Palace 7 calling cardhaha that was cool as hell! One of the few anime cutscenes that was truly worth it. I'm so hyped go bring anime Senator Armstrong down.
Palace 7 calling cardhaha that was cool as hell! One of the few anime cutscenes that was truly worth it. I'm so hyped go bring anime Senator Armstrong down.
He'll always be(Palace 7 boss spoilers)he's armstrong in appearance but trump in policy
My first impressions still stand. I prefer P4's cast as a group but P5's individual characters mostly because I don't get the sense the cast would hang out outside being Phantom Thieves the way the P4 cast would just by virtue of being classmates.I would say personally the only thing that P5 has objectively better then the previous games is the combat, other then that it has the same problem that P3 had....its hard to care about certain characters when they just barely do anything the cast of P5 is all about heists and helping people and stuff but they barely actually just hang out, by the time you would think they spend to have a good party for the new member that joins they're already rushed into the next heist, theres no downtime at all in P5.
Overall still like the cast of P4 more then P5 but neither are bad stories, I just....personally couldn't care about Haru for example....I hope the revision version adds more on that front.
Hopefully you were intending on doing another complete playthrough anyway.
My first impressions still stand. I prefer P4's cast as a group but P5's individual characters mostly because I don't get the sense the cast would hang out outside being Phantom Thieves the way the P4 cast would just by virtue of being classmates.
I'm about to finish the seventh palace, can I get a non-spoilery answer about whether the game ends after it, or am I safe to continue my s-links stuff after completing it.
I'm about to finish the seventh palace, can I get a non-spoilery answer about whether the game ends after it, or am I safe to continue my s-links stuff after completing it.
It does not end after Palace 7. won't have much time.
The P4 cast strike me as a group of good friends, whereas the P5 cast is more of a found family.
is there another dungeon after it?
When the game tells you your next target isTHE PERSON THAT HAS BEEN INTERVIEWING YOU THIS ENTIRE TIME
It's so absurd, I hate stuff like this in these games, I meaneven fucking Haru of all people was at it. "I won't ever forgive for what you did to my father... But Akechi-kun please reconsider, we can be bffs"
Jesus Christ
Mishima is one lab accident away from becoming a super villain.
Mishima is one lab accident away from becoming a forgettable random Mementos boss who won't even throw money when confused.
Wouldn't even be a mini boss.
I've already maxed out knowledge but will it go backwards if I get class questions wrong?
I've already maxed out knowledge but will it go backwards if I get class questions wrong?
It's time for the Mishima defense force. He's just a misunderstood bullied kid dammit! Y'all wrong!
It's time for the Mishima defense force. He's just a misunderstood bullied kid dammit! Y'all wrong!
It's time for the Mishima defense force. He's just a misunderstood bullied kid dammit! Y'all wrong!
I'm still a bit upset that (September spoilers)on the Hawaii trip Kawakami still made me room with Mishima even after I clearly told her I'd rather room alone.
Mishima is a garbage human since the begginingHe knew all of what Kamoshida did,
He knew what he did to the female athletes, all for what? He wasnt even good at sports.
Hawaiian hotel rooms ain't cheap enough for a high schooler to get his own room on school funding, kiddo.
I honestly think the P5 cast's closeness is understated while the opposite applies to P4's.
Sure the P5 cast doesn't hang out much, but I think they treat their mission like a group of friends would, and their text chats portray them as a very natural group. If you were to ignore all Phantom Thief talk from them, it would be no different from a group of friends having fun messing with each other via texting.
P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.
Other than that I'll have to agree that I like the P5 cast individually way more than 4's, and I do like most characters in 4. I think I'd like P5's even more if it weren't for the shoddy localization probably stealing like half of their charm.
Also unrelated but holy shit, Haru's english voice is insufferable.
I would have paid for it out of my own pocket.
P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.
Mishima haters, utter bastards of lust. We know how shitty you are, and that you put your twisted desires for worst characters, on this student that can't fight back. That's why we have decided to steal away those desires and make you confess your sins. This will be done tomorrow, so we hope you will be ready. From
The Phantom Thieves of Heart.
I honestly think the P5 cast's closeness is understated while the opposite applies to P4's.
Sure the P5 cast doesn't hang out much, but I think they treat their mission like a group of friends would, and their text chats portray them as a very natural group. If you were to ignore all Phantom Thief talk from them, it would be no different from a group of friends having fun messing with each other via texting.
P4's on the other hand, yes it's a group of friends, but at times it feels like Yu is what glues most of them together and weren't for him, some of them wouldn't hang out with each other at all. I mean can you picture Yosuke hanging out with Yukiko all by themselves? Kanji with Rise? I dunno. They're probably a bit closer than P5's, but I don't think it's that big of a difference.
Other than that I'll have to agree that I like the P5 cast individually way more than 4's, and I do like most characters in 4. I think I'd like P5's even more if it weren't for the shoddy localization probably stealing like half of their charm.
Not that this impacts my perception of the game too much though. In P3 most of them barely tolerate each other for a big part of the game but their dynamic was particularly interesting thanks to it.
Also unrelated but holy shit, Haru's english voice is insufferable.