Fucking terrifying.
Endgame spoilers:It just showed to me that fake Igor was an even better planner than I thought. Still made Akechi scum and for a game that shows how we hate all these other scumbag, I didn't feel any different with him.
Looks good in the promo pics.http://news.amiami.jp/topics/2017/04/69075.html
Panther joins the fray at 13,800yen (almost 3 Beckys).
Yeah, I have both a Vita and a Vita TV, but I'm thinking it might not be wise going straight into another Persona game. I think I'll end up just comparing the two too much, and that's never a good thing. So Yakuza might be the choice indeed.Yakuza 0 is a great soft landing after P5. It's weirdly complimentary because all the side mission game are so pick up and play. P4G definitely takes a lot of investment but at least you can carry it with you if you play on Vita,
All Mementos missions done.
Persona Compendium done.
All I need to do is continue on until all confidants are maxed out and then restart a new game and try to get the stupid goddamn hostage situation to occur.
As advice, anybody who is looking for the last 2 treasure demons, this method works 100%
I just ordered Ann from tokyo otaku mode for $160 (they are consistently sketchy as fuck, especially with their premium signups being automatically checked, but they always get to products out.). Ordered Joker from Amiami. Will get Futaba from Amiami as well once available for order.Looks good in the promo pics.
Probably won't get it though since it's exclusive (immediate payment required) + not sold on manufacturer (Amakuni)
Futaba Figure by Phat Company
Using electric chair only once a day is fucking BS.
Same thing with strengthening a persona.
What's the point?
Dang, that is some outlay right there lol.I just ordered Ann from tokyo otaku mode for $160 (they are consistently sketchy as fuck, especially with their premium signups being automatically checked, but they always get to products out.). Ordered Joker from Amiami. Will get Futaba from Amiami as well once available for order.
I like it that way. If it werent for the one day strengthen limit it would be too easy to overlevel persona. As it stands now, gallows is mostly just a way to either transfer a skill (critical for Warden requests) or for a quick level up.
And you can bypass the one day gallows limit anyway. Strengthen your persona with gallows, register it, delete it, summon it again, and you can strengthen it again. If you are willing to spend the money there is effectively no daily limit.
I have and it's been fantastic. The challenge is just right and the combat realizes its full potential thanks to it.
The fact that a modern Persona game has better challenge than SMT4 and Apocalypse is just hilarious too, but I'm so thankful!
Just finished the third palace. Took my time grinding and farming. When does Haru join my team?
Did anyone else feel like thepart was just a watered down version of p3's?beach
But I still liked the end withFutaba officially joining the team.
Is that right? I see no reason to not do nocturne and smt4 on hard in that case, nice.
Fuse better personas
Upgrade your armor at the shop (armor is always higher priority then weapons)
Unless you're on hard if you fought most things on the way to the boss your level shouldn't be an issue
Keep going. 99 or bust.
I grinded to 99. No shame here.
Finish what you started to completion.
No GAF! You were supposed to be the Light Side not the Dark Side! You were the chosen one!
So. Late game. Flu Season...went into Mementos...
Holy shit does getting despair on the Reaper break the game. I went from level 52 to 60 in one fell swoop. I can't believe that worked. I feel so cheap.
Can someone explain this to me?I haven't even seen the Reaper yet, deep on my second playthrough though. Would be great to grind it out so I can start getting high level Personas out on the compendium
Exactly what he said.
When it's Flu season go into Mementos, stand around till Reaper appears, if it has Despair, just wait 3 turns and it dies. Easiest way to grind. And it does help for getting high level personas.
don't ruin your game, lol. gotta wait 10 years for the next persona anyway.
Can someone explain this to me?I haven't even seen the Reaper yet, deep on my second playthrough though. Would be great to grind it out so I can start getting high level Personas out on the compendium
This is ridiculous. I love it.Exactly what he said.
When it's Flu season go into Mementos, stand around till Reaper appears, if it has Despair, just wait 3 turns and it dies. Easiest way to grind. And it does help for getting high level personas.
Well, you don't have to stand still. You can move around and he'll still appear eventually.How long does it take forto show up? I'd rather not burn in my oled tv by standing still for 10 minutesreaper
At least it gave us the gem that is Yusuke's response to the MC saying (after dungeon 2 spoilers)Who at Atlus thought it was a good idea to make (character obtaining spoiler)all the guys at first and all the girls following? Why not mix it up lmao poor Ann, surrounded by pervy guys and a pervy cat (that I still don't buy is a boy)
?? It's Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto and so on...That's like proper alternating between guys and girls. Beside Ann and Ryuji join around the same time. As for Morgana well, it's a cat !Who at Atlus thought it was a good idea to make (character obtaining spoiler)all the guys at first and all the girls following? Why not mix it up lmao poor Ann, surrounded by pervy guys and a pervy cat (that I still don't buy is a boy)
It's absolutely frustrating when discovering weaknesses of mini bosses is not recorded when encountering them regularly and I have to experiment again if I can't remember (which happens a lot).
I can help Kawakami, but I will return to Mementos when I have more cases. By the way, how it works the Fortune Level 7 benefit? It should help me to guarantee to increase the Confidant level the next time I pass time with such person, not matter if I screw in my answers?
I can help Kawakami, but I will return to Mementos when I have more cases. By the way, how it works the Fortune Level 7 benefit? It should help me to guarantee to increase the Confidant level the next time I pass time with such person, not matter if I screw in my answers?
This is true, it's why sometimes you can rank up back to back even without fortune perk. If it wasn't true then you would never be able to rank up back to back without using that perk.Extra points definitely do carry over to the next "rank" in my experience.
I can help Kawakami, but I will return to Mementos when I have more cases. By the way, how it works the Fortune Level 7 benefit? It should help me to guarantee to increase the Confidant level the next time I pass time with such person, not matter if I screw in my answers?
I'm actually interested in this as well - I paid for the benefit but on the map screen nothing changed and when I talked to the person it still said the relationship wouldn't level up if I hung out with them.
I just ordered Ann from tokyo otaku mode for $160 (they are consistently sketchy as fuck, especially with their premium signups being automatically checked, but they always get to products out.). Ordered Joker from Amiami. Will get Futaba from Amiami as well once available for order.
Big in Japan has as wellTokyoOtaku the only place selling Ann?