Persona 5 |OT2| Someone must have been helping you go to bed early. Talk!

So the Megaten Wiki says Ippon-Datara can be found in Madarames palace as a normal encounter, has anyone seen one ? And if so what area ? I've been through the entire place and never seen one.

Its possibly an error to as it doesn't list Shiki-Ouji who I have encountered but I'd like to check before I go stealing hearts.


So the Megaten Wiki says Ippon-Datara can be found in Madarames palace as a normal encounter, has anyone seen one ? And if so what area ? I've been through the entire place and never seen one.

Its possibly an error to as it doesn't list Shiki-Ouji who I have encountered but I'd like to check before I go stealing hearts.

I never encountered him as a normal shadow there. Just a mini boss.
Hey y'all I restarted my game on safety because I was getting destroyed on my first playthrough. I didn't realize it gives more Exp though and I find myself killing enemies before I can recruit them. Will I be able to make most persona through combinations or am I screwed?


Hey y'all I restarted my game on safety because I was getting destroyed on my first playthrough. I didn't realize it gives more Exp though and I find myself killing enemies before I can recruit them. Will I be able to make most persona through combinations or am I screwed?

If you're overleveled you can obtain masks just by ambushes.
Can you fight the mini-bosses at Mementos another time?

Is it worth doing the confusion money farm earlier in the game? I am lvl 19 and I cannot yet use Ame no Uzume to fuse with Okotomari(?) to create Sandman. (If question 1 is NO then likely this one is a not as well, otherwise would waste boss for little payout).

I also REALLY DISLIKE how they introduced Palace 3 and immediately force you into a fight without warning. I was not prepared because I was waiting to fuse better persona and to grind a bit as soon as I unlocked the Palace. Died 3x and only won because I used Pulinpa on the minions, otherwise Rampage was murdering the party.
Anyone? Comments would be greatly appreciated.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Hey y'all I restarted my game on safety because I was getting destroyed on my first playthrough. I didn't realize it gives more Exp though and I find myself killing enemies before I can recruit them. Will I be able to make most persona through combinations or am I screwed?

I think you can make everything except treasure demons. But Mementos should cover other areas anyway.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Sorry I realised I did not express my question properly first. Can I fight them again after I fight them once? Or once you complete the request they disappear forever?

Once you complete a Memento request, that boss/fight disappears.


Anyone have any tips for the last boss,
Once Shadow Shido puts rage on me I just kill myself due do his barrier, im guessing I need a persona with Rage resist or physical resist but I don't know any with those abilities.

I didn't have any of those, I believe I used Makoto/Haru to heal the rage stuff, though he might do a party rage at some point. If he does I can't say I remember how I dealt with that.


I didn't have any of those, I believe I used Makoto/Haru to heal the rage stuff, though he might do a party rage at some point. If he does I can't say I remember how I dealt with that.

He does a party wide rage.

I should know. I was not expecting it at all, and died because of it. He used that move, only one person didn't get affected by rage, and that was Yusuke who was always the last in my team to get a turn. MC attacked boss and killed himself. :X

The fight is super easy outside of that really. Just grab yourself a Persona with physical block while he's in that form. I know Shiki Ouji is physical block, Grimehkala has phys reflect I think? There's a few more too but I've forgotten their names.


If you played the game with English voices on your first playthrough are you locked out of the Japanese voice track on NG+?

I switched the voice track to Japanese before I load my clear save, but when the game starts it's back to English and there's no options in the in-game config screen to switch back to Japanese.

If I start a new game from the title screen it's in Japanese.


Replaying Palace 2, it's probably the shortest dungeon in the game. Flew through it real quick last night and with the right level of items, you could probably clear it in one go if the break wasn't baked in. The only real enemy barrier comes in near the end and you should have the required spells to overcome it.

It's also the weakest dungeon for me based on the story it tells (except for the end) and the overall aesthetic. It's still real good, but not as interesting as some of the later dungeons. Song is also meh.


If you played the game with English voices on your first playthrough are you locked out of the Japanese voice track on NG+?

I switched the voice track to Japanese before I load my clear save, but when the game starts it's back to English and there's no options in the in-game config screen to switch back to Japanese.

If I start a new game from the title screen it's in Japanese.
You have to change the language from the load screen itself. I want to say it was square, but I'm not certain.


Anyone have any tips for the last boss,
Once Shadow Shido puts rage on me I just kill myself due do his barrier, im guessing I need a persona with Rage resist or physical resist but I don't know any with those abilities.

Items to clear that or use Haru, as she should have
Amrita Drop/Shower
by that point.


Which load screen is this meant to be? Can't get anything to pop up. :T

When you start up the game for example. Press triangle on the clear save, it should then make the save say JPN instead of ENG, then load it up.

Once you've made a save with Japanese voices, you don't have to press triangle when loading anymore, unless you want to go back to English.


When you start up the game for example. Press triangle on the clear save, it should then make the save say JPN instead of ENG, then load it up.

Once you've made a save with Japanese voices, you don't have to press triangle when loading anymore, unless you want to go back to English.

Oooooh I see, thanks a ton!
Best ways to increase Charm & Kindness fast?

Charm I think it's medicinal bath or bath during rainy days.
Kindness via working at the flower shop and watching DVDs. You can also go to the diner to study and ask for the steak, it will raise kindness.

Not sure if there's a better wat for Kindness.


Charm I think it's medicinal bath or bath during rainy days.
Kindness via working at the flower shop and watching DVDs.

Not sure if there's a better wat for Kindness.

Tower Confidant is great later game for Kindness. You can also stat up Charm from drinking that Jamba Juice every Sunday. Also, early game you can go to the diner and eat that steak or drink that juice drink while studying. Spending time with Sojiro will net Kindness, and the Devil Confidant will give you charm.


You can visit Velvet Room in Hawaii? I went to sleep when finally the game let me move in my own, but I'm curious about that. I'm training daily a Mothman (btw it's so cute in HD!) to increase its luck before visit Mementos again :p


I'm slightly concerned that I won't have the funds to keep doing higher and higher fusions at some point. So I'm worried I won't max the strength confidant and even worse, that I'll have to max out other confidants again so I have the chance to fuse the personas that are available from that.

EDIT: Thinking of dropping it to safety so I can make more money

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Finished up the 4th palace last night. Still having a good time with the game, though feel the dungeons are way too long and repetitive (internally, not with each other--too many times finding orbs,solving similar panel puzzles etc. in the 4th one for instance).
So trophy-wise:

Some requests are locked behind Confidants, so is it better to go for all requests completed at the same time you're maxing all social links? Especially since you need all s-links to finish the compendium? Also how the hell are you supposed to read every book in one playthrough and do anything else? There are SO MANY.

Also for NG+ do you keep the ability to fuse the top arcana Persona, or do you need to finish the link again?
11/18 speculation
oh so I guess the party already knows Akechi is the killer, hence the conveinent skipped dialogue scene where he wasn't around. The fact they suspect him also was kinda hinted at when Futaba randomly singled him out in the palace to hold the worthless card while the rest of the group walked away. Makoto's lines handing the card to her sister makes me think the Joker getting caught is all part of the plan.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
There should be a term for the feeling of being in a palace but wanting it over with and doing regular day activities and wanting to be in a palace.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
There should be a term for the feeling of being in a palace but wanting it over with and doing regular day activities and wanting to be in a palace.

No kidding. That's exactly how I feel. The pacing of the game is just off/padded as the day to day stuff gets old and goes on too long between palaces so I'm always ready to move on or go to mementos, but those (especially palaces) drag on too long and I want to be out and back to day to day stuff.

To be fair, I guess the solution is to not try to stay in palaces so long to max time and just take some day breaks to do other things. I'm playing on Easy and don't care how many social links I max etc. anyway.
I made some great progress on Palace 7 only to then fight a
king frost
and get my ass handed to be by bufudyne. I didn't save or go to a safe room all that time.

Hours gone ;_;
At least i know what to do now

I know that feeling too well, same exact thing happened to me, lost my treasure persona that I finally captured and bam,
frost king
stomped me, lost it and like 2 hours of playtime.


So trophy-wise:

Some requests are locked behind Confidants, so is it better to go for all requests completed at the same time you're maxing all social links? Especially since you need all s-links to finish the compendium? Also how the hell are you supposed to read every book in one playthrough and do anything else? There are SO MANY.

Also for NG+ do you keep the ability to fuse the top arcana Persona, or do you need to finish the link again?

Requests and confidants go hand in hand yeah. There's plenty of time to read books in NG+ as there are a few subway trips and free slack periods. As well as free nights in the first few months. You can fuse high level persona when you acquire the strength confidant again.

Personas you have already fused can be bought directly from the compendium.


I'm in mid-July on NG+ so far, I'm still basically mainlining the game despite being 110 hours in.

Just maxed Temperance and Death already and I'm pretty close to some others, making good progress towards the Platinum.


So trophy-wise:

Some requests are locked behind Confidants, so is it better to go for all requests completed at the same time you're maxing all social links? Especially since you need all s-links to finish the compendium? Also how the hell are you supposed to read every book in one playthrough and do anything else? There are SO MANY.

Also for NG+ do you keep the ability to fuse the top arcana Persona, or do you need to finish the link again?

Someone told me pages and pages ago that it needs to be done again to fuse the top arcana persona which really sucks so I want to definitely try and get those done
There should be a term for the feeling of being in a palace but wanting it over with and doing regular day activities and wanting to be in a palace.

Time management my canine friend. I scheduled everything to the point that the palaces seemingly blend with off days so I never feel that neither are too much. The only thing that annoys me is when you reach the point of a new palace and you have that obligatory week that the game holds your hand and go: NOW LET'S SEE CUTSCENES AND NOT LET YOU DO ANYTHING AT NIGHT.


Anyone have any tips for the last boss,
Once Shadow Shido puts rage on me I just kill myself due do his barrier, im guessing I need a persona with Rage resist or physical resist but I don't know any with those abilities.

Not sure if you finished this already, but I have a strat you can try (not 100% sure this happens every time). The boss likes to dispell debuffs on himself, and I noticed he will either dispell or cast rage on the party. As long as you keep him debuffed he shouldn't cast the rage spell. I only tried this twice, but it worked both times so ymmv


You know you're tired when you are 2 steps away from securing a treasure path and instead of doing that you get out of the dungeon.

I just wasted the next day just for a 5 seconds of securing a path -__-


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So trophy-wise:

Some requests are locked behind Confidants, so is it better to go for all requests completed at the same time you're maxing all social links? Especially since you need all s-links to finish the compendium? Also how the hell are you supposed to read every book in one playthrough and do anything else? There are SO MANY.

Also for NG+ do you keep the ability to fuse the top arcana Persona, or do you need to finish the link again?

I didn't use a guide or anything and managed all books, max stats, all requests and maxed all the confidants at the last possible day so it seems fairly lenient though still a close call.

But yeah you can keep the ability assuming you max the confidant originally, but you reset to level 1 so the fuse stuff is super pricey. Just pulling a persona you have registered isn't too much though so it's better to get a lot of that done before you finish.
Personas you have already fused can be bought directly from the compendium.

Gotcha. So I should fuse any Persona I want for the NG+ playthrough before I finish.

I didn't use a guide or anything and managed all books, max stats, all requests and maxed all the confidants at the last possible day so it seems fairly lenient though still a close call.

But yeah you can keep the ability assuming you max the confidant originally, but you reset to level 1 so the fuse stuff is super pricey. Just pulling a persona you have registered isn't too much though so it's better to get a lot of that done before you finish.

Great. I'll probably use a guide when I do the NG+ and also do it on Safety since I'll probably be doing it just for trophy purposes. Good to know I should fuse things pre-NG+ though.
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