boss is left. Take that one out with magic.
Repeat accordingly and voilá.
Damn, so reading all these replies, I guess I should delete my saves and sell the game now?![]()
Wow really? Fuck this
Palace 5 ending spoilersthey don't even attempt to hide the fact Akechi is the guy breaking into other people's palaces and causing the psychotic shut downs.
What the fuck was the point of lip service being paid to one of your own allies betrayed you in the flash forward? Why the fuck bother with a flash forward if you're just gonna make the obvious antagonist the antagonist -.-
Damn, so reading all these replies, I guess I should delete my saves and sell the game now?![]()
I definitely thought 5 was a weak Palace, but I'm in the same boat - it's not like, game-ruiningly bad, just a little overlong. Figuring out the, therobots' identities was pretty easy, and thetimed sections just require you to clear out the enemies in your way before attempting them.airlock section wasn't that hard to figure out, it just went on a little long
Damn, so reading all these replies, I guess I should delete my saves and sell the game now?![]()
what you mean? where in the game are you having issues? maybe we can help?
No, Haru's voice is straight up terrible.
All this talk about Palace 5 sucking has me worried... this isn't like the back half of FFXV bad is it ? ... well more like back third if we're being honest.
The only voice in the entire game that I hate.
"Act Freely"
Well, there's your problem right there.
Damn, so reading all these replies, I guess I should delete my saves and sell the game now?![]()
Lol, yes just keep playing.Keep playing, man.
The spoiler in the fused Shibuya/Mementos section where you fight the 4 angels?
About palace i Think in terms of Dungeon design the Second palace is the best, the fifth palace the worst
Thought so too, didn't even bother with her S-link or putting her in my team because of this. I guess I will play my New Game+ with the Japanese Dub but I'll wait for NG+ a few months...
To be fair having that crap as default makes no sense, and I feel like the only reason it's still a thing is that the devs are too proud to admit it was a stupid design choice back in P3 lol.
Welp I fucked up. Had 2 requests so went in mementos but theone withFutabawasn't there I dont know why so I kinda wasted a half-day :/her uncle
Wow, treasure demon hunting sure is going to be fun...
"Act Freely" is the default option? Not that I remember.
"Act Freely" is the default option? Not that I remember.
"Act Freely" is the default option? Not that I remember.
Senpai didn't like Teddie? Is senpai angry? Why is senpai angry?So far, Haru's English voice is the only one I haven't liked. Everyone else in the game sounds fantastic in English but she's the only one that's got that late 90's anime dub voice.
It's not just sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the cast who all sound so natural and great.
Also, Morgana >>>>>> Teddy. Like, it's not even funny how much more I like Mona over Teddy both as a character and in their voices.
It's the default for Morgana. Seems like after you switch him to Direct Commands, everyone else defaults to that instead.
It is at least with Mona.
That's weird; I know Morgana definitely has that role when you first encounter him, but I distinctly remember going into the menu to change team roles when I was given the option to, and everyone was already set to manual commands. Guess I'm misremembering.
It is weird that it's the default option, then. Heh, it's weird that it's even an option at all, still.
Mementos is your friend on that front
I grew fond of 7 by the end as well. There's a lot of good stuff in there. Split up over the course of a few (real world) days with breaks helped my enjoyment, even if that's not how I approached most of the game.Palace 6 is great, amazing theme and some cool mechanics. Palace 7 is welcome to SMT you scurvy bastard.
Depends on Joker's costumeSo how does battle music work for the DLC costume packs? Does it activate when one of your party members is wearing a costume? When all of them do? What happens when two members are wearing different DLC?