You'll never see it coming.
Makoto's portrait looks so sinister/aggressive to me that it feels like it goes against her personality sometimes lol
This isn't fun this is just padding.
Wtf Just made it to tbe top of the 1st palace and now game wants me to go back down and search for some key. This sucks ass man. This isn't fun this is just padding. Ahhjjdjdsndkdkdkdkdksm fuck.
I so don't want to fight those strong ass enemies again, and suffer from poorly designed stealth hiding spots.
Wtf Just made it to tbe top of the 1st palace and now game wants me to go back down and search for some key. This sucks ass man. This isn't fun this is just padding. Ahhjjdjdsndkdkdkdkdksm fuck.
I so don't want to fight those strong ass enemies again, and suffer from poorly designed stealth hiding spots.
The dungeons in P5 get a lot of praise, but I find them to be the weakest part of the game. P3 and P4 both had extremely simple dungeons, but I found that the games were better for it.
None of the dungeons in P5 are on the level of Heaven from P4, for instance, despite it just being a bunch of samey corridors.
If you ever direct a RPG can you tell me? So I'll know to stay away as far as I can?
The dungeons in P5 get a lot of praise, but I find them to be the weakest part of the game. P3 and P4 both had extremely simple dungeons, but I found that the games were better for it.
None of the dungeons in P5 are on the level of Heaven from P4, for instance, despite it just being a bunch of samey corridors.
These are the best dungeons in any turn based ever made.
I cant even think of a single jrpg that holds a candle in terms of dungeon design.
Its a pretty big breakthrough.
And yet they aren't fun at all. The puzzles, backtracking, the arbitrary gating("now that you reached this door, an enemy has spawned three rooms behind you because fuck you, go kill em"), and constant stop-and-go busywork range from dull to aggravating.
Like, I can appreciate how much more fleshed out and detailed they are than previous entries, but the end result left me putting off dungeons for as long as possible.
I thought it (the dungeon flow) was pretty mediocre to start with. The stealth mechanic is slow (always because not getting a preemptive strike is more punishing than in 3/4) and janky to start with. You do get used to the idiosyncrasies:
Limited facing control while stealthed
Poor feedback on non-stealth cover (and/or enemy LoS)
X button does everything (like leaving cover instead of initiating an Ambush because the enemy moved a pixel while you were pressing it),
The left stick jumping out of cover to your doom as well as adjusting position (why? Did they think that people needed an extra suicide option?)
And the facing of hiding spots you jump into being unpredictable and nonsensical (if I'm jumping forward I probably don't want to suddenly face backwards or left or right).
I sailed through Kamoshida's palace on NG+ while it was a PITA on NG.
The random generation at least meant the dungeons flowed smoothly and consistently as you exlored and didn't have to take time outs to get an Ambush. It also forced them to be less fricking murderous about not getting First Strike.
Once you get used to it, it mostly works and adds to the atmosphere, at the start it's mostly a pain and makes dungeons seem unnecessarily slow.
These are the best dungeons in any turn based ever made.
I cant even think of a single jrpg that holds a candle in terms of dungeon design.
Its a pretty big breakthrough.
The stealth is pretty simple and works as intended.
The stealth mechanics here are not janky by any means.
Errrrrr... I wouldn't go that far. Best dungeons in the Persona series tho.
Its not really gating as much as its scripted events/set pieces that the devs put in.
And they're kind of awful.
To clarify, I'm not saying that P5's dungeons are automatically worse because they are more complex. I think there's a lot of potential there. I just prefer P3/P4's dungeons over what we actually got in P5.
If making me wish for P3/P4 dungeons for the hours long trip through Palace 1 is as intended, then I'm really hoping they don't carry this over to Persona 6 because there's no chance for any improvements.
Judging back from my experience at least.
I cant think of a single FF,tales,pokemon that compares, for example.
Not only are they good individually, they work so well with the other systems that they implemented.
Brilliant work that I didnt expect from infamously bad dungeons in P3/4.
Off the top of my head, SMT3, SMT SJ, BoFV, Grandia, VP2, Vagrant Story, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and the majority of the Dragon Quest series, all have better dungeon design than Persona 5. Not to mention, P5 really only has 8 dungeons for a 100+ hour game. Lol.
The random generation at least meant the dungeons flowed smoothly and consistently as you exlored and didn't have to take time outs to get an Ambush. It also forced them to be less fricking murderous about not getting First Strike.
Once you get used to it, it mostly works and adds to the atmosphere, at the start it's mostly a pain and makes dungeons seem unnecessarily slow.
In what universe did P3/P4 have better dungeons than P5?
P3/P4 just drowned you in atmosphere - a lot of credit to Meguro, admittedly - and mixed some SMT gameplay in. It wasn't fancy, it wasn't a showcase of brilliant game design, but it hit the notes that I needed without making me carry three orbs and two keycards while backtracking to kill a random enemy as a mouse in the dark.
Off the top of my head, SMT3, SMT SJ, BoFV, Grandia, VP2, Vagrant Story, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and the majority of the Dragon Quest series, all have better dungeon design than Persona 5. Not to mention, P5 really only has 8 dungeons for a 100+ hour game. Lol.
In fact, all the great things about P5's dungeons are just mechanics lifted from SMT dungeon designs over the years, simplified for a more accessible demographic.
P3/P4 just drowned you in atmosphere - a lot of credit to Meguro, admittedly - and mixed some SMT gameplay in. It wasn't fancy, it wasn't a showcase of brilliant game design, but it hit the notes that I needed without making me carry three orbs and two keycards while backtracking to kill a random enemy as a mouse in the dark.
The dungeons are fine but I don't think they are better than the ones in Persona 4 just because they have more effort put into the design. Basically what they did was put in a bunch of simplistic but repetitive puzzles into each dungeon which slow you down. They also added a little verticality to the area models. This makes the dungeons a little more complex visually and in terms of the gameplay, but I think people are exaggerating by how much. Even if the visuals and puzzles change from dungeon to dungeon, the gameplay is still pretty much the same across them all. They never really felt that different to me and I was fully on autopilot trying to plough through by the fifth dungeon. The puzzles are so simple you don't even need to think to complete them and it won't take that long.
I don't think the dungeons were particularly good, just fine. Just because they had more effort put into the design doesn't mean they are a huge success by default. In fact the puzzles are a big negative at various points, coming off as just an annoying hindrance to getting the fuck on with the game - 'I can see the door but okay I guess this map it going to take 10 minutes while I hit these switches'. Plus a lot of the dungeon gimmicks are in text only, ie the coins in dungeon 6 are really just a narrative excuse to make you wander around the floor and do a bunch of battles before continuing. There isn't a gameplay element unique to it or anything.
Then there are things like how every map enemy behaves in exactly the same way and the stealth mechanics being so slight that they function exactly the same way in every room, at all times.
So, the design of the dungeons themselves might have variety but the way you travel through them doesn't. They are still extremely repetitive and become more and more of a chore once you have seen all the new enemy types and visual elements, and yet the dungeon continues for another two hours.
So started third palace and got Makoto.
Holy crap I think i'm in love, This girls design is so awesome. Can't wait to see how she developers character wise.
Also, wow does this game seem like you need to follow an faq to get events in the right order. Missing just one can really throw off you time management. Game seems very unforgiving in that regard.
The dungeons are fine but I don't think they are better than the ones in Persona 4 just because they have more effort put into the design. Basically what they did was put in a bunch of simplistic but repetitive puzzles into each dungeon which slow you down. They also added a little verticality to the area models. This makes the dungeons a little more complex visually and in terms of the gameplay, but I think people are exaggerating by how much. Even if the visuals and puzzles change from dungeon to dungeon, the gameplay is still pretty much the same across them all. They never really felt that different to me and I was fully on autopilot trying to plough through by the fifth dungeon. The puzzles are so simple you don't even need to think to complete them and it won't take that long.
I don't think the dungeons were particularly good, just fine. Just because they had more effort put into the design doesn't mean they are a huge success by default. In fact the puzzles are a big negative at various points, coming off as just an annoying hindrance to getting the fuck on with the game - 'I can see the door but okay I guess this map it going to take 10 minutes while I hit these switches'. Plus a lot of the dungeon gimmicks are in text only, ie the coins in dungeon 6 are really just a narrative excuse to make you wander around the floor and do a bunch of battles before continuing. There isn't a gameplay element unique to it or anything.
Then there are things like how every map enemy behaves in exactly the same way and the stealth mechanics being so slight that they function exactly the same way in every room, at all times.
So, the design of the dungeons themselves might have variety but the way you travel through them doesn't. They are still extremely repetitive and become more and more of a chore once you have seen all the new enemy types and visual elements, and yet the dungeon continues for another two hours.
P3's pacing was much better and you had more freedom. Just mechanically inferior.
I don't think anyone even said this. Just that they found the mindless random design in P3/P4 less tedious than having to play actual dungeons in P5.