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Persona Community Thread |OT3| Your thread title sucks, Yukiko.

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Orpheus has a very weak skillset, two major weaknesses, generally doesn't last past level 5, poor initial stats, and you have to downrank just to teach it new abilities.

Izanagi has fairly good stats, a decent starter moveset, only one weakness, resists one element, blocks another, and if you're playing P4G you can get tons of skillcards for it.

So yeah. Orpheus sucks gameplay wise. :(
Yeah Orpheus, as much as I like him, ain't very good. Which is why it felt so satisfying to me once I started P3P and turned him into an absolute monster with skill cards and stat boosting cards. By the end of playthrough 1 in P3P I had attacks that hit each element (Agidyne, Ziodyne, Garudyne, Bufudyne), Mediarahan, Megidolaon, but sadly I don't remember the other two skills I had for him, one was a physical attack for sure. Also had his stats very high, luck being at 99. Level was in the high 50's. P3P NG+ I had him in the low 60's, two other skills I don't really remember offhand, and Salvation to replace Mediarahan, plus all stats at 99. I felt like as broken as it was, playing through P3 3 times to get to this point felt so worth it lol.
Also, new artwork up on p3m.jp:


Likelyhood japan gets movie 2 in theaters before US even gets movie 1 home release? I'm willing to guess very high. I wanna see these movies :(

Nice, I want it.
If PersonaGAF had titles:

Sophia - Too Toaster For You
Levito - The Rock-Chan is his Husba-Waifu
Inorigo - The Other Waifu
Dantis - tsundere is never enough
buddha - worse than dead, spooky
PK - Pursuing My True Sanity
TheTrueSelf - Soejima Jr is PersonaGAF exclusive
Meia - 'I was chibi before chibi was cool'
Caladrious - Everything Was Moe
ScraftyDevil - Gotta S-Link and Summon 'Em All!
Smedwicks - Says no to waifu, has waifu
FluxWaveZ - Persona 4 virgins am cry
kewlmyc - Da Man's Man

(If I didn't include you, it's because I'm reeling off the people that came off the top of my head)

EMT - the (terrible) gifman


This is the first time I've ever noticed Izanagi's zippered crotch bulge.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this.

Yeah, that was always one of the first things people pointed out when I showed them Persona 4:

"Why does he have a codpiece?"
"Japanese fertility god?"
"Well, aside from the crotch bulge, what else is there in this game?"

It's probably a good thing I didn't introduce them to the concept of waifus, mostly because I didn't know what those were when I was 15.


Still trying to get in to P3P D:. Played P4G through, and thought it was fantastic. Commence P3P and... I just can find enthusiasm to play it. This is my second try, and I've just got into Tartarus F16 (you can't advance any futher).

Something isn't just clicking with me :/. The story hasn't really took off, and hasn't given me reasons to care about the chars yet. I'm sure that will change, but before that I need to slog through this really slow opening chapter..

(playing with male protagonist)

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening


Count yourself lucky for these... I had to see some strange shit trying to find not-lewd pictures of Yu, Naoto, and Rise on Google Image Search...

Oh, and Sophia, I thought you might enjoy an avatar of Aigis from the newly announced Midsummer Knight's Dream, so here you go!


I love you man!


Still trying to get in to P3P D:. Played P4G through, and thought it was fantastic. Commence P3P and... I just can find enthusiasm to play it. This is my second try, and I've just got into Tartarus F16 (you can't advance any futher).

Something isn't just clicking with me :/. The story hasn't really took off, and hasn't given me reasons to care about the chars yet. I'm sure that will change, but before that I need to slog through this really slow opening chapter..

(playing with male protagonist)

If you're playing with the male protag, you might enjoy playing FES more unless the gameplay changes of P3P are really important to you.
I must be one of the few people who actually likes going into Tartarus. Yes, even in the beginning. Especially in P3P because the tired system got nerfed.

nah maybe I'm just a little crazy :p


I must be one of the few people who actually likes going into Tartarus. Yes, even in the beginning. Especially in P3P because the tired system got nerfed.

nah maybe I'm just a little crazy :p

I don't mind, really. Good atmosphere and more interesting layouts than P4, it just gets really tedious after a while. And I actually like the fatigue system!


I actually didn't hate Tartarus for most of my first run-through of P3P. Or my NG+ of P3P. Now, it's just really exhausting, I think. I sort of have the same feelings regarding P4's dungeons, but it does a much better job pacing the slog.


Junior Member
Still trying to get in to P3P D:. Played P4G through, and thought it was fantastic. Commence P3P and... I just can find enthusiasm to play it. This is my second try, and I've just got into Tartarus F16 (you can't advance any futher).

Something isn't just clicking with me :/. The story hasn't really took off, and hasn't given me reasons to care about the chars yet. I'm sure that will change, but before that I need to slog through this really slow opening chapter..

(playing with male protagonist)

The story doesn't take off for a while. Actually it's a slow build up. There isn't really a point where the story starts to get really good. It just kinda gets better the more you play.

There are months where not a whole lot happens.
I don't mind, really. Good atmosphere and more interesting layouts than P4, it just gets really tedious after a while. And I actually like the fatigue system!

The faitigue system is interesting, but it just stops me from going in Tartarus for a day or two so it's an inconvenience to me. I prefer to travel up to a barrier in Tartarus as soon as I can, giving me more time to boost social links and personality stats without having to worry about potentially forgetting about Tartarus a little later on and possibly getting behind my preferred pace. Also I don't care a whole lot for P4's dungeons as much as Tartarus because everyone loves long hallways amiriteguys


Well, there's your problem. :p

Can't blame him/her, how can you say no to this face?

In all seriousness, Tartarus is a drag to go through. You have to be really invested into the characters to go through it at the beginning. It ends up paying off once you start to get more party members. The random event floors do keep things interesting especially when the Reaper shows up early.
I only enjoy Tartarus when I get to listen to Wiping All Out.

In all seriousness I think Its my fault that I found Tartarus Uber tedious. I tried to do what I did in Persona 4 and level every character simultaneously which DID NOT work out, especially later in the game.


The faitigue system is interesting, but it just stops me from going in Tartarus for a day or two so it's an inconvenience to me. I prefer to travel up to a barrier in Tartarus as soon as I can, giving me more time to boost social links and personality stats without having to worry about potentially forgetting about Tartarus a little later on and possibly getting behind my preferred pace. Also I don't care a whole lot for P4's dungeons as much as Tartarus because everyone loves long hallways amiriteguys
I actually did the opposite. I wanted till the last possible moment for going up to Tartarus (and always tried to do it in a day or so), mostly because of Theodore/Elizabeth's rescue requests. Always hated getting a call on the eve of a full moon about someone or another getting trapped there and having to backtrack over to find them. Particularly because they were almost never anywhere close to a warp point. Was much easier to just pick them up on my way up to the barrier and kill two birds with one stone.


I always liked how laidback Tartarus felt compared to the TV World. At the time, I always felt in a rush to get through a dungeon in 4 as fast as possible to rescue someone but in 3 it was like "soo uh yeah there's this huge tower thing... go explore it whenever you feel like it. have fun!"

Getting to a point where I only needed to go like once a week was nice too.


I really never bothered with anyone but Yukari, Junpei, and Aigis (using Akihiko up until you get her) in all of my P3 runs. This probably wasn't even close to optimum (say hello to two characters with electric weaknesses), but it served me well enough throughout the game.
I always liked how laidback Tartarus felt compared to the TV World. At the time, I always felt in a rush to get through a dungeon in 4 as fast as possible to rescue someone but in 3 it was like "soo uh yeah there's this huge tower thing... go explore it whenever you feel like it. have fun!"

Getting to a point where I only needed to go like once a week was nice too.

I liked the fact that in P3 it was easy to get through a whole block in Tartarus pretty easily in a night or two at the most, and, at least for me, it was kind of rough until the halfway point to get through a dungeon in one day.
I never level up anyone outside of my core party.

I always do haha, even in Fire Emblem (the ones that didn't die anyway.)

the only game that's given me problems is Persona 3 :(. I mean it gets a little grindy, but I'm super OCD about it especially in Persona games with the great characters that they have.


I liked Tartarus more than tv world I think. Sure the tower seemed to drag on and on forever but for me that was its charm. The whole game I kept thinking wtf is this tower. It doesn't seem to end. I wanted to reach the top so bad just to see what it was hiding up there. It felt like a big achievement to me once you finally get to the top.


I really never bothered with anyone but Yukari, Junpei, and Aigis (using Akihiko up until you get her) in all of my P3 runs. This probably wasn't even close to optimum (say hello to two characters with electric weaknesses), but it served me well enough throughout the game.

I was pretty much the same way until I got Shinji, then experimented with different parties as lot more, then defaulted back to the original three for the last stretch. Funnily enough, I never used Aegis all that much (sorry Sophia) since I always had Akihiko for debuffs, yet I loved Metis and always had her on my team, even though I barely found a use for Orgia Mode in the original game. Though, I think Metis had a better Orgia mode, so maybe that was part of it.


Count yourself lucky for these... I had to see some strange shit trying to find not-lewd pictures of Yu, Naoto, and Rise on Google Image Search...

Oh, and Sophia, I thought you might enjoy an avatar of Aigis from the newly announced Midsummer Knight's Dream, so here you go!

Hey you mind if I use this
I liked Tartarus more than tv world I think. Sure the tower seemed to drag on and on forever but for me that was its charm. The whole game I kept thinking wtf is this tower. It doesn't seem to end. I wanted to reach the top so bad just to see what it was hiding up there. It felt like a big achievement to me once you finally get to the top.

Funnily enough I felt the same way except in reverse. In P4 every time I couldn't wait to get to the end of a dungeon. I just love the psychological and symbolic aspects of every boss, I wanted to see what every boss looked like,
what each of the character's inner struggle was, what arcana would represent them/what mythological figure their persona would be and how that tied into their personality, and how the design of their Persona was correlative with the one of their shadow.
Awww Tso Gud.

Man I really wanna play through Golden for the 10th time. Too bad my stupid Vita is broken :(


Also, new artwork up on p3m.jp:


Oh my god...

Where is the full-sized version of this Aniplex?! :mad:

Oh, and Sophia, I thought you might enjoy an avatar of Aigis from the newly announced Midsummer Knight's Dream, so here you go!


Hahaha. Thanks. I appreciate it. <3

That said, I think for now I'll continue using my current avatar, as I prefer ones that have a transparent background, but I'll definitely save this one for later use should nobody else want to use it.


I love the title of the movie. Not sure if Knight is spelled like that on purpose or not.

Also, P3 Movie posters cost freaking $40 on Ebay, and they're the Makoto/Thanatos ones, not the light blue SEES ones. Sigh....

The light blue one was 2000 yen when I found it, but I obviously didn't have to pay for shipping or anything.

Awesome! All of the promo art for the P3 movies has been so great.

I love those mini-posters (not least of all because they're free!), I've made a habit of collecting them. The Madoka ones were really nice too.
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